Do You See the Difference Between Orange and Tangerine?

“Do you see the difference between an orange and a tangerine?” Why do you think I asked in the title? Because many people cannot see the difference and confuse these two citrus fruits. So do you see the difference? Or have you ever thought about this question? We thought and decided to discuss the differences of these beneficial fruits in this article.

difference between orange and tangerine
Difference between orange and tangerine

Difference Between Orange and Tangerine

Although both tangerines and oranges are different fruits, they have similar properties. Because they are members of the same family. They look the same, but their origins are different, and they both have variants.

  • Tangerine

Tangerine first grown in Palatka, Florida. It got the name “tangerine” in the 1800s because it was imported from the city of Tangier in Morocco. It is a member of the citrus family. There are reddish-orange and brightly colored ones. Tangerines typically run from late October to January.

  • Orange

Orangeoriginated in Asia many years ago, most likely in Southern China and Indonesia. Today, the vast majority of oranges are produced in Florida and Sao Paulo, Brazil. Citrus is the fruit of the x sinensis species and is also a member of the citrus family. 

Interestingly, orange is a hybrid of two fruits: pomelo and mandarin. There are many different varieties of oranges. It is divided into four classes, each with defining features;

  • Common and round orange
  • navel orange
  • Blood orange
  • sweet orange
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The orange season changes according to the variety. However, most oranges persist from November to March.

They look different

The difference between an orange and a tangerine is due to the size of the fruits. The size of the orange is larger than the tangerine. Tangerines are softer when ripe. Oranges are hard and heavy when ripe.

There are many different types of tangerines and oranges, with and without seeds. For example, a navel orange is seedless, while a Valencia orange has a seed.

The colors of tangerines and oranges are also different. Orange is typically yellow-orange, with the exception of blood orange, which has a deep red color. Mandarin is reddish-orange in color.

Their flavors are different

Both tangerines and oranges can be sweet or sour. However, most tangerines type is sweeter than orange.

One exception is the blood orange. Blood orange has a distinct flavor profile that differs from most tangerine and orange varieties. Blood orange has a very rich flavor that is not overly sweet with a fruity flavor aroma.

Tangerines are easier to peel

Another of the differences between oranges and tangerines is their peel. Both tangerines and oranges have a thin peel. However, the orange has a harder and tighter peel. Therefore, it is more difficult to peel than tangerines. Tangerines have a thin and loose peel. This makes it easy to peel off.

Nutrient contents are similar

Let's not always talk about the differences between oranges and tangerines. Let's examine some similar aspects. 

Mandarin has a high water content. (85%) It consists mostly of carbohydrates and contains almost no fat. Similarly, oranges have a high water content. (87%) consists mostly of carbohydrates and contains almost no fat.

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In the table below, we have compared the nutritional profile of a 100 gram tangerine with an orange. You can easily notice that the nutritional values ​​are close to each other. Here I want you to pay attention to the amount of vitamin C. The amount in an orange is twice that of a tangerine.

Carbohydrate       13.3 gram         11.7 gram         
Lif1.8 gram2.4 gram
Protein0.8 gram0,9 gram
Fat0.3 gram0.1 gram
Vitamin A14% DV4% DV
C vitamin44% DV89% DV
folate4% DV8% DV
Potassium5% DV5% DV
Benefits of Orange and Mandarin

The benefits of two fruits with such similar nutritional value will also be common. The common benefits of both fruits are as follows;

  • Its vitamin C content, which is an antioxidant, prevents oxidative damage by fighting free radicals.
  • Protects against cancer.
  • It reduces DNA damage.
  • Lowers bad cholesterol.
  • It reduces the effectiveness of Helicobacter pylori bacteria that cause stomach ulcers.
  • It prevents the formation of calcium oxalate and uric acid, which contribute to kidney stones.
  • Balances blood sugar.
  • It helps to lose weight as they are low in calories and contain lots of fiber.

How to Eat Oranges and Tangerines 

Both tangerines and oranges are eaten with their peels peeled. Both are practical snacks that you can carry with you. Both fruits are indispensable ingredients of fruit salads.

When purchasing these two citrus fruits, pay attention to the following;

  • When choosing tangerines, choose vibrant colored, semi-soft ones. Avoid brown spots.
  • The orange should have a firm and textured rind.
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Both tangerines and oranges can be stored on the counter or at room temperature or in the refrigerator, depending on your preference.

To summarize;

We tried to explain the difference between orange and tangerine as best we could. These fruits, which are members of the citrus family, are different fruits. Let's not forget that it also has similar features. In addition, let's not forget that both fruits are healthy and definitely eat when the season comes.

References: 1

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