Is it weakened by hypnosis? Slimming with Hypnotherapy

Hypnosisis a commonly used method to help overcome phobias and change certain behaviors, such as alcohol or tobacco use. This method is said to be very useful for weight loss, and some applications are being made about it.

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosisis a state of consciousness that increases attention and concentration.

Random hypnosis techniques has. Most commonly used hypnosis techniquesOne of them is the eye fixation technique; This technique involves maintaining a stable posture in a bright object until the eyes gradually close.

Hypnosis Positive changes in behavior can be made after entering the state. The person practicing hypnotism aims to bring about a change in behavior by making verbal suggestions such as "you will not drink alcohol" to the person who is hypnotized.

Hypnosisflour to cure allergies, cure addiction, anxiety and depressionIt is claimed that it can help reduce u.

What are the Types of Hypnotherapy?

Slimming with hypnotherapyalso widely used types of hypnosis can be listed as;

Cognitive Hypnotherapy

This type combines cognitive therapy and hypnotherapy to help patients overcome post-traumatic stress and psychological disorders and change their lives.

Psychodynamic Hypnotherapy

Psychodynamic hypnotherapy aims to study human functions affected by unconscious mind and personalities.

Ericksonian Hypnotherapy

This type of hypnotherapy was developed by Milton H. Erickson and is an indirect process. Unlike other types of hypnosis, therapists using this approach use methods such as storytelling and suggestions as an indirect method.

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy

In this process, the patient expresses the desired goals and the therapist asks questions to the patient to reveal solutions.

Hypnosis affects certain behaviors

Some studies, hypnosisfound that flour was effective in changing different types of behavior, including smoking and drug use.

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In one study on this topic, 286 smokers received either standard counseling or hypnosis to quit smoking. Six months later hypnosis 26% of those in the group quit smoking, 18% of those in the counseling group quit smoking.

In another study, nine methadone patients using street drugs were hypnosis Done. Six months later, all patients stopped using drugs on the street altogether.

Some studies, hypnotherapyHe discovered that it can help improve self-confidence, reduce anger and impulsivity, manage anxiety, and treat insomnia in some groups of people.

Even so benefits of hypnosis Current research on it is limited and focuses on specific patient groups. More effective studies are needed to determine how it may affect the general population.

Lose Weight With Hypnosis

Research, besides the potential ability to change behavior, your hypnosis to lose weight show that it will provide.

In one study, 60 obese people with sleep apnea were divided into three groups, one for dietary advice, one for stress reduction. hypnotherapy and to reduce calorie intake to the other group hypnotherapy It is given.

After three months, all groups lost a comparable amount of weight. However, just for stress relief hypnotherapy the group that took it continued to lose weight after 18 months.

In another study, 109 people hypnosis whether or not he received behavioral therapy for weight loss. Two years later hypnotherapy group continued to lose weight, while the other group did not show any further change in weight loss.

In the analysis made as a result of these studies, cognitive behavioral therapy hypnosis It has been found that running it together with it nearly doubles the weight loss.

Other benefits of weight loss with hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy It not only helps with weight loss but also provides confidence and self control. A research group led by Volery and other French scientists focused on hypnosis, psychotherapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy in the treatment of depression associated with excessive body weight, anxiety, and psychological difficulties.

In addition to helping weight loss, this specific hypnotherapy form It has helped in other situations as well. 

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It reduces anxiety and stress

D. Corydon Hammond noted that self-hypnosis is an inexpensive and effective way to treat anxiety and other stress-related problems.

Helps treat diabetes

Weight management is an important factor in diabetes. Studies, hypnotherapyIt helps to improve metabolism, lower blood sugar levels and regulate weight in individuals with diabetes.

Treats eating disorders

Dietary habits affect body weight. Research, cognitive behavioral hypnotherapy(CBH) can help control cravings and reduce cravings.

Strengthens self-control

Controlling self-temptations about food is not an easy task. But hypnosisThis can increase self-control and help avoid calorie-dense foods.

Helps in long-term weight loss

Hypnosis It not only helps to lose weight, it also provides protection. Its results are long-term.

Hypnosis is more effective when combined with other weight loss methods.

Just hypnosisThere are few studies examining the effects of flour on weight loss. HypnosisMany studies showing that flour has a positive effect on weight loss have used it in conjunction with a weight management program.

In these studies hypnosisincreased the amount of weight loss when paired with dietary advice or behavioral treatment.

Alone hypnosisMore quality research is needed to determine how flour affects weight loss. To achieve the best results, use a treatment program that includes healthy diet and lifestyle changes. hypnotherapy It should be added.

Hypnotherapy is not a quick method

In some studies hypnosisWhile flour has been stated to increase weight loss, it should not be seen as a stand-alone treatment or magic cure for weight loss.

Actually, hypnosisMany studies have used it as a supplement to behavioral therapy or weight management programs that have benefited from.

Hypnosisshould be used as a tool to help change certain behaviors that can contribute to weight gain. It takes time and effort to see results.

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Is there any harm in hypnotherapy?

Hypnosis it is considered safe for most people. Adverse reactions are rare, but still not absent. Possible risks can be listed as follows:

- Headache



- Anxiety

- Trouble

- Incorrect memory creation

People experiencing hallucinations or delusions hypnotherapy should speak to their doctor before trying. Also, a person under the influence of drugs or alcohol should not be hypnotized.

Who should try hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapyis used to assist patients in a variety of ways, including behavioral changes, better quality of life, recovery from addiction, post-traumatic stress management, depression, anxiety, and pain management.

In most cases, hypnotherapy used as an additional therapeutic process. Therefore, he will evaluate the case and hypnotherapy The person who can recommend is the doctor.

How long does it take to lose weight with hypnotherapy?

The duration of therapy is case-specific, not the same for everyone. It may take weeks or months to reach your goal. The duration may vary if hypnotherapy is provided as supportive therapy.

For example, as an additional treatment a person hypnotherapy For general weight loss, if concomitantly treating with other medical or psychological conditions hypnosis period can vary.

As a result;

Studies, hypnotherapyfound that can be an effective tool for increasing weight loss, especially when paired with a behavioral therapy or weight management program.

Remember, hypnosisIt is more effective when used in addition to a lifestyle combined with a proper diet and exercise.

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