What Is Migraine, Why Does It Happen? Symptoms and Natural Treatment

Migraine It affects 10 in 1 people. The incidence was higher in women and students who attended school. Migraine it is a common condition and is nothing more than a nightmare for people who show symptoms.

Are you experiencing headaches from triggers such as stress, skipping meals or alcohol? 

Do symptoms worsen after strenuous activities and are accompanied by feelings of nausea and vomiting? 

If your answer to questions like this is yes migraine you are likely to have it. Request "What is a migraine disease, how is it diagnosed", "How to treat and prevent migraine", "What are natural solutions for migraine" Answers to your questions ...

What is Migraine?

Migraineis a condition that may be accompanied by sensory warning signs or preceded by severe headache. 

Headache caused by migraine it can take hours or even days. It is usually the result of sensory disturbances and mostly affects part of the head.

15 to 55 year olds are more migraine improves.

Migraine is of two types. This classification is based on whether the individual experiences any sensory disturbances (auras).

migraine-triggering fruits

What are the Types of Migraine?

Migraine with Aura

Migraineacts as a warning sign of impending headache in many individuals suffering from aura or sensory disturbances.

Common effects of an aura are as follows:

Confusion and difficulty speaking

- Perception of strange bright lights or zigzag lines in the surrounding visual field

Empty spots or blind spots in vision

Pins and needles sensation in any arm or leg

Stiffness in the shoulders, legs or neck

Detecting unpleasant odors

Here is what should not be ignored migraineSome unusual symptoms associated with:

An unusual severe headache

Ocular or ophthalmic migraine vision disorders, also known as

Loss of sensation

Difficulty speaking

Migraine Without Aura

Occurring without sensory disturbances or auras migraineis responsible for 70-90% of cases. Depending on the trigger, it can be classified into many other types:

Chronic Migraine

This type is for more than 15 days of the month migraine triggers headache.

Menstrual Migraine

Migraine attacks occur in a pattern related to the menstrual cycle.

Hemiplegic Migraine

This type causes temporary weakness on either side of the body.

Abdominal Migraine

This migraine occurs due to the irregular functioning of the bowel and stomach. It is common in children under the age of 14.

Migraine with Brainstem Aura

This is a rare type that causes neurological symptoms such as affected speech.

Vestibular migraine and basilar migraine other rare types of migrained.

migraine symptoms

What are the Symptoms of Migraine?

Moderate to severe headache that can occur on one side of the head

Severe throbbing pain

Increased pain during any physical activity or strain

- Inability to perform daily work

Nausea and vomiting

Increased sensitivity to sound and light, which can act as triggers

Several other symptoms that may be associated with migraine include changes in temperature, sweating, diarrhea, and stomach pain.

Although the exact cause of a migraine is not yet known, it is suspected to be caused by abnormal activity in the brain. 

Family history of the disease can make a person highly sensitive to triggers. Common factors believed to trigger migraine are as follows;

What are the Causes of Migraine?

Hormonal changes


Emotional triggers such as stress, anxiety, and depression

Physical causes such as fatigue, insomnia, muscle tension, poor posture and overstrain

- Jet lag

Low blood sugar

Alcohol and caffeine

Irregular meals


Medicines such as sleeping pills, birth control pills, and hormone replacement therapy drugs

- Environmental triggers such as flickering bright screens, strong smells, second-hand smoke and loud noises

All these factors risk of developing migrainescan increase the ni.

People usually migraine confuses it with a random headache. Therefore, it is necessary to know the difference between the two.

natural remedy for headaches

Differences Between Migraine and Headache


- It may not occur in a recognizable order.

Pain associated with a non-migraine headache is usually chronic and constant.

- A pressure or tension is felt in the head.

Symptoms do not change with physical activity.


Often, it occurs in a specific pattern.

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- It is much less common than other tension headaches.

Feels like a throbbing pain on the side of the head.

Symptoms tend to worsen with physical activity.

If you have developed a headache and your symptoms migraineIf it looks like, it is better to consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

Diagnosing Migraine

Doctor, diagnosed with migraine will likely look at your medical history, symptoms, and physical and neurological exam.

If your symptoms are unusual or complex, your doctor may recommend the following tests to rule out other complications:

Blood tests to test for problems with blood vessels or look for infections

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to look for tumor, stroke or internal bleeding in the brain

Computed tomography (CT) scan to diagnose tumors or infections

As of now treatment of migraine no. Medical treatments are often aimed at managing symptoms to prevent a full-blown migraine attack.

Treatment of Migraine

Medical treatments for migraine consists of:

Pain relievers

Medications to manage nausea and vomiting symptoms

- Botulinum toxin application

Surgical decompression

The last two surgical options only migraine symptomsFirst-line treatments aimed at alleviating the disease are considered when they do not work.

Natural Remedy for Migraine Pain and Home Treatment

natural remedies for migraine

Lavender oil


  • 3 drops of lavender oil
  • A diffuser
  • Su


Add three drops of lavender oil to a water-filled diffuser.

- Open the diffuser and breathe in the scent emitted.

You can also mix a drop of lavender oil with any carrier oil and apply it to your temples.

You can do this 1 to 2 times a day.

Lavender oil, migraine painIt has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that can help alleviate it. 

It can help reduce stress and anxiety, two of the common triggers of migraine attacks.

Chamomile Oil


  • 3 drops of chamomile oil
  • 1 teaspoon of coconut oil or another carrier oil


Mix three drops of chamomile oil in a teaspoon of coconut oil.

Mix well and apply to your temples.

Alternatively, you can inhale the aroma of chamomile oil using a diffuser.

You can do this 2-3 times a day until you notice an improvement in your headache.

Chamomile oilPotential anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties can be used to alleviate the symptoms of migraine.


Massage therapy migraine patients It has been found to be effective for. However, it is important that you get a massage by a professional. 

Massage applied to the upper area such as neck and spine, migraine It will be effective in reducing the pain associated with it.

vitamins that strengthen the immune system


You live type of migraineDepending on what it is, consuming certain vitamins can also help reduce symptoms.

Vitamin B complex, aura migraine vitamins E and C associated with increased prostaglandin levels, while they can help relieve symptoms menstrual migraineIt can be effective in the treatment of in.

Increase the intake of foods rich in these vitamins to deal with the condition. Foods rich in vitamin B complex are fish, eggs, poultry, milk and cheese.

Foods rich in vitamin E include nuts, sunflower seeds, and vegetable oils, Foods rich in vitamin C mainly citrus fruits and green leafy vegetables. If you plan to take additional supplements for these vitamins, consult a doctor.



  • Sliced ​​ginger
  • 1 cup of hot water


Add some ginger to a cup of hot water. Let it steep for 5 to 10 minutes and then strain.

Drink the hot ginger tea.

You can drink ginger tea 2-3 times a day.

Green tea


  • 1 teaspoon of green tea
  • 1 cup of hot water


Add a teaspoon of green tea to a cup of hot water.

Let it steep for 5 to 7 minutes and then strain. Drink hot tea.

You can drink green tea twice a day.

Green tea It has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties can help relieve migraine symptoms. 

Take omega 3

Consume 250-500 mg of omega 3 rich foods a day. Oily fish, soy, chia seeds, flax seeds, and walnuts are foods rich in omega 3. You can also take additional supplements for this nutrient after consulting your doctor.

Inflammation migraineIt is one of the main reasons. Omega 3's anti-inflammatory properties help in this regard. 


Acupressure is an alternative medical technique and its principle is similar to that of acupuncture. It aims to trigger certain pressure points in the body to help reduce pain and stress. 

Acupressure is usually performed by professionals. Like nausea migraine It may also help alleviate a few symptoms associated with the disease.

herbal remedy for migraine

Cold (Or Hot) Compress


  • An ice pack or compress


- Place an ice pack or squeeze it on the sore side of your head. Hold it there for 15-20 minutes.

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You can also place a cold compress on your neck for better effectiveness.

Alternatively, you can apply a warm compress or even switch between hot and cold therapies.

You can do this 1 to 2 times a day.

Cold and hot compresses are used to treat various types of pain. Anti-inflammatory, numbing and pain relieving nature of cold and hot compresses migraine pains is effective for.

What Are the Foods and Drinks That Trigger Migraine?

Nutrition, in the person to migraine pain does not cause but migraine pain For people who suffer, food and drinks are just one of several triggering factors.

Migraine patients10-60% of some foods migraine painsclaims to trigger.

Here "Which foods trigger migraine" The answer to the question ...

What are the foods that trigger migraine?

Aged Cheeses

Cheese, usually migraine trigger food It is defined as. The researchers state that aged cheeses contain high levels of tyramine, an amino acid that can affect blood vessels and trigger headaches.

Foods with high tyramine content include aged, dried or pickled foods such as cheddar cheese, salami, carrots.

Unfortunately, tyramine and migraine the evidence on it is mixed. Still, more than half of the studies are tyramine and migraine said that there is a relationship between tyramine and some people migraine trigger found that it could be an element.

It is estimated that about 5% of people suffering from migraine are sensitive to tyramine.


Chocolate widely foods that trigger migrainesis from. Both phenylethylamine and flavonoids, these two substances found in chocolate migraine It has been suggested that it could trigger. 

However, the evidence is conflicting. Several studies in people who are sensitive to chocolate migrainefound that it can trigger i.

The goal of this process is to test the role and privilege manipulation in order to access the resources of a migraine patientsa small study in a day in which 12 of 5 participants ate chocolate. migraine attacks found that.

However, many other studies are associated with chocolate consumption. migraine could not find a link between. 

For this reason, most people have migraine It is likely not a major factor for the problem. However, those who see chocolate as a trigger should stay away from chocolate.

Dry or processed meats

Sausages or some processed meats contain preservatives known as nitrates or nitrites, and processed meats are usually migraine triggers reported as.

Nitrites cause blood vessels to dilate migraine They can trigger.

potato carbohydrate

Fatty and fried foods

Oil, migraine may affect sensitivity. This may be because high levels of fat in the blood lead to prostaglandin production.

Prostaglandins can cause blood vessels to dilate, potentially migraineE and may cause an increase in headache.

A study on this association found that, at the beginning of the study, participants who consumed a high-fat diet containing more than 69 grams of fat per day experienced almost twice as many headaches than those who consumed less fat.

They also found that after reducing their fat intake, the participants' headache frequency and intensity decreased. Approximately 95% of the participants reported a 40% improvement in headaches.

Another study on a low-fat diet found similar results with a reduction in headache and frequency.

Some chinese food

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a controversial flavor enhancer added to some Chinese dishes and processed foods to increase flavor.

Reports of headaches in response to MSG consumption have been common for several decades. However, the evidence for this effect is controversial, and no well-designed studies have migraine could not find a connection between them.

Alternatively, the typically high fat or salt contents of these foods can be blamed. 

However, MSG is often a headache and migraine trigger continues to be reported. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid monosodium glutamate for migraine.

Coffee, tea and soda

Caffeine it is often used to treat headaches. But interestingly, some evidence is indirectly that it triggers migraines shows.

It is a well-known phenomenon that headaches occur, especially when caffeine is consumed too much.

This condition occurs when blood vessels reopen after contracture in response to caffeine consumption. In those who are susceptible to this effect migrainei can trigger it.

What are the artificial sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners

Aspartame is a type of artificial sweetener that is frequently added to foods and beverages to give sugar flavor without adding sugar. 

Some people complain that they develop headaches after consuming aspartame, but most studies have found little or no effect.

Aspartame migraineThere are several studies that investigate whether it has adverse effects on people who suffer from skin cancer.

Unfortunately, studies are small, but they found that some migraine patients had headaches affected by aspartame.

One of these studies found that more than half of the 11 participants consumed large amounts of aspartame. migraine found that its frequency increased. Therefore, migraine patientsIt is thought that some of them may be sensitive to aspartame.

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Alcoholic beverages

Alcoholic beverages are one of the oldest known triggers for headaches and migraines. Unfortunately, the cause is not clear.

People with migraine, for people without migraines tend to drink less alcohol and as part of the hangover process migraine symptoms seem more likely than others.

People generally prefer red wine rather than alcohol. migraine trigger as they show. It is thought that compounds such as histamine, sulfides or flavonoids, especially found in red wine, may trigger headaches.

As a proof, one study found that drinking red wine caused headaches. However, the exact reason for this is still unknown.

Regardless of what alcoholic beverages migraine pain It is estimated that it can trigger migraine in about 10% of people living. Most migraine suffererand those who are particularly sensitive should limit their alcohol consumption.

Cold food and drinks

Many people know headaches triggered by cold or frozen foods and beverages, such as ice cream. However, these foods and beverages may affect sensitive people. migrainei can trigger it.

In one study, they asked participants to hold an ice cube between their tongue and palate for 90 seconds to examine cold-related headaches.

76 participants in this test migraine suffererThey found that 74% of them triggered a headache. On the other hand, migraine triggered pain in only 32% of those suffering from headaches other than those.

In another study, in the previous year migraine women who have had a possibility of developing headaches after drinking ice-cold water, migraine pain It was found to be twice as high as for women who did not live.

Therefore, who realize that their headaches are triggered by cold food migraine patients Avoid icy cold or frozen foods and beverages, frozen yogurt and ice cream.

Nutrition and some nutrients, migraine It is one of many factors that can trigger it. Therefore migraine patientscan relax by avoiding foods to which they are sensitive.

To understand which foods cause headache attacks, keep a food diary. You can find out which food affects you by writing down foods that increase or decrease your headaches.

Also, don't forget to pay special attention to the foods and drinks in the list above. Limiting common food triggers, migraineIt will help reduce the frequency and severity of in.

the difference between fruit and vegetables

What Should People With Migraine Eat?

Foods that can help prevent or treat migraine include:

Omega 3 rich foods

Salmon or sardines, nuts, seeds help control blood flow and reduce inflammation.

Organic, fresh fruits and vegetables

These foods are high in magnesium and other important electrolytes, which are particularly important for preventing electrolyte imbalance as well as controlling blood flow and muscle function. 

They also provide antioxidants that help reduce inflammation, prevent the effects of toxin exposure, and balance hormones.

Magnesium-rich foods

Some of the best sources are spinach, chard, pumpkin seeds, yogurt, kefir, almonds, black beans, avocados, figs, dates, bananas, and sweet potatoes.

Lean protein

These include grass-fed beef and poultry, wild fish, beans, and legumes.

Foods containing B vitamins

Some research suggests that migraine sufferers may benefit from consuming more B vitamins, especially vitamin B2 (riboflavin). 

Riboflavin sources include meat offal and other meats, certain dairy products, vegetables such as green leafy vegetables, beans and legumes, and nuts and seeds.

What Can Be Done to Prevent Migraine?

- Do not overstrain yourself.

- Get regular and adequate sleep (seven to eight hours).

- Reduce your tea and coffee intake.

- Walking for 10 minutes in the fresh air in the morning will help you feel energetic.

- Try to avoid spicy foods as much as possible.

Consume cinnamon, ginger, cloves and black pepper.

- Reduce the brightness of electronic gadgets.

- Wear sunglasses when going out in the sun.

- Drink enough water.

- Keep your weight and stress levels under control.

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