How to Eat Oysters What are the Benefits and Harms?

Oyster It is a mollusk, preferring temperate waters in areas such as bays and oceans to live. Its most important function in the ecosystem is to filter the substances that pollute the water. Thus, it provides a natural habitat for other species such as mussels.

Oyster When we say pearls, we think of pearls, but in fact, this sea creature has been a sea creature since ancient times. aphrodisiac effect due to consumption. Although this effect is still popular today, oysterIt is becoming more and more obvious that it has other health benefits.

Among the most obvious benefits; It helps to weaken, strengthens bones, affects heart health, strengthens immunity.

There are many questions about such a useful seafood product. “What does oyster mean”, “how to eat oysters”, “what are the benefits and harms of oysters?” We have compiled the ones that are curious about the questions in our article.

What are oysters?

Which is highly nutritious oysteris a shellfish. oyster shellIt is full, gray in color. The bark, which protects the inner body, is hard and irregularly shaped.

Oysterprovides habitat to many other species, so it is considered a key species. With its water filtering feature, it increases the quality and clarity of the water.

Since it is a hermaphrodite creature with both male and female reproductive organs and is eaten raw, it has not found much place in our culture.

Oyster nutritional value

Bu shellfishIt is low in calories and provides important nutrients such as protein, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals.

OysterIt also contains omega 3 fatty acids. These fatty acids destroy inflammation in the body and protect the heart and brain.

100 gram wild oysterIts nutritional content is as follows: 

Calories: 68

Protein: 7 grams

Fat: 3 grams

Vitamin D: 80% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI)

Thiamine (vitamin B1): 7% of the RDI

Niacin (vitamin B3): 7% of the RDI

Vitamin B12: 324% of the RDI

Iron: 37% of the RDI

Magnesium: 12% of the RDI

Phosphorus: 14% of the RDI

Zinc: 605% of the RDI

Copper: 223% of the RDI

Manganese: 18% of the RDI

Selenium: 91% of the RDI 

 What Are the Benefits of Oysters?

  • Provides important vitamins and minerals

your oyster Its nutritional content provides important vitamins and minerals to the human body. Here are these foods;

Vitamin B12

Lack of vitamin B12 It is mostly seen in the elderly and vegans. It is a critical vitamin for the nervous system, metabolism, and blood cell formation.


Zinc The mineral has an important role in immune system health and cell function. 


Selenium mineral thyroid function and regulates metabolism. It is a powerful antioxidant that prevents cell damage.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D It is an essential vitamin for immunity, cellular growth and bone health.


Hemoglobin and myoglobin are oxygen-carrying proteins, and the body needs iron to make them. 

Omega 3 fatty acids

Oyster substantially omega 3 fatty acids different types have different amounts. 

Benefits of omega 3 fatty acids to the body; It stands out as reducing the risk of heart disease, supporting the physical and mental development of the baby, relieving the symptoms of brain disorders, and reducing intestinal problems.


OysterThe protein provided by the human body is called quality protein because it is a complete protein source, that is, it contains all nine essential amino acids.

Eating proteinIt weakens because it makes you feel full. In addition, it lowers the risk of diabetes by regulating blood sugar.

  • Its antioxidant content is unmatched

OysterIn addition to the nutrients mentioned above, it also provides a newly discovered antioxidant called 3,5-Dihydroxy-4-methoxybenzyl alcohol (DHMBA). DHMBA is a phenolic compound with strong antioxidant effects. It has been found to protect the liver.

  • Has an aphrodisiac effect

Studies have shown that due to its high zinc content, oysterHe states that it increases sexual performance and libido. Male sexual dysfunction is thought to be caused by zinc deficiency.

oyster characteristics

  • Good for the heart

Oyster It is beneficial for the heart because it is rich in omega 3 fats. Omega 3 fatty acids reduce the risk of heart attack by keeping the heart rate normal. It protects the blood vessels, prevents the narrowing of the arteries.

  • Improves the functioning of insulin

eating oystersIt lowers the sugar level in the body. OysterIts zinc content improves the functioning of insulin, which allows sugar levels to be controlled.

  • Lowers cholesterol

OysterIt has cholesterol-lowering properties. It reduces lipid levels in the liver with its hypolipidemic properties.

  • Strengthens immunity

OysterIt also has plenty of vitamin C. Therefore, it is very effective in strengthening the immune system.

Vitamin E It also has a significant effect on immunity. It also destroys the harmful effects of free radicals that can turn into cancer.

  • Strengthens bones

Oystercalcium, which helps strengthen bones, phosphorus, zinc, iron, Virgin and rich source of selenium minerals.

These minerals increase bone mineral density and durability. Therefore eat oysters prevents osteoporosis.

  • Accelerates blood circulation

Oyster It is a good source of iron. IronIt is an essential component in the formation of red blood cells in the body. 

Iron deficiency, which can lead to fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, stomach upsets, and general muscle weakness, also causes anemia.

Having healthy blood cells in the circulatory system ensures efficient functioning of the metabolism and acceleration of blood circulation.

  • Accelerates the healing process of wounds

OysterZinc accelerates the healing of wounds, strengthens immunity against infections and microbes.

  • Has an antidepressant effect

The benefits of oysters It also has an antidepressant effect. Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6It contains nutrients such as vitamin A, folate, iron, magnesium, potassium, selenium, thiamine, zinc and omega 3 fatty acids. These reduce the symptoms of depression.

  • Helps to lose weight

OysterIt is one of the low-calorie foods according to its nutritional value. For example, 100 grams of grilled chicken breast is 176 calories, while 100 grams of canned chicken breast is XNUMX calories. oyster It is 74 calories. The fat content is also low. So it is an ideal food for those who want to lose weight.

What are the harms of oysters?

While this seafood has impressive health benefits, it also has some adverse effects, especially when consumed raw.

  • Contains bacteria

Eating raw oystersbacterial infection risks. Vibrio bacteria - Vibrio vulnificus ve Including Vibrio parahaemolyticus - oyster found in shellfish such as OysterIf you eat raw food, the exposure to these bacteria will be higher.

Infections caused by these bacteria are more serious conditions such as diarrhea, vomiting, fever and even septicemia (a serious blood infection that can cause death). 

  • Other pollutants

Oyster, It carries Norwalk-type viruses and enteroviruses that can pose a health risk. Furthermore, it may contain chemical contaminants, including heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, and mercury.

Because of these potential health risks, children, those with compromised immune systems, pregnant or breastfeeding women should not eat raw seafood.

Those who choose to eat raw should be aware of these potential risks. OysterIt is recommended to eat it cooked.

  • Other risks

Oyster It contains an extraordinarily high amount of zinc. While this mineral is important for health, consuming too much can be harmful.

Zinc poisoningneither, although often thought to be caused by supplements, is too much eat oysterscan lead to adverse health effects such as decreased iron and copper levels. 

Those who are allergic to seafood, don't eat oysters must. 

How to Eat Oysters?

As it may pose a health risk raw oyster don't eat. Cooked food is safer because cooking destroys harmful bacteria. Oyster It can be eaten as follows:

  • Cooked into pasta dishes oyster meat can be added.
  • Baked oyster It can be served with fresh herbs.
  • It can be added to seafood soups or dishes.
  • in coconut oil shelled oyster Meat can be fried.
  • It can be eaten by steaming and adding lemon juice and butter to it. 

oyster sauceIt is used as a marinade in Vietnamese, Thai and Chinese cuisines when cooking noodles, vegetables and french fries. 

There are some points to consider when purchasing this seafood product. just off shelled oyster forehead. Discard the open-shelled ones. Those that do not open during cooking should also be discarded. 

The Oyster Mussel Difference

Oysters and musselsare shellfish belonging to the mollusk family. Both are taken out of the sea to be eaten.

Oyster produces natural pearls. Mussels can also produce pearls, but very rarely.

Difference between oysters and mussels, oystermussels have rough, dull and hard shells, while mussels have smooth, purplish-black shells with rectangular shapes and long ends.

Oyster shell usually oval. The inner surface is white, the outer surface can be dark gray, white, blue, purple or brown.

Oyster It is larger than mussels and more meaty.

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