What Is Acne Vulgaris, How Does It Pass? Treatment and Nutrition Tips

Acne vulgarisis a condition commonly known as acne and affects 11% of people between the ages of 30 and 80. In adults, it is called hormonal acne. Hormones; bacteria, along with many other factors such as skin cell abnormalities, genetics, and stress levels are involved in its progression.

Although the disease is typically treated with medication, nutrition plays a powerful role in controlling and reducing symptoms.

What is Acne Vulgaris?

Acne vulgaris or a skin disease characterized by acne, blackheads, whiteheads, inflammation, rash, skin redness, and sometimes deep lesions. It is classified as follows according to its seriousness;

acne vulgaris acne

Mild acne

Non-inflammatory lesions, few inflammatory lesions, or both

Moderate acne

More inflammatory lesions, rarely nodules - firm, painful lesions or both and mild scarring

Severe acne

Extensive inflammatory lesions, nodules, or both, and ongoing moderate acne that did not improve with treatment after 6 months, or any scarring of severe psychological stress

Acne vulgaris It typically occurs in parts of the body, where the sebaceous glands have small oil-producing glands that are affected by hormones. These are found on the face, back, chest, neck, and upper arms.

In severe cases, the skin changes shape and permanent scars may occur, which can cause serious emotional distress, which can lead to depression and isolation from society.

Although the condition is common during teen years, it can continue into adulthood and in some people it can persist throughout their lifetime.

What Causes Acne Vulgaris?

The factors that can lead to this are complex and manifest as a combination of many factors. Genetic predisposition, excess sebum in the sebaceous glands or hormonal fluctuations that cause oil production, inflammation, follicular hyperkeratinization and bacterial colonization acne vulgarisi can trigger it.

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Hormones play an important role in acne formation, which is why it is often referred to as "hormonal acne." It occurs during adolescence, regardless of gender, due to the increase in sex hormone levels during this period.

In women, it also occurs later in life related to hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy, premenopause, and when using hormonal birth control.

How to Eat for Acne Vulgaris Treatment?

Studies show that diet change acne vulgaris It has shown that it can significantly reduce their symptoms. The following are evidence-based ways to keep the ailment under control.

Control blood sugar

Low to control acne glycemic index diet It is necessary to prevent fluctuation of blood sugar. Glycemic index (GI)is a measure of how slowly or quickly a food raises blood sugar levels.

Eating high-glycemic foods such as soda, white bread, candy, sugared cereal and ice cream causes dramatic fluctuations in blood sugar and aggravates acne.

Eating sugary foods raises levels of insulin, a hormone. This stimulates the release of other hormones such as insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). This increase in hormones leads to hyperkeratinization and excessive sebum production, which can worsen acne.

Some studies have shown significant reductions in acne in people following a low glycemic index and high protein diet.

Therefore, cut back on refined carbohydrates such as pasta, pastries, and white bread, as well as sugary foods and beverages. acne vulgaris symptomsNi will improve.

Cut the milk and dairy products

Milk and dairy products are thought to support insulin secretion and hormone production such as IGF-1, which are known to contribute greatly to the development of acne.

A review of fourteen studies with 78.529 children and adults ages seven to thirty found that consumption of any dairy product, including milk, cheese, and yogurt, was associated with a greater risk of acne.

Similarly, research, whey protein It has been suggested that consuming a milk-derived protein - may be associated with acne.

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Eat natural and nutritious foods

Anti-inflammatory nutrition, acne vulgarisIt is one of the best ways to naturally treat and prevent. Given that inflammation causes acne, choosing foods that reduce inflammation is crucial.

Fatty fish and fish instead of oil sources rich in potentially inflammatory omega 6 fatty acids, such as canola oil and soybean oil chia seeds Choosing anti-inflammatory omega 3 oil sources such as reducing acne symptoms.

Consuming colorful vegetables and fruits is another way to reduce inflammation and acne symptoms. These provide the body with anti-inflammatory antioxidants and preventive nutrients such as vitamin C.

Foods to Eat and Avoid

Studies have shown that refined foods, dairy, and sugary foods and beverages are acne vulgaris It may be associated with the development and worsen symptoms.

What are the Recommended Foods and Drinks?

Vegetables: Broccoli, spinach, cabbage, peppers, zucchini, cauliflower, carrots, beets, etc.

Fruits: Grapefruit, orange, apple, cherry, banana, pear, grape, peach, berry fruit etc.

Whole grains and starchy vegetables: Sweet potato, quinoa, pumpkin, brown rice, oats, buckwheat, etc.

Healthy oils: Egg, olive oil, avocado, nuts, coconut oil, etc.

Plant-based milk alternatives: Cashew milk, almond milk, coconut milk, 

High quality protein: Salmon, chicken, turkey, egg, shellfish, etc.

legumes: Chickpeas, beans, lentils, kidney beans, etc.

Anti-inflammatory herbs and spices: Such as turmeric, cinnamon, black pepper, parsley, garlic, ginger, red pepper

Sugar-free drinks: Such as water, mineral water, green tea, herbal teas, lemon juice

What are the Foods and Drinks to Avoid?

Milk and milk products: Milk, cheese, yoghurt, etc.

Highly processed foods: Fast food, frozen meals, sugary cereals, chips, microwave meals, white bread, etc.

Sweets and sugary drinks: Candy, cake, soda, cookies, table sugar, energy drinks, sugary sports drinks, fruit juice, etc.

Acne Vulgaris Treatment and Nutritional Supplements

Studies show that supplementing with certain vitamins, minerals, and other compounds acne vulgarisit shows i can lighten it.

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Vitamin D

Studies have linked low vitamin D levels with acne. Due to the vitamin's potent anti-inflammatory properties, researchers suggest that a deficiency in this nutrient acne vulgaris reveals that it can worsen their symptoms.

You can consult a doctor for a test for vitamin D deficiency. Your doctor will identify a vitamin deficiency and recommend a nutritional supplement.

Green tea

Green tea It is known to contain powerful antioxidants and have powerful anti-inflammatory effects. Studies show that supplementing with green tea acne vulgaris show that it is beneficial for.

Green tea extract is widely available, but be sure to talk to your doctor before trying a new supplement for treatment.

Apart from vitamin D and green tea extract, the following nutritional supplements are also acne vulgaris symptomsIt can help reduce:

Fish oil

Some evidence suggests that supplementing with fish oil rich in omega 3 fatty acids reduces acne severity in some people.

B vitamins

Supplementing with B vitamins, acne vulgaris may be beneficial to some people. However, high doses of B12 injections can cause acne in some people.


Oral zinc supplements have been shown to reduce acne severity in many studies and zinc plays a critical role in maintaining skin health.


Some research suggests that probiotics can reduce skin inflammation and other acne symptoms.

As a result;

Acne vulgarisis a skin disease that affects many people of all ages. Along with traditional acne treatments like medications, nutrition is an alternative and natural way to cure.

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