What is Celiac Disease and Causes? Symptoms and Treatment

Celiac disease it is a serious food allergy. It is an autoimmune disorder caused by the ingestion of gluten, a type of protein found in various foods such as barley, wheat, and rye.

According to the Celiac Disease Foundation, 100 in 1 people worldwide suffer from celiac disease. This disease was first  It was described 8.000 years ago by a Greek doctor who did not know that this disorder was an autoimmune reaction to gluten. 

Those with celiac diseasegives negative responses to compounds found in gluten. When the body's immune system overreacts to gluten, this can lead to malarbs. 

What a celiac patient should eat

Celiac diseasea lifelong due to gluten reactions autoimmune diseaseTruck. The only cure for this condition is a lifelong gluten-free diet.

"What is celiac disease, what are the causes and symptoms of celiac?"? Here are the answers to the questions ...

What are the Symptoms of Celiac Disease?


Loose, watery stools Diagnosing celiac disease It is one of the first symptoms he experienced before it was placed. In a little work, celiac patients79% of patients before treatment diarrhea reported that he lived. After treatment, chronic diarrhea persisted in only 17% of patients.

Study of 215 people found that diarrhea untreated celiac diseaseHe stated that it is the most common symptom. 

For most patients, diarrhea subsided within a few days of treatment, but the average time to fully relieve symptoms was up to four weeks.


Swelling, celiac patientsis another common symptom experienced by. This disease can cause inflammation in the digestive system, which can cause bloating as well as many other negative digestive problems.

With celiac disease In a study of 1,032 adults, bloating was identified as one of the most common symptoms. This symptom was effectively relieved after removing gluten from their diet.

gluten celiac disease For people who are not, it can cause digestive problems such as bloating. In a study celiac patient The digestive problems experienced by 34 people who were not absent were cured with a gluten-free diet.


Excess gas untreated celiac disease It is a common digestive problem experienced by those who suffer from it. In a small study, the gas celiac disease It was one of the most common symptoms caused by gluten consumption in those who had.

In northern india with celiac disease A study looking at 96 adults reported excessive gas and bloating in 9.4% of cases.

However, there are many reasons for the gas problem. One study tested 150 people suffering from increased gas and found only two positive results for celiac disease.

Other common causes of gas include constipation, indigestion, lactose intolerance ve irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) There are situations such as.


Low energy level and fatigue those with celiac diseaseare also seen symptoms. 51 celiac patient A study with the gluten-free diets found that those who did not have a gluten-free diet had serious fatigue problems compared to those who did not.

In another study, celiac disease Those with it were found to be more likely to have sleep disturbances that could contribute to fatigue.

Also, untreated celiac disease It can damage the small intestine, causing vitamin and mineral deficiencies that can lead to fatigue.

Other causes of fatigue include infection, thyroid problems, depression, and anemia.

Losing weight

Sudden weight loss mostly celiac diseaseare the early symptoms of. This is because the body's ability to absorb nutrients is insufficient, leading to malnutrition and weight loss.

Celiac disease In a study of 112 participants, weight loss was found to affect 23% of patients and was one of the most common symptoms after diarrhea, fatigue and stomach pain.

Celiac disease Another small study looking at diagnosed elderly patients determined that losing weight was one of the most common symptoms.

As a result of the treatment, the symptoms were completely resolved and the participants gained an average of 7,75 kg.

Anemia due to iron deficiency

Celiac diseasecan impair the absorption of nutrients and lead to iron deficiency anemia, which is caused by a lack of red blood cells in the body. 

Iron deficiency anemiaSymptoms of tiredness, weakness, chest pain, headache and dizziness are.

A study celiac patient She looked at 34 children who had been sick and found that about 15% had mild to moderate iron deficiency anemia.

In a study of 84 people with iron deficiency anemia with an unknown cause, 7% celiac patient was found to be. Iron levels increased significantly after a gluten-free diet.

727 celiac patientIn another study conducted with the, 23% were reported to be anemic. In addition, those with anemia celiac diseaseThe low bone mass caused by the disease and the possibility of serious damage to the small intestine were twice as high.


Celiac disease, Although it causes diarrhea in some people, in others constipation why could it be. Celiac diseasedamage the intestinal villi, finger-like projections in the small intestine responsible for absorbing nutrients.

As food circulates through the digestive tract, the intestinal villi cannot fully absorb nutrients and instead absorb extra moisture from the stool. This causes the stool to harden and causes constipation.

However, even with a strict gluten-free diet, with celiac disease it is difficult for people to get rid of constipation.

This is because a gluten-free diet cuts high-fiber foods such as grains, resulting in reduced fiber intake, resulting in reduced stool frequency. Physical inactivity, dehydration, and malnutrition can also cause constipation.


Celiac diseasewith many physical symptoms, depression Psychological symptoms such as are also common. An analysis of 29 studies found that depression more than the general population with celiac disease found that it is more common and severe in adults.

Another small study with 48 participants, celiac disease found that those with depressive symptoms were more likely to have depressive symptoms than a healthy control group.


Celiac diseaseDermatitis that develops in the form of an itchy, blistering skin rash on the elbows, knees, or buttocks can cause herpetiformis disease.

Celiac patientsApproximately 17% of the patients experience this rash and is one of the symptom symptoms leading to the diagnosis.

Some people usually celiac disease It can develop this skin rash without the other digestive symptoms that occur with it.

What should celiac patients eat

Celiac diseaseAlong with the above symptoms, there are other symptoms that are less likely to develop:

Cramping and abdominal pain

Trouble concentrating or mental confusion

Sleep disturbances such as insomnia

- Nutrient deficiencies (malnutrition) due to absorption problems in the digestive system

Chronic headaches

Joint or bone pain

Tingling in the hands and feet 


Irregular periods, infertility or recurrent miscarriage

Canker sores in the mouth

Thinning of hair strands and dull skin


Type I Diabetes

Multiple sclerosis (MS)

- Osteoporosis

Neurological conditions such as epilepsy and migraine

Bowel cancers

Growth problems in children due to insufficient nutrient absorption

Celiac Disease Symptoms in Children and Infants

Children and babies may have problems such as diarrhea, intestinal problems, irritability, inability to develop or delayed development.

Over time, children may experience weight loss, damage to tooth enamel, and delayed puberty.

Causes of Celiac Disease

Celiac disease it is an immune disorder. Have celiac disease When a person eats gluten, their cells and immune system are activated, attacking and damaging the small intestine.

Celiac diseaseThe immune system mistakenly attacks the villi in the small intestine. These become inflamed and can disappear. The small intestine can no longer absorb nutrients effectively. This can lead to a range of health risks and complications.

People who are more likely to have celiac disease include:

People with other autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid, or an autoimmune disease affecting the liver.

A genetic disorder such as Down syndrome or Turner syndrome

- a family member with the disease

celiac disease what to eat

How Is Celiac Disease Diagnosed?

For diagnosis, firstly, physical examination is done.

The doctor will also perform various tests to help confirm the diagnosis. People with celiac disease often have high levels of antiendomysium (EMA) and anti-tissue transglutaminase (tTGA) antibodies. These can be detected with blood tests. Tests are most reliable when done while gluten is still being consumed.

Common blood tests include:

  • Complete blood count (CBC)
  • Liver function tests
  • Cholesterol test
  • Alkaline phosphatase level test
  • Serum albumin test

Celiac Disease Natural Treatment

Gluten Free Diet

A chronic and autoimmune condition celiac disease There is no known cure for it, so there are some ways to minimize symptoms and help rebuild the immune system. 

First of all, celiac diseaseIf you have it, you should follow a completely gluten-free diet, avoiding all products containing wheat, barley or rye. Gluten makes up about 80 percent of the protein found in these three grains, but is also found in many other products. 

Since a large percentage of our diet now relies on packaged foods, there is always a very high risk of coming into contact with gluten.

modern food processing techniques and cross contamination Even other gluten-free grains such as corn or gluten-free oats also contain trace amounts of gluten.

Therefore, it is necessary to read food labels very carefully.

Gluten-free diet Practicing it hard will allow the immune system to repair itself, which will prevent the symptoms from flaring up. What should and should not be eaten on a gluten-free diet are as follows; 

What A Celiac Patient Should Eat

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are the cornerstone of a healthy diet and are naturally gluten-free. They provide valuable essential nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants to boost immune function.

Lean proteins

These provide protein, omega 3 fats and minerals that reduce inflammation. Lean protein sources include eggs, fish (wild-caught), poultry, beef, offal, other protein foods, and foods containing omega 3.

Healthy Oils

Butter, avocado oil, virgin coconut oil, grape seed oil, extra virgin olive oil, linseed oil, hemp oil are among the healthy oils.

Nuts and seeds

Almonds, walnuts, flax seeds, chia seeds, pumpkin, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds

Milk (organic and raw is best)

Goat's milk and yogurt, other fermented yogurts, goat's or sheep's cheese, and raw milknutrition in celiac disease

Legumes, beans, and gluten-free whole grains

Beans, brown rice, gluten-free oats, buckwheat, quinoa, and amaranth

Gluten-free flours

These include brown rice flour, potato or corn flour, quinoa flour, almond flour, coconut flour, chickpea flour and other gluten-free mixes. To be safe, always buy products that are certified gluten-free.

Bone juice 

Great collagen, glucosamine and source of amino acids.

Other gluten-free condiments, spices, and herbs

Sea salt, cocoa, apple cider vinegar, fresh herbs and spices (labeled gluten-free), raw honey 

What a Celiac Patient Should Not Eat

All products containing wheat, barley, rye

Read the ingredient labels carefully and avoid products containing all kinds of wheat, couscous, semolina, rye, barley, and even oats.

Processed carbohydrate foods

These are usually made with refined wheat flour. Examples of processed carbohydrates to avoid include bread, pasta, cookies, muffins, snack bars, cereals, donuts, baking flours, etc. is found.

Most types of flour

Wheat-based flour and products include bran, brominated flour, durum flour, enriched flour, phosphate flour, plain flour and white flour.

Beer and malt alcohol

These are made with barley or wheat.

In some cases, gluten-free grains

Due to cross contamination during production, gluten-free grains may sometimes contain small amounts of gluten. One should be careful about this, because the phrase "does not contain wheat" does not necessarily mean "gluten-free". 

Bottled condiments and sauces

It is necessary to read food labels very carefully and avoid products made with additives containing small amounts of gluten.

Wheat is now chemically converted into preservatives, stabilizers and other additives that are used even in liquid products.

It can be found in almost all flour products, soy sauce, salad dressings or any seasoning made with marinades, malts, syrups, dextrin and starch.

Processed oils

These are hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils, trans fats and vegetable oils that increase inflammation, including corn oil, soybean oil, and canola oil.

Nutrition of celiac patients

There is a long list of secretly processed gluten-containing foods: 

Artificial coffee cream

- Malt (in the form of malt extract, malt syrup, malt flavor and malt vinegar with a barley indicator)

Pasta Sauces

Soy sauce

- bouillon

- Frozen French Fries

- salad dressing

Brown rice syrup

Seitan and other meat alternatives

- Frozen veggie hamburger

- Candy

Imitation seafood

Prepared meats or cold cuts (such as hot dogs)

- Chewing gum

Some ground spices

Potato or grain chips

Ketchup and tomato sauces


- Mayonnaise

- Vegetable cooking spray

Flavored instant coffee

- Flavored teas

Correct nutrient deficiency

Have celiac disease Many people need to take supplements to improve symptoms caused by malabsorption. This can be vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium, vitamin D, zinc, B6, B12, and folate.

Celiac patientsBecause the digestive system is damaged and inflammation is occurring, it cannot absorb nutrients, which means that even a regular and balanced diet may be nutrient deficient. 

In this case, your doctor will test and recommend nutritional supplements to determine nutritional deficiencies.

Avoid other household or cosmetic products made with gluten

It is not just gluten-containing foods that should be avoided in everyday life. There are also many non-food products that may contain gluten and trigger symptoms:

- Tooth paste

- Washing powder

- lip gloss and lip balm

Body lotion and sunscreen

- Makeup supplies

Prescription and nonprescription drugs

- Play dough

- Shampoo



Get Professional Help

Eating a gluten-free diet can be difficult for some people. Contact a dietitian to help create a truly healthy gluten-free diet. Able to offer guidance celiac disease There are also support groups.

As a result;

Celiac diseaseis a serious autoimmune disorder in which gluten intake causes damage to the small intestine.

Celiac symptoms It includes bloating, cramping and abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation, trouble concentrating, mood disorders, weight changes, sleep disturbances, nutritional deficiencies and more.

Take advantage of the local knowledge by visiting our celiac diseaseThere is no cure, but avoiding gluten can alleviate symptoms and allow the gut to repair itself.

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