What is Shrimp and How to Eat? Benefits and Nutritional Value

Shrimpis one of the most consumed types of shellfish. Although highly nutritious, it is not found in many foods iodine It contains high amounts of such nutrients.

But this shellfishIt is claimed to be unhealthy due to its high cholesterol content. It is thought that farm-raised shrimp may have some adverse health effects compared to wild-caught ones.

In this text "What shrimp means", "benefits and harms of shrimp", "shrimp properties", "shrimp vitamin value", "shrimp protein amount"  will be informed about.

What is Shrimp?

Shrimp It is a shellfish eaten around the world. Their hard, translucent shells are brown to gray in color. It has a soft or hard texture depending on the variety.

shrimp vitamin

Shrimp Nutritional Value

It has an impressive nutritional profile. Calories of shrimp A fairly low, 85-gram serving contains 84 calories and does not contain any carbohydrates.

The calories in the shrimp About 90% comes from protein, the rest comes from fat. 85 grams the nutritional content of shrimp is as follows:

Calories: 84

Protein: 18 grams

Selenium: 48% of the RDI

Vitamin B12: 21% of the RDI

Iron: 15% of the RDI

Phosphorus: 12% of the RDI

Niacin: 11% of the RDI

Zinc: 9% of the RDI

Magnesium: 7% of the RDI

Shrimp It contains a good amount of protein, is low in calories, and is high in some vitamins and minerals such as niacin and selenium.

ShrimpIt should be noted that in the world is one of the foods rich in cholesterol. Four to five shrimpIt contains more than 150 milligrams of cholesterol. However, research has been measured. shrimp consumptionshows that it does not negatively affect cholesterol levels.

What Are the Benefits of Shrimp? 

Can raw shrimp be eaten

Contains antioxidants

The primary type of antioxidant in this shellfish is a carotenoid called astaxanthin. 

Astaxanthin, shrimp It is a component of algae consumed by This antioxidant is responsible for the reddish color of the cells of this sea creature.

Astaxanthin is effective in reducing the risk of various chronic diseases. By helping to strengthen the artery, it reduces the risk of heart attack.

It also helps raise the level of "good" HDL cholesterol, which is an important factor in heart health. In addition, it is beneficial for brain health.

Anti-inflammatory properties Alzheimer It prevents damage to brain cells that lead to memory loss and neurodegenerative diseases.

Cholesterol content is high

An 85-gram serving contains 166 mg of cholesterol. It has almost 85% more cholesterol than other seafood such as tuna.

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Many people fear foods high in cholesterol. But research shows that this won't be the case for most people, as only a quarter of the population are sensitive to dietary cholesterol.

For the rest, dietary cholesterol has only a small effect on blood cholesterol levels.

This is because most of the cholesterol in the blood is produced by the liver, with less cholesterol from food than the liver produces. Unlike shrimp Raising "good" HDL cholesterol levels, triglyceride lowers.

Has anti-aging properties

Sunlight is one of the most important reasons that support skin aging. Without protection, even a few minutes of exposure to sunlight and UVA can cause wrinkles, blemishes, or sunburn.

ShrimpIt contains high levels of a specific carotenoid called astaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant that can greatly reduce signs of skin aging due to UVA and sunlight. People with blemished and wrinkled skin shrimp can eat.

May reduce age-related macular degeneration

Studies, shrimpshows that it contains a heparin-like compound that can aid in the treatment of in neovascular AMD. 

May improve bone health

ShrimpVarious vitamins, such as protein, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, can effectively help fight bone degeneration. 

May improve brain health

Shrimpcontains high levels of iron, an essential mineral component in the process of binding with oxygen in hemoglobin.

With the additional iron in the system, increased oxygen flow to the muscles can occur, which provides strength and stamina while also increasing oxygen flow to the brain, improving comprehension, memory and concentration. 

Researches, shrimpIt suggests that the astaxanthin contained in the drug may help improve memory performance, survival of brain cells, and reduce the risk of brain inflammatory diseases.

It is also a good source of iodine, which can help the human body make thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones are necessary for the development of the brain during infancy and pregnancy.

May reduce menstrual pain

Shrimp It is a source of omega 3 fatty acids, which are useful cholesterol types. These can offset the negative effects of omega 6 fatty acids and help relieve menstrual cramps for women. It can also promote healthier blood flow to the reproductive organs by reducing other harmful forms of cholesterol in the bloodstream.

What Are the Harms of Shrimp?

Shrimp Allergy

Shellfish allergy; top eight with fish, peanuts, nuts, wheat, milk and soy food allergyIt is classified as one of the first. Shrimp allergyThe most common trigger of "tropomyosin" is a protein found in shellfish.

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Other proteins that can trigger an allergic reaction in this shellfish are "arginine kinase" and "hemocyanin".

Shrimp allergySymptoms of the disease vary and may include tingling in the mouth, digestive problems, nasal congestion, or skin reactions after eating.

Some people may also experience anaphylactic reactions. This is a dangerous and immediate reaction that, if not treated promptly, can result in seizures, loss of consciousness, or even death.

If you are allergic to shellfish, the only way to prevent allergic reactions is to stop eating altogether.


Like many types of seafood, shrimp also contains trace amounts of mercury, which is harmful to human health and can lead to mercury poisoning, vision problems and decreased fetal health. 

However, these are caused by excessive accumulation of mercury. ShrimpAs long as you eat in moderation and in a balanced way, mercury content should not be a big problem.


Although purines are a naturally occurring and essential element in the body, excessive levels can be dangerous, especially in people with conditions such as gout.

Purines turn into uric acid when cells die, and the kidneys then direct and direct the flow of uric acid in or out of the body. 

ShrimpIn have moderate purine levels, which is good for most people, but for those with gout, a condition already caused by high uric acid levels, too much eating shrimpcan make this problem worse.

Can You Eat Raw Shrimp?

Raw shrimp It is eaten in many cultures around the world. In some areas, the liquid inside their head is considered to be a delicacy.

In japan raw shrimpFresh sashimi made from skin is widely consumed, these shellfish in China are eaten alive after being dipped in a strong liquor called baijiu.

However, this shellfish can contain bacteria, viruses and parasites that can cause food poisoning or illness. These can only be killed by cooking at high temperatures. Eating raw is not safe due to the risk of food poisoning.

Raw ones are usually Vibrio Contains a bacterium named. There are more than 12 species, 70 of which are known to cause disease in humans. 

299 raw shrimp In one study, 55% were potentially harmful for conditions such as gastritis, cholera, and infection. Vibrio It has been found to contain species.

Food poisoning is a common illness associated with eating foods loaded with bacteria. Symptoms include vomiting, stomach cramps, fever, and diarrhea. 

More than 90% of food poisoning cases, all raw shrimpcan be found in Salmonella, E. coli, Vibrio or a Bacillus cause.

In addition, norovirus is often shrimp is an infectious disease associated with eating raw shellfish. 

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Therefore, older adults, pregnant women, and young children raw or undercooked shrimp should not eat, because their risk of contracting a fatal disease is higher. 

How to Prepare Shrimp?

Eating raw shrimpis not recommended due to the risk of food poisoning. It is the safest method to cook. It is necessary to buy from a reliable place, as improper handling and storage techniques can increase the risk of contamination.

Fresh shrimp It should be refrigerated and consumed within four days or frozen for up to five months. The safest way to thaw frozen ones is to unpack and refrigerate overnight or up to 24 hours. This minimizes the spread of harmful bacteria.

Although such techniques reduce the spread of some harmful bacteria, they do not kill all of the bacteria present. Therefore, even if you prepare it carefully raw shrimp it still poses a risk of disease.

Instead, until it is matte or pink in color or reaches an internal temperature of 63 ℃ You have to cook shrimp. Most harmful bacteria and viruses are eliminated during the cooking process.

How to Eat and Choose Shrimp?

No harmful, infected or contaminated quality, fresh shrimp is important to choose. Raw shrimp When buying, make sure they are sturdy.

The shells should be transparent and grayish green, pinkish brown or light pink in color. Blackened edges or black spots on the scales indicate a loss of quality.

In addition, raw and cooked shrimp it should have a mild, "ocean-like" or salty fragrance. If it has a fishy or ammonia-like odor, it is likely spoiled and unsafe to consume.

As a result;

Shrimpis a marine animal with a variety of health benefits. It is high in various vitamins and minerals and is a rich source of protein.

Eating shrimpIt is beneficial for heart and brain health due to its omega 3 fatty acids and antioxidant astaxanthin content. 

Despite its high cholesterol level, it does not have a negative effect on heart health. However, consuming raw is a health risk as it may contain harmful bacteria and viruses.

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