Does Sauna Make You Lose Weight? Does Sauna Burn Calories?

“Does the sauna weaken?” Here is one of the frequently asked questions about weight loss.

Yes, it is possible with sauna weakens!!! 

This traditional Finnish bath has been scientifically proven to aid weight loss. Even studies saunaIt has been shown to be as effective as moderate-intensity exercise. In other words, you will be exercising without getting up and moving. An interesting weight loss method…

Well “How does sauna help to lose weight?” “How many calories do you burn with the sauna?” “What are the things to be considered while losing weight with the sauna? Let's get started explaining...

How does sauna make you lose weight?

Sauna It supports the slimming process with its many features.

Detox effect

SaunaThe warmth of the water helps to get rid of toxins easily by sweating.

Nickel, mercury, which is absorbed through sweat, the food we eat, Virgin ve zinc It also helps to remove heavy metals such as By burning fat effectively, you begin to lose weight.

Water weight

The water weight in our body sometimes increases for various reasons. Diet and it takes about seven days to lose water weight through exercise.

Sauna It helps to expel excess water faster by triggering excessive sweating. 

It reduces stress

Sauna It is the most relaxing bath. Therefore stressIt reduces blood pressure and lowers the body's cortisol level.

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SaunaYou can relax by taking a bath. Cortisol levels drop, inflammation decreases, and levels of harmful free radicals drop. This reduces the risk of weight gain due to inflammation.

Effect on muscle function

A study before exercise saunafound to help improve muscle function.

Increases stamina

Have you felt short of breath while exercising or climbing stairs? Sauna helps to overcome this problem. It improves respiratory capacity and reduces respiratory problems.

According to a research sauna bathimproved the running time of runners by 32%.

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Accelerates metabolism

Reduction of stress, inflammation and toxins boosting metabolismeither helps. A few hours after the bath, the metabolism will work faster. Sauna This is how you lose weight.

Improves heart function and circulation

SaunaThe high temperature increases the heart rate. This in turn improves blood circulation, skin health, sleep and immunity.

Lowers blood pressure

Sauna, high blood pressure helps lower it. But those with low blood pressure and arrhythmiapeople who have sauna should not choose.

SaunaIt helps to lose weight by eliminating toxins, lowering inflammation and high blood pressure, relaxing muscles and reducing stress.

How many calories does the sauna burn?

Number of calories that can be burned in the sauna It is calculated by the formula:

Number of calories burned in the sauna = Number of calories burned in 30 minutes while sitting or resting X 2

Let's say you weigh 60 kilos. You burn 30 calories by sitting or resting for 30 minutes. Multiply this number by 2. SaunaYou will burn 60 calories. If we add the 30 calories you burn by resting, you can burn 90 calories in half an hour. Just saunasitting too!

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How to use sauna to lose weight?

Sauna It is an effective weight loss method. But it has no magic effect. SaunaYou should plan your workout according to your current body weight and target weight.

Two or three times a week for two weeks sauna bathwill aid in weight loss.

After two weeks, you start to feel energetic. Then, start doing light exercises daily.

Twice a week for the next three weeks sauna bath do it. After that, start strength training and cardio as exercises.

Things to consider when losing weight with sauna

  • sauna, It helps you burn fat but has little effect on the muscles. To strengthen the muscles and prevent sagging, you should exercise. 
  • While losing weight with sauna one of the things to watch out for drink lots of waterTruck. Saunato prevent weight loss dehydrationcause a.
  • To rebalance electrolytes sauna bathAdd a pinch of salt to your drinking water before or after
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