Anxiety Symptoms – What's Good for Anxiety?

We experience different emotions during the day. Such as joy, excitement, sadness, worry, anxiety… No matter how pessimistic an emotion may lead us, it is completely natural. Of course, when it's in moderation. When it starts to overdo it, when it even starts to affect our daily life negatively, then it turns into a psychological disorder. Anxiety is one of these emotions. Anxiety, medically known as anxiety disorder, becomes a medical illness when a person is regularly worrying disproportionately. Anxiety symptoms such as excessive irritability, fear, anxiety appear.

What is Anxiety Disorder?

Anxiety is a psychological disease that occurs as a result of excessive and uncontrollable reactions to emotions such as anxiety, anxiety and fear.

Although the feeling of anxiety can cause distress, it is not always a medical problem. Responding to anxiety in the form of anxiety is both natural and necessary for survival. For example, worrying about getting hit by a car while crossing the street.

When the duration or severity of anxiety exceeds normal values, blood pressure increases and physical reactions such as nausea develop. These reactions go beyond the feeling of anxiety and lead to anxiety disorder. When anxiety reaches the stage of disorder, it begins to negatively affect daily life.

anxiety symptoms
anxiety symptoms

Anxiety Symptoms

Anxiety symptoms that occur in response to feelings of extreme anxiety include:

  • worry too much

One of the most common anxiety symptoms is worrying more than usual about events. For worry to be a symptom of anxiety, it is necessary to live intensely every day for at least six months. It becomes difficult to control and interferes with your daily work.

  • Feeling excited

Anxiety triggers conditions such as rapid heart rate, sweaty palms, trembling hands and dry mouth. These symptoms suggest to the brain that the body is in danger. The body reacts to the threat. The heartbeat speeds up. As a result, when anxiety is felt, there is also extreme excitement.

  • Unrest  

Restlessness does not occur in all people who feel anxiety. But doctors look for this sign of anxiety when making a diagnosis. Being restless for more than six months is one of the symptoms of anxiety.

  • Fatigue

Getting tired easily is one of the symptoms of anxiety. For some, fatigue occurs after an anxiety attack. In some, fatigue becomes chronic. Fatigue This alone is not sufficient to diagnose anxiety, as it can also be a symptom of other medical conditions.

  • Difficulty focusing

Having trouble concentrating on what one is doing is one of the symptoms of anxiety. Some studies show that anxiety can affect short-term memory. This explains the difficulty in focusing. But difficulty focusing can be a symptom of other medical conditions, such as attention deficit disorder or depression. Therefore, it is not a sufficient symptom for the diagnosis of anxiety disorder.

  • Irritability

Most people with anxiety disorders are extremely irritable. Irritability peaks after an anxiety attack.

  • Muscle tension

Another symptom of anxiety is muscle tension. Treating muscle tension reduces feelings of anxiety in people with anxiety disorders.

  • Insomnia or trouble staying asleep

Sleep problems are one of the conditions that occur in anxiety disorder. Waking up in the middle of the night and having trouble falling asleep are the two most commonly reported problems. Insomnia usually improves if the anxiety disorder is treated.

  • Panic attack

Panic attacks are defined as extreme fear. It is accompanied by rapid heartbeat, sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, chest tightness, nausea, or fear of death. When panic attacks occur frequently and unexpectedly, they become one of the symptoms of anxiety.

  • Avoiding social situations

The symptoms of social anxiety, which is a situation that should be examined on its own, are as follows;

  • Feeling anxiety or fear about upcoming social situations
  • Worrying about being judged or scrutinized by others.
  • Fear of embarrassment or humiliation in front of others
  • Avoiding social events because of these fears.

Social anxiety disorder is a common type of anxiety. It develops early in life. Those with social anxiety seem extremely shy and quiet when in groups or when meeting new people. Although they may not appear distressed on the outside, they feel extreme fear and anxiety inside.

  • Meaningless fears
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Having an extreme fear of certain things such as spiders, confined spaces or heights is defined as a phobia. A phobia causes extreme anxiety or fear about a particular object or situation. This feeling is severe enough to affect the ability to function normally. Some common phobias are:

Animal phobias: Fear of certain animals or insects

Natural environment phobias: Fear of natural events such as hurricanes or floods

Blood-injection-injury phobias: Fear of blood, injections, needles, or injury

Situational phobias: Fear of certain situations, such as an airplane or elevator ride 

Phobias affect people's lives at some point. It develops in childhood or teenage years and is more common in women than men. 

Types of Anxiety

  • Generalized anxiety disorder

It is a chronic illness that occurs as a result of worrying about life events, objects, and situations that involve excessive and prolonged anxiety. This is the most common anxiety disorder. People with the disorder may not know the reason for their anxiety.

  • Panic disorder

Short-term or sudden severe attacks refer to panic disorder. These attacks cause tremors, confusion, dizziness, nausea, and difficulty breathing. Panic disorders often occur after frightening experiences or prolonged stress. It can also occur without a trigger.

  • Specific phobia

This is avoiding a particular object or situation in an irrational and excessive fear. Phobias, because they are related to a specific cause, are different from other anxiety disorders. It's not like. A person with a phobia is irrational or excessively afraid and cannot control their anxiety. Conditions that trigger this; It ranges from animals to everyday objects. 

  • Agoraphobia

It is the fear of avoiding places, events, or situations from which it may be difficult for the person to escape, or from which help cannot be sought. A person with agoraphobia may have a fear of leaving home or use elevators and public transport.

  • Selective mutism

This is a form of anxiety where some children are unable to speak in certain places, such as school, despite having excellent verbal communication skills around familiar people. It is an extreme form of social phobia.

  • Social anxiety disorder or social phobia

This is the fear of being negatively judged in social situations. social anxiety disorder; It includes various emotions such as humiliation and rejection anxiety. This disorder causes people to avoid public spaces.

  • Separation anxiety disorder

A high level of anxiety after leaving a person or place that feels secure refers to separation anxiety disorder. This type of disorder can sometimes cause panic symptoms.

What Causes Anxiety?

Actually, the answer to this question is somewhat complicated. Many types appear at once. Some types of anxiety can lead to other types. Causes of anxiety include:

  • Environmental stress, such as difficulties at work, relationship problems, or family problems
  • People who have family members with a genetic, anxiety disorder are more likely to experience it.
  • Medical factors such as symptoms of a different disease, the effects of a drug, or a difficult surgery or prolonged recovery period
  • Brain chemistry, psychologists describe many anxiety disorders as false signals of hormones and electrical signals in the brain.
  • Quitting an illicit substance can intensify the effects of other possible causes.

Anxiety Treatment

Anxiety disorder treatment consists of a combination of psychotherapy, behavioral therapy, and medications.

Self treatment

In some cases, anxiety disorder can be treated at home without the need for medical attention. However, this method will not be effective in severe or prolonged anxiety disorders. Mild anxiety disorder can be self-treated by:

  • learning to manage stress
  • Mental and physical relaxation techniques
  • Breathing exercises
  • Turning negative thoughts into positive
  • Get support from family or friends.
  • To exercise

Psychological counseling

The standard way to treat anxiety is through counseling. This may include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), psychotherapy, or a combination of therapies.


This type of psychotherapy aims to recognize and change the harmful thought patterns that underlie anxious and distressed feelings. For example, a psychotherapist providing CBT for panic disorder will try to reinforce the fact that panic attacks are not really heart attacks.

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Exposure to fears and triggers is part of CBT. This encourages people to face their fears and reduces susceptibility to usual anxiety triggers.


Anxiety treatment can be supplemented with various medications. Medications that can control some of the physical and mental symptoms include antidepressants, benzodiazepines, tricyclics, and beta blockers. These must be prescribed by the doctor.

What Is Good For Anxiety?

Medication is an integral part of anxiety treatment. In addition to medication, some techniques such as exercise and deep breathing exercises to reduce anxiety symptoms will positively affect the course of the disease. 

There are also basic foods, vitamins and herbal treatments that can support the treatment of the disease. Let's list the natural methods that are good for anxiety disorder.

Foods That Are Good for Anxiety

  • Salmon

Salmon, It is helpful in relieving anxiety. It contains nutrients that promote brain health, such as vitamin D and omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 oils regulate dopamine and serotonin neurotransmitters, which have calming and relaxing properties. It prevents brain cell damage that leads to mental disorders such as anxiety. 

  • Daisy

DaisyIt is one of the things that is good for anxiety disorder. It contains high amounts of antioxidants that have been proven to reduce inflammation, which prevents brain cell damage from causing anxiety. It also provides a significant decrease in anxiety symptoms.

  • Turmeric

TurmericIt is a spice containing curcumin. Curcumin is a compound that has a role in promoting brain health and preventing anxiety disorders. Curcumin also has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that benefit brain cell health. Consuming this compound increases blood antioxidant levels, which are low in people with anxiety. 

  • Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate consumption helps reduce anxiety symptoms. Because it contains flavonols, which are antioxidants, which are beneficial for brain function. It improves the blood flow of the brain and increases its ability to adapt to environmental changes. This effect helps to better adapt to stressful situations that can cause anxiety.

Eating dark chocolate increases serotonin levels, which can help reduce the stress that leads to anxiety. For example, in a study of people under high stress, stress levels were significantly reduced after participants consumed 40 grams of dark chocolate each day for a two-week period. 

  • Yoghurt 

For mental ailments such as anxiety, yoghurtIt is the most excellent food. Probiotics, or healthy bacteria, found in some types of yogurt provide many mental health benefits. Studies have shown that probiotic foods like yogurt improve brain function by blocking free radicals and neurotoxins that can damage nerve tissue in the brain and cause anxiety.

  • Green tea 

Green tea, Contains the amino acid L-theanine, which has positive effects on brain health and anxiety reduction. L-theanine has the potential to prevent nerves from becoming hypersensitive. In addition, L-theanine can increase neurotransmitters such as GABA, dopamine and serotonin, which have anti-anxiety effects. In addition, green tea contains epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), an antioxidant that is beneficial for brain health.

  • Avokado

Avokado contains a significant amount of magnesium. This helps keep anxiety under control.

  • Turkey, banana and oats

These foods are good sources of tryptophan, an amino acid that is converted to serotonin in the body.

  • Eggs, meat and dairy products

These foods provide high-quality protein, such as the essential amino acids that produce dopamine and serotonin, which have the potential to improve mental health.

  • Chia seeds

Chia seeds, Contains brain-boosting omega 3 fatty acids known to relieve anxiety symptoms.

  • Citrus and Pepper

These foods reduce inflammation. It is rich in vitamin C, which has antioxidant properties that help prevent anxiety-causing cell damage.

  • Almond

Almondcontains significant amounts of vitamin E, which has been studied for its role in preventing anxiety.

  • Blueberries

BlueberriesIt is high in vitamin C and other antioxidants such as flavonoids.

Anti-Anxiety Vitamins

  • Vitamin A

An important antioxidant in those with anxiety Vitamin A deficiency visible. Vitamin A supplementation helps reduce anxiety symptoms. 

  • B complex vitamins

B complex vitamins contain all the B vitamins the body needs. Many are vital to a healthy nervous system. It helps to reduce the symptoms of depression and anxiety.

  • C vitamin
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C vitamin Antioxidants such as antioxidants prevent oxidative damage in the nervous system. Oxidative damage can increase anxiety.

  • Vitamin D

This vitamin is an important nutrient that helps the body absorb other vitamins. Vitamin D deficiency It can increase anxiety and even worsen it.

  • Vitamin E

Vitamin E It is another antioxidant. Our bodies use this nutrient quickly in times of stress and anxiety. Supplemental vitamin E helps restore this balance.

  • Fish oil

Fish oil, It is high in antioxidant omega 3 fatty acids. It is stated that omega 3 supplements such as EPA and DHA help relieve anxiety.

  • GABA

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GAMMA) is an amino acid and neurotransmitter in the brain. When there isn't enough GABA, the anxiety gets worse. GABA supplementation helps replace lost GABA.

  • L-theanine

L-theanine is an amino acid. It is responsible for the soothing property found in green tea. Therefore, using it as a tablet can reduce anxiety symptoms.

  • Magnesium

Magnesium It is an essential mineral for human health. Deficiency of this mineral can cause symptoms of anxiety.

  • 5-HTP

5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is a neurotransmitter. It is a precursor to serotonin. This is the "happiness neurotransmitter" in the human brain. A 2012 study found that 5-HTP supplements may help treat anxiety.

  • The above-mentioned supplements will only be effective when used in certain treatments and with the doctor's recommendations.

Herbal Supplements for Anxiety

Some herbs and herbal supplements derived from these herbs contain phytochemicals that can help relieve anxiety-related symptoms.

  • Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is an adaptogen. Some research states that it can be as effective as some medications at reducing anxiety.

  • Bacopa

Bacopa (Bacopa monnieri) extracts were examined for neuroprotective activity or preservation of neurons. It has been found that it can reduce cortisol. Cortisol is also known as the stress hormone. It worsens anxiety symptoms.

  • cava cava

cava cava (Piper methysticum) is a plant that grows in the Pacific Islands. This herb is traditionally used for calming. A 2016 study found that it targets GABA receptors, which manage anxiety symptoms. Therefore, it helps the body fight anxiety.

  • Lavender

Lavender (Lavandula officinalis) It has long been used as a sedative stress reliever. It has a mild sedative effect on the central nervous system, which can also help with anxiety and depression.

  • Balm

A close relative of lavender, lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) is an herb with soothing properties.

  • Rhodiola

Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea) It is a plant native to Alpine regions. It has a calming and nervous system calming effect.

  • Valerian

Although valerian root (Valeriana officinalis) Although it is known as a good sleeping pill, it also helps treat anxiety.

Simple strategies to beat anxiety

There are some ways to reduce the risk of anxiety disorder. Remember that the feeling of anxiety is a natural factor of daily life and not every anxiety you experience is a health problem. To cope with anxiety, pay attention to the following;

  • CaffeineReduce your consumption of tea and cola.
  • Eat healthy.
  • Provide a sleep pattern.
  • Stay away from alcohol, drugs and cigarettes.

To summarize;

Anxiety, which occurs as a result of intense feeling of anxiety and not being controlled, manifests itself with various symptoms. One of the most common symptoms of anxiety is excessive anxiety, which disrupts daily functioning. In addition, restlessness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension and sleep problems are also seen.

There are herbal treatments that are good for anxiety. Some herbal supplements are also good for anxiety disorder. However, they should be used under the supervision of a doctor. Because it can have side effects, it can interact with other drugs.

References: 1, 2, 3

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