What Is Good For Sore Throat? Natural Remedies

Sore throat is always caused by a bacterial infection, sometimes by a viral infection. It occurs as part of the body's immune response to viral or bacterial infections. The natural immune response leads to inflammation of the throat and swelling of the mucous membranes. Either way, it's contagious, and as symptoms progress, it becomes harder to fix the problem. There are treatments that you can apply at home without antibiotic treatment to solve the problem. So what is good for sore throat at home?

what is good for sore throat
What is good for sore throat?

Sore throat treatments like raw honey, vitamin C, and licorice root will ease the discomfort and speed healing. For this, there are also powerful essential oils that can be used internally and topically to slow bacterial growth and reduce congestion.

Sore throat disappears by itself within 5-10 days unless there are serious symptoms.

What is good for sore throat?

Raw honey

Raw honeyIt has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that can help treat respiratory conditions such as sore throat.

  • For sore throat relief, add raw honey to warm water or tea, or mix it with lemon essential oil.

Bone juice

Bone juicehelps hydration, as it supports the immune system; so you can recover quickly. It is nutrient-dense, easy to digest, rich in flavor, so it accelerates recovery. It contains essential minerals in forms that the body can easily absorb, including calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegarIts main active ingredient, acetic acid, helps fight bacteria.

  • To relieve a sore throat, mix 1 glass of warm water with 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and optionally, a tablespoon of honey and drink.

Salt water mouthwash

Gargling is a well-known natural remedy for relieving a sore throat. Salt helps reduce swelling by drawing water from the throat tissue. It also helps kill unwanted germs in the throat. 

  • Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in 1 glass of warm water. 
  • Gargle with this mixture for 30 seconds every hour.

Lemon juice

It is a refreshing drink that can reduce a sore throat that occurs during a cold or flu. LimonContains vitamin C and antioxidants. It also increases the amount of saliva you produce, which helps keep the mucous membranes moist.

  • Combining lemon with lukewarm water with some honey or salt water is the best way to maximize its benefits.


Fresh garlic Allicin, one of its active ingredients, has various anti-microbial properties. Allicin in its pure form was found to exhibit antibacterial activity against a wide variety of bacteria, including drug-resistant strains of E.coli.

  • Use raw garlic in your meals or take a garlic supplement daily.


Proper hydration is key to flushing viruses or bacteria from the system and keeping the throat moist. 

  • Try to drink at least 250 ml of water every two hours. 
  • You can drink hot water, plain or water with lemon, ginger or honey.

C vitamin

C vitaminhelps strengthen the immune system and speeds up white blood cells. Also, studies show that vitamin C reduces the duration of respiratory symptoms, especially in people under physical stress.

  • As soon as sore throat symptoms develop, take 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C daily and consume foods containing vitamin C such as grapefruit, kiwi, strawberries, oranges, cabbage and guava.

Sage and echinacea

Sage It has been used to treat many inflammatory conditions, and controlled studies show that it can help relieve a sore throat.

Echinaceais another herb commonly used in traditional medicine. It has been shown to fight bacteria and reduce inflammation.

Follow this recipe to make sage and echinacea throat spray at home:


  • 1 teaspoon of ground sage.
  • A teaspoon of echinacea.
  • 1/2 cup water.

How is it done?

  • Boil the water.
  • Put the sage and echinacea in a small jar and then fill the jar with boiling water.
  • Infuse for 30 minutes.
  • Filter the mixture. Place in the small spray bottle and spray into the throat every two hours or as needed.


Licorice root is of great benefit for a sore throat or cough because it is a powerful expectorant, helping to clear mucus from the throat. It soothes irritation and reduces tonsillitis.


ZincIt benefits the immune system and has antiviral effects. Research shows that zinc can affect the molecular process that causes mucus and bacteria to build up in the nasal passages.


Studies, probiotics show that the support reduces the use of antibiotics in patients with one or more upper respiratory tract infections.

Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil is one of the most beneficial sore throat remedies due to its ability to boost immunity, protect antioxidants and improve respiratory circulation.

  • Use with a diffuser to relieve sore throat with eucalyptus oil. Or, use it topically by applying 1-3 drops to your throat and chest.
  • You can gargle with eucalyptus oil and water. To dilute eucalyptus before topical application if your skin is sensitive Coconut oil Use a carrier oil such as.

Marshmallow root

This herb has been used to treat sore throats and other conditions since medieval times. The root contains a gelatin-like substance known as mucilage that coats and lubricates the throat when swallowed.

Lozenges containing marshmallow root have been tested in animals and are effective and non-toxic even at very high doses. The recipe for marshmallow root for sore throat is as follows:


  • Cold water
  • 30 grams of dried marshmallow root

How is it done?

  • Fill 1 liter of cold water into the jar.
  • Place the marshmallow root in cheesecloth and collect it in a bundle with cheesecloth.
  • Completely submerge the bundle in water.
  • Place the tied end of the package over the mouth of the jar, place the lid on the jar and close the lid.
  • Remove the brew overnight or after infusing for at least eight hours.
  • Pour desired amount into a glass. You can optionally use sweetener.

When you have a sore throat, you can drink this throughout the day to relieve symptoms.

Ginger root tea

Gingeris a spice with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects that can help relieve a sore throat.

One study found that ginger extract helped kill some of the bacteria responsible for the disease in people with bacterial respiratory infections. You can make ginger root tea as follows;


  • Fresh ginger root
  • 1 liters of water
  • 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of honey
  • Some lemon juice

How is it done?

  • Peel the ginger root and grate it into a small bowl.
  • Bring the water to a boil in a large pot, then remove from the heat.
  • Put 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of grated ginger in the pot and cover with the lid.
  • Infuse for 10 minutes.
  • Add the lemon juice, then mix.


CinnamonIt is a fragrant and delicious spice that is high in antioxidants and provides antibacterial benefits. It is a traditional remedy for colds and rashes and is used in Chinese medicine to relieve sore throat.

Chicken soup

Chicken soup is a natural cold and sore throat remedy. It is also a food that allows you to drink more fluids when you are sick.

Also use garlic in chicken soup because it contains bioactive compounds that can benefit you when you are sick.

Mint tea

Mint tea, It contains anti-inflammatory compounds and is extremely soothing for the throat.

  • To make this tea, you can make fresh mint leaves by holding them in boiling water for three to five minutes and then straining the leaves.

Peppermint tea is caffeine-free and does not require sweeteners due to its natural taste.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile teaused for sleep. Studies have shown that chamomile can also help fight infection and reduce pain.

You can buy ready-made chamomile tea in the form of bags, which has a pleasant, mild aroma. Like other herbal teas, chamomile does not contain caffeine.

References: 1

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