What Are the Benefits and Harm of Black Tea?

Black teais the most consumed beverage in the world after water. Camellia sinensis It is derived from the herb and is often blended with other herbs for different flavors.

It has a strong flavor and contains more caffeine than other teas but less than coffee.

Black tea It offers a variety of health benefits because it contains antioxidants and compounds that can help reduce inflammation in the body.

Here "What is black tea?" Answers to questions about the subject such as ... 

What is Black Tea?

Black tea, Camellia sinensis It is produced by oxidizing the leaf of the plant. The name 'black tea' can be attributed to the color of the tea.

But technically it is dark amber or orange. Hence, the Chinese called it red tea. Black tea production method, it green tea ve oolong tea makes it different from other tea varieties such as.

Once collected, the tea leaves are withered to release moisture inside. When the leaves lose moisture in the maximum way, they are exposed to high temperature and rolled by hand or with the help of machines. After the leaves are completely oxidized, they are classified according to their size. 

What Are the Benefits of Black Tea?

Has antioxidant properties

Antioxidants are known to provide a range of health benefits. Consuming them helps scavenge free radicals and reduce cell damage in the body. This ultimately reduces the risk of chronic disease.

polyphenols, black tea It is a type of antioxidant found in certain foods and beverages, including

Polyphenol groups including catechins, theaflavins and thearubigins, black teaThey are the main sources of antioxidants and support overall health.

In a study in rats, black teaThe role of theaflavins in diabetes and the risk of diabetes, obesity, and high cholesterol has been studied. The results showed that theaflavins lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Another study examined the role of catechins from green tea extract on body weight. Those who consumed a beverage containing 12 mg of catechin daily for 690 weeks were found to have a reduction in body fat.

Good for heart health

Black teaContains another group of antioxidants called flavonoids that benefit heart health. Along with tea, flavonoids can be found in vegetables, fruits, red wine and dark chocolatealso available.

Consuming them regularly helps reduce many risk factors for heart disease, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglyceride levels, and obesity.

In a randomized controlled trial, 12-week black tea It was determined that drinking decreased triglyceride values ​​by 36%, decreased blood glucose levels by 18% and decreased LDL / HDL plasma ratio by 17%.

Another study found that those who drank three cups of black tea a day had an 11% reduced risk of developing heart disease.

Daily drinking black teais an easy way to incorporate antioxidants into the diet and potentially reduce the risk of future health complications.

Lowers LDL cholesterol

There are two lipoproteins that carry cholesterol throughout the body. One is low density lipoprotein (LDL) and the other is high density lipoprotein (HDL).

LDL is considered the "bad" lipoprotein because it carries cholesterol to cells in the body. Meanwhile, HDL is considered "good" cholesterol because it carries cholesterol from the cells to the liver to be excreted.

When there is too much LDL in the body, it can build up in the arteries and cause waxy deposits called plaques. This leads to problems such as heart failure or stroke.

Some studies black tea They found that consuming it can help reduce LDL cholesterol.

One randomized study found that drinking five servings of black tea daily reduced LDL cholesterol by 11% in individuals with slightly or slightly elevated cholesterol levels.

Researchers, black teaThey concluded that it helps improve cholesterol levels in individuals at risk of heart disease or obesity.

Improves gut health

Studies have found that the type of bacteria in the gut can play an important role in health. Because the gut contains trillions of bacteria.

While some bacteria in the intestines are beneficial for health, some are not. Some studies suggest that the type of bacteria in the gut may play an important role in reducing the risk of certain health conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and even cancer.

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Black teaThe polyphenols contained in it, by promoting the growth of good bacteria and Salmonella It can help protect gut health by preventing the growth of bad bacteria like bacteria.

In addition, black teaIt contains antimicrobial properties that kill harmful substances and help lining the digestive tract, improving intestinal bacteria and immunity.

Helps reduce blood pressure

High blood pressure affects about 1 billion people worldwide. It can increase the risk of heart and kidney failure, stroke, vision loss, and heart attack. Changes in diet and lifestyle can lower blood pressure.

A randomized controlled study, black teahis role in reducing blood pressure. Participants three cups daily for six months black tea drank.

Conclusions black tea found that drinkers had a significant decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure compared to the placebo group.

But, black teaStudies on blood pressure effects have yielded mixed results. A meta-analysis of five different studies involving 343 participants, over four weeks in blood pressure black teaHe looked at the effect of drinking.

Although the results did provide some improvements in blood pressure, the researchers concluded that the findings were not significant.

Helps reduce the risk of stroke

A stroke can occur when a blood vessel in the brain becomes blocked or ruptured. It is the second leading cause of death worldwide.

Fortunately, 80% of stroke can be prevented. For example, factors such as diet, physical activity, blood pressure, and not smoking can help reduce the risk of stroke.

Interestingly, studies black tea He found that drinking could also help reduce the risk of stroke. 

One study followed 10 people for over 74.961 years. Four or more a day black tea It found that those who drank tea had a 32% lower risk of stroke than those who did not drink tea.

Another study reviewed data from nine different studies, including more than 194.965 participants.

Researchers found that people who drank more than three cups of tea a day (black or green tea) had a 21% lower risk of stroke.

May lower blood sugar levels

High blood sugar levels can increase the risk of health complications such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, kidney failure, and depression.

Consuming large amounts of sugar, especially from sugary drinks, has been shown to increase blood sugar levels and the risk of type 2 diabetes.

When you eat sugar, the pancreas releases a hormone called insulin to transport sugar to muscles that will be used for energy. If you consume more sugar, your body stores the excess sugar as fat.

Black teais a beverage that has been discovered to help increase insulin utilization in the body. 

A test-tube study looked at the insulin-boosting properties of tea and its ingredients. Results black teashowed that it increased insulin activity more than 15 times.

The researchers concluded that many compounds in tea improve insulin levels, particularly a catechin called epigallocatechin gallate.

Another study compared the effects of black and green tea extract on blood sugar levels in mice. The results showed that it both lowered blood sugar and improved the body's metabolism of sugar.

Helps reduce cancer risk

There are more than 100 different types of cancer and some cannot be prevented. Black teaAlso, polyphenols help prevent cancer cell survival.

A test-tube study analyzed the effects of polyphenols in tea on cancer cells. He showed that black and green tea may play a role in regulating cancer cell growth and reducing new cell growth.

Another study black teaThe effects of polyphenols in breast cancer have been studied. Black teahas shown that it can help overcome the spread of hormone-dependent breast tumors.

Black teaAlthough it is not considered as an alternative treatment for cancer, some research has shown that black teaIt has demonstrated the potential to help reduce cancer cell survival.

Black tea More research is needed in humans to more clearly determine the link between cancer cells and cancer cells.

Improves focus

Black tea, kafein and it contains an amino acid called L-theanine, which can improve alertness and focus. L-theanine increases alpha activity in the brain, providing relaxation and better focus.

Studies have found that L-theanine and caffeine-containing beverages have the greatest effect on focus due to L-theanine's effects on the brain.

Two randomized studies, black teaeffects on focus and alertness. In both studies, black teasignificantly increased focus and alertness among participants, compared to placebo.

May improve bone health

As we age, the strength of the bones begins to decrease. However, scientists, black tea They observed that drinking can significantly improve bone density.

Therefore, you can visit our drinking black teaIt can also reduce the risk of fractures, most commonly seen in the elderly, due to osteoporosis. It was found that rats given black tea extracts had better bone density.

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It can reduce the risk of Parkinson's

Parkinson's is a neurodegenerative disease that mostly affects the elderly. Researches, black tea shows that polyphenols have a neuroprotective effect on the brain.

In a study at the National University of Singapore, scientists black teaThey found that the caffeine in inversely correlated with Parkinson's disease.

Black tea helps slimming

Obesity; diabetes, heart disease, PCOS, high cholesterol, etc. It is the root cause of various ailments such as. Like green tea black tea It can also aid weight loss if consumed in addition to appropriate lifestyle changes. 

Scientists from the David Geffen School of Medicine, California, USA, black teaThey found that by reducing the genes that cause inflammation, it helps to reduce the fat in visceral organs. 

Since prolonged inflammation in the body can cause obesity, drinking black tea theoretically, it can help prevent obesity due to inflammation. What's more, black tea can also lower triglyceride levels.

May reduce the risk of kidney stones

Kidney Stones is painful. They are caused by increased excretion of crystal-forming substances such as oxalate, calcium and uric acid from the body. 

Black teaappears to contain much lower levels of oxalates compared to other herbal teas. Some anecdotal evidence, black teaAlthough it suggests that it may reduce the risk of kidney stones, there is not enough research on this subject.

Can relieve asthma symptoms

Asthma is caused by inflammation and swelling of the airway or bronchial tubes. This makes it difficult to breathe and exhale. 

Anecdotal evidence, black tea or drinking green tea helps relieve asthma symptoms.

Some studies have also proven that the caffeine in teas can aid lung function. Flavonoids in tea have been found to benefit those with asthma.

May reduce the risk of Alzheimer's

Alzheimer's disease causes memory loss and affects a person's behavior and thinking process. Black tea Its antioxidants may reduce the risk of disease, although there is no concrete evidence for this.

It can improve oral health

Drinking black teacan protect against dental plaque, caries and tooth decay. It can also freshen your breath. Black teaIt has antibacterial and antioxidant properties that prevent staphylococcal infections. 

Black teaFluoride in also prevents tooth decay. Studies, black teaIt also reported that in patients with oral carcinoma may help prevent oral leukoplakia.

Ancak black tea can stain tooth enamel. It is necessary to be careful about this.

Regulates the general mood

Black teaAntioxidants in can fight stress. This can improve general mood. Tea can regulate blood cholesterol and blood pressure levels. This can also have a positive effect on mood.

Black Tea Benefits for Skin

Black tea It can also help healthy skin. It can fight skin infections and blemishes, delay skin aging, and reduce eye puffiness. Black teaThe polyphenols and tannins in are associated with skin cell rejuvenation. 

May prevent skin infections

The skin is the largest organ in the body. However, it is delicate and requires proper care. Most skin infections occur due to microbial colonization. 

Tea catechins and flavonoids can help prevent skin infections. If you have frequent skin infections, in addition to your medication drinking black tea It can speed up the healing process. However, more research is needed on this subject.

It can reduce under-eye swelling

Under-eye puffiness is a serious concern for both women and men. It can make you look tired and increase the likelihood of premature wrinkling. 

Black teaalso found tannins and antioxidants have anti-inflammatory properties. They can help tighten the skin and reduce puffiness under the eyes.

You can try using black tea bags or soak cotton balls in cold black tea and keep them under your eyes for 20 minutes each day. In just a few weeks, there will be a noticeable reduction in under-eye swelling.

It can slow down aging

Black teaContaining antioxidants and polyphenols can protect the skin against premature aging and wrinkle formation.

In a study conducted on hairless laboratory mice, scientists black teaThey found that it reduced the expression of a gene that creates an enzyme that breaks down collagen. Moreover, black tea It was found to be a more effective anti-wrinkle agent compared to other teas.

May reduce the risk of skin cancer

Black tea It is rich in antioxidants and can be effective against most types of cancer (including skin cancer). Lebanese scientists in research in mice black tea They confirmed that drinking can help reduce the risk of skin cancer. However, there is no significant data in humans yet.

Can protect from UV radiation

UV radiation is among the leading causes of skin pigmentation, skin cancer and other skin related problems. Researchers, black tea They found that drinking can help protect the skin and reduce the risk of skin problems caused by excessive UV exposure.

To prevent skin damage black tea Apart from drinking, you can also apply it topically. 

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Can accelerate skin regeneration

Researchers from Malaysia on injured skin of lab mice black tea They found that applying the extract can speed healing.

The extract also resulted in less inflammation and more collagen production. However, do not apply the black tea directly to the wounds. There are no studies stating that it is safe. Instead of black tea you can drink

Benefits of Black Tea for Hair

The antioxidants and caffeine in black tea can benefit hair. The tea can promote hair growth and add a natural shine to the hair.

It can prevent hair loss

Drinking black tea can prevent hair loss. It is loaded with antioxidants that help scavenge free radicals and reduce stress.

These two factors are the main causes of hair loss in women today.. Therefore, drinking black tea It can help prevent hair loss.

Can add shine and shine to hair

There is limited research on this topic. Some anecdotal evidence, black teashows that can add shine to hair. 

Nutritional Value of Black Tea

Black tea It is rich in antioxidants mainly known as polyphenols. It also contains minimal amounts of sodium, protein and carbohydrates.

Serving size - 100 g

Calories 1

Aflavin-3 3′-digallate (black tea antioxidant) 0,06 - 4,96

Total Fat 0

Saturated Fatty Acids 0

Monounsaturated Fatty Acids 0

Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids 0

Omega-3 Fatty acids 3 mg

Omega-6 Fatty acids 1 mg

Trans Fats 0

Cholesterol 0

Vitamin A 0

Vitamin C 0

Sodium 5 mg

Potassium 37 mg

Fluoride 373 mcg

Dietary Fiber 0

Total Carbohydrate 0

Candy 0

Protein 0

Calcium 0

What are the Types of Black Tea?

Any type of tea, including green tea, white tea, or oolong tea black teacan be converted to. The only difference is that black tea is processed. 

All kinds in china black tea Camellia sinensis plant, in India black tea Camellia It is produced from a different tea plant known as. 

From Camellia assamica obtained black tea, Camellia sinensis It has a stronger flavor and larger leaves than its variant.

What Are the Side Effects and Harm of Black Tea?

Anything too much is bad for health. Much drinking black tea It can affect health in the following ways.


Caffeine, black teaIt is the main component of; So if you consume it daily, it can cause diarrhea. The reason behind this is that caffeine stimulates the digestive system. 

Therefore, you can visit our black teaIf you drink too much, it can negatively affect your health. Moreover, it has a direct effect on the central nervous system and makes you feel nervous in minor events. 

Black teaConsuming large doses can cause digestive problems, insomnia, varicose veins and palpitations.


This is unexpected but it happens. This is because black teaIt consists of tannins. Extreme black tea consumptioncan cause constipation. The reason behind this is that the body starts to store a lot of waste products.

Stomach discomfort

Black tea contains caffeine; Therefore, when these elements reach your stomach, they cause the stomach to produce various acidic substances that are not easy for the body to absorb.

Thus, discomfort begins in the stomach. Moreover, if you are a patient suffering from stomach ulcer or cancer, black teaYou should definitely stay away from.

Cardiovascular diseases

Black tea should be consumed very limitedly for patients recovering from heart attack or acute cardiovascular disorders.

Caffeine is a prohibited or undesirable condition for the cardiovascular system. It also contradicts people with gastritis or stomach ulcers - both due to increased acidity.

May cause frequent urination

Caffeine can make the bladder overactive, causing you to feel the urge to use the toilet frequently.

May increase the risk of seizures

Black teaThe caffeine in it may increase the risk of seizures. It can also reduce the effects of medications that help prevent seizures.

Other health hazards

Pregnant women more than two cups a day, according to health experts black tea should not drink. Black tea Because it is loaded with caffeine, it increases the risk of miscarriage. This high caffeine content can also have a negative impact on people with cardiovascular conditions, glaucoma, high blood pressure, and anxiety disorders. 

As a nation, we love tea very much. We drink tea wherever we step. Do you also like black tea? It will be a classic question, but do you prefer tea or coffee?

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