What Is Fish Oil, What Does It Do? Benefits and Harm

Fish oilis one of the most consumed food supplements. What is very important for our health omega 3 fatty acids rich in terms of If you don't like or can't eat fish, taking it as a supplement helps provide the body with enough omega 3 fatty acids.

In the article "Benefits of drinking fish oil", "Fish oil side effects", "Benefits of using fish oil" will be mentioned.

What is Fish Oil?

It is the oil obtained from the tissue of fish. Usually herring, tuna, anchovy ve mackerel It is extracted from oily fish such as. Sometimes cod liver oil like it is produced from the livers of other fish.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends consuming 1-2 servings of fish per week. This is because the omega 3 fatty acids found in fish have many health benefits, such as helping to protect against a number of diseases.

the vitamins in fish oil

However, if you can't eat that much fish a week, drinking fish oilwill ensure you get enough omega 3. Fish oilApproximately 30% of the oil consists of omega 3s and the remaining 70% consists of other oils. Also, unprocessed fish oil It contains vitamin A and vitamin D.

The omega 3 types found in it are more beneficial than the omega 3s found in some plant sources. Fish oilThe main omega-3s in eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) The omega-3 in plant sources is essentially alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Although ALA is an important essential fatty acid, EPA and DHA have more health benefits.

What Are the Benefits of Fish Oil?

Good for heart health

Heart disease is the leading cause of death. Studies reveal that those who eat a lot of fish have much lower rates of heart disease.

There are a number of risk factors for heart disease, most of which are fish or Fish oil decreases with consumption. Heart health of fish oilThe benefits of a are:

Cholesterol levels

It raises HDL, that is, good cholesterol. It does not have much effect on LDL, ie bad cholesterol levels. 


Triglycerides it can reduce by about 15-30%. 

Blood pressure

Even in small doses, it helps to lower blood pressure in people with high blood pressure. 


It prevents artery plaques, making the artery plaques more stable as well as causing them to harden. 

Fatal arrhythmias

In people at risk, it may reduce the fatal arrhythmia event. Arrhythmia is an abnormal heart rhythm that can cause a heart attack in some cases.

Helps to relieve some mental disorders

The brain is made up of about 60% fat, and most of this fat is omega 3 fatty acids. Therefore, omega 3 is essential for normal brain function.

Studies have shown that people with certain mental conditions have lower omega 3 blood levels.

Studies, fish oil supplementCan prevent the onset of some mental illnesses or improve symptoms. For example, it can reduce the risk of psychotic disorders in people at risk.

In addition, high doses fish oil supplement schizophrenic and bipolar disorder It can reduce some of their symptoms.

Fish oil benefits for eyes

Similar to the brain, omega 3 oils form an essential part of the eye structure. Evidence has shown that people who do not get enough omega 3s are at greater risk of eye diseases.

Eye health begins to deteriorate in old age, age-related macular degeneration (AMD) may occur. Eating fish helps prevent AMD.

Reduces inflammation

Inflammation is the immune system's way of fighting infection and harming the body. However, inflammation can sometimes occur at low levels for extended periods of time.

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This is called chronic inflammation. Obesity, diabetes, depression and may worsen some chronic diseases such as heart disease.

In such cases, reducing inflammation helps treat the symptoms of the disease. Fish oil It has anti-inflammatory properties and helps treat diseases involving chronic inflammation.

For example, in stressed and obese individuals, it reduces the production and gene expression of inflammatory molecules called cytokines.

The second reason to use the fish oil supplementcan significantly reduce joint pain, stiffness, and medication needs in people with rheumatoid arthritis, a disease in which inflammation causes painful joints.

Fish oil benefits for the skin

The skin is the largest organ of the human body and contains a large amount of omega 3 fatty acids. Skin healthcan deteriorate, especially in old age or after too much sun exposure.

Psoriasis and including dermatitis fish oil supplement There are skin disorders that can reduce its effect as a result of its use.

Omega 3 fatty acids are very important in pregnancy and infancy.

Omega 3 is essential for development and growth. Therefore, it is important for mothers to get enough omega 3s during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

Pregnant and nursing mothers fish oil supplementincreases hand and eye coordination in babies. However, it is unclear whether learning or IQ improves.

Taken by the mother at an early stage fish oil supplement improves the visual development of babies and reduces the risk of allergies.

Reduces fatty liver

The liver processes most of the fat in our body and plays a major role in weight gain. Liver disease, Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which causes fat accumulation in the liver, has been increasing rapidly recently.

Fish oil supplementIt improves liver function and inflammation by helping to reduce the symptoms of NAFLD and the amount of fat in the liver.

Helps improve symptoms of depression and anxiety

Depression is expected to be the second leading cause of disease burden in the world by 2030. People with major depression have lower levels of omega 3 in the blood.

Research Fish oil and showed that omega 3 supplements can improve symptoms of depression. What's more, some studies have noted that oils rich in EPA help reduce symptoms of depression more than DHA.

Prevents the development of attention deficit and hyperactivity in children

Behavioral disorders can be observed in children, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Given that omega 3 constitutes an important part of the brain, adequate utilization of them is important for early prevention of behavioral disorders.

Fish oil supplementreduces perceived hyperactivity, inattention, impulsivity and aggression in children. This is beneficial for the learning life.what is fish oil

Fish oil benefits for the brain

As we age, brain function slows down and the risk of Alzheimer's disease increases. People who eat more fish tend to slow down their brain function in old age.

However, in older people fish oil supplement Studies on it do not provide clear evidence that they can slow the decline of brain function. However, very few studies have shown that Fish oilhas shown that it can improve memory in healthy, older people.

Improves asthma symptoms and reduces the risk of allergies

Asthma, a lung condition that causes swelling in the lungs and shortness of breath, is much more common in babies. A series of studies Fish oilIt has shown that it can reduce asthma symptoms, especially at an early age. In addition, pregnant mothers taking fish oil supplementscan reduce the risk of allergies in babies.

Strengthens bones

In old age, bones begin to lose important minerals, and their likelihood of fracture increases. This leads to diseases such as osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.

Calcium and Vitamin D It is known to be very important for bone health, but some studies indicate that omega 3 fatty acids may also be beneficial.

People with high levels of omega 3 in their blood have a better bone mineral density (BMD).

Fish oil slimming

Obesity is defined as a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30. Overall, about 39% of adults are overweight, while 13% are obese.

Obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and kanser It significantly increases the risk of other diseases such as. Fish oil supplementimproves body composition and risk factors for heart disease in obese people.

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Also, some studies, along with diet or exercise fish oil supplementhas shown that it can aid weight loss.

Little-Known Side Effects of Taking Excess Fish Oil

Rich in heart-healthy omega 3 fatty acids Fish oilIt has been shown to reduce blood triglycerides, reduce inflammation and even alleviate symptoms of conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.

But more taking fish oilis not better, and too high a dose can be harmful to health. Request The dangers of overtaking fish oil...

High Blood Sugar

Some research shows that supplementing with high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids can increase blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.

For example, one small study found that taking 8 grams of omega 3 fatty acids per day led to a 2% increase in blood sugar levels in people with type 22 diabetes over an eight-week period.

This is because high doses of omega 3s can stimulate glucose production, which can contribute to high levels of long-term blood sugar levels.


Gingival bleeding and nosebleeds, high consumption of fish oilTwo of the defining side effects of.

According to a large review of 52 studies, Fish oil It can prevent blood clots from forming in healthy adults, which can increase the risk of bleeding.

Similar results were obtained in a 56-person study, and 640 mg per day over a four-week period fish oil supplement It has been determined that blood coagulation is reduced in healthy adults.

In addition, another small study, Fish oil taking can be attributed to the risk of nosebleeds more and 1-5 grams per day Fish oil reported that 72% of adolescents who took it, experienced nosebleeds as a side effect.

Therefore, before surgery and if you are using a blood thinner such as Warfarin Fish oil It is recommended to talk to your doctor before taking it. 

Low Blood Pressure

Fish oilIts capacity to lower blood pressure is well documented. One study of 90 people on dialysis found that taking 3 grams of omega 3 fatty acids per day significantly reduced both systolic and diastolic blood pressure compared to placebo.

Similarly, an analysis of 31 studies, taking fish oilIt concluded that, it effectively lowers blood pressure, especially in those with high blood pressure or high cholesterol levels.

While these effects are certainly beneficial for those with high blood pressure, they can cause serious problems in those with low blood pressure.

Fish oilmay interact with blood pressure lowering medications, so if you are being treated for high blood pressure, using fish oil You should talk to your doctor about


Diarrhea, Fish oil It is one of the most common side effects associated with taking it and is common when you take high doses.

One review, your diarrhea, Fish oilreported that one of the most common side effects is caused by other digestive symptoms such as bloating.

In addition to fish oil, other omega 3 supplements can cause diarrhea. For example, flaxseed oil, Fish oilIt is a popular vegetarian alternative, but has been shown to have a laxative effect and can increase bowel movement frequency.

Acid Reflux

Fish oilAlthough known for its powerful effects on heart health, many people fish oil supplementreports that she felt heartburn after she started taking si.

Other acid reflux symptoms - including nausea and stomach upset - largely due to high fat content Fish oilcommon side effects of. Oil has been shown to trigger indigestion in many studies.

Not to overdose and Fish oilTaking it with meals can often effectively reduce acid reflux and relieve symptoms.

Dividing your dose into several small portions throughout the day can help eliminate indigestion.


Hemorrhagic stroke is a condition often characterized by cerebral hemorrhage caused by rupture of weakened blood vessels.

Some animal studies have found that a high intake of omega 3 fatty acids can increase the risk of blood clots and hemorrhagic stroke.

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These findings also Fish oilIt is also consistent with other research showing that can inhibit blood clot formation.

Gaining weight

Since many people want to lose extra weight and increase fat burning fish oil supplements starts to receive.

Some studies Fish oilfound that it can be beneficial for weight loss. A workout involves aerobic exercise and Fish oilHe compared the effects of sachet on weight loss and found that both factors helped reduce body fat and improve heart health in overweight people.

High doses, on the other hand, can actually cause weight gain. In various studies, Fish oil It has helped slow weight loss in cancer patients.

This is because, Fish oilIt is high in fat and calories, with only 4.5 calories in a teaspoon (40 grams) of fat. This may not seem like much, but consuming large amounts can increase calories.

Vitamin A toxicity

Some types of omega 3 fatty acid supplements are high in vitamin A, which can be toxic when consumed in large amounts. For example, a tablespoon (14 grams) cod liver oil It can meet 270% of the daily vitamin A requirement in a single portion.

Vitamin A toxicity can cause side effects such as dizziness, nausea, joint pain, and skin irritation. In the long term, it can lead to liver damage and even liver failure in severe cases. 

Therefore, it is best to pay attention to the vitamin A content of your omega 3 supplement and lighten its dosage.


Some studies, intermediate Fish oil He found that intake of it can improve sleep quality. For example, one study of 395 children showed that taking 16 mg of omega 600 fatty acids daily for 3 weeks helped improve sleep quality.

In some cases, çtaking too much fish oil it can actually inhibit sleep and cause insomnia.

In a case study, high doses Fish oil taking it has been reported to worsen insomnia and anxiety symptoms for a patient with a history of depression. However, the current research is limited to case studies and anecdotal reports.

More research is needed to understand how large doses may affect sleep quality in the general population.

Usage of Fish Oil

If you do not eat fish 1-2 times a week, fish oil supplement you can consider buying.

EPA and DHA dosage recommendations vary depending on your age and health. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a combined daily intake of 0.2-0.5 grams of EPA and DHA. However, if you are pregnant or at risk of heart disease, you may need to increase the dosage.

One that provides at least 0.3 grams (300 mg) of EPA and DHA per serving fish oil supplement Select.

Many supplements contain up to 1000 mg of fish oil per serving but only 300 mg of EPA and DHA. Read the label and take a supplement that contains at least 1.000 mg of EPA and DHA per 500 mg of fish oil.

Omega 3 fatty acids are prone to oxidation. To avoid this, you can choose a supplement that contains an antioxidant such as vitamin E.

Also keep them away from light and refrigerate. Do not use those that have a bad smell or those that are not fresh.

When Should Fish Oil Be Taken?

Other oils aid in the absorption of omega 3 fatty acids. Therefore, with a meal containing fat fish oil supplementIt is best to get ni.

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