Cardio or Weight Loss? Which Is More Effective?

Many people who want to lose weight face a difficult question when exercising. To lose weight cardio or weights? 

Weight lifting and cardio, two popular workouts. Which one is more effective for weight loss? For those who are curious, read the article to the end…

Cardio or weight loss to lose weight?

  • With the same amount of effort, you will burn more calories in cardio exercise than in lifting weights.
  • Lifting weights does not burn as many calories as cardio exercises. 
  • But it has an important advantage. Weight lifting is more effective at building muscle than cardio. It protects the muscles by providing the burning of fat even during rest. 
  • Building muscle with weight training speeds up metabolism. acceleration of metabolismIt allows faster calorie burning.
cardio or weight
Cardio or weight?

How about doing HIIT?

Cardio or weight? Although it is curious, know that there are other exercise options to lose weight. One of these is high-intensity interval training, or HIIT for short.

HIIT workout takes about 10-30 minutes. This type of exercise is very similar to cardio. When exercising at a steady pace, a short-term intensity level is suddenly increased. Then return to normal speed.

You can use HIIT with different exercises such as sprinting, cycling, jumping rope or other bodyweight exercises.

Some research has directly compared the effects of cardio, weight training, and HIIT. One study compared calories burned during 30 minutes of HIIT, weight training, running, and cycling. Researchers have found that HIIT burns 25-30% more calories than other forms of exercise.

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But this study doesn't mean that other types of exercise don't help with weight loss.

Which is the most effective? Cardio or weights or HITT?

Each exercise has different effects on weight loss. Why can't we do them all? In fact, research says so. It is stated that the most effective method in losing weight is the combination of these exercises.

Both nutrition and exercise

Exercise alone is not enough for weight loss. Nutrition alone is not effective either. The important thing is to connect the nutrition and exercise program to a routine.

Researchers, diet found that a combination of exercise and exercise resulted in 10% greater weight loss than dieting alone, after 20 weeks to a year.

What's more, programs that combine diet and exercise are more effective at maintaining weight loss one year later than diet alone.

References: 1

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