What Is Constant Fatigue, How Does It Pass? Herbal Remedies for Fatigue

Feeling tired all the time is an extremely common condition. Fatigueis a common symptom of various conditions and serious illnesses but in most cases it is due to simple causes. These are usually easy things to fix.

What Causes Fatigue?

Too much refined carbohydrate consumption

Carbohydrates can be a quick source of energy. When you eat carbohydrates, the body converts them into sugar and uses them as fuel. However, eating too many refined carbs can cause you to feel tired throughout the day.

When sugar and processed carbohydrates are consumed, they raise blood sugar quickly. This tells the pancreas to produce large amounts of insulin to send sugar into the blood and cells.

A rapid rise in blood sugar level followed by the same rapid drop can make you feel exhausted. The need to get energy fast will increase the consumption of refined carbohydrates and lead to a vicious cycle.

Many studies have found that minimizing sugar and processed carbohydrates in meals and snacks generally provides more energy.

To keep energy levels steady, eat fiber-rich foods like vegetables and legumes instead of sugar and refined carbohydrates.

Sedentary lifestyle

Inactivity may be the root cause of low energy. However, many people report that they are too tired to exercise.

Studies show that exercise is among healthy people and people with other diseases, such as cancer. fatigue has shown that it can reduce. Moreover, even minimal increases in physical activity can be beneficial.

Increasing the energy level and fatigue To minimize it, you must be active. For example; stand instead of sitting, use the stairs instead of the elevator, and walk short distances.

Not getting enough sleep

Not getting enough sleep, your tiredness It is one of the obvious reasons. The body performs many activities while you sleep, including storage memory and release hormones that regulate metabolism and energy levels. When you wake up in the morning after a quality sleep, you feel refreshed and energetic.

Adults need an average of seven hours of sleep each night for optimal health. Sleep should be restful and uninterrupted in order for the brain to go through the five stages of each sleep cycle.

In addition to getting adequate sleep, maintaining a regular sleep routine your tiredness helps prevent. In one study, adolescents who sleep at the same time on weekdays and weekends compared to those who stay later and sleep less on weekends; They reported that they experienced less fatigue.

Being physically active during the day provides more restorative sleep at night. One study in older people found that exercise helped improve sleep quality and reduce fatigue levels.

To increase the amount and quality of sleep, go to bed at the same time every night, relax before bed, and stay active throughout the day.

Food intolerance

Food intolerance or allergies cause symptoms such as rashes, digestive problems, runny nose or headache. Fatigue It is another symptom that is often overlooked.

Common food intolerances include gluten, milk, eggs, soy, and corn. If you suspect such a situation, it is useful to have an allergy test.

How to make a 1200-calorie diet

Not eating enough calories

Consuming very few calories, fatigue may cause sensation. Calorie is the unit of energy found in food. The body uses them to activate processes such as moving, breathing, and keeping body temperature constant.

When you eat too few calories, the metabolism slows down to save energy, potentially to fatigue causes. The body uses calories from food based on weight, height, age, and other factors.

In cases where calorie intake is very low, it becomes difficult to meet vitamin and mineral needs. Enough Vitamin D iron and other important nutrients too to fatigue why could it be.

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To prevent fatigueEven if you are aiming for weight loss, you should consume enough calories. By determining your calorie needs, you should follow a healthier diet plan that will not harm your body.

Sleeping at the wrong time

In addition to insufficient sleep, sleeping at the wrong time also lowers energy levels. Sleeping at night during the day disrupts the body's circadian rhythm, which are biological changes that occur in response to light and darkness during a 24-hour cycle.

Research shows that sleep patterns don't match circadian rhythms chronic fatigue found that it could improve. This is a common problem among people working at night.

Sleep experts estimate that 2-5% of shift workers suffer from sleep disturbance for a period of one or more a month with excessive sleep or no sleep.

Moreover, even staying awake for a day or two during the night to fatigue why could it be. In one study, healthy young men were allowed to sleep for either seven or less than five hours before being awake for 21-23 hours. Regardless of the hours of sleep fatigue degrees increased before and after sleep.

It is best to sleep at night as much as possible. However, if your job is shifts, it is necessary to develop strategies to increase your energy levels to retrain your body clock.

In one study, shift workers were less likely to suffer from exposure to bright light, wearing dark sunglasses outside, and after sleeping in total darkness. fatigue and they reported a better mood.

Wearing glasses to block blue light can also help people who work in shifts.

Not getting enough protein

Insufficient protein intake, to fatigue why could it be. It is known that protein consumed increases metabolic rate more than carbohydrate or fat.

In addition to helping weight loss, this also your tiredness can help prevent.

In one study, self-reported fatigue levelswas significantly lower among Korean college students who reported eating high-protein foods such as fish, meat, eggs, and beans at least twice a day.

Other studies found that high protein diets were less common among weight lifters and resistance training people. fatigue found that he was showing the trend.

Moreover, researches, your tirednessHe suggests that protein, known as chain amino acids, can be reduced by certain amino acids, which are the building blocks.

To keep the metabolism strong and prevent fatigue, aim to consume a high-quality protein source with every meal.

Insufficient water consumption

Adequate water consumption is essential for maintaining good energy levels. Dehydration occurs when not enough fluid is drunk to replace water lost in urine, feces, sweat and breath.

Several studies have shown that being mildly dehydrated can lower energy levels and reduce the ability to concentrate.

While you've heard that you need to drink eight glasses of water each day, you may need more or less than that depending on your weight, age, gender, and activity level.

The amount you should consume while drinking water is to drink enough to maintain hydration levels.

Properties of carbonated drinks

Consuming energy drinks

Populer energy drinks typically includes:

  • Caffeine
  • Sugar
  • Amino acids such as taurine
  • Large amounts of B vitamins

These drinks provide a temporary energy boost due to their high caffeine and sugar content. For example, a study with healthy adults with insomnia found that consuming an energy drink led to moderate improvements in alertness and mental function.

Unfortunately, this effect is temporary. In a review of 41 studies, the need for daytime sleep was revealed the next day, despite increased alertness and increased mood for several hours after consuming energy drinks.

Although the caffeine content varies widely between brands, an energy drink can contain up to 350 mg of caffeine, and some energy drinks contain as much as 500 mg per can. In comparison, coffee generally contains 77-150 mg of caffeine per cup.

However, even in smaller doses, drinking caffeinated beverages in the afternoon can affect sleep and cause low energy levels the next day.

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To break the cycle, distance yourself from these energy drinks. Additionally, limit the consumption of coffee and other caffeinated beverages early in the day.

High stress levels

Chronic stresscan have profound effects on energy levels and quality of life. While some stress is normal, excessive stress has been reported in many studies. to fatigue caused.

In addition, your response to stress is how much you feel tired affects what you feel. A study with college students shows that avoiding stress is more to fatigue has determined that the cause.

While you can't avoid stressful situations, trying to cope will reduce the feeling of fatigue.

For example, large reviews show that yoga and meditation can help relieve stress. These or similar mind-body practices can help you feel more energetic and cope with stress.

Not moving when tired

The first thing we plan to do when we leave work is to lie on the sofa and watch TV. Thus, it reinforces fatigue and you feel more tired.

Regular exercise enables the cardiovascular system to work more efficiently and send oxygen to the cells. So instead of napping on the couch, go for a walk.

causes of iron deficiency

Not consuming enough iron

Iron deficiency can cause weakness and irritability. Since less oxygen will pass to muscles and cells in people with iron deficiency, it causes fatigue.

Lean beef, beans, eggs, green leafy vegetables, nuts, and peanut butter are all iron-rich foods you can consume. But remember, in case of iron deficiency, go to the doctor because there may be other reasons.

Being a perfectionist

Trying to be perfect requires hard and long work. This is followed by constant fatigue. Make time limits in your work and stick to it.

Making a camel flea

Thinking that it will always be bad by exaggerating small events creates mental exhaustion. Worry and anxiety make you feel tired. In such cases, take a deep breath. Exercise outdoors or share your concerns with a friend.

Skipping breakfast

Since the body continues its functions during sleep, it needs fuel when it gets up. If you skip breakfast, the body will run out of fuel and you will feel sluggish. A breakfast containing whole grains and protein is a good option to stay fit throughout the day.

Not being able to say no

We accept their requests in order not to offend the other person or to look nice. This causes fatigue. You don't have to say yes to everything. Educate yourself to say no. When you are alone, repeat the word no out loud.

Working in a messy environment

A messy office or workplace limits your mental ability, making it difficult to focus, that is, it tires you. Organize your personal belongings at the end of each day to get a better start to the next day.

Working on vacation

Reading your mails or making job interviews by the pool will tire you. Eliminate all your electronic gadgets on vacation. Enjoy your vacation so that you can be more productive when you get back to work.

Drinking alcohol before going to bed

Alcohol causes sudden surges in the adrenaline system and wakes you up in the middle of the night. Stop drinking alcohol 3-4 hours before going to bed.

Checking emails before going to bed

The illuminated light of your tablet, phone or computer can suppress the melatonin hormone and disrupt your sleep rhythm. Leave technological devices at least 14 cm away from your bed a few hours before going to sleep.

Caffeine throughout the day

Studies have shown that caffeine taken in excessive amounts throughout the day affects sleep. It is healthy to consume a maximum of 3 glasses of caffeine a day and stop consuming caffeine 6 hours before you go to sleep.

Getting up late on weekends

Going to bed late on Saturday and waking up late on Sunday morning causes insomnia and fatigue on Monday. If you go to bed late, try to wake up during normal Sunday and make up for it by taking a nap in the afternoon so that Monday doesn't become a syndrome.

How Does Weakness and Fatigue Go? Natural Remedy

Basil Essential Oil for Fatigue


  • 2-3 drops of basil oil
  • A diffuser
  • Su
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- Fill the diffuser with water.

Add 2-3 drops of basil oil on it and mix well.

Inhale the basil scent.

You should do this 1 to 2 times a day.

The stimulating properties of basil oil help increase concentration, sharpen the senses, and relieve stress and depression.

Peppermint Oil for Fatigue


  • 2-3 drops of peppermint oil
  • A diffuser
  • Su


Add a few drops of peppermint oil to a water-filled diffuser.

- Inhale the aroma by dispersing the scent.

- You should do this at least twice a day.

Studies show that aromatherapy fatigue shows that it works very well in treating their symptoms. Mint oilWorks similar to basil oil in relieving mental fatigue and stress.

what is basil

Basil Leaf for Fatigue


  • 10 basil leaves
  • 1 water glass of water


Add the basil leaves to a glass of water.

- Boil it in a saucepan.

Cook for 5 minutes and strain.

Allow the solution to cool a little before drinking.

You should drink this twice a day for optimum benefit.

BasilIn addition to reducing stress, anxiety, and drowsiness, it exhibits cognitive enhancing properties.

Coffee for Fatigue


  • 1 tablespoons of coffee powder
  • 1 water glass of water
  • Sugar (as needed)


Add a tablespoon of coffee powder to a glass of water.

- Boil and cook.

- Add some sugar to the coffee and drink it after it cools down a little.

You can drink 1-2 cups of coffee a day.

The caffeine found in coffee increases alertness and energy levels.


Do not drink more than two cups of coffee a day, as it can make you feel tired and sleepy, making you even more lethargic.

Honey for Fatigue

Replace the sugar in your favorite dessert or smoothie with a few teaspoons of honey. You should consume honey every day.

The carbohydrates in honey increase energy levels and help fight drowsiness. Honey is a recommended source of carbohydrates for athletes during endurance exercises.

Lemon for Fatigue


  • ½ lemon
  • 1 glass of warm water
  • Honey (as required)


Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a glass of water.

Mix well and add some honey to it.

Drink lemon juice.

- You should do this once every morning, preferably on an empty stomach.

In lemon juice citric acidby fighting oxidative stress your tiredness can help eliminate. Regular intake of vitamin C also increases the absorption of iron (which is rich in lemon juice), thus fatigue and relieves stress.

how to brew green tea

Green Tea for Fatigue


  • 1 teaspoon of green tea
  • 1 water glass of water
  • Honey


Add a teaspoon of green tea to a glass of water.

Boil it in a saucepan and strain.

Drink the tea after it cools down. You can add some honey for flavor.

Drink green tea twice a day.

Green teaThe antioxidant polyphenols in it can relax mood and relieve stress and tension that cause drowsiness.

Magnesium for Fatigue

Consume 200-400 mg of magnesium daily through food or with supplements. Magnesium-rich foods include spinach, kale, figs, bananas, avocados, raspberries, legumes, broccoli, cabbage, and fish (salmon and mackerel).

Magnesium deficiency can cause stress, anxiety, and fatigue.

What to Eat to Prevent Fatigue?

Foods known to help increase energy levels and prevent fatigue include:

- Chia seeds

- Banana

- Quinoa

- Rolled oats

- Brown bread

- Beans

- Almond

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