Reflux Disease Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

reflux Have you felt the fire before? If your answer is yes, you are not alone. People of all ages symptoms of refluxni lives.

In fact, in 20 percent of adults, daily or weekly gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) vardır.

Commonly referred to as heartburn, the more severe form is acid refluxso briefly reflux disease...

Causes of reflux pregnancy, poor and unhealthy diet, hiatal hernia, and wrong stomach acid levels.

Many of these cause stomach acid to cause a reddening of the throat, trigger a burning in the esophagus, or burping.

This discomfort is caused by a dysfunction of the esophageal sphincter, which must close as soon as the food passes through it. Reflux patientsThe passageway is not closed and the acid can exit the digestive system and cause various problems.

Reflux definitive solution The only way for them is to be treated. Reflux symptoms Many people have tried some over-the-counter medications, but this only provides temporary relief and can worsen symptoms if the problem is not resolved.

In this text "What is reflux", "symptoms of reflux", "how does reflux pass", "what is good for reflux", "reflux treatment", "reflux diet" topics will be discussed.

What is reflux?

Most people believe that this ailment is due to an excess of stomach acid, actually the opposite is true. Studies show that low stomach acid may be the main cause of this ailment.

In addition, acid rises in the esophagus from the stomach to the throat. As the acid enters the esophagus, it passes through a leaky valve. One of the reasons for this disease is gastric juice leaking into the passage because the esophageal valve is not closing properly.

Different food sensitivities and genetic problems with the gut can also create problems.

Symptoms of Reflux

There are a number of symptoms to understand this ailment. If you continue to experience these symptoms on a daily basis, it could be an indication of a chronic condition.

reflux solution

Symptoms of reflux The most common of them are:


Sour or bitter taste in the mouth throughout the day

Sleep problems related to coughing or waking up from cough

Gum problems, including bleeding and tenderness

Bad breath

Dry mouth

Bloating after or during a meal

- Nausea

Bloody vomiting due to damage to the esophageal lining

Hiccups that continue throughout the day

Burping after eating

Difficulty swallowing

Hoarse voice

Chronic sore throat and dryness

Causes and Risk Factors for Reflux

Below are the common causes and risk factors seen in most people with this disease.


Tissue damage caused by inflammation is one of the main causes. Studies show that when patients experience high levels of inflammation, they also have dysfunction in the esophagus. If left untreated, inflammation can turn into esophageal cancer.

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Lactose intolerance

Do your symptoms occur after eating certain foods? In this case, you may be allergic to milk and dairy products and your discomfort may be due to it. For example, lactose intoleranceheartburn caused by reflux painIt can increase. The cure is usually to take probiotics.

Hiatal Hernia

Another cause of inflammation and turbulence in your stomach is hiatal hernia. Hiatal hernia when the upper part of the stomach begins to protrude above the diaphragm and acid leaks from the stomach, as the diaphragm helps the chest to separate from the stomach may occur. Hiatal hernia is common in this condition.


Most older people do not have the stomach acid they need to digest food properly. Malnutrition (malnutrition) and antacids are the main culprits of low stomach acid in the elderly.

Additionally, if you have had an H. pylori infection, you are likely to experience it. As a result, H. pylori infections cause atrophic gastritis, which means the gastric mucosa is inflamed.


Most pregnant women are temporarily pregnant during their pregnancy. reflux disease lives. The reason for this is the position of the fetus. As the fetus grows, the esophagus exposed to acid exerts a new pressure on the valve.

To prevent this, pregnant women can lie on higher pillows, drink herbal teas, and eat smaller meals throughout the day.

Underdeveloped digestive system

Babies may experience such problems in the early period due to the underdeveloped digestive system. However, most cases seen in babies resolve spontaneously within 12 months.


Weight issues create additional pressure on the sphincter and valve, creating an opportunity for acid leaks. Obesity heavily gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) It is linked with. All studies on this show that as the weight of the patient increases, the symptoms also increase.

To smoke

Muscle reflexes can be impaired and cause increased acid production, so many patients must quit smoking to reduce symptoms.

Eating large portions

If you have such a condition, doctors often need to pay attention to portion sizes. reflux diet will recommend.

Doctors say you shouldn't snack right before going to sleep because it creates additional pressure and discomfort on the diaphragm so the acid can travel up the esophagus.

Supplements and Medications

Many people complain of the effects from taking ibuprofen, muscle relaxants, blood pressure medications, antibiotics, and acetaminophen. Studies also iron ve potassium It shows that its supplements exacerbate the inflammation associated with this ailment.


If you experience heartburn after eating, you may have an H. pylori infection. This is common in most patients and is due to stomach ulcers. If left untreated, patients may develop stomach cancer.

Chronic Cough

While researchers have not definitively established that chronic cough causes this ailment, coughing is another factor in the fact that more acid starts leaking into the esophagus.

Magnesium Deficiency

Are you getting enough magnesium? Doctors say that low magnesium levels lead to impaired function of the sphincter, which prevents acid from escaping.

What Is Good for Reflux?

Reflux treatmentincludes many factors, including how you chew your food. Therefore "How does reflux pass?" The answer to the question depends on many steps, including the following.

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reflux herbal treatment

Chewing Purposeful

Did you know that wrong chewing is the number one cause of low stomach acid? Incorrect chewing is the number one cause of this illness.

Chewing also tells your brain that a digestive process will occur! Chew food slowly and enjoy your meal.

Intermittent Fasting

Your body needs time to regain proper stomach acid, which can provide relief from this illness if you do not continue to eat and reflux treatmentwhat helps.

Intermittent fasting also helps control body fat and provides weight loss. For more information on this topic "How to Lose Weight with Intermittent Fasting?" read.

Diet for Reflux

Reflux dietThe purpose of is to improve the location of the leak. To do this, it is necessary to maintain proper stomach acid levels so that the pH is not too low or too high.

One of the best diets for this, recommended by experts. GAPS dietdir. The diet aims to reduce intestinal inflammation and includes simple foods that will speed up your body's recovery.

Digestive Enzymes

You should take a probiotic every morning and night to help balance your gut and maintain a healthy digestive system. Also vitamin U, Himalayan sea salt and Manuka honey You can also use.

Foods that are Good for Reflux

Doctors usually reflux disease He recommends a low-carb diet with special foods to help alleviate and eliminate his symptoms.

When you eat some of the things on this list, you will have proper valve function and experience less acid leakage.

Good for reflux food:

- Kefir and Yogurt

- Bone juice

- Fermented Vegetables

Apple cider vinegar

Green leafy vegetables


- Asparagus

- Cucumber

- Pumpkin and other types of squash

- wild-caught tuna and salmon

- Healthy Oils

Raw cow's milk and cheese (avoid if lactose intolerant)

- Almond

- Honey

What should reflux patients not eat?

Food that is harmful to reflux the following are and should be avoided:

- High-fat foods

- Tomato and Citrus

- Chocolate

- Garlic

- Onion

Spicy dishes

- Caffeine

- mint


Reflux Natural Treatment

Reflux Diet

All the research on this disease shows that diet and nutrition play an important role in symptoms.

Changes in your diet positively affect your gut and make it easier for your body to turn off the valves that leak acid into your esophagus.

Doctors can give patients a special diet to improve digestive health and overall health. Most of these diets will eliminate processed, non-organic foods and genetically modified foods (GMOs) as much as possible.

This means increasing fiber intake and taking probiotics. Reflux diet It will improve the flow of your digestive system and prevent chronic diseases associated with it.

How about reflux diet?

Reflux symptomsThere are certain foods that most doctors can exclude from their patients' diets because it makes their diet worse. These risky foods are:

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- Carbonated drinkssuch as sugary sodas

Fried foods

Spicy foods

Processed foods

Artificial sweeteners

Vegetable oils

Patients who eat organic and vegetable-based diets will have an increased chance of relieving symptoms.

It is recommended to eat probiotic foods such as yogurt and healthy fats including olive oil.


Natural supplements reflux symptomsIt can be useful to improve your health. Some of these are those:

Digestive enzymes

You can take one or two digestive enzyme pills before you start eating any meal. These enzymes help your body to fully digest nutrients and absorb nutrients.


To reduce the symptoms of this ailment, you can buy high-quality probiotics. By taking 25 to 50 billion units, you can add healthy bacteria to your body to balance the digestive system and expel bad bacteria that cause indigestion, malnutrition and leaky gut.

Pepsin with HCL

You can take a supplement containing 650 milligrams of HCL and pepsin before each meal for better digestion.

Herbal teas

You can drink chamomile tea or ginger tea to reduce inflammation.

Magnesium Complex Supplement

Magnesium is beneficial for those who experience burning and burping due to this ailment. Reflux symptomsIt is recommended that you take at least 400 milligrams of magnesium supplements per day to lighten your diet.

Other Ways to Improve Your Digestive Health

When trying to improve your digestive system, you should avoid high-fiber diets and allergens, as these pose risks to your gut.

Water intake is important, but you should not drink too much water during your meal.

Stress is an important issue for this disease. By exercising, you can support your digestive system and prevent acid from escalating due to stress.

You should stop eating 3 hours before going to bed. Food may not be digested when you eat just before going to sleep.

As a result;

Reflux treatment for;

Get help from a doctor for long-term treatment plans as well as nutritional and dietary information. Eat a well-balanced diet and avoid foods that will trigger discomfort.

Use probiotics and supplements to help your body maintain a balanced pH and reduce inflammation in your digestive system.

Avoid alcoholic, carbonated and sugary drinks that will increase inflammation in your stomach.

"Does the reflux pass?" Pay attention to what is written above as the answer to the question, consult a doctor and get treatment. If reflux is not treated It does not go away by itself.  

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