Harms of Nail Biting – How to Stop Nail Biting?

Nail biting is a situation in which a person bites and picks his or her own nails, often unconsciously or reflexively, in emotional states such as stress, anxiety or distress. This habit usually begins in childhood and continues into adulthood in some people. There are harmful effects of biting nails, such as deterioration of teeth, causing infections, and damage to nails. 

Harms of biting nails
Harms of biting nails

In order to avoid the dangerous consequences of nail biting, it is necessary to get rid of this habit. Methods such as controlling stress, nail protection methods or getting professional help help quit the habit of biting nails. This habit often has psychological reasons. The causes of nail biting differ in children and adults.

Causes of Nail Biting in Children

Nail biting in children can occur for many different reasons. These include:

  • Stress and anxiety: Children are just like adults stress, may experience anxiety or worry. These emotional situations can trigger the nail-biting habit.
  • Problem: It is possible for the child to turn to his nails when he is bored.
  • Imitation: Children imitate the behavior of people around them. If a family member or friend has a nail-biting habit, the child may also adopt this behavior.
  • Lack of self-control: Some children may not have developed self-control skills yet. In this case, nail biting may occur as an uncontrolled behavior.
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): Children with ADHD experience symptoms such as hyperactivity, attention deficit, and impulsivity, and in this case, nail-biting behavior may occur.
  • Avoidant/restrictive eating disorder (ARFID): ARFID is a disorder in which children have difficulty eating. In this case, children try to satisfy their hunger by alternative means (for example, nail biting).
  • Pain or discomfort: An infection or discomfort around or under the nail edge can trigger nail biting behavior in children.
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It is important to determine the underlying cause of the nail biting habit. Because this habit can sometimes be a sign of psychological or emotional problems. If your child has a nail-biting habit, you should consult a specialist without delay.

Causes of Nail Biting in Adults

Nail biting habits in adults can be caused by various reasons. Here are some possible reasons:

  1. Stress: People who are under intense stress are more prone to bad habits such as nail biting. This habit may occur as a type of stress relief mechanism.
  2. Anxiety and distress: Anxiety disorder or people who are distressed are prone to the habit of biting their nails. They think that by adopting this behavior, their problems will go away.
  3. A distracting activity: Nail biting is seen as a boring and monotonous activity for some people. This activity is used as a type of distraction mechanism.
  4. Low self esteem: Nail biting is a sign of low self-esteem in some people. This habit is associated with stress, anxiety or lack of self-confidence.
  5. Oppression: Some adults resort to nail biting when they feel stressed or under pressure, especially in social or work environments.
  6. Maintaining learned behavior: Adults who acquired the habit of biting their nails during childhood continue this habit into adulthood. They tend to imitate or continue a behavior they have learned.

The Harms of Nail Biting

We can list the harms of nail biting, which causes many dangerous situations, as follows:

  1. It damages nails and causes them to break, split and crack. This prevents the healthy growth of nails.
  2. Nail biting causes nail bed infections. Shredded cuticles and cracks allow bacteria and fungi to enter the pores and cause infections.
  3. Nail biting also affects dental health. It causes wear, decay and other problems on teeth.
  4. Nail biting also causes mouth and throat infections. Bacteria on the nails are carried to the mouth and throat, causing infections.
  5. This habit, which causes an ugly appearance, also affects the person's self-confidence. People who bite their nails usually damage them due to embarrassment or stress. This can lead to psychological problems.
  6. Nail biting causes digestive problems. Nails damage the stomach and intestines and cause problems in the digestive system when swallowed.
  7. Another harm of this habit is that it prevents the nails from growing properly. This causes nails to become weaker and brittle.
  8. Since the nails are prevented from growing properly, their shape begins to deteriorate. 
  9. Nail biting causes color changes in the nails. It causes yellowing and staining.
  10. Nail biting causes cuticle swelling caused by infections, painful sores, and abnormal growths on the fingers.
  11. Nagel's frenulum is the band of skin that connects the nail to the finger. Nail biting can cause injuries to this area and lead to pain, bleeding and irritation.
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How to Stop Nail Biting?

You can follow the suggestions below to get rid of the nail-biting habit that harms your health:

  • Awareness: Observe when and in what situations your nail biting habit occurs. Most people engage in this habit when they are stressed, nervous or bored. Know yourself and determine in which situations you tend to bite your nails.
  • Avoiding stress: Try to stay away from stressful activities. yoga to reduce stress, meditationYou can try relaxation techniques such as exercise or hobbies. When you are stressed, you can keep yourself busy by directing yourself to other activities.
  • Short nails: You can prevent food cravings by keeping your nails short. Cut or file your nails regularly.
  • Nail care: Take care of your nails regularly. Shape your nails properly by getting a manicure and pedicure. Moisturize your nails and take care of your cuticles.
  • Applying nail polish: You can reduce the urge to bite your nails by applying nail polish. Polish can protect your nails and reduce the tendency to bite nails.
  • natural nail protectors: Some natural nail protection products (for example, bitter almond oil or a mixture made from cayenne pepper) may help you avoid biting your nails. You can apply these products to your nails.
  • Get support: Getting support from your close circle or an expert will help you stop biting your nails.

By following these suggestions, you can reduce or completely get rid of your nail biting habit. Be patient and give yourself time to succeed.

References: 1, 2, 3

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