Foods Containing Protein – What is Protein? Daily Protein Needs

We divide nutrients into macronutrients and micronutrients. Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals that we get from food. Macro nutrients are protein, carbohydrates and fats. Protein is one of the macronutrients. Protein-containing foods are plant and animal sources such as red meat, chicken, turkey, seafood, fish, milk, peas, broccoli, chia seeds, flax seeds, lentils, cheese, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, yogurt, oats, barley and quinoa. 

Organic compounds formed as a result of amino acids linking together in chains are called proteins. Proteins are made up of hundreds of amino acids linked together in long chains. There are 20 different types of amino acids for a protein to form. 

protein-containing foods
Protein-containing foods

Although the daily protein requirement varies from person to person, on average, a person should take 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. This was determined as 46 grams for women and 56 grams for men. Pregnant women and athletes need more protein per day.

What is protein?

Proteins are organic compounds formed as a result of amino acids linking together in chains. It consists of hundreds of small amino acids linked together in long chains. There are 20 different types of amino acids for a protein to form.

Protein is the main building block of the body. It is used to make muscles, tendons, organs and skin. It is also used to make enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters, and various tiny molecules.

Proteins are made of smaller molecules called amino acids that connect together like beads on a string. Linked amino acids form long protein chains.

Some of the amino acids found in protein beads are produced by the body. But not all. amino acids that we cannot produce and have to get from food essential amino acids It called. What are impacted teeth? When one or more teeth fails to grow in the correct position and is therefore held below the normal gum line, it is called an impaction. This can be complete, such as completely unerrupted (buried) third molars (wisdom teeth) or partial when just part of the tooth is visible in the mouth. Why are impactions important? For best function and appearance the teeth should grow in a healthy alignment. When one or more teeth is impacted, this can affect the function of that tooth but also the function and appearance of other teeth. Whether all impactions should be treated is still controversial and your dentist and oral and maxillofacial team can explain the advantages and disadvantages or treatment for you, which is usually surgical.

Protein is essential because it performs important functions in our body.

Functions of Protein

  • Repairing tissues: Our body needs protein for growth and maintenance of tissues. It is the job of the protein to form new tissues and to repair them.
  • Forwarding messages: Some proteins are hormones, the chemical messengers that enable communication between our cells, tissues, and organs. It is produced by endocrine tissues or glands.
  • Making some cells: Some proteins are fibrous. It provides rigidity and rigidity to cells and tissues. These proteins are keratin, which provides the formation of some structures in our body. collagen and elastin.
  • Maintaining the body's pH level: Protein plays a vital role in acid and some regulation in blood and other bodily fluids. Even a slight change in the acid and base pH of the body is harmful. The body needs protein to regulate pH.
  • Balancing fluids: Proteins regulate body processes to maintain fluid balance. Albumin and globulin are proteins in the blood that help preserve fluid balance in our body.
  • Providing immunity: Proteins help create immunoglobulin, or antibodies, to fight infection. Antibodies are proteins in the blood that help protect our bodies from harmful invaders such as bacteria and viruses.
  • Storing nutrients: Some proteins transport substances in the bloodstream into or out of the cell. Substances carried by these proteins include nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, blood sugar, cholesterol, and oxygen.
  • Energize: Proteins provide our body with energy. Protein contains 4 calories per gram.

Protein Types

Amino acids are the basic building blocks of proteins, classified as essential or non-essential. Essential amino acids are obtained from protein-rich foods such as meat, legumes, and poultry, while non-essentials are naturally synthesized in our body. 

  • Hormonal protein: Hormones are protein-based chemicals secreted by cells of the endocrine glands. An example of this type of protein is insulin, which is secreted by the pancreas to regulate blood sugar levels in our body.
  • Enzymatic protein: Enzymatic proteins speed up metabolic processes in our cells, such as liver function, stomach digestion, blood clotting, and converting glycogen to glucose. An example of this type of protein; breaking down food into simpler forms that our bodies can easily absorb digestive enzymesd.
  • Structural protein: Structural proteins, also known as fibrous proteins, include collagen, keratin, and elastin.
  • Defensive protein: Antibodies, or immunoglobulin, are an essential part of the immune system and keep disease at bay. Antibodies form in white blood cells. It attacks and neutralizes bacteria, viruses and other harmful microorganisms.
  • Storage protein: Storage proteins mainly store mineral ions like potassium in our body. Ferritin, a storage protein, regulates and protects the negative effects of excess iron in our body.
  • Transport protein: Transport proteins carry vital materials to cells. For example, hemoglobin carries oxygen from the lungs to body tissues. Serum albumin carries fat in the bloodstream, while myoglobin absorbs oxygen from the hemoglobin and then releases it to the muscles.
  • Receptor protein: Receptor proteins on the outside of cells control substances that enter and leave cells, such as water and nutrients.
  • Contractile protein: Contractile proteins, also known as motor proteins, regulate the force and speed of heart and muscle contractions. These proteins are actin and myosin.
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Daily Protein Needs

Age group Required Amount of Protein
Babies 10 gram
School age children 19-34 grams


Young boys and girls 52 grams and 46 grams respectively
Adult men and women          56 grams and 46 grams respectively    

The amount of protein to be taken daily varies according to the needs of the person. For example; Pregnant and breastfeeding women need about 71 grams of protein per day. This is an approximate value.

The recommended daily intake (RDI) is 56 grams for men and 46 grams for women. The protein that should be taken daily according to the needs varies from 0,8 grams to 1,3 grams per kilogram of body weight of the person.

What are the Harms of Excess Protein?

Consuming too much protein can cause some health problems. For example; of a high protein diet It is stated that it can cause kidney damage and osteoporosis.

Excess protein consumption causes urinary calcium excretion. It increases the risk of stone formation in the kidneys. It puts a lot of strain on the kidneys and liver. Thus, it can cause premature aging of the kidney and deterioration of its function. It can also cause gout in the joints.

What Are Protein Sources?

The best protein sources are meat, fish, egg and dairy products. All the essential amino acids our body needs are in these foods. There are also plant foods that are quite high in protein, for example, quinoalike legumes and peanuts. Due to the variety of protein-containing foods, it is not possible to get enough protein from foods.

Foods Containing Protein

In order to meet the daily protein requirement, it is necessary to eat foods containing protein. Protein is found in animal foods and some plant foods. Foods containing protein are:

  • egg
  • Almond
  • Pistachio nuts
  • Walnut
  • Cashew nuts
  • Chicken breast
  • Oat
  • Harp
  • Curd cheese
  • Yoghurt
  • Milk
  • Broccoli
  • Red meat
  • Tuna and all kinds of fish
  • Quinoa
  • Lentil
  • Kidney bean
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Chia seeds
  • Turkey meat
  • Shrimp
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Pea
  • Cauliflower
  • Peanut
  • Apricot
  • Tangerine
  • Banana
  • Avokado

Now let's look at how much protein foods contain.

  • egg

egg It is one of the most nutritious foods. There are vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, eye-protecting antioxidants that most people lack. It is rich in protein. The white is pure protein.

The protein content of the egg: 35% of the egg is protein. 78 large egg of 1 grams contains 6 grams of protein.

  • Almond

AlmondIt is loaded with important nutrients like fiber, vitamin E, manganese and magnesium.

Protein content: 13% of almonds are protein. There are 28 grams of protein in 161 grams of 6 calories of almonds.

  • Pistachio nuts

Pistachio nutsIt is a good source of fiber that supports digestive health. It is nutrient-dense and has antioxidant compounds that are great for health.

Protein content of pistachios: 1 cup of pistachios contains 25 grams of protein and 685 calories.

  • Walnut

Regular consumption of walnuts prevents gallstones. It is also a good source of copper, which increases bone mineral density and prevents osteoporosis. 

Protein content of walnuts: 1 cup of chopped walnuts has 18 grams of protein and 765 calories.

  • Cashew nuts

Cashew nutsThe copper and iron in it help in the formation of red blood cells. It is extremely beneficial for eye health. It is an excellent source of magnesium, an essential mineral for body processes.

Protein content of cashews: 30 grams of cashews contain 5.1 grams of protein and 155 calories.

  • Chicken breast

Chicken breast is one of the foods with high protein content. It should be consumed without the skin.

Chicken breast protein content: It consists of 80% protein. 1 skinless chicken breast has 284 calories and 53 grams of protein.

  • Oat

OatIt is one of the healthiest grains. It contains healthy fibers, magnesium, manganese, vitamin B1, and some other nutrients.

Protein content of oats: It consists of 15% protein. Half a cup of raw oats has 303 calories and 13 grams of protein.

  • Harp

Rich in fiber harpHelps keep blood sugar and cholesterol under control. It also protects against cancer.

Protein content of barley: 1 cup of barley provides 23 grams of protein and is 651 calories.

  • Curd cheese

Curd cheese is very low in fat and calories. It is rich in nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, selenium, vitamin B12, vitamin B2.

Protein content of curd cheese: 59% consists of protein. 22 grams of curd cheese containing 226% fat is 194 calories and provides 27 grams of protein.

  • Yoghurt

Eat yogurt, which is rich in many nutrients, without added sugar. Full-fat yogurt has a high protein content but is also high in calories.

The protein content of yogurt: Non-fat yogurt consists of 48% protein. 170 grams of nonfat yogurt is 100 calories and contains 17 grams of protein.

  • Milk

MilkIt is one of the foods containing high quality protein. It contains almost every nutrient needed by the human body. It is especially high in calcium, phosphorus and vitamin B2.

Protein content of milk: 21% of milk consists of protein. 1 cup of milk has 149 calories and 8 grams of protein.

  • Broccoli

BroccoliIt is a healthy food loaded with vitamin C, vitamin K, fiber and potassium. It contains various bioactive nutrients thought to protect against cancer. It is high in protein compared to most other vegetables.

Nutritional content of broccoli: 20% of the vegetable consists of protein. 1 cup (96 grams) of chopped broccoli has 31 calories and 3 grams of protein.

  • Red meat

Red meat is high in protein. It contains iron, vitamin B12 and many other nutrients.

Protein content of red meat: It consists of 53% protein. 85 grams of red meat contains 184 calories and 22 grams of protein.

  • Tuna

Despite being an oily fish, it is low in calories. That's why most of its meat is protein. Tuna contains many beneficial nutrients such as omega 3 fatty acids.

Protein content of tuna: 94% of tuna canned in water is protein. 154 grams of tuna has 179 calories and 39 grams of protein.

  • Quinoa

QuinoaIt is one of the grains called superfood. It is rich in many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber.

Protein content of quinoa: It consists of 15% protein. 1 cup (185 grams) of cooked quinoa provides 222 calories and 8 grams of protein.

  • Lentil

Lentil It contains high fiber, magnesium, potassium, iron, folic acid, copper, manganese and various other nutrients. It is one of the best sources of plant-based protein. It is an excellent source of protein for vegetarians.

Protein content of lentils: 27% of its calories consist of protein. 1 cup (198 grams) of boiled lentils is 230 calories and contains 18 grams of protein.

  • Kidney Bean

Kidney beanIt is rich in vitamin B1, which improves memory. It also contains molybdenum, which detoxifies the body.

Protein content of kidney beans: 1 tablespoon of kidney beans has 1 gram of protein and is 14 calories.

  • Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds, It provides incredibly high values ​​​​in terms of nutrients such as iron, magnesium, zinc.

Protein content: 14% consists of protein. 28 grams of pumpkin seeds are 125 calories and 5 grams of protein.

  • Chia seeds

It is rich in fiber and omega 3 fatty acids and provides many benefits. Chia seeds gives energy.

Protein content: 30 grams of chia seeds contain 4.4 grams of protein and 137 calories.

  • Turkey breast

Turkey breast has similar characteristics with chicken breast in some aspects. It consists mostly of protein, small amounts of fat and calories.

Turkey breast protein content: It consists of 70% protein. 85 grams of turkey breast is 146 calories and contains 24 grams of protein.

  • All kinds of fish

Fish is rich in important nutrients such as omega 3 fatty acids, which are essential for heart health.

Protein content: It varies from fish to fish. For example; Salmon consists of 46% protein. 85 grams is 175 calories and has 19 grams of protein.

  • Shrimp

Shrimp it is a kind of seafood. It is low in calories and contains beneficial nutrients such as selenium and vitamin B12. Like fish, shrimp are rich in omega 3 fatty acids.

Shrimp protein content: It consists of 90% protein. 85 grams of shrimp has 84 calories and 18 grams of protein.

  • Brussels sprouts

Brussels sproutsLike broccoli, it is a vegetable with a high protein content. It contains fiber, vitamin C, and other important nutrients.

Protein content of Brussels sprouts: 17% consists of protein. 78 grams of Brussels sprouts are 28 calories and 2 grams of protein.

  • Pea

Pea It is rich in many nutrients, including iron, copper, zinc, calcium, manganese and vitamin K. The fiber in vegetables is beneficial for gastrointestinal health.

Protein content of peas: 1 cup of peas provides 9 grams of protein and is 134 calories.

  • Cauliflower

CauliflowerAn important nutrient that is also rich is choline. This nutrient improves memory and learning, improves sleep and helps muscle movement. 

Protein content of cauliflower: 1 large cauliflower provides 16.6 grams of protein and is 210 calories.

  • Peanut

Peanut It is rich in protein, fiber and magnesium.

Protein content: 16% consists of protein. 28 grams of peanuts are 159 calories and 7 grams of protein.

  • Apricot

ApricotIt is rich in potassium and fiber as well as iron. 

Protein content: 1 apricot provides 0.5 grams of protein and is 17 calories.

  • Tangerine

TangerineIt is loaded with flavonoids, compounds with anticancer properties. The folate in the fruit maintains the health of body cells. In addition, potassium in the fruit prevents osteoporosis.

The protein content of tangerine: 1 large tangerine provides 1 gram of protein and is 64 calories.

  • Banana

BananaIt is a very good source of potassium. It relaxes the walls of blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. Banana, which is rich in fiber, prevents heart disease and diabetes. It is also rich in amino acids.

Protein content of banana: 1 large banana provides 1.5 grams of protein and is 121 calories.

  • Avokado

AvokadoIt is rich in folate, an essential nutrient during pregnancy. It reduces the risk of miscarriage. Consumption of avocado also improves heart health.

Avocado protein content: 1 avocado provides 4 grams of protein and is 322 calories.

What happens if we don't get enough protein?

If enough protein is not taken, the risk of protein deficiency arises over time. Muscles begin to melt and metabolism is disturbed. a sign of not getting enough protein lack of proteinThe symptoms of are as follows;

  • Feeling anxious and irritable often: Protein contains amino acids, which are the building blocks for neurotransmitters. They regulate mood. In case of protein deficiency, anxiety and irritability are observed.
  • Insomnia: In protein deficiency, serotonin production slows down, which causes sleep problems.
  • High cholesterol: Due to the lack of protein in the body, inflammation increases and cholesterol rises.
  • Lack of attention: Insufficient protein means insufficient amino acids. This means decreased neurotransmitters. In this case, inattention and focusing problems arise.
  • Menstrual cycle irregularity: This is caused by a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). In a way, it is related to protein deficiency.
  • Frequent injuries and slow healing of woundsProtein is a body-building nutrient. Its deficiency slows down the healing process.
What Are Animal and Plant Proteins?

About 20% of the human body is made up of protein. Our body protein We need to get enough from the protein-containing foods we eat every day. Animal and vegetable proteins are the most important nutrients that we can get from food. One of the differences between vegetable protein and animal protein is their amino acid content. 

Animal protein sources include:

  • The fish
  • egg
  • Dairy products such as cheese, milk, and whey
  • red meats
  • White meats such as chicken, turkey, and quail

Most plant foods are missing at least one of the essential amino acids. But quinoa ve buckwheat Some plant foods such as phytonutrients are complete protein sources.

Plant-derived proteins include:

  • Cereals
  • Lentil
  • Nuts
  • pulse
  • Certain fruits, such as avocados
  • Soya
  • Hemp
  • Rice
  • Pea

Difference between vegetable and animal protein

In general, animal proteins are considered complete proteins. Because it contains all nine essential amino acids. While some plant proteins are also complete sources of protein, other plant foods are deficient in at least one of the essential amino acids. Therefore, they are incomplete sources of protein. We can classify the difference between plant and animal protein as follows:

Amino acid profile

  • Protein is broken down into amino acids. Proteins and amino acids are used for almost every metabolic process in the body.
  • The amino acid profile of animal and vegetable proteins is different. 
  • Animal proteins provide all the amino acids we need, while plant proteins are low in some amino acids. for example methionine, tryptophan, lysine and contains very little amino acids such as isoleucine.

Amino acid balance

  • There are about 20 amino acids in our body that are classified as essential and non-essential. Some are produced by the body, while others must be obtained from food.
  • Animal proteins are complete protein sources as they contain all the amino acids necessary for our body to function effectively.
  • Vegetable protein sources are considered deficient because they do not have one or more of the essential amino acids our bodies need.
Nutrient content

Animal protein sources usually have nutritional content that is not found in plant proteins. Animal proteins are comparable to plant proteins in terms of the following nutrients: richer than:

  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin D
  • DHA
  • Zinc

So, should we eat plant protein or animal protein?

There are some plant compounds in plant foods that are not in animal foods. For a healthy diet, both protein sources should be consumed in a balanced way.

Benefits of vegetable proteins

Some benefits of the way of eating with plants, which is called vegetarian nutrition, have been determined by researches.

  • Herbal nutrition helps to lose weight.
  • It maintains blood pressure.
  • Lowers cholesterol.
  • It reduces the risk of dying from cancer and heart disease.
  • It reduces the risk of developing diabetes by providing blood sugar control.
Benefits of animal protein

Although animal proteins are generally considered unhealthy compared to plant proteins, they are beneficial as long as they are consumed in moderation.

  • It lowers the risk of heart disease.
  • People who regularly eat fish have a lower risk of heart attack, stroke and death from heart disease. 
  • Eating eggs helps to lose weight by providing satiety. 
  • It helps to build lean muscle mass. Thus, it reduces the muscle loss that occurs with age.

To summarize; 

Protein is the name given to organic compounds formed as a result of amino acids linking together in chains. 20 different amino acids are required for a protein that consists of hundreds of amino acids linked together in long chains.

Daily protein needs vary from person to person. On average, a person should get 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. The daily protein requirement of pregnant women and athletes is more than this value.

Protein-containing foods include chicken breast, red meat, turkey, fish and seafood, milk, yogurt, cheese, peas, broccoli, chia seeds, flax seeds, lentils, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, oats, barley, and quinoa.

References: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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