What Is Good For Vaginal Itching? How Is Vaginal Itching Treated?

Vaginal itching is something that happens to women from time to time. The genital area is constantly itchy. You can't stop scratching. Sometimes you have to scratch it from wing to wing as if torn. So what is good for vaginal itching? There are simple solutions such as keeping the genital area clean, not leaving it moist, and cleaning the toilet from front to back. We will explain the natural methods that are good for vaginal itching in the rest of the article. First, let's find out why this is happening to us. 

What is Vaginal Itching?

Vaginal itching can occur as a symptom of a sexually transmitted disease. It can also occur in response to a product you use, such as a soap or laundry detergent.

what is good for itchy vagina
What is good for vaginal itching?

It is completely normal for women's genital area to produce discharge. The color of the discharge is usually clear. It has very little odor and does not irritate the area.

If there is odor, burning, and irritation in the vagina along with itching, this is usually considered an abnormal discharge. Itching may occur without discharge. It usually gets worse with sexual intercourse.

Most vaginal itching is not cause for concern. But if it's severe or you suspect you have an underlying condition, you should see a doctor. 

What Causes Vaginal Itching?

Itching in the vaginal area can have many causes. It can be physical as well as some diseases cause itching. 

  • Irritants

Exposure of the vagina to irritating chemicals can cause vaginal itching. These irritants trigger allergic reactions that cause itching in the vagina and other parts of the body. Chemical irritants that can cause itching include:

  • Soap
  • bubble bath
  • feminine sprays
  • topical contraceptives
  • creams
  • Ointment
  • detergents
  • Fabric softeners
  • scented toilet paper

Diabetes or incontinence can also be the cause of vaginal irritation and itching.

  • Skin diseases
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Eczema and psoriasis Some skin diseases, such as, may cause redness and itching in the genital area.

Atopic dermatitis It is a rash that primarily occurs in people with asthma or allergies. The rash forms a reddish, scaly texture and itches. It can spread to the vagina in some women with eczema.

Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes scaly, itchy, red patches to form on the scalp and joints. Sometimes, the itching caused by this disease can occur in the vagina.

  • Fungal infection

Yeast is a naturally occurring fungus that is normally found in the vagina. It usually does not cause problems. But when its growth is uncontrollable, it triggers an irritating infection. This infection is known as a vaginal yeast infection. It definitely affects 4 out of 3 women at some point in their lives.

Infection most often occurs after the use of antibiotics. Because such drugs destroy the good bacteria along with the bad bacteria. An overgrowth of yeast in the vagina is the most important reason for experiencing uncomfortable symptoms such as itching, burning and lumpy discharge.

  • Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) It is triggered by an imbalance between the naturally occurring good and bad bacteria in the vagina. It doesn't always show symptoms. When symptoms occur, vaginal itching, an abnormal, foul-smelling discharge occurs. The discharge may be thin, dull gray or white. In some cases, it can also be foamy.

  • Sexually transmitted diseases

Many diseases can be transmitted during unprotected sexual intercourse. These diseases can cause vaginal itching. These diseases are:

  • chlamydia
  • genital warts
  • Gonorrhea
  • genital herpes
  • Trichomonas

These conditions are abnormal growth, green, yellow vaginal discharge and may cause other symptoms, such as pain when urinating.

  • Menopause

Menopause Vaginal itching in women approaching or in the period of their period It is possible. This is due to the drop in estrogen levels during menopause. In addition, the mucosa becomes thinner and dryness occurs. If dryness is left untreated, it causes itching and irritation.

  • Stress

Physical and emotional stress, although not very common, can cause vaginal itching. Stress weakens the immune system, making it more prone to itchy infections. 

  • Vulvar cancer
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In rare cases, vaginal itching is a symptom of vulvar cancer. This is a type of cancer that develops in the vulva, which is the outer part of women's genitals. Vulvar cancer does not always show symptoms. If the symptom occurs, there is itching, abnormal bleeding, or pain in the vulva area.

Vaginal Itching Treatment

The doctor will determine the treatment option after finding the underlying cause of the vaginal itching. The treatment required depends on the particular situation causing the problem.

Medication for vaginal itching will vary depending on the underlying cause of the problem. The treatments that can be applied for this condition are as follows;

  • Vaginal yeast infections

Vaginal yeast infections are treated with antifungal medications. These can be used in a variety of ways as vaginal itching cream, ointments or pills. It is usually sold by prescription.

  • Bacterial vaginosis

Doctors often prescribe antibiotics for this condition. These can be oral pills or suppositories for vaginal itching. Regardless of the type of treatment you use, you must follow the doctor's instructions and complete the entire course of treatment. For vaginal itching that does not go away, the doctor will recommend a treatment accordingly.

  • Sexually transmitted diseases

These are treated with antibiotics, antiviral or antiparasitic drugs. It will be necessary to take medications regularly and avoid sexual intercourse until the infection or disease clears.

  • Menopause

Medication for vaginal itching due to menopause are estrogen creams or tablets.

  • Other reasons

For other types of vaginal itching, steroid creams or lotions can be applied to reduce inflammation and discomfort. However, you need to know how much to use them. Because if you use it excessively, it can cause chronic irritation and itching.

What Is Good For Vaginal Itching?

vaginal itching often prevented by hygiene and lifestyle habits. To avoid irritation and infection of the area, you should pay attention to:

  • Use warm water and a mild cleanser to wash your genital area.
  • Do not use scented soaps, lotions and foaming gels.
  • Do not use products such as vaginal spray.
  •  Change wet or damp clothing immediately after swimming or exercising.
  • Wear cotton underwear and change your underwear every day.
  • Eat yogurt with live cultures to reduce the chance of getting yeast infections.
  • Use condoms during sexual intercourse.
  • Clean the toilet from front to back.
  • Eat healthy to maintain healthy bacteria in the vagina. Especially eat probiotic foods.
  • Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated.
  • Applying a cold compress will provide instant relief. Put a few ice cubes on a clean cloth. Hold on to the area for a few seconds and then pull. Repeat until the itching is gone.
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When should you go to the doctor? 

If there is enough itching to disrupt daily life or sleep balance, it is necessary to go to the doctor. If vaginal itching persists for more than a week or if itching occurs with the following symptoms, it is worth seeing a doctor:

  • Ulcers or blisters on the vulva
  • Pain or tenderness in the genital area
  • genital redness or swelling
  • urination problem
  • an abnormal vaginal discharge
  • Discomfort during sexual intercourse

References: 1

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