What Causes a Dessert Crisis? How to Suppress Dessert Crisis?

Excessive cravings for sugary foods sweet crunch is called. It is a very common condition, especially in women.

Sweet crunch Living people feel a strong urge to eat something sweet. They find themselves looking for something to eat.

What causes sweet cravings?

Fluctuations in blood sugar during the day increase sweet cravings. People who are not used to movement crave something sweet when they move too much.

When this situation continues regularly binge eatingcauses it. Actually, this is temporary. With foods rich in fiber and protein sweet crunch easily suppressed.

How to suppress the sweet crisis?

causes a sweet crunch
suppress the sweet craving


  • When most people want to eat sweets, they turn to sugary foods such as chocolate. However, sweet crunch Consuming fruit instead of junk food instantly meets the sugar you need. It helps to blunt your desire instantly.
  • Fruits are naturally sweet. It contains beneficial plant compounds and fiber, which allows to maintain body functions in a healthy way.
  • In times of crisis, eat sugary fruits such as grapes.


  • StrawberryIt is the perfect fruit to cut sugar cravings. 
  • It is rich in plant compounds. 
  • It has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Dark chocolate

  • Chocolate, sweet crunch It is one of the most desired foods instantly.
  • You can eat bitter when you crave chocolate.
  • Dark chocolateContains more than 70% cocoa. It also provides healthy plant compounds known as polyphenols.
  • Like other types, dark chocolate is high in sugar, fat, and calories. Therefore, be careful not to consume in excess.
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Chia seeds

  • Chia seedsIt is a rich source of nutrients such as omega 3 fatty acids, soluble fiber and plant compounds.
  • Soluble fiber absorbs water easily. It swells to form a jelly-like substance in the intestine. 
  • Thus, it helps to feel full longer and sweet crisissuppresses it.

sugar free gum

  • Gum controls sugar cravings. Chewing gum made with artificial sweeteners is low in calories and contains no sugar.
  • Don't suppress your sweet toothIn addition to helping either, chewing gum after eating is also beneficial for dental health.


  • Like lentils, beans and chickpeas pulseIt is a plant-based source of fiber and protein.
  • Both nutrients increase satiety. It helps to suppress the sweet cravings caused by hunger.


  • YoghurtIt is a snack rich in protein and calcium. 
  • Some research states that yogurt helps control appetite.


  • DateIt is nutritious and very sweet. It contains fiber, potassium, iron and beneficial plant compounds.
  • You can consume dates with nuts such as almonds and hazelnuts. 
  • But remember that dates are very sweet. Take care not to eat more than three dates at a time.

Meat, chicken and fish

  • Eating a protein source such as red meat, poultry or fish at meals sweet crunchwill help prevent 
  • Eating adequate amounts of protein is also essential for losing weight and maintaining weight.


  • Your hand is enough to shake your feet sweet crunch If you're alive, smoothies can be a savior. 
  • Smoothie Use fruit, not juice, to make it. So you can get a healthy amount of fiber.
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Dried plum

  • Dried plumIt is packed with fiber and nutrients. It is very sweet. Sweet crunch It is a healthy alternative that can instantly meet your sugar cravings.
  • Its high fiber content and naturally occurring sorbitol help relieve constipation.


  • egghis appetite and sweet requestIt is a high protein food that can help keep the
  • Studies have shown that eating eggs for breakfast reduces hunger and helps to eat less during the day.

Dried fruit and nuts

  • Dry fruit and nut mix sweet cravingsIt is effective in dealing with sweet cravinghelps to blunt it.
  • Nuts Contains healthy fats, protein, fiber and plant compounds.
  • But keep in mind that dried fruits and nuts are very high in calories. Be careful not to overeat.
Fermented foods
  • Like yogurt and sauerkraut fermented foods It is a source of beneficial bacteria. The beneficial bacteria in these foods maintain the balance of good bacteria in the gut. It reduces the number of disease-causing bacteria.
  • Consumption of fermented foods, while maintaining intestinal health, sweet requestIt prevents.

Whole grains

  • Whole grains high in fiber.
  • It provides satiety with its high fiber content.


  • It has high fiber content. It is low calorie. It also contains a large amount of beneficial nutrients and plant compounds.
  • Vegetable consumption helps to feel full throughout the day and sweet crunchIt helps suppress.

References: 1

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