What Is Garlic Oil For, How Is It Used? Benefits and Making

Before the advent of modern medicine, our ancestors used miracles of nature to stay healthy. One of the most popular traditional remedies is garlic.

Garlic (Allium) is a relative of the onion family and one of the most widely used foods worldwide. Garlic has the ability to combat numerous diseases.

Garlic oilis made by crushing garlic cloves in vegetable oil and soaking. It is produced by steam distillation for large scale preparations. Like its source, garlic oil It also has high therapeutic value and can prevent hair loss, improve heart health, and treat some skin conditions.

What Is Garlic Oil?

Garlic oilis a strongly fragrant oil derived from garlic peels. It is prepared by the steam distillation process and is used for cooking and medicinal purposes. The high content of diallyl disulfide gives it a sharp aroma.

What Are The Benefits Of Garlic Oil?

From clearing chronic ear infection to boosting immunity, garlic oil provides many benefits. It can control hypertension and relieve toothache. Request Benefits of garlic oil...

It stimulates hair growth

Alopecia or hair loss It can occur for a variety of reasons. Genetic trends, environmental triggers, exposure to chemicals, drugs, oxidative stress, and long-term illness are some of them.

The trigger of a healing alopecia is nutritional deficiency.

Minerals such as zinc, calcium, iron, copper, chromium, iodine and magnesium are required to create hair fiber. biotinVitamin B (folic acid, pyridoxine and pantothenic acid), vitamin A and vitamin E protect the health of the scalp and hair follicle.

Getting these vitamins and minerals from food is the easiest way to stimulate hair growth. Spinach, broccoli and garlic peels are rich in these micronutrients. In this case, eating garlic or garlic oil applying it can prevent hair loss.

With garlic oil aromatherapy is also a good option. It can increase blood circulation in the scalp. Due to its phytochemical composition, garlic oil also exerts antibacterial activity.

It can be applied directly to the scalp or crushed a few garlics and mixed with yogurt to use as a mask.

It is an effective solution for skin diseases and wounds.

Garlic oil and its extracts have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, fibrinolytic and wound-healing properties that can replace conventional antibiotics and antiseptics.

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To female rats applying garlic oil reduced inflammation after surgery. Sulfur-containing compounds in garlic extracts accelerate the formation of new tissue and activate blood flow to open wounds.

Garlic extracts also atopic dermatitis, acne, psoriasisIt is effective in improving various skin conditions such as fungal infections, scars, wrinkles and other signs of aging.

Protects heart health

Garlic oilhas been found to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Its active ingredient, diallyl disulfide, is responsible for its anti-atherosclerotic effects. Increases fibrinolytic activity (prevents blood clots) in patients and healthy individuals.

Platelet aggregation is one of the first steps in the formation of blood clots. When these clots occur in the coronary or cerebral arteries, it can lead to myocardial infarction or ischemic stroke. Diets rich in garlic can prevent platelet aggregation or thrombosis.

Garlic oil It also improves the elasticity and circulation of blood vessels. Therefore, it can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD).

Improves fungal infections and diseases

Experimental studies, garlic oilIt has shown that it has excellent antifungal activity. Candida albicans ve Penicillium It prevents the growth of fungal species such as.

Garlic oilcan penetrate the membranes of fungal organelles. Microscopic observations, garlic oilIt has been revealed that the fungus damages mitochondria and vacuoles.

It alters the expression of some essential genes involved in the basic regulatory functions and pathogenicity of fungi.

Garlic oil and other garlic formulations candidiasisIt can be used to treat Other fungal diseases such as tinea pedis (foot infection), superficial mycoses (skin infection) and otomycosis (ear infection) can also be treated with this oil or extract.

It has immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory effects

Garlic oil and other garlic derivatives exhibit anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. Nitric oxide (NO) can suppress the production of pro-inflammatory cellular messengers such as prostaglandins and interleukins. Sulfur compounds act on immune system cells that trigger the production of such molecules.

Arachidonic acid is a precursor to several anti-inflammatory compounds such as prostaglandins. Garlic oilhas proven to be a potent arachidonic acid inhibitor. It can also inhibit enzymes involved in the synthesis of prostaglandins and other eicosanoids.

Animal studies, garlic oilhas proven its immunomodulatory effects. It is reported that treatment with this oil shifts the balance of Th1 and Th2 cells to Th2 cells.

Th1 cells are responsible for the production of inflammatory compounds while Th2 cells trigger the immune response (humoral or body) to reduce inflammation. This step includes antibodies and designated cells and brings the anti-inflammatory effect.

Improves brain health by preventing neurodegenerative diseases

Distilled garlic oilcontains various sulfur compounds such as diallyl disulfide (DADS) and diallyl trisulfide (DAT). These organic compounds prevent the oxidation and accumulation of cholesterol.

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Lipid peroxidation is one of the critical factors behind aging. Excess cholesterol / lipids can become oxidized and form amyloid plaques or clots in the brain, heart, and bloodstream.

Amyloid plaques can narrow blood vessels and cause blood clots that can ultimately cause neuron degeneration.

Rapid neuronal cell death leads to memory loss or dementia. In later stages, it can lead to Alzheimer's disease (AD), vascular dementia, and atherosclerosis.

Relieves toothaches and heals mouth sores

Garlic is widely used as a spice for its medicinal properties. Chewing garlic releases essential oils and phytochemicals into the oral cavity. These active elements mouth soresIt can heal oral ulcers, gums and toothache.

Garlic has broad spectrum antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. Applying a paste made of garlic directly to the affected teeth can relieve gingivitis.

Also oral bacteria (Streptococcus mutans, S. sanguis, S. Salivarius, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Lactobacillus spp.) It can prevent the formation of dental plaque.

Eliminates enteric (gout) pathogens

Garlic oilshows broad spectrum antimicrobial activity against intestinal (enteric) pathogens. It can also inhibit enteric bacteria that cause food poisoning.

Allicin and other organosulfur compounds found in this oil can cause stomach cancer and various gastrointestinal (GI) disorders. Helicobacter pylori - It is defined as active ingredients that show inhibitory effects against intestinal pathogens.

Has antiviral activity

Garlic extracts show antiviral activity. Human cytomegalo virus (HCMV), Influenza B virus, Herpes simplex virus type 1, Herpes simplex virus type 2, Parainfluenza virus type 3, vaccine virus, vesicular stomatitis virus and Human rhinovirus type 2 few viruses susceptible to these extracts.

Experiments have also proven that supplements containing allicin can prevent cold seizures. Ajoen, allicin, and allitridine are several antiviral compounds found in garlic extracts.

They increase the activity of NK cells (natural killer cells). These immune system cells destroy virus-infected cells.

Garlic phytochemicals also inactivate critical viral genes and increase the production of neutralizing antibodies in the blood.

Has insecticidal properties

Garlic oil It has been described as a powerful propellant. It has an anti-nutritional effect against blood-sucking parasites (hematopha arthropods).

Garlic oil It decreases the fertility (reproductive ability) of mites. Two spotted spider mites, insects, worms and other species garlic oilwere found to be sensitive to

Few studies garlic oilabout Rosemary oilsuggested that it is a better acaricide than jojoba oil or soybean-sunflower oil mixture.

What Are the Side Effects of Garlic Oil?

Although a lot of research has been done on the side effects of garlic, garlic oil There has not been much investigation into the harms of its use.

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However, we cannot think that it is completely safe. This is because, garlic oilIt contains phytochemicals such as allicin which are harmful to the liver (hepatotoxic) in high doses.

Evidence suggests the acute human health effects caused by these bioactive ingredients. Some of the symptoms are:


Bad breath


Coagulation dysfunction

Cardiovascular disease or condition

Gastrointestinal dysfunction


Irritation in open wounds

Where Is Garlic Oil Used?

Garlic oil There is no specific recommended dosage to use. The safest option would be to consult a healthcare professional.

Weigh the advantages and risks of why you want to use this oil.

Pure garlic oilis a product of the steam distillation of garlic. Although edible, it is considered tasteless and has a pungent odor.

How to Make Garlic Oil at Home

Grind four cloves of garlic in a heated saucepan.

- Pour half a glass (120 ml) of olive oil.

- Squeeze the garlic cloves directly into the pan with a garlic press or a ladle.

Mix the garlic and olive oil together so that the garlic is evenly distributed over the pan.

Heat the mixture over medium-low heat for 3 to 5 minutes.

- Cook the mixture, stirring occasionally, until the garlic is light brown and slightly crunchy.

- Do not let the oil boil. A light boiling is sufficient. (Avoid cooking the garlic. If it gets too dark, the oil will be bitter.)

- Remove the pan from the heat and pour the mixture into a bowl.

- Wait for the mixture to cool completely.

- If you do not want small pieces of garlic in your oil, you can strain it with a colander or sieve when you pour the mixture into the bowl. Leaving the garlic chunks in oil will create a stronger flavor as it continues to steep over time.

- Transfer contents to an airtight container and seal tightly.

You can keep the oil in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Things To Consider

- Homemade after five days, for safety and avoiding dangerous bacteria garlic oildiscard.

- If you want it to last longer garlic oilFreeze for up to a year.

- Garlic oilNever store at room temperature. It can cause botulism, a fatal food poisoning.

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