Does Vitamin D Deficiency Cause Hair Loss?

Today's stressful and fast life has not only created modern diseases, but also caused an increase in the dose of existing diseases and their spread. One of these disorders is hair loss. Hair loss, which is more common in people who have a stressful life in general, has many reasons, including hormonal and metabolic conditions. Alright Does vitamin D deficiency cause hair loss?

Vitamin D It is an essential nutrient for our health. It strengthens immunity, keeps bones strong, protects skin health, stimulates cell growth and helps new hair follicles to form.

When our body does not have the recommended amount of vitamin D, some symptoms such as hair loss can be seen. Vitamin D deficiency can cause hair loss, baldness and alopecia.

Does vitamin D deficiency cause hair loss?

Studies show that a lack of vitamin D in our body can cause hair loss. One of the roles played by vitamin D is to stimulate new and old hair follicles. When the body does not have enough vitamin D, the growth of new hair can be inhibited.

Both men and women can experience hair loss. In one study, between the ages of 18 and 45 alopecia Women who experience hair loss or other types of hair loss have been found to have low vitamin D levels.

Does vitamin D deficiency cause hair loss?
Does vitamin D deficiency cause hair loss?

Vitamin D deficiency and hair loss

Calciferol, or vitamin D, is responsible for maintaining calcium levels in the blood. Researchers have determined that vitamin D is also effective in hair growth along with many physiological processes in the body.

Latest findings Hair loss with vitamin D deficiency shows that there is a bond between them. Vitamin D receptors are found in hair follicles. These receptors regulate hair regeneration.

When vitamin D is deficient, the follicle becomes weaker and the hair does not grow any further. These studies have also shown that vitamin D deficiency increases the production of sebum, which is related to hair loss.

As a result, vitamin D and hair loss The relationship between them was examined and it was concluded that vitamin D deficiency may affect hair loss.

What causes vitamin D deficiency?

There are various causes of vitamin D deficiency, the main reasons can be listed as follows:

  • Insufficient sunbathing
  • Malnutrition
  • Intestinal inflammation that allows for the absorption of nutrients 

The following are the risk groups in which vitamin D deficiency is common;

  • Have dark skin
  • to be old
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Not consuming too much fish or dairy
  • Living away from the equator with little sun year-round
  • Using sunscreen when going outside
  • Being indoors all the time 

What are the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency?

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency are:

  • Being susceptible to illness or infections
  • Fatigue and exhaustion
  • Bone and back pain
  • Depression
  • Slow healing of wounds
  • bone loss
  • Hair loss
  • Muscle pain

What foods contain vitamin D?

Vitamin D is synthesized by the body through the skin. The best way to increase its level is to sunbathe. However, you can get vitamin D from some foods. The best sources of vitamin D are: 

  • Liver
  • Mackerel
  • Sardines
  • Salmon
  • All fish oils

Some vitamin and mineral deficiencies are due to lack of absorption in the intestines. Despite your balanced diet, your body may be deficient in vitamins. In this case, there may be an absorption problem or a more serious chronic inflammation in your intestines.

Have your vitamin D levels measured. Vitamin D deficiency is the cause of more ailments in your body than you can imagine. You can complete the vitamin deficiency orally by acting according to the doctor's advice.

Vitamin D deficiency hair loss treatment

If vitamin D deficiency causes hair loss, the solution is simple. First of all, you can solve this problem by using vitamin D supplements with the advice of a doctor.

There are many reasons for hair loss. The most important of these is nutrition. Nutrition, which has an effect on the general health of the body, also affects hair loss.

It triggers the vitality, shine, dandruff, shedding of the hair. Hair care goes through a kind of balanced diet.

References: 1

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