The Healthiest and Most Effective Weight Loss Methods

It is said that there is a simple rule of dieting, which is among the most effective weight loss methods. If you eat fewer calories than you burn each day, you will lose weight. If you consistently eat more calories than you burn, you will gain weight. This is a weight loss method that everyone knows and applies while dieting. So is it that simple? 

If you think it's that simple, you're wrong. into work hormonesThe process gets a little more complicated when exercise, exercise, and the characteristics of the foods we eat come into play. The body's calorie burning consists of the following three stages;

  • Resting metabolic rate (RMR): Resting metabolic rate is the number of calories the body needs to maintain normal functions such as breathing and pumping blood.
  • Thermic effect of food (TEF): This refers to the calories used to digest, absorb and metabolize food.
  • Thermic effect of activity (TEA): These are the calories used during exercise. 

If the number of calories you take in is equal to the number of calories you burn, you maintain your body weight. If you want to lose weight, you must consume fewer calories than you burn. There is another way. You must create a negative calorie balance by exercising and burning more calories.

Before we talk about the most effective weight loss methods, let's talk about the factors that everyone should know about losing weight and how long it will take to lose weight.

slimming methods
The most effective weight loss methods

How to lose weight?

Various factors affect the rate of weight loss. Many of these factors happen outside of one's control.

  • Gender: The fat to muscle ratio greatly affects weight loss. Women have a 5-10% lower resting metabolic rate than men of the same height. This means that women burn 5-10% fewer calories at rest than men. In other words, on diets made under equal conditions, men can lose weight faster than women.
  • Age: One of the many bodily changes that occur with aging is changes in body composition. Fat mass increases and muscle mass decreases. This change is accompanied by other factors such as the reduced caloric needs of the organs. metabolic ratealso lowers it. Adults over the age of 70 have a 20-25% lower metabolic rate than younger adults. This reduction makes weight loss increasingly difficult with age.
  • Calorie deficit: To lose weight calorie deficit must create. A calorie deficit is the difference between the calories you take in and the calories you burn. The degree of calorie deficit determines how quickly you lose weight. For example, eating 8 fewer calories per day for 500 weeks results in faster weight loss than eating 200 fewer calories per day.
  • Sleep: Sleep is an important overlooked component of weight loss. Chronic insomniasignificantly inhibits the rate of weight loss. Even as a result of only one night of sleeplessness, it has been determined that the cravings for high-calorie, nutrient-poor foods such as cookies, cakes, sugary drinks and chips increase. In addition to making it harder to lose weight, chronic insomnia is strongly linked to type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease and some cancers.
  • Medication use: Some medications, such as antidepressants and other antipsychotics, make it difficult to lose weight. It even causes weight gain.
  • Medical conditions: As the thyroid gland produces a hormone that regulates metabolism, it is caused by the under secretion of the thyroid gland. depression and diseases such as hypothyroidism make it difficult to lose weight.
  • Genetic: Family genes determine whether a person is overweight or obese.
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How Long Does It Take to Lose Weight?

Losing weight is a complex process. The amount you give will vary depending on the many factors listed above. Nutritionists say losing one pound to one pound a week is a healthy range. According to this calculation, 2 to 4 kilos are lost per month. You will lose weight faster in the first weeks when you start dieting. As time progresses, the rate of weight loss decreases. 

This amount should not be too small for your eyes. You may be calculating to lose more than 1 kg per week. This is called rapid weight loss. Rapid weight loss has risks such as gallstones, dehydration, and malnutrition. Other side effects of rapid weight loss include:

  • Headache
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Constipation
  • Hair loss
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • muscle loss

Losing weight is not a linear process. Some weeks you give more, other weeks you lose less or you may not be able to give at all. So don't be discouraged if your weight loss slows down or decreases over a few days. Due to the factors listed above, everyone's weight loss time will differ.

What Is The Most Effective Weight Loss Method?

There are countless diets on the market that claim to lose weight. I'm sure you will be confused about which one to implement. Although it is said that every diet is better than the others, there is no such thing as the best diet list. The important thing when dieting is to create a healthy calorie deficit.

Do you know why many dieters fail? Because they've been on a low-calorie diet for too long. Keep your calorie deficit moderate to increase your chances of success while dieting. For example; Creating a 1000-calorie deficit may not be difficult for you in the first days of the diet. But as the days and weeks progress, you start to have difficulties. You can go as far as quitting the diet. Instead, a daily calorie deficit of 500 calories will allow you to progress slowly but more firmly.

Personalize your diet, that is, create a diet program according to your nutrition and health. You can get help from a dietitian for this.

Do not neglect to exercise together with the diet to burn more fat and not lose muscle while burning fat. Do it by combining exercises like both aerobics and resistance training.

The Healthiest and Most Effective Weight Loss Methods

To lose weight in a healthy way, first of all remember this. You cannot lose weight without eating. Trying to lose weight with unhealthy weight loss methods such as skipping meals causes the body to resist and protect itself.

Even if you lose weight, after you reach your ideal weight, you will be affected by the yo-yo effect and quickly regain the weight you lost. For this, experts recommend creating a healthy eating program instead of dieting. Now, let's take a look at the effective weight loss methods within the scope of creating a healthy nutrition program.

  • Have breakfast

Every morning you wake up with a stomach that has digested what you ate the night before and is ready to digest. You need energy to start the day energetically and dynamically. You meet this need with breakfast.

When you say breakfast, don't just think of a snack. A good breakfast should give you the energy you need for a good start to the day. For this, you should eat breakfast with nutritious foods such as cheese, olives, honey, milk, eggs and bread.

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Make sure your breakfast is rich in protein. Studies have found that people who eat more protein at breakfast eat less at subsequent meals.

  • Don't skip lunch

Have your lunches on time. Snacking while standing or eating fast food is the worst thing you can do to your own health.

Avoid fatty and heavy meals. Because when you eat such a meal, you get heavy and you start to sleep around four o'clock in the evening, you will feel tired due to the irregularity in blood sugar.

When you delay your lunch, you will eat dinner before your food is digested and you will risk your health. Skipping meals will cause you to overeat in the evening. You cannot lose weight because of this. You even gain weight when we think that digestion slows down in the evening. 

  • Don't overdo it for dinner

Do not eat, especially after seven o'clock. Have soup, yoghurt, vegetables and white meat for dinner. If you can't control your nafs and miss what you ate in the evening, take a one-hour walk.

  • Do not eat junk food between meals

Junk foods such as biscuits, cakes and chips, which are called unhealthy, are high in calories. It increases the rate of sugar, fat and cholesterol in the blood and impairs cardiovascular health. If you need to snack between meals, choose healthy, low-calorie snacks such as fruit, yogurt, a few nuts.

  • Do not eat before going to bed at night

When you sleep, all your body functions slow down and go to rest. When you go to bed with a full stomach, you will have difficulty in sleeping, you will wake up tired in the morning and you will spoil your stomach health. You gain weight because your food is not digested. If you want to lose weight, finish eating at least 3-4 hours before bedtime.

  • Do not snack while watching TV

It is the most dangerous style of snacking. With the excitement of the match or movie watched, you overeat. If you absolutely need a snack, you can choose almonds, hazelnuts or some fruit.

  • Include vegetables and fruits in your diet list

Eating only meat increases the risk of heart, vascular and stomach ailments. Eating only vegetables will also cause you to not be strong enough. Although the weight is in vegetables and fruits, you should also consume red and white meat in reasonable amounts in your diet.

  • For water

Water means life for all living things. You should drink water before meals. Drinking water with or immediately after a meal prevents you from benefiting from nutrients. It causes gas formation in the intestines.

You should drink plenty of water to remove excess from the body. But try not to overdo it. Just as any excess of food is harmful, too much water is harmful. The daily fluid requirement of a healthy person is not more than 2-3 liters.

  • Consume foods high in fiber

Fibrous foods protect against heart disease and high blood pressure, as well as make you feel full. It also helps to lose weight by relieving constipation.

  • Don't consume too much salt

Although salt is an essential mineral, excess of it causes high blood pressure. Excess salt in the body causes water retention, that is, edema. Edema triggers bloating. When you least expect it, the scale starts to make you look fatter. In recent studies, it is recommended that daily salt consumption be within the limits of 4-5 g.

27 Practical Tips to Help Weight Loss

1) Set realistic goals. Impossible goals are also impossible to achieve.

2) Reduce the amount of calories gradually. Do not cut calories abruptly so that the body does not get defensive and store fat.

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3) Do not aim to lose excess weight in a short time. Shock diets not only harm your body, but also harm your will, interrupting your weight loss process.

4) Get healthy eating habits.

5) Don't weigh yourself every day. The numbers on the scale fluctuate constantly, depending on what you eat and drink during the day. That's why weighing yourself every day or during the day will give different results and may cause you to lose your morale. It is best to be weighed once a week, at the same time of day and in the same clothes.

6) Try not to eat out. Since you do not know the exact content of the food you eat out, you get uncontrolled fat or sugar. If you have to eat, choose the most healthy and low-calorie.

7) Drink enough water. Take the daily required amount in moderation. Remember that you need to drink more fluids in sports or exercise situations.

8) Refuse the treats. Treats made during guests or visits are usually fatty, salty or sugary, that is, they are loaded with calories. Refuse them politely or eat limited amounts and low-fat ones. It is best not to go to the feast hungry.

9) Act by seizing every opportunity. Walk short distances, take the stairs instead of the elevator, do not sit while talking on the cell phone.

10) Eat fruit instead of dessert. Do not overcook the vegetables so as not to raise the glycemic index of vegetables. Make it a habit to eat vegetables and fruits in your meals.

11) Consume fibrous foods.

12) Eat your meals in small portions.

13) Do not be very hungry, eat within 4 hours at most.

14) Do not skip meals, especially breakfast. Eat 3 meals a day, do not snack in between. If you feel the need to snack, choose low-calorie foods such as fruit, yogurt, salad.

15) Do not eat leftovers on your children's plates.

16) Being empty means turning to food. Get yourself busy not to be idle.

17) Proceed slowly and surely. The ideal is to lose one pound a week.

18) Eat slowly and chew to make your brain feel full.

19) Do not buy foods that you love but need to stay away from, do not keep them in your cupboard.

20) Gain the habit of exercise and never quit.

21) Find someone to motivate you while trying to lose weight.

22) Do not go shopping when you are hungry.

23) Don't eat fast and don't always have cutlery at hand.

24) Do not eat while watching TV or reading a book.

24) Anyway, do not say diet foods and eat them too much.

25) Avoid high-fat foods.

26) Do not use sweetener, cut out sugar.

27) Do not eat to satisfy your brain, stop eating when you are full.

To summarize;

The most effective way to lose weight is to diet. While dieting, it is necessary to eat healthy and create a healthy calorie deficit. Stay away from very low calorie and shock diets that are not effective for a long time. Make healthy eating your lifestyle. By losing weight this way, you will maintain your weight in the long run.

References: 1, 2

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