What Is Vitiligo, Why Does It Happen? How to Treat Herbally?

in public ala disease, tawny disease, white spot disease on the skin known by names such as vitiligo, a disease that causes the skin to lose its color. 

The spots, which are raw white in places, grow over time. It can happen anywhere on the body, as well as in the hair and mouth.

Melanin determines the color of our hair and skin. When melanin-producing cells die or fail to work vitiligo arises. vitiligo, Although it can occur in any skin type, spots are more noticeable in dark-skinned people. 

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It is not a contagious disease, nor is it fatal. Vitiligo Due to its appearance, it causes people to lose self-confidence and experience social problems.

Vitiligo treatment can regain skin color, especially when diagnosed and treated early. However, it does not prevent skin discoloration or recurrence of the disease.

What is vitiligo disease?

Vitiligo (leucoderma), a skin disease in which white patches appear on the skin. These spots appear on different parts of the body.

Vitiligo skin diseaseIt occurs due to the dysfunction of melanocytes, the cells that produce melanin. Melanin is responsible for the color of the skin. VitiligoMelanocytes are destroyed, which inhibits the production of melanin.

VitiligoIt affects many parts of the body, including the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, and eyes.

Is vitiligo genetic?

How does vitiligo progress?

VitiligoIt starts with a few small white spots that gradually spread over the body over a few months. 

It starts primarily with the hands, forearms, feet, and face. It can develop anywhere on the body, such as the mucous membranes (the moist lining of the mouth, nose, genitals, and rectal areas), eyes, and inner ears.

VitiligoThe prevalence of white spots in the skin varies from person to person. While the area where the spots spread is more limited in some people, the color loss is more in some patients. 

How common is vitiligo?

VitiligoIt occurs in about 1% of the population worldwide. It occurs in both sexes, being more pronounced in people with darker skin. 

Vitiligo diseaseAlthough it can develop in anyone at any age, it most commonly occurs in people between the ages of 10-30. It is rare in the very young or very old.

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Vitiligo causes

VitiligoThe exact cause is unknown. It is not clear why the production of melanin in the body has stopped. Causes of vitiligo It is envisaged that the following situations may occur:

  • Autoimmune disorder: the sick person immune systemmay develop antibodies that destroy melanocytes.
  • Genetic factors: Vitiligo About 30% of cases run in families. Genetic, of vitiligo increases the risk.
  • Neural factors: A substance toxic to melanocytes may be released at nerve endings in the skin.
  • Self-destruct: A problem with melanocytes causes them to self-destruct.

Vitiligophysical or emotional stress It can also be triggered by some conditions, such as

Is vitiligo painful?

Vitiligo painful is not. Sunburns on light-colored parts of the skin can hurt. Precautions such as using sunscreen, staying away from the sun during the hours when the sun is strongest, and wearing protective clothing will prevent the situation.

Is vitiligo genetic?

Vitiligo It is not purely genetic, it can be caused by other reasons as well. VitiligoAbout 30% of people with water have at least one close relative vitiligo vardır.

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What are the symptoms of vitiligo disease?

Vitiligo symptoms manifests itself like this:

  • Irregular discoloration of the skin, primarily in the areas around the hands, face, body openings and genitals.
  • Premature graying of hair on the scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows or beard.
  • Discoloration of the tissues (mucous membranes) lining the inside of the mouth and nose.

Vitiligo typeDepending on what, the disease affects the following areas:

  • Almost all skin surfaces: Universal vitiligo This type of color change, called
  • Many parts of the body: generalized vitiligo This most common type, called this, proceeds symmetrically.
  • Only one side or part of the body: segmental vitiligo It is referred to as a disease and appears at a young age, progresses for a year or two, and then stops progressing.
  • One or only a few areas of the body: This type localized vitiligostop and limited to a small area.
  • Face and hands: Acrofacial vitiligo This type, called this type, affects the area around body openings such as the face, hands, eyes, nose, and ears.

It is difficult to predict how the disease will progress. Sometimes spots stop forming on their own without treatment. In most cases, the loss of pigment spreads and eventually covers most of the skin.

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What are the complications of vitiligo?

people with vitiligoAs a side effect of the disease, the risk of the following conditions is high:

  • Social or psychological distress
  • sunburn
  • eye problems
  • Hearing loss

Vitiligo can also cause the following problems;

  • Areas with white spots are more sensitive to sunlight, so they burn rather than tan.
  • people with vitiligoThere may be some abnormalities in the retina and some color differences in the iris part. 
  • people with vitiligoin hypothyroidismdiabetes, pernicious anemia, Addison's disease ve alopecia areata are more likely to develop other autoimmune diseases, such as Also, people with autoimmune diseases vitiligo risk more.

Diagnosis of vitiligo

The doctor will question the patient's medical history to make a diagnosis. He or she will examine the skin with a special lamp. He may also request a skin biopsy and blood tests if he deems it necessary.

Other conditions similar to vitiligo

There are other conditions that cause the skin to change or lose color. These vitiligo They are different conditions, although they can cause skin discoloration such as:

Chemical leucoderma: Exposure to certain chemicals causes damage to skin cells, creating blotchy white areas on the skin.

Tinea versicolor: This yeast infection creates dark spots that appear on light skin or light spots that appear on darker skin.

Albinism: This genetic condition occurs when melanin levels are low in the skin, hair, or eyes.

Pityriasis alba: This condition is manifested by reddening and flaking of certain areas of the skin.

vitiligo causes

What are the types of vitiligo?

VitiligoThere are two types, classified as segmental and non-segmental.

Non-segmental vitiligo: non-segmental vitiligo, the most common type accounting for 90 percent of cases. It produces symmetrical white spots.

It usually occurs on sun-exposed parts such as the face, neck, and hands. Apart from these, the following areas are also affected:

  • back of hands
  • Arms
  • Gozler
  • Knees
  • Elbows
  • Foot
  • Mouth
  • Underarm and groin
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Gobek
  • genitals and rectal area

Segmental vitiligo: segmental vitiligo it spreads faster and its appearance is uneven compared to the other type. with vitiligo It affects only 10 percent of people.

segmental vitiligo It usually affects areas of skin connected to nerves originating in the dorsal roots of the spine. It responds better to topical treatments.

How is vitiligo treated?

Vitiligo treatment You need to go to a dermatologist for it. The doctor will determine the most appropriate treatment option based on the person's age, how much of the skin is affected, and how quickly the disease progresses. Treatment options for vitiligo these are;

  • Medicines to be given to reduce white spots
  • Phototherapy (Ultraviolet light therapy)
  • Laser therapy
  • Depigmentation treatment

The doctor will present treatment options and recommend the most effective treatment.

VitiligoWith the camouflage method, the stained areas are camouflaged by applying make-up to the spots. This is not a treatment method. It is a stain-covering technique that allows the person to blend into society more easily by providing self-confidence.

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Natural Treatment Methods for Vitiligo

Vitiligo diseaseThere are also natural treatments that you can refer to. These do not completely eliminate the disease. It just reduces the visibility of blemishes.

Ginkgo biloba 

Ginkgo biloba extract supports immune function. It helps the skin to return to its normal color in areas where it has lost its color. White spots gradually lose their clarity. Use ginkgo biloba extract as prescribed by the doctor.

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Turmeric, vitiligoIt also contains curcumin, which has a relaxing effect. Mix one teaspoon of turmeric powder with one teaspoon of mustard oil. Rub the mixture on your skin. Wash after 30 minutes. You can apply it three or four times a week.

Ginger juice and red clay

Ginger Its juice is a rich source of phytochemicals that can help reduce discoloration. When applied with red clay, it increases blood flow and gives color to the skin.

Mix one teaspoon of red clay with one tablespoon of ginger juice and apply to the spots. Wash off after half an hour. You can apply it three or four times a week.

Radish seeds and apple cider vinegar

Bioactive compounds found in radish seed and vinegar reduce discoloration and white spots.

Powder one tablespoon of radish seeds and mix them with two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Apply this on the spots and wash off after twenty minutes. You can apply it three times a week.

Benefits of pomegranate for skin

pomegranate leaf

Pomegranate The leaf is used as a natural remedy to reduce discoloration.

Dry the pomegranate leaves in the sun. Crush the dried leaves and take 8 grams of this powder with water every day. Repeat this every morning.

Black cumin oil

Black cumin oilContains thymoquinone. This bioactive compound prevents oxidative stress, vitiligo symptomstreats it.

Drop a teaspoon of black seed oil on the cotton. Apply on white spots and wash off after half an hour. Repeat this every day for 3-4 months.

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Vitiligo and Nutrition

Vitiligo It is not a disease caused by malnutrition. Because vitiligo treatment There is no recommended diet for However, skin experts insist that a healthy diet is necessary to strengthen the immune system. 

vitiligo diet

  • Vitiligo, since it is an autoimmune disease, phytochemicals, Beta-carotene and a diet rich in antioxidants. Such a diet will strengthen the immune system, keep the skin healthy and pave the way for the skin to return to its normal color.
  • Vitiligo diseaseat, pear ve blueberries Be careful not to eat. These berries are a natural source of hydroquinone, which is known to cause skin discoloration.
  • Some common items of vitiligo patientsWhile eating citrus fruits is a problem, consumption of turmeric causes unwanted symptoms in some patients.

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Foods that are good for vitiligo

Nutrition does not have a clear effect on the onset and progression of the disease. vitiligo diet or no diet list. However, eating balanced and nutritious foods will positively affect the course of the disease. 

  • Fruits: Figs, apricots, dates, apples and bananas.
  • Vegetables: Spinach, beets, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, radishes, cauliflower, red peppers, zucchini and green beans
  • Protein: Chicken breast, lean turkey, wild fish and organic eggs. Vegans can eat protein sources such as kidney beans, chickpeas, mushrooms and lentils.
  • Milk: Dairy products may be a problem for some patients. If you are not having problems, dairy products can be consumed.
  • Whole grains: Oats, brown rice, white rice, couscous, quinoa and corn.
  • Supplements: Vitamin B12, protein, calcium, minerals and DHA vitiligo patientsmay be missing. Supplements can be taken with the knowledge of the doctor.
  • Beverages: Juices of permitted vegetables and fruits can be drunk.
  • Herbs and spices: Rosemary, thyme, basil, coriander leaves, cloves, black pepper, cardamom, cinnamon and nutmeg.

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Foods to avoid in vitiligo

  • Fruits: Oranges, nectarines, prunes, peaches, pineapples, lemons, limes, melons, watermelons, grapes, papaya, guava, grapefruit, pears and other fruits with high levels of vitamin C
  • Vegetables: Eggplant, tomato, green pepper, onion and garlic
  • Protein: Beef and fish
  • Milk: Milk, curd and buttermilk
  • Beverages: Carbonated and sugary drinks, packaged fruit juices, coffee, fresh fruit juices rich in vitamin C and alcohol.
  • Spices: Turmeric (if you don't mind, you can consume it)
  • Others: Avoid fatty, spicy, processed, packaged and canned foods. Try not to eat wafers, pickles and chocolate.

what are the symptoms of vitiligo

Things to consider in vitiligo

  • Vitiligocan occur after a stressful or upsetting event. Therefore, it is important to stay away from stress.
  • Get out in the sunlight. Sufficient Vitamin D It stimulates the process of restoring the color of the skin. Melanocytes in the skin produce melanin in sunlight. This makes it easier for the spots to darken.
  • Get enough sleep. For the mind to function properly, it needs to rest by sleeping for at least 7 hours every day.
  • Eat delicious and nutritious foods.
  • Get a hobby.
  • Stay away from negative people and negative thoughts.

Vitiligo and exercise

Regular exercise triggers mood-enhancing hormones. It's about staying positive and spread of vitiligohelps prevent

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How to prevent vitiligo?

Vitiligo irrepressible. However, the appearance of spots can be reduced. Here are the things to consider at this point…

  • Use sunscreen before going outside. This will protect the skin from the damage of sunburn.
  • You can use dermatologically approved concealer products to reduce the contrast in skin tone.
  • Do not get tattooed. Vitiligo treatment Do not expose your skin to damage from tattooing, as this may cause new patches to appear, although not related to tattooing.

long term vitiligo

People with vitiligo about 10% to 20% fully regain skin color. Those with the highest chance of regaining their skin color, vitiligoThese are young people who reach their peak in less than six months and are mainly affected by the facial area.

Those who are less likely to regain skin color on their lips and limbs, especially on their hands vitiligo are the ones.

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