Hair Pulling Disease What Is Trichotillomania, How Is It Treated?

Sometimes there are events in our lives that make us "hair cut" and situations that make us angry. There is also a disease that literally fits this idiom. The name of the disease in medicineTrichotillomania (TTM)". "Hair pulling disorder”, “hair pulling disorder”, "hair pulling disease also known as 

It means that a person feels a strong urge to pull out strands of hair, eyebrows, eyelashes or any body hair. The person experiences visible hair loss, but continues to pluck his hair over and over again. Sometimes hairs and hair accumulate in the stomach and intestines as a result of being eaten.

This is a type of obsessive-compulsive disorder, which is found in people who are obsessed. Hair losswhat leads.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, a type anxiety is a disorder. The person makes repetitive, unwanted movements to get relief. In this way, he tries to relieve his worries by relaxing. 

Although it is not a fatal condition, it affects the appearance of the person because it causes hair loss. It causes a decrease in self-confidence and causes some problems in the society.

What are the causes of hair plucking disease? 

The exact cause of this ailment is still unknown. Stress and anxiety are considered to be the main causes, as in the phrase "pulling out hair from anger". 

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It is thought that due to stress and chronic anxiety, a person pulls out their hair to relax or deal with negative emotions. 

Stress and anxiety stems from the following reasons; 

Dysfunction in brain structures: One study found that decreased cerebellar volumes and thickening of the right lower frontal gyrus (the part of the brain involved in cognition, attention, vision, and speech) hair pulling diseasedemonstrated that it can lead to

Genetic anomalies: A study, hair pulling diseaseHe has shown that stigma can extend to family members of three generations. People with obsessive compulsive disorder hair pulling diseaseIt has been found to be linked to rare variations in the SLITRK1 gene, which can trigger 

Gray matter change: hair pulling disease Structural gray matter changes may occur in the brain of patients with 

Dysfunction of brain neurotransmitters: Some studies have found that changes in neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, and GABA hair pulling diseasestates that it can lead to

Other: Boredom, negative emotions, depressive symptoms, drug use or tobacco use can also be causes of this disease.

Experts say that this ailment is mainly triggered by the combination of the factors mentioned above. 

What are the symptoms of hair plucking disease?

hair pulling diseaseThere are some symptoms that can help distinguish between

  • Feeling a strong urge to pull hair.
  • Unconsciously pulling hair.
  • The urge to pull the hair after touching it. 
  • Don't feel nervous trying to resist pulling on the hair. 
  • Hair pulling for an hour or two until you feel comfortable.
  • Sometimes, throwing the hair that fell out after pulling it into the mouth.
  • A sense of relief or accomplishment after hair pulling, followed by shame. 
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What are the risk factors for hair plucking disease? 

There are some factors that can trigger this ailment: 

Age: hair pulling disease It usually starts between the ages of 10-13. Experts state that there is no age limit, it can start at the age of four or after the age of 30.

Gender: Diagnosis of hair plucking disease Most of the respondents are women. 

Family history: Obsessive compulsive disorder or family history hair pulling disease People with a history of the disease are more likely to be affected by this condition. 

Stress: Severe stress can trigger this disorder even if there is no genetic abnormality. 

What are the complications of hair plucking disease?

If left untreated for a long time, hair pulling disease It can cause side effects such as: 

  • Permanent hair loss. 
  • Trichobezoar is the hair that accumulates in the stomach and intestines as a result of swallowing the plucked hair.
  • alopecia, a type of hair loss condition. 
  • Decreased quality of life.
  • Problems with appearance. 

How is hair plucking disease diagnosed? 

People with hair pulling diseasethinks that a doctor will not understand his discomfort. Therefore, they do not seek a solution for the problem. Other reasons for not seeking help include embarrassment, unawareness, and fear of the doctor's reaction. 

Diagnosis of hair pulling disease, It is put by looking at the symptoms such as hair loss. The doctor tries to determine whether the illness is caused by obsessive compulsive disorder, genetic factors, or drug use. 

How is hair pulling disease treated? 

Treatment of hair pulling disease The treatment methods are as follows: 

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Medicines: Medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are used to treat anxiety and negative emotions. 

Habit reversal training: Patients are taught how to control the urge to pull hair.

Stimulus control: The patient is taught ways in which they can keep their hands off their head to avoid triggering the urge. 

If the disease is diagnosed by a doctor and treated accordingly, the disease will be cured. The important thing here is to prevent the anxiety and stress that trigger the situation.

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