What Is Melatonin Hormone, What Does It Do, What Does It Have? Benefits and Dosage

Melatoninis a widely used dietary supplement around the world. It is most popularly used to relieve insomnia. It also has powerful effects for health.

In this text "What is melatonin? What does it do? "Melatonin hormone benefits" and vemelatonin use " Detailed information about the company is given.

What is Melatonin?

Melatonin hormoneis a hormone produced by the pineal gland in the brain. It is responsible for regulating the body's circadian rhythm to manage the natural sleep cycle.

Because, melatonin supplement, insomnia Used to combat problems such as. 

In addition to sleep, it also plays a role in managing immune function, blood pressure, and cortisol levels. It also acts as an antioxidant, according to some research findings.

Studies have shown that this hormone supplement can improve eye health, reduce symptoms of seasonal depression, and even show that refluxshows that he can get rid of it.melatonin capsule

What Does Melatonin Do?

It is a hormone that regulates the body's circadian rhythm. The circadian rhythm is the body's internal clock. It notifies you when it's time to sleep, wake up and eat.

This hormone also helps regulate body temperature, blood pressure, and hormone levels. When it gets dark, its levels in the body begin to rise and inform the body that it is time to sleep.

It also binds to the body's receptors and helps relax. While darkness increases the production of this hormone, conversely, light sleep hormone productionIt suppresses. This is one way your body understands that it's time to wake up.

People who can't produce enough of this hormone at night melatonin deficiency they live and have trouble falling asleep. At night melatonin hormone deficientThere are many factors that can cause rash.

Stress, smoking, excessive light exposure at night (including blue light), shift work that doesn't get enough natural light during the day, and aging affect the production of this hormone.

Melatonin hormone pill Taking it can raise the levels of this hormone and normalize the internal clock.

What Are the Benefits of Melatonin?

Supports sleep

Melatonin sleep hormone It is called. It is the most popular supplement used to treat problems such as insomnia. Multiple studies melatonin and sleep supports the relationship between.

In a study in 50 people with sleep problems, two hours before bedtime melatonin sleeping pill It has been found that taking it increases the speed of falling asleep and overall sleep quality.

A large analysis of 19 studies in children and adults with sleep disorders found that supplementation of this hormone reduced the time to fall asleep, improved total sleep time and sleep quality.

Additionally, it helps with jet lag, a temporary sleep disorder. Jet lag occurs when the body's internal clock is not synchronized with the new time zone.

Shift workers may experience symptoms of jet lag as they work when they should normally be asleep. The sleep hormone melatoninHelps reduce jet lag by synchronizing the body's internal clock with time changes.

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For example, an analysis of 10 studies investigated the effects of this hormone in people traveling for five or more time frames and discovered that it was effective in reducing the effects of jet lag.

Reduces the symptoms of seasonal depression

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also called seasonal depression, is a common condition that is estimated to affect 10% of the world's population.

This type of depression is associated with changes in the seasons and occurs at the same time each year, and symptoms usually occur in the fall or winter.

Some research suggests that this may be due to changes in circadian rhythm caused by seasonal light changes.

As it plays a role in regulating the circadian rhythm, melatonin depression It is mostly used in low doses to reduce symptoms.

According to a study in 68 people, changes in circadian rhythm were noted to contribute to seasonal depression and melatonin capsuleDaily intake was effective in reducing symptoms.

Increases growth hormone levels

Human growth hormone released naturally during sleep. Taking supplements of this hormone in healthy young men can help increase growth hormone levels.

Studies show that this hormone can make the pituitary gland, the growth hormone-releasing organ, more sensitive to the growth hormone-releasing hormone.

In addition, studies have reported both low (0.5 mg) and higher (5.0 mg) melatonin dosagehas shown that they are effective in stimulating growth hormone release.

melatonin hormone deficiency

Supports eye health

Melatonin pillIt is high in antioxidants, which can help prevent cell damage and keep eyes healthy.

Research, melatonin usersof glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration It states that it has beneficial effects in the treatment of ailments such as (AMD).

In a study in 100 people with AMD, 6 mg for 24-3 months melatonin tablet supplementation helped protect the retina, delay age-related damage, and maintain visual clarity.

Additionally, one rat study found that this hormone reduced the severity and incidence of retinopathy, an eye disease that affects the retina and can lead to vision loss.

Helps treat GERD

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition caused by the backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus, resulting in symptoms such as heartburn, nausea, and vomiting.

It is stated that this hormone inhibits the secretion of stomach acids. It also reduces the production of nitric oxide, a compound that relaxes the esophageal sphincter and allows stomach acid to enter the esophagus.

Therefore, some research melatonin pillHe says that can be used to treat heartburn and GERD. In a study of 36 people, melatonin supplement Taken alone or with omeprazole, a common GERD drug, it was effective in relieving heartburn and discomfort.

In another study, omeprazole and melatonin supplement compared effects with various amino acids, vitamins and plant compounds in 351 people with GERD.

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After 40 days of treatment, melatonin users100% reported a reduction in symptoms compared to only 65.7% of the group receiving omeprazole.

Reduces tinnitus symptoms

Tinnitus is a condition in which ringing in the ears is felt constantly. It often worsens in situations of silence, such as when trying to fall asleep.

Taking supplements of this hormone can help reduce tinnitus symptoms and sleep. 

In one study, 61 adults with tinnitus received 30 mg at bedtime for 3 days. melatonin supplement took. The effects of tinnitus have decreased and sleep quality has improved significantly.

 Melatonin Side Effects and Dosage

Melatoninis a hormone produced by the pineal glands in the brain, especially at night. It prepares the body for sleep. This is why it is called "sleep hormone" or "dark hormone".

Melatonin supplements mostly insomnia those who have problems use it. It helps to fall asleep, improve sleep quality and prolong sleep.

Sleep is not the only body function affected by melatonin. This hormone also plays a role in the body's antioxidant defense and helps regulate blood pressure, body temperature, and cortisol levels, as well as sexual and immune function.

Melatonin use is increasing day by day and brings some concerns. Therefore "Melatonin harms and side effects" Let's take a look at what.

melatonin sleeping pill

Side Effects of Melatonin

Studies show that this hormone supplement is safe for both short and long-term use in adults and is not addictive. 

However, despite concerns that using this supplement may reduce the body's ability to reproduce naturally, various studies show otherwise.

MelatoninAs long-term studies on the effects of in adults have been conducted on adults, it is currently not recommended for children, pregnant women, or breastfeeders. 

Some of the most commonly reported side effects associated with this hormone supplement nausea, headachedizziness and daytime sleepiness.

It can also interact with some medications, including antidepressants, blood thinners, and blood pressure medications. 

If you are taking any of these medications, talk to your doctor before taking this supplement to avoid side effects.

Interaction with sleeping pills

A study sleeping medicine zolpidemia melatonin pill found that taking it together with zolpidem increases the negative effects on memory and muscle performance.

Decreased body temperature

This hormone supplement causes a slight drop in body temperature. While this is usually not a problem, it can be a problem for people who have trouble keeping themselves warm or who are very cold.

Blood thinning

This hormone supplement can reduce blood clotting. As a result, you should talk to your doctor before using it with warfarin or other blood thinners.

Melatonin dosage

This hormone supplement can be taken in doses of 0.5-10 mg per day. However, since not all supplements are the same, it is best to use the recommended dosage on the label to avoid negative side effects. 

Also, start with a lower dose and increase as needed to find out what works for you.

If you are using this to improve sleep quality, take it 30 minutes before bedtime for maximum effect. 

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If you are using it to correct your circadian rhythm and create a more regular sleep schedule, you should take it 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Increase Melatonin Levels Naturally

Even without supplements melatonin levelyou can increase your

- Turn off all lights in your home a few hours before bedtime and do not watch TV or use your computer or smartphone. 

Too much artificial light in the brain sleep hormone production, which makes it difficult for you to fall asleep.

- You can strengthen the sleep-wake cycle by exposing yourself to plenty of natural light, especially in the morning. 

Natural melatonin Other factors associated with low levels are stress and shift work.

What Are Foods Containing Melatonin?

Melatonin levels begin to rise in our bodies when it's dark outside, signaling our bodies that it's time to sleep.

It also binds to receptors in the body and helps relaxation. For example, melatonin binds to receptors in the brain and reduces nerve activity. In the eyes, a hormone that helps you stay awake dopamine It helps to reduce their levels.

There are many factors that can cause low levels of melatonin at night. Stress, smoking, exposure to too much light at night (including blue light), not getting enough natural light during the day, shift work, and aging affect melatonin production.

Taking a melatonin supplement can help protect against low levels and normalize your internal clock.

However, melatonin has some side effects. It is necessary to increase the melatonin levels in the body naturally rather than taking a supplement. For this, we will use food that supports melatonin production.

What are the foods containing melatonin

Foods Containing Melatonin

Some foods naturally melatonin production It encourages and is therefore great for dinner or a light night snack:

- Banana

- cherry

- Oat

- sugar corn

- Rice


- Barley

- Tomato

- Radish 

tryptophan foods that also contain foods containing melatonin They can be considered in the category because they trigger the production of serotonin, which is needed to make sleep hormones:

- dairy products

- Soy

- Hazelnut

- Sea products

Turkey and chicken

Whole grains

Beans and legumes

- Rice

- Egg

Sesame seeds

- Sunflower seeds

Some micronutrients, including melatonin productionIt is important:

- Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate)


- magnesium

- Folic acid

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