What is Hypochondria -Disease of Disease-? Symptoms and Treatment

  • Do I have a lump in my armpit? Could I have cancer?
  • My heart beats so fast. Could I be having a heart attack?
  • I have a terrible headache. I definitely have a tumor in my brain.
  • I went to many doctors, but they could not find a solution to my complaints. Should I go to another doctor?

If you are saying these sentences, you sickness disease it could be. In medical language, this hypochondria It called. What are impacted teeth? When one or more teeth fails to grow in the correct position and is therefore held below the normal gum line, it is called an impaction. This can be complete, such as completely unerrupted (buried) third molars (wisdom teeth) or partial when just part of the tooth is visible in the mouth. Why are impactions important? For best function and appearance the teeth should grow in a healthy alignment. When one or more teeth is impacted, this can affect the function of that tooth but also the function and appearance of other teeth. Whether all impactions should be treated is still controversial and your dentist and oral and maxillofacial team can explain the advantages and disadvantages or treatment for you, which is usually surgical.

Nobody wants to be sick and everybody is afraid of getting sick. Hypochondriac It is a problematic fear that can turn into an anxiety disorder in those who have it.

Hypochondriac we among the people hypochondriac we say. Let's see what it means hypochondriac?

What is it like to be sick?

Hypochondria, also known as hypochondiasisis defined as “constant fear of believing that one has a serious, undiagnosed medical illness”. In other words, to feel sick, to think that you are sick, even though you do not have a physical illness. A mental disorder.

With the pandemic hypochondria Do you know that the cases are also increasing? In this process, we focused so much on our body that at the slightest symptom, "I wonder if I have corona?" We started to think.

Our body already works on its own, even if we don't think about it. If we start to think about it more than normal, we begin to perceive even normal working processes as illness.  

Somatic symptom disorder also known as hypochondria, a chronic disease. How severe it turns out depends on the age of the person, their capacity for anxiety, and how much stress they have faced before.

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Well, causes hypochondria?

symptoms of hypochondriasis

Causes of hypochondria

The exact cause of the disease is unknown, and some factors are thought to trigger the condition. Who, why sick could it be? 

  • Wrong idea: Misunderstanding of physical symptoms related to the body. 
  • Family history: Hypochondriac Those who have a relative have a higher risk of developing this condition.
  • Past: People who have had problems with their health in the past have a fear of getting sick again and hypochondriac can. 
  • Other psychiatric disorders can also trigger this disorder.

hypochondriasis disease It is usually seen in adults. Men and women are equally likely to get this disease. It can occur during recovery from a serious illness, after the loss of a loved one or close friend.

An underlying medical condition can also trigger this condition. E.g heart disease When a patient with high blood pressure rises, has a fever, or has a headache, they think of it as a sign of heart disease.

Psychologists, sickly He says people are perfectionists.

Well, How is hypochondria diagnosed? 


What are the symptoms of hypochondriasis? 

  • Illness concern: Hypochondriac Those who see normal bodily functions such as heartbeat, sweating and bowel movements as a serious illness.
  • Self-control: Those who are hypochondriac listening to himself, constantly looking for signs of illness.
  • Different diseases: For example; the sickThinking that it is cancer, they look for these symptoms in themselves. They are afraid of a certain disease. 
  • Talking about persistent illness: People with somatic symptom disorder talk constantly about their health. 
  • Regular visits to the doctor: They always go to the doctor, thinking that they are sick. 
  • Research: They constantly search for signs of illness on the Internet. They spend a lot of time on this. 
  • Unsure of test results: Although the tests are negative, disease patientshas a concern. Are the results correct? 
  • Not wanting to go to the doctor: Hypochondriac Some patients with diabetes do not want to go to the doctor, fearing that they have a serious illness. 
  • Abstinence: They stay away from people and places that they think are a health risk.
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A fear of illness that lasts for more than 6 months, hypochondriasisis a sign of. 

How does the disease pass?

Treatment of disease diseaseIt starts with treating anxiety disorder. Speech therapy and medications help the patient's treatment in this regard.

  • Psychotherapy (Speech therapy)

Psychotherapy treatment of hypochondriaAn effective method that can be used in It helps to identify and eliminate the patient's fears and anxieties.

  • Medicines

antidepressants such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), treatment of disease diseaseused in. AnxietyMedications that treat well-being are also an option. The doctor will inform the patient about the drug options and possible side effects.

How is sickness overcome?

Since this disorder is mostly related to the psychology of the person, the patient must first accept his condition and be convinced for treatment. In addition to medical treatment, changing the patient's lifestyle will also help progress in treatment.

  • unwind: with relaxation techniques stress and anxiety is reduced.
  • Physical activity: Workout planner It improves mood and reduces anxiety disorders.
  • Staying away from alcohol: Drinking alcohol makes the disease worse.
  • Not doing research on the Internet: Unnecessary and dirty information causes confusion and anxiety. If you have symptoms that worry you, don't search the internet, talk to your doctor.
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