Benefits, Harms and Nutritional Value of Lamb Meat

Lamb is a type of red meat that is richer in iron than chicken or fish. It is rich in high-quality protein and many vitamins and minerals. Benefits of lamb meat It has a milder flavor than mutton. It contains more iron and zinc than any other non-red meat.

Nutritional value of lamb meat

It consists mainly of protein. It contains varying amounts of oil. The nutritional value of 90 grams of lamb is approximately as follows:

  • 160 calories
  • 23,5 grams of protein
  • 6,6 grams fat (2,7 grams monounsaturated fat)
  • 2.7 micrograms vitamin B12 (45 percent DV)
  • 4.4 milligram zinc (30 percent DV)
  • 4,9 milligrams niacin (24 percent DV)
  • 0.4 milligram riboflavin (21 percent DV)
  • 0.4 milligram vitamin B6 (20 percent DV)
  • 201 milligrams phosphorus (20 percent DV)
  • 9.2 micrograms selenium (13 percent DV)
  • 2.1 milligram iron (12 percent DV)
  • 301 milligrams of potassium (9 percent DV)
  • 0.1 milligram thiamine (8 percent DV)
  • 0.8 milligrams pantothenic acid (8 percent DV)
  • 0.1 milligram copper (7 percent DV)
  • 22.1 milligrams magnesium (6 percent DV)

What are the benefits of lamb meat?

benefits of lamb meat
Benefits of lamb meat

Preserves muscle mass

  • Meat is one of the best dietary sources of high-quality protein. It contains all the amino acids we need. Therefore, it is a complete protein source.
  • High-quality protein is essential for maintaining muscle mass, especially in the elderly. 
  • Insufficient protein consumption accelerates age-related muscle loss. an adverse condition associated with low muscle mass sarcopenia increases the risk.
  • Eating lamb regularly with a healthy lifestyle helps maintain muscle mass.
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Improves physical performance

  • Benefits of lamb meat It's not just about preserving muscle mass. It also improves muscle function.
  • Beta-alanine It contains an amino acid called carnosine, which is important for muscle function.
  • Beta-alanine is found in high amounts in red meat such as lamb and beef. Carnosine levels in the muscles decrease over time in vegetarian and vegan diets.
  • Eating lamb regularly is beneficial for athletes. It improves physical performance.

Helps prevent anemia

  • iron deficiencyis a major cause of anemia.
  • Meat is one of the best dietary sources of iron. Contains easily absorbed heme-iron. It also facilitates the absorption of non-heme iron in plants.
  • Heme-iron is only found in foods of animal origin.
  • Eating red meat, such as lamb, is effective in preventing iron deficiency anemia.

Supports the nervous system

  • 90 grams of lamb meat is a great source of vitamin B12, meeting almost half of the daily B12 requirement.
  • It also provides other essential B vitamins, such as vitamin B6, vitamin B3, vitamin B2, and vitamin B5. 
  • Vitamin B12 and other B vitamins help the nervous system function as it should.
  • The nervous system is the body's electrical wiring that helps the whole body communicate properly.

Strengthens immunity

  • Benefits of lamb meatOne of them is the zinc content. Zinc helps boost overall immune function.

Effect on heart diseases

  • Heart disease is a major cause of premature death. It consists of various adverse conditions involving the heart and blood vessels, such as stroke, heart attack, and hypertension.
  • Results from observational studies on the link between red meat and heart disease are mixed.
  • Some studies have found that eating high amounts of both processed and unprocessed red meat poses a risk for heart disease. Some state that only eating processed meat increases the risk.
  • Moderate consumption of lean lamb meat is unlikely to increase the risk of heart disease.
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Effect on cancer

  • Canceris a disease characterized by abnormal growth of cells.
  • A number of observational studies show that eating large amounts of red meat may increase the risk of colon cancer over time. Not all studies support this.
  • Various substances found in red meat can increase the risk of cancer in humans. These include heterocyclic amines.
  • Heterocyclic amines are a class of cancer-causing substances that are formed when meat is exposed to very high temperatures, such as when frying, baking or grilling. It is found in high amounts in well-cooked meat and uncooked meat.
  • Studies consistently show that eating fried meat can increase the risk of several cancers, including colon cancer, breast cancer, and prostate cancer.
  • Although there is no conclusive evidence that meat causes cancer, eating excessive amounts of cooked meat should be avoided.
  • Moderate consumption of lightly cooked meat is likely safe and healthy, especially when steamed or boiled.

What are the harms of lamb meat?

Benefits of lamb meat There are also some harmful features that should be known as well.

  • It is possible to be allergic to any type of meat. Nasal obstructionIf you experience a runny nose, nausea, or suddenly feel a rash after consuming lamb, you may be allergic to this meat. 
  • Stop eating lamb if symptoms of an allergic reaction are severe. Allergies can be detected by doing a food allergy test.
  • Like other red meats, lamb contains a significant amount of cholesterol, so you should consume it in moderation, especially if you have high cholesterol. 

References: 1

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