How to Speed ​​Up Metabolism? Foods That Speed ​​Up Metabolism

Metabolism is chemical reactions in body cells that convert food into energy. It's the chemical engine that keeps us alive. Metabolic rate varies from person to person. Those with slow metabolisms store calories as fat. On the other hand, those with a fast metabolism burn more calories. This is why accelerating metabolism is a must for those who want to lose weight. So how to speed up metabolism? 

What is Metabolism?

Metabolism refers to all chemical processes in the body. The body needs the energy provided by metabolism to do everything from moving to thinking and growing. Metabolism is a balancing act involving two types of activities going on at the same time:

  • Building body tissues and energy stores (called anabolism)
  • Breaking down body tissues and energy stores to get more fuel for bodily functions (called catabolism)

What is Metabolic Rate?

Metabolic rate is the number of calories burned in a given time. This speed falls into several categories:

  • Basal metabolic rate (BMR): It is the metabolic rate during sleep or rest. It is the minimum metabolic rate required to keep the lungs breathing, heart pumping, cerebral congestion, and the body warm.
  • Resting metabolic rate (RMR): It is the minimum metabolic rate that allows us to survive and our body to work at rest. On average, it accounts for 50-75% of total calorie expenditure.
  • Thermic effect of food (TEF): It is the amount of calories burned while our body digests. TEF usually represents about 10% of the total energy expenditure.
  • Thermic effect of exercise. (TEE): Increase in calories burned during exercise.
  • Non-exercise activity thermogenesis. (NEAT): The number of calories required for activities other than exercise.
how to speed up metabolism
How to speed up metabolism?

How to Calculate Basal Metabolism? 

Basal metabolic rate is the amount of energy a person spends in a day while at rest. In other words, it is the energy that the body spends in order to maintain the functioning of its organs. If you are trying to lose, maintain or gain weight, you need to know the basal metabolic rate (BMR) calculation.

Basal metabolic rate is affected by many variables – gender, age, height and weight being the most important. But your body fat percentage, diet, and exercise habits also play a role.

There is a formula that both men and women can use to calculate basal metabolism. The metabolic rate calculation formula is different for men and women. The daily metabolic rate calculation is as follows:

Basal Metabolic Rate Formula

  • For women: 665+ (9.6 x your weight in kilograms) + (1.7 x height in centimeters) - (4.7 x age)
  • For men: 66+ (13.7 x your weight in kilograms) + (5 x height in centimeters) - (6.8 x age)

The energy spent for basal metabolism constitutes about 60-70% of the body's energy. After calculating the basal metabolic rate to find your total daily energy expenditure:

Basal Metabolism Calorie Calculator

  • For still life: 1.40 or 1.50 x basal metabolic rate
  • For those who exercise moderately 3-4 times a week: 1.55 or 1.65 x basal metabolic rate
  • For active people who exercise more than 4 times: 1.65 or 1.75 x basal metabolic rate
  • For those who exercise more than 6 hour 7-1 times a week: 1.75 or 2 x basal metabolic rate

Using the formulas, you can calculate the amount of energy you need to take daily in calories.

Accordingly, let's make an example calculation;

  • Let's calculate the basal metabolic rate of a woman whose height is 160 cm, weight is 60 kg, and is 30 years old and the amount of energy she spends per day.

Basal metabolic rate calculation;

  • 665+ (9.6 x your weight in kilograms) + (1.7 x height in centimeters) - (4.7 x age)

according to the formula;

  • 665+(9.6×60)+(1.7×160)-(4.7×30)= 1372 (this person's basal metabolic rate)

The amount of energy to be spent daily;

  • If this person is sedentary: 1920 calories
  • If this person does moderate exercise 3-4 times a week: 2126 calories
  • If an active person who exercises more than 4 times: 2263 calories
  • If a person who exercises more than 6 hour 7-1 times a week: 2401 calories
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For example; If a woman of 30 kg, 60 cm height, who is 160 years old, who has a sedentary life, takes more than 1920 calories a day, they are obese, and if she takes less than 1920 calories, she becomes weak.

Factors Affecting Metabolic Rate

In general, there are some factors that affect the metabolic rate;

  • Age: As we age, the metabolic rate slows down. This is one of the reasons people gain weight as they age.
  • Muscle mass: The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you will burn.
  • Body size: The bigger you are, the more calories you will burn.
  • Environmental temperature: When the body is exposed to cold, it has to burn more calories to keep the body temperature from falling.
  • Physical activity: All body movements burn calories. The more active you are, the more calories you burn. This is the most effective way to speed up metabolism.

Why is the metabolic rate different?

The metabolic rate is determined at birth. Some people are born with a faster metabolism than others. Genetics is the most important reason for this speed. It also varies depending on the age of the person, his environment and his behavior. 

Why is metabolism slow?

Fast metabolism is very important for weight loss. However, some wrong diet and lifestyle habits cause the metabolism to slow down. The factors that cause slow metabolism are:

  • Eating too few calories puts the body in starvation mode, reducing the rate of calorie burning and slowing the metabolism.
  • Not eating enough protein
  • not moving or exercising
  • Not getting enough sleep
  • Consuming sugary drinks frequently
  • Advancing age
Speeding up metabolism to lose weight

Losing weight depends on speeding up metabolism. You can't lose weight just by eating fewer calories. The faster your metabolism, the more calories you burn. Having a fast metabolism gives you energy and makes you feel better. If you are thinking about how I can speed up my metabolism, read the suggestions below.

How to Speed ​​Up Metabolism?

  • Move

All body movements require calories. The more active you are, the higher your metabolic rate. Even very basic activities like standing regularly, walking around or doing housework make a big difference in the long run.

Anyone who wants to lose weight regular exercise should do. But walking around do housework Even light activities like fidgeting or fidgeting will help boost metabolism in the long run.

  • Exercise at high intensity

One of the most effective forms of exercise is high-intensity training (HIIT). HIIT involves fast and very intense activities like sprints or quick push-ups. These activities allow the metabolism to work fast not only during the exercise, but even after the exercise is over. This is called the afterburn effect.

  • Do strength exercises

One of the ways to speed up metabolism is to do strength exercises. In addition to the direct effect of exercise, strength exercises increase muscle mass. The amount of muscle you have is directly related to your metabolic rate. Unlike fat mass, muscle mass significantly increases the number of calories you burn at rest.

  • Eat protein

Consuming adequate amounts of protein is important if you want to build or maintain muscle mass. Protein While it is effective at the rate of 20-30% in accelerating metabolism, carbohydrates and fat are effective at the rate of 3-10%.

  • Don't leave yourself hungry

Calorie restriction lowers the metabolic rate. This effect is known as starvation mode or metabolic adaptation. It is the body's way of avoiding potential starvation and death. Studies show that consistently consuming fewer than 1000 calories causes a significant drop in metabolic rates, even after dieting. For example, one study shows that metabolism slows down by up to 504 calories per day. Interestingly, intermittent fasting minimized this effect.

  • For water
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It's as simple as going for a walk or drinking a glass of cold water to temporarily boost your metabolism. Many studies show that drinking water leads to an increase in the number of calories burned. Drinking cold water has a greater effect than hot water.

  • Drink green tea or oolong tea

Green tea ve oolong tea It is effective in accelerating metabolism by 4-5%. These teas increase the burning of fat stored in the body by 10-17%. 

  • Eat spicy foods

Some spices are metabolism-boosting foods. Spices add flavor to dishes without the need for adding salt and sugar. Garlic; It is an indispensable spice for delicious dishes. Same way cinnamon It is an effective spice in accelerating metabolism and recommended to pass sweet crises. According to researches zencefil, cinnamon, black pepper Such spices provide extra calories to be burned every day.

  • For coffee

Studies have shown that the caffeine in coffee can speed up the metabolism by 3--11%. Like green tea, it promotes fat burning.

  • Get enough sleep

Insufficient sleep has the opposite effect on speeding up metabolism and increases the risk of weight gain. Insomnia also increases cravings for unhealthy and high-calorie foods. 

  • Eat at the same time

Irregular meal times and a standing diet cause the metabolism to slow down. There is a close relationship between metabolism and nutrition. Eating the same food every day or eating the same type of food also affects this speed. For example, instead of eating cheese, eggs, olives for breakfast every day, you can change and eat fruit. This is one of the factors that accelerate metabolism in the long run.

  • for kefir

Studies have shown that the amount of calcium is effective in accelerating metabolism and in the process of losing weight. Dairy products contain minerals necessary for the body. For example; kefir Due to its protein and lecithin content, it meets 75% of the daily calcium requirement when consumed half a liter a day.

  • Get enough vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for maintaining muscle tissue that boosts metabolism.

Foods That Speed ​​Up Metabolism

Some foods speed up metabolism. The faster the metabolism works, the more calories burned and the easier it is to get rid of unwanted body fat. Here are the foods that speed up metabolism that will help you lose weight…

  • Protein-rich foods

And, fishProtein-rich foods such as eggs, dairy products, legumes, nuts, and seeds boost metabolism for several hours. It does this by making the body use more energy to digest them.

  • Foods rich in iron, zinc, and selenium

Iron, zinc, and selenium each play a different but equally important role in the proper functioning of our bodies. The common point of these three minerals is; It is necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, which regulates metabolism. Studies iron, zinc or a seleniumThis suggests that taking low amounts may reduce the thyroid gland's ability to produce adequate amounts of hormones. This slows down the metabolism. To help the thyroid gland function optimally, it is necessary to eat foods that contain these minerals heavily on a daily basis.

  • Beaver

Capsaicin, a chemical found in peppers, accelerates metabolism by increasing the amount of calories and fat burned.

  • Coffee

Studies have determined that the caffeine found in coffee can help speed up the metabolic rate by up to 11%. Six different studies, at least 270 mg per day (equivalent to three cups of coffee) kafein found that people who consume it burn 100 extra calories per day.

  • pulse

Lentil, Legumes such as peas, chickpeas, beans and peanuts are particularly high in protein compared to other plant foods. Eating protein allows the body to burn more calories. In addition, peas, beans, and lentils contain an amino acid that can help increase the number of calories burned during digestion. glutamine It contains.

  • Spices
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Some spices are thought to have beneficial properties, especially in accelerating metabolism. For example, research shows that dissolving 2 grams of ginger powder in hot water and drinking it with a meal can help burn 43 more calories than drinking hot water alone. 

  • Cocoa and dark chocolate

Dark chocolate and cocoa are delicious foods that can help boost metabolism. Cocoa promotes the use of fat for energy.

  • Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar accelerates metabolism. Various animal studies have shown that vinegar is particularly effective at increasing the amount of fat burned for energy. In addition, apple cider vinegar helps to lose weight with benefits such as slowing gastric emptying and increasing the feeling of satiety.

  • Coconut oil

Coconut oil high in medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). When MCTs are absorbed, they go directly to the liver to be converted into energy. This makes it less likely to be stored as fat. MCTs also have the potential to increase metabolic rate.

  • Moss

MossIt is a great source of iodine, a mineral essential for the production of thyroid hormones and the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Thyroid hormones have various functions that regulate metabolic rate. Regular consumption of seaweed helps to meet iodine requirements and to work at high speed of metabolism.

Drinks That Boost Metabolism

Food and drink have pronounced effects on mood, appetite and alertness (both mental and physical). Choosing the right food and drink speeds up metabolism. If the metabolism works fast; Helps to lose weight and control weight. Drinks that speed up metabolism include:

  • Su

Drinking waterIt speeds up the metabolism, helping to burn calories. 

  • Hot water and lemon

Drinking lemon mixed with hot water in the morning on an empty stomach accelerates metabolism, helping to burn calories, as well as cleansing the liver. For this, after getting up in the morning, it is necessary to drink a mixture of hot water and lemon within the first 15 minutes.

  • Coffee

Coffee, caffeine content Thanks to it stimulates the metabolism. Studies report that caffeine intake has a stimulating effect on energy expenditure and speeds up metabolism.

  • Green tea 

Green teaThe beneficial plant compounds found in catechins, accelerate the metabolism. 

  • detox waters

Made with fruits and vegetables that speed up metabolism detox watersWhile cleansing the body, it also increases the metabolic rate. 

  • Rooibos tea

Rooibos tea It speeds up the metabolism by helping to burn more calories while sleeping.

  • Matcha tea

A type of green tea matcha tea, Thanks to the beneficial plant compounds it contains, it helps to lose weight by accelerating the metabolism.

  • Grapefruit juice

GrapefruitIt is known that flour is an appetite suppressant and helps to speed up metabolism and break insulin resistance. The juice of the fruit has the same properties.

  • Ginger tea

Adding ginger to meals and ginger tea Drinking controls appetite, increases body temperature and speeds up metabolism.

  • Pineapple juice

PineappleContains bromelain, a substance that aids digestion and reduces inflammation. The juice of the fruit reduces bloating. It also helps suppress appetite, strengthens immunity and speeds up metabolism.

References: 1, 2, 3

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