Benefits of Papaya – What is Papaya and How to Eat It?

The benefits of papaya are more known, especially in the tropics. People living in these regions use the fruit, seeds and leaves of papaya to cure some ailments. Today, one of the most widely cultivated crops in the world, the papaya fruit is a very healthy food. It defies diseases by reducing inflammation. Thanks to its antioxidant content, providing youth is also one of the benefits of papaya.

benefits of papaya
benefits of papaya

What is papaya?

Papaya, "Carica papaya " is the fruit of the plant. Originating from Central America and Southern Mexico, this fruit is grown in many parts of the world today. It contains an enzyme called papain that breaks down the tough protein chains found in muscle.

The fruit is eaten raw when ripe. But unripe papaya must be cooked before eating it, especially during pregnancy. This is because the unripe fruit has a high latex content that stimulates contractions.

The shape of the papaya is similar to a pear and can grow up to half a meter in length. The peel of the immature fruit is green. It turns orange when ripe. The flesh inside is yellow, orange or red.

Papaya Nutritional Value

A little papaya (152 grams) nutrient content is as follows:

  • Calories: 59
  • Carbs: 15 grams
  • Fiber: 3 grams
  • Protein: 1 grams
  • Vitamin C: 157% of the RDI
  • Vitamin A: 33% of the RDI
  • Folate (Vitamin B9): 14% of the RDI
  • Potassium: 11% of the RDI

Contains small amounts of calcium, magnesium and vitamins B1, B3, B5, E and K.

Papaya also contains healthy antioxidants known as carotenoids. Especially lycopene high levels of carotenoids. These beneficial antioxidants are better absorbed from papaya fruit than other fruits and vegetables.

Benefits of Papaya

antioxidant effect

  • Too much free radicals in the body cause the body to go into a state of oxidative stress. This means disease.
  • Carotenoid antioxidants found in papaya neutralize free radicals. It prevents it from harming the body.

ability to prevent cancer

  • Lycopene, which provides the benefits of papaya, reduces the risk of cancer. It is also useful for people undergoing treatment for cancer.
  • The fruit's cancer-fighting ability is due to its ability to reduce free radicals that cause cancer development and progression.

benefit to the heart

  • Another of the benefits of papaya is the protection of the heart. Studies show that fruits rich in lycopene and vitamin C prevent heart disease.
  • The antioxidants in the fruit increase the protective effect of good cholesterol by protecting the heart.

reduce inflammation

  • The origin of many diseases is based on chronic inflammation. unhealthy food triggers inflammation.
  • Studies have shown that antioxidant-rich fruits like papaya reduce inflammation.

Improves digestion

  • One of the factors that provide the benefits of papaya is the enzyme papain. This enzyme facilitates the digestion of protein. 
  • People living in the tropics constipation and other irritable bowel syndrome It is used as a remedy for symptoms.
  • In addition, the root and leaves of the fruit are effective in the treatment of ulcers.

Age-related macular degeneration

  • Papaya contains zeaxanthin antioxidant. The job of this antioxidant is to filter out harmful blue rays. 
  • It plays a protective role in eye health and macular degeneration Prevents.

Prevents asthma

  • Certain foods have been found to reduce the risk of developing asthma. These foods are apricots, broccoli, cantaloupe, zucchini, papaya along with carrots. Common feature of these fruits and vegetables beta carotene is the content.

Benefit for diabetes patients

  • People with type 1 diabetes who eat foods high in fiber have lower blood sugar levels. People with type 2 diabetes have an improvement in blood sugar, lipid and insulin levels. 
  • One small papaya provides about 17 grams of fiber, which is the equivalent of about 3 grams of carbohydrates. In other words, it is a fruit that diabetic patients can consume with peace of mind.

Strengthens immunity

  • One of the benefits of papaya is that it strengthens immunity. Because it is rich in antioxidants that scavenge free radicals.

Heals wounds

  • Applying the crushed papaya seeds to the wounds makes it heal faster. The core of the fruit has an antimicrobial effect that kills bacteria in the wound. 

Prevents arthritis

  • Arthritisis a painful disease that causes inflammation in the joints.
  • Papaya shows anti-inflammatory properties that reduce pain caused by arthritis.

Reduces inflammation in the lungs

  • Papaya contains vitamin A, which may help prevent lung inflammation caused by smoking.
  • It is good to drink a glass of papaya juice for coughing fits.

It reduces stress

  • Papaya contains active enzymes as well as energizing vitamin C. Therefore, it regulates the flow of stress hormones.

Helps to lose weight

  • 100 grams of papaya is 43 calories. So it is a low calorie fruit.
  • The fiber content of the fruit makes you feel full and regulates bowel movements.
  • With these properties, papaya helps to lose weight.

Improves vitiligo

  • Papaya vitiligoIt is one of the best natural treatments.
  • Applying ripe papaya paste on the affected area increases melanin production. It helps the skin to return to its normal color.

Prevents irritable bowel syndrome

  • 60% of the fiber content of papaya is soluble fiber. This soluble fiber helps prevent symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
  • The fruit is also rich in proteolytic (protein digesting) enzyme that promotes bowel movements.
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Keeps blood pressure under control

  • Hypertension silent killer It is one of the diseases called Excessive consumption of salt is caused by inactivity and malnutrition.
  • Low potassium levels in the body cause high blood pressure. 100 grams of papaya contains 182 mg of potassium, an essential mineral to keep blood pressure under control.
  • Potassium counters the effects of sodium. Thus, it eliminates the possibility of a sudden increase in blood pressure.

Supports gout treatment

  • Gout is caused by a buildup of uric acid in the blood. This excess acid forms crystals that cause swelling, redness, and pain in the joints.
  • Papaya helps relieve and treat gout symptoms. Because the papain enzyme in its content provides anti-inflammatory properties.

Benefits of Papaya Leaf

The benefits of papaya are not only in its fruit. Its leaves and seeds also have medicinal properties. In fact, its leaf contains unique plant compounds that exhibit pharmacological potential. Here are the benefits of papaya leaf…

dengue fever

  • Papaya leaf has the potential to treat dengue fever. Dengue, which is contagious, causes flu-like symptoms such as fever, fatigue, headache, nausea, vomiting and skin rashes. It is a mosquito-borne virus.
  • There is currently no cure for dengue fever. One of the few herbal treatments to manage symptoms is papaya leaf.

Balancing blood sugar

  • Papaya leaf is used in Mexico as an alternative treatment for balancing blood sugar.
  • The leaf has the ability to protect the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas from damage.

Digestive benefit

  • Papaya leaf tea is used as an alternative treatment for digestive issues such as gas, bloating and heartburn.
  • Papaya leaf contains fiber and papain, a healthy digestive nutrient.
  • Fiber and papain break down large proteins into smaller, easy-to-digest proteins and amino acids.

Relieving inflammation

  • Papaya leaf contains various nutrients and plant compounds that relieve inflammation, such as papain, flavonoids, and vitamin E.

Hair benefits

  • Papaya leaf mask is used for hair growth.
  • One of the causes of hair loss is oxidative stress. Foods containing antioxidants such as papaya reduce oxidative stress. Therefore, it allows the hair to grow more easily.
  • Papaya leaf prevents fungal dandruff.
  • It supports the health of the hair. Protects the scalp.

Benefits to the skin

  • Papaya leaf to have youthful looking skin It is applied topically.
  • Papain, which provides the benefits of papaya, is also found in the leaf. This protein-dissolving enzyme removes dead skin cells. It opens clogged pores. It reduces ingrown hairs and acne formation.
  • It also supports wound healing.

Cancer prevention

  • Papaya leaf has been used in alternative medicine to prevent and treat some types of cancer.
  • The extract of the leaf suppressed the growth of prostate and breast cancer cells in test-tube studies.

Can You Eat Papaya Seeds?

Like many other fruits, papaya's skin-covered flesh contains seeds. Unfortunately, many people discard the beans without eating them. It prefers to eat only the sweet flesh of the fruit. Papaya seeds are edible and very nutritious. It also has many benefits.

Papaya Seed Benefits

Fights infections

  • Papaya seeds destroy certain types of fungi and parasites that cause diseases.

Protects kidney function

  • Papaya seeds are rich in antioxidants that inhibit oxidative damage in cells and protect kidney health. This improves the health and function of the kidneys.

Anticancer property

  • Papaya seeds reduce inflammation and thus protect against the development of cancer.

Digestive health

  • Papaya seeds are a good source of fiber. Fiber moves through the digestive tract without being digested and adds bulk to stool.
  • Increasing your fiber intake improves digestive health. Protects from intestinal diseases.

Liver benefit

  • There have been cases of cirrhosis of the liver treated by consuming papaya seeds. 
  • The beans are ground into powder and added to any food.

Helps to lose weight

  • Papaya seeds are fibrous, making you feel full and controlling appetite. Therefore, it provides weight loss.

Relieves menstrual pain

  • Consuming papaya seeds during menstrual period in women relieves muscle cramps and pain.

Lowers cholesterol

  • Papaya seeds are high in healthy monounsaturated fatty acids. Known to lower bad cholesterol (LDL), especially high oleic acid is rich in terms. 

Treat dengue fever

  • He stated that the papaya leaf is used in the treatment of dengue fever.
  • Papaya seeds are also effective in this sense. It improves the level of blood cells. The attacker cures the disease by fighting the dengue virus.

Kills E-coli bacteria

  • Some bacteria, such as E-coli, can be destroyed by eating papaya seeds. This allows to combat food poisoning.

Cleanses its toxins

  • Papaya seeds cleanse the body of toxins and improve metabolism. 

skin benefit

  • One of the papaya seed benefits is that it rejuvenates the skin. 
  • Eating it regularly ensures smooth and wrinkle-free skin and slows down the aging process.

Papaya Seed Harms

While papaya seeds have proven benefits, they can also cause some health problems.

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May reduce fertility: Some animal studies have shown that papaya seeds can reduce fertility.

Eating too much can be harmful: Papaya seeds contain benzyl isothiocyanate, a compound. Although this compound is known for its ability to prevent cancer, too much of it is harmful. It can cause significant damage to DNA.

How to Eat Papaya Seeds

It is necessary to take into account that the core of the fruit has a bitter taste. Therefore, it can be consumed by adding to sweet smoothies, juices, desserts and teas. Sweet foods such as honey and sugar suppress the bitterness of the core.

Harms of Papaya

Although papaya has benefits, it also has some negative effects. Here are the harms of papaya…

May cause miscarriage

  • It is not safe to eat unripe papaya during pregnancy. There is a possibility of triggering uterine contraction due to latex.
  • Therefore, it can cause miscarriage, premature birth or stillbirth.

May cause carotenemia

  • If consumed in high amounts, The beta carotene in papaya can cause skin discoloration, medically known as carotenemia. 

May cause respiratory allergy

Papain enzyme found in papaya is a powerful allergen. Therefore, excessive consumption of papaya can trigger various respiratory disorders such as:

  • respiratory obstruction
  • Grunt
  • Nasal obstruction
  • Asthma

Papaya rarely causes an allergic reaction. In this case, the following symptoms are seen:

  • Itching and burning of the lips, mouth, ears and throat
  • swelling of the tongue
  • watering eyes
  • swelling of the face
  • Rashes on the floor of the mouth and tongue

May cause stomach discomfort

  • Eating too much papaya can impair intestinal and stomach health. The high fiber content of papaya can cause problems in the digestive system. The latex in the fruit is thought to be responsible for this condition.
May interact with blood thinning medications
  • Studies have proven that the latex in papaya enhances the blood-thinning effects. 
  • Therefore, if you are taking anticoagulants such as blood thinners or aspirin, you should be careful to avoid unwanted effects.
  • If you have had an operation within a few weeks, do not eat this fruit because of its anticoagulant nature.
  • According to various studies on papaya, people affected by blood clotting conditions such as hemophilia and thrombosis should also avoid this fruit.

May cause skin rash

  • Papain enzyme is used in anti-aging creams. But it is not suitable for all skin types.
  • Some people may experience allergies such as a rash. 
  • The rashes are due to a latex allergy to papaya. Other known symptoms are itching and dryness of the skin.

Can be toxic when consumed in large quantities

  • Papaya leaves, seeds, and flesh contain carpain, an anthelmintic alkaloid. 
  • While this chemical is effective at clearing parasitic worms in the abdomen, excessive intake can cause undesirable effects. 
  • Anecdotal evidence suggests that a high intake of carpain can cause a dangerously low heart rate.

It can slow the heartbeat

  • It is thought that people with heart conditions should not eat papaya. The papain found in this orange fleshy fruit is thought to dangerously slow the heart rate and trigger heart conditions.

May aggravate diarrhea

  • Like all other fibrous fruits, papaya aggravates diarrhea if consumed in large quantities.

May cause constipation

  • Although papaya naturally prevents constipation, it negatively affects the body when consumed excessively. Excess fiber intake can cause constipation.
How to Eat Papaya Fruit?

Papaya has a unique flavor that appeals to many. However, it must mature. Unripe or overripe papaya has a very distinctive flavor.

At its best ripening, the fruit should be orange in color but parts of it should remain as green spots. It is best eaten when cold. It should be stored in the refrigerator as much as possible.

After washing, cut the fruit, remove the seeds and eat with a spoon like a melon. It can also be eaten with other foods that complement its flavor.

How to store papaya?

Papaya ripens even after plucking. If it has a reddish-orange peel, it is ripe. It should be consumed within a few days. Papayas with yellowish spots on their peel need a few days to mature.

Ripe papaya should be stored in the refrigerator. After slicing, it should be consumed within a day or two.

Papaya Skin Benefits

The benefits of papaya are also evident on the skin.

  • Vitamin C and lycopene in papaya protect the skin and reduce the effects of aging.
  • It moisturizes dry skin.
  • Removes dark spots.
  • It removes dead skin cells.
  • It reduces dark circles under the eyes.
  • Psoriasis It is good for skin ailments such as
  • It prevents acne.
How to Use Papaya on Skin

Studies have found unripe papaya to be extremely beneficial for topical use and wound healing. Applying raw papaya to the skin heals chronic skin ulcers.

Ripe papaya is used as a mask to treat various skin problems. The benefits of papaya mask for the skin are as follows;

  • It moisturizes the skin and prevents it from drying out. It provides a vivid image.
  • It reduces the effects of aging by protecting the skin from free radicals.
  • Increases collagen production in the skin. It makes the skin soft, supple and tight.
  • Gently removes dead skin cells from the face. It makes the skin look brighter and younger. It also removes dirt and oil that can cause facial acne and cracks.
  • It cures sunburns. Soothes irritated skin.
  • It reduces dark spots.
  • Papaya is generally suitable for all skin types. Some people may experience side effects, but the fruit is generally beneficial for skin health.
  Fig benefits, harms, nutritional value and properties
Papaya Skin Mask Recipes

papaya mask for dry skin

  • Chop the papaya into small pieces. Half a glass is enough. Then mash. 
  • Add 2 teaspoons of milk and 1 tablespoon of honey to it. Mix it well.
  • Apply this mask on your face and neck. 
  • Wash after drying.
  • You can apply 1-2 times a week.

papaya mask for acne

  • Finely chop and mash the fruit to make half a cup of papaya. 
  • Add 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of sandalwood powder.
  • Apply the mask evenly on your face and neck.
  • Let it dry for about 10-15 minutes. Wash with cold water.
  • Do this every 3-4 days.

Soothing papaya mask

  • Chop half a cucumber. Add a quarter cup of papaya and a quarter cup of banana. Mash well and mix.
  • Apply the mask on your face and neck. Wait 15 minutes.
  • Wash with warm water first. Then rinse one last time with cold water.
  • Repeat this once a week.

Papaya mask that tightens pores

  • Mash half a cup of papaya. Beat 1 egg white until foamy.
  • Mix the two and apply the mixture on your face and neck.
  • Wash it off after 15 minutes. 
  • Repeat this once a week.
papaya mask for oily skin
  • Chop 1 ripe papaya. Squeeze the juice of 5-6 oranges and mix with the papaya pieces. 
  • Mix well and apply on your face.
  • Wash it off after 15 minutes.
  • Do this twice a week.

Papaya mask to protect skin health

  • Mash half a cup of papaya. Add half a teaspoon of turmeric powder and mix.
  • Apply the mask on your face. Brush gently after drying. Wash with cold water.
  • Repeat this once a week.

papaya mask for dark spots

  • Crush 3-4 cubes of papaya. Mix it with 1 teaspoon of milk. 
  • Apply the mask evenly on your face and neck.
  • Let it dry for 15-20 minutes and then wash it off. 
  • You can apply it 3 times a week.

Papaya mask that brightens the skin

  • Mash together a papaya and avocado to make a smooth paste. Then apply it on your face.
  • Leave this mask on your face for about 15-20 minutes.
  • Finally, wash with water.

Papaya mask that removes facial blemishes

  • Make a paste by crushing the papaya. Mix it with 1 teaspoon of fresh aloe vera gel.
  • Massage it on your face.
  • Wait 15 minutes. Wash with water.

Papaya mask that unclogs pores

  • 4 teaspoons of cosmetic clay, 1 and a half teaspoons of aloe vera gel, half a glass of papaya mix it to make a paste.
  • Apply the mask to your neck and face, keeping it away from your eyes and lips.
  • Wait about 15 minutes. Finally, wash it off with lukewarm water.
Papaya Hair Benefits

Helps hair growth

  • Papaya accelerates blood circulation in hair follicles. Contains folic acid, which promotes hair growth.

Removes dandruff

One of the main causes of dandruff is a fungal infection. Papaya seed prevents dandruff with its anti-fungal properties. For this, you can use the fruit as follows.

  • Peel the papaya. Remove the flesh and seeds and mash.
  • Apply the resulting paste to all of the hair strands by massaging your scalp.
  • Wash it with shampoo after waiting for an hour.

Provides hair care

Papaya supports sebum production due to its high vitamin A content. Sebum is the body's natural oil. Its production ensures that the hair is well-groomed. For this purpose, you can try this hair mask.

  • Remove the skin and seeds of half a ripe papaya. Mash until a smooth paste is formed.
  • Add half a glass of yogurt to this and mix well.
  • Apply from the roots of your hair to the ends.
  • After waiting for 1 hour, wash your hair with shampoo.

To summarize;

Papaya is a fruit with high nutritional value. Everyone has a favorite flavor. Its powerful antioxidant properties provide the benefits of papaya. It protects from many chronic diseases that develop with age, especially heart disease and cancer. It also reduces the signs of aging and keeps the skin smooth and young.

Along with the papaya fruit, its leaves and seeds are also very useful. Papaya seeds are also eaten. The leaves are used to brew tea.

While the benefits of papaya are a source of healing for us, the harms of papaya are among the things that should be known. The fruit should not be eaten with blood thinners. It can also cause miscarriage if eaten before it is ripe due to its latex content.

References: 1, 2, 3, 4

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