Do Probiotics Lose Weight? The Effect of Probiotics on Weight Loss

Probioticsare live microorganisms that have many health benefits and occur naturally in the gut. It is found in fermented foods and taken through supplements. “Do probiotics make you lose weight?” is among those who are curious about the subject.

Probiotics improve immune function, digestive and heart health. Many studies have shown that probiotics for weight loss and belly fatdemonstrated to be effective in reducing

do probiotics make you lose weight
Do probiotics make you lose weight?

Intestinal bacteria affect body weight

There are hundreds of microorganisms in the digestive system. Most of them Vitamin K and are friendly bacteria that produce several important nutrients, such as certain B vitamins.

It also helps break down fiber that the body can't digest and convert it into beneficial short-chain fatty acids like butyrate.

There are two main families of beneficial bacteria in the gut: bacteroidetes and firmicutes. Body weight correlates with the balance of these two bacterial families.

Both human and animal studies have found that medium-weight people have different gut bacteria than those who are overweight or obese.

Overweight people tend to have less gut bacteria diversity than lean people.

Some animal studies show that when gut bacteria from obese mice are transplanted into the intestines of lean mice, lean mice develop obesity.

Do probiotics make you lose weight?

probiotics, short chain fatty acids It affects appetite and energy use through the production of acetate, propionate, and butyrate.

Some probiotics prevent the absorption of fats from food and increase the amount of fat excreted with feces. In other words, it allows the body to take fewer calories from the food eaten.

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Probiotics also help weight loss in other ways, such as:

Stimulates the secretion of hormones that regulate appetite

Probiotics help release appetite-reducing hormones glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and peptide YY (PYY). Increased levels of these hormones drive calorie and fat burning.

Increases the levels of fat-regulating proteins

Probiotics can increase levels of protein angiopoietin-like 4 (ANGPTL4). This results in decreased fat storage.

Probiotics help melt belly fat

Studies in overweight and obese people show that probiotics can help with weight loss and lower body fat percentage.

In particular, researches Lactobacillus She found that certain strains of herb family can help lose weight and lose belly fat.

How to use probiotics for weight loss?

?Do probiotics weaken?? We answered the question. To lose weight, probiotics can be taken in two different ways;


There are many probiotic supplements available. These products are typically Lactobacillus or a Bifidobacterium includes bacterial species. Sometimes they include both.

Probiotic supplements are available at health food stores, pharmacies, and can be purchased online.

Fermented foods

Many foods contain these healthy organisms. Yogurt is the best-known food source of probiotics. Yogurt, certain Lactobacillus or a Bifidobacterium It is milk that has been fermented with strains.

Other fermented foods that contain beneficial bacteria include:

  • Kefir
  • Sauerkraut
  • Kombu
  • Fermented, raw cheeses
  • Raw apple cider vinegar

References: 1

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