How Many Calories Are in Tea? Harm and Side Effects of Tea

Tea is one of the most popular and consumed beverages in the world.

The most popular varieties are green, black and oolong tea - all Camellia sinensis It is made from the leaves of the plant.

Tea has been used in traditional medicine for its healing properties for centuries. Modern research also indicates that the plant compounds in tea may be effective in reducing the risk of chronic conditions such as cancer, obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. 

Though healthy when drunk in the dose, 3-4 glasses a day (710-950 ml) The harms of drinking too much tea can.

Here The harms of drinking excessive tea...

The Harm of Drinking Too Much Tea

the harms of excess tea

Decreases iron absorption

Tea is a rich source of a class of compounds called tannins. Tannins can bind to iron in some foods and become unavailable for absorption in the digestive system.

iron deficiencyis one of the most common nutrient deficiencies in the world, if your iron levels are low, drinking too much teamay aggravate the situation.

The exact amount of tannins in tea varies depending on the type and how it is prepared. Drinking 3 or less glasses (710 ml) a day is safe for most people.

If your iron levels are low and you like to drink tea, you can drink it between meals. Thus, the body's ability to absorb iron is less affected.

Increases anxiety, stress and restlessness

Tea leaves naturally kafein includes. Consuming caffeine from tea or another source triggers feelings of anxiety, stress, and restlessness. 

An average cup (240 ml) of tea contains approximately 11-61 mg of caffeine, depending on the type and brewing method.

Black teacontains more caffeine than green and white varieties, and the longer you brew the tea, the higher the caffeine content.

According to research, consuming less than 200 mg of caffeine a day does not cause anxiety. Still, it's important to remember that some people are more sensitive to the effects of caffeine than others. 

You can also choose decaffeinated herbal teas. Herbal teas, Camellia sinensis They are not considered to be true tea because they are not derived from the plant. Instead, it is made from a variety of decaffeinated ingredients such as flowers, herbs, and fruits.

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It causes insomnia

Tea naturally contains caffeine, drinking excessively can interfere with sleep. 

Melatoninis a hormone that tells the brain that it's time to sleep. Some studies show that caffeine can inhibit melatonin production, resulting in decreased sleep quality.

People metabolize caffeine at different rates, and it's hard to predict exactly how it affects everyone's sleep patterns.

If you have insomnia or poor sleep quality and drink caffeinated tea regularly, try reducing your caffeine consumption, especially if you also consume other caffeine-containing beverages.

Does black tea touch the stomach?

Makes nausea

Some compounds in tea can cause nausea, especially when drunk in large amounts or on an empty stomach.

The tannins in the tea leaves are responsible for the bitter and dry taste of the tea. The hard nature of tannins can irritate the digestive tissue, potentially leading to uncomfortable symptoms such as nausea or stomach pain.

The amount of tea that causes this effect varies according to the person. While sensitive individuals may experience these symptoms after drinking 1-2 glasses (240-480 ml) of tea, some may drink more than 5 glasses (1,2 liters) without any negative effects.

After drinking tea If you experience any of these symptoms afterwards, you can reduce the total amount of tea you drink.

You can also drink the tea by adding milk. Tannins bind to proteins and carbohydrates in foods, which minimizes digestive system irritation. 

May cause heartburn

Caffeine in tea can cause heartburn or pre-existing acid reflux may exacerbate your symptoms. 

Studies show that caffeine relaxes the sphincter that separates the esophagus from the stomach and allows acidic stomach contents to pass more easily into the esophagus.

Caffeine may also cause an increase in total stomach acid production. 

Of course, drink tea does not necessarily cause heartburn. People react differently to the same foods.

May cause pregnancy complications

Taking high levels of caffeine from beverages such as tea during pregnancy increases the risk of complications such as low baby birth weight and miscarriage.

Data on the dangers of caffeine during pregnancy are unclear, but most studies have indicated that it is safe to keep your daily caffeine intake below 200-300mg. 

Some people prefer decaffeinated herbal teas over regular tea to avoid caffeine exposure during pregnancy. However, not all herbal teas are safe to consume during pregnancy.

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For example, herbal teas containing black cohosh or licorice can cause premature birth, so these herbal teas should be avoided. 

Benefits of drinking black tea

Headaches may occur

Occasional caffeine consumption, certain headache It can help alleviate types of symptoms, but frequent drinking can have the opposite effect. 

Regularly taking caffeine from tea can cause recurring headaches.

Some research suggests that as little as 100mg of caffeine per day can contribute to a daily headache recurrence, but the exact amount needed to trigger a headache may vary depending on a person's tolerance.

May cause dizziness

While dizziness is not a common side effect of tea, it may be because of too much caffeine from tea.

This symptom can occur when drinking about 400-500 cups (6-12 liters) of tea at a dose higher than 1.4-2.8 mg. It can also occur in smaller doses in sensitive individuals.

You shouldn't drink too much tea at a time. If you notice frequent dizziness after drinking tea, reduce the tea and see a doctor.

Caffeine addiction may occur

Caffeine is an addictive stimulant, regular intake from tea or any other source can lead to addiction.

Someone addicted to caffeineWhen not taking caffeine, he feels headache, irritability, increased heart rate, and fatigue.

The level of exposure required to develop addiction can vary significantly depending on the individual. 

How Many Calories Are in Tea?

Tea is a beverage consumed by two-thirds of the world's population. We are one of the leading countries in the world in tea consumption. We drink cups of tea during the day.

Would you add sugar to the tea or do you drink it without sugar? Well "How many calories in tea" Have you ever wondered? 

If you are wondering about the calories of this drink, which has an important place in our lives, here is it. "How many calories in 1 cup of tea", "how many calories in sugared tea", "how many calories in unsweetened tea" The answer to your questions ...

calories of tea

How many calories in unsweetened tea?

Tea, Camellia sinensis It is a minimally processed beverage prepared by pouring hot water over the leaf, bud or stem of the plant.

Because these parts of the plant contain only trace amounts of carbohydrates, tea is virtually calorie free.

For example, 240 ml of freshly brewed black tea has 2 calories that is considered negligible.

Although tea has almost no calories, added ingredients such as milk and sugar increase its calories significantly.

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Green, black, oolong and white teas

These four teas, Camellia sinensis The difference is in the way the leaves are fermented.

When prepared with just hot water, their calorie count is as low as 240-2 calories per 3 ml cup.

Usually these teas are drunk sweetened with sugar and honey. When you add just 1 teaspoon (4 grams) of sugar to tea, you add 16 calories to your drink, and 1 calories with 21 tablespoon (21 grams) of honey.

which herbal tea is good for the stomach

Herbal teas

Herbal teas, Camellia sinensis It is made by infusing herbs, dried fruits, leaves, flowers or buds from other plants.

Some popular herbal teas are chamomile, peppermint, lavender, rooibos and hibiscus tea, which are famous for their therapeutic properties.

Like traditional teas, calorie content is considered insignificant. Hibiscus teaı However, if you add a sweetener or milk, the calorie count goes up.

As a result;

Tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world. Not only is it delicious, but it's also linked to numerous health benefits, such as reduced inflammation and lower risk of chronic disease.

While moderate consumption is healthy for most people, drinking too much can lead to negative side effects such as anxiety, headaches, digestive problems, and disturbed sleep patterns.

Most people can drink 3-4 cups (710-950 ml) of tea per day without any side effects, but some may experience side effects at lower doses.

Most of the known side effects associated with drinking tea are related to their caffeine and tannin contents. Some people are more sensitive to these compounds than others. Therefore, you need to be careful about how your tea habit can affect you personally.

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