Natural Ways to Look Younger

Who wouldn't want to grow old like wine, to look younger as you get older? But how many people are taking the right steps to make this dream come true? 

If you think that aging will automatically slow down, you are wrong. Aging is accelerated by lifestyle, certain environmental factors and factors that you can control with the amount of attention you give to it. Therefore, to look younger as you get older, you should take care of your skin, eat a healthy diet and pay attention to your living habits. 

In the article “secrets of looking young " will be announced and “young looking tips " It will be given.

Tips and Simple Tips for Looking Younger

Looking Younger Skin Care Tips

Skin care routine

The three most important steps of skin care are cleansing, toning and moisturizing. Always follow a proper skincare routine when starting your day or going to bed. At the beginning of the day, clean your skin thoroughly and prep it with a quality toner and moisturizer before applying makeup.

Do not forget to clean the sebum and dirt on your face at night and moisturize by removing the makeup. This helps reduce dullness in the skin.

Also, use a separate eye cream to keep the under eye area moist and prevent fine lines and wrinkles. Swollen eyes and dark circles make you look older.

Use sunscreen

Continuous exposure to UV rays accelerates the aging process of the skin and causes dark spots, freckles, hyperpigmentation and wrinkles. Therefore, apply sunscreen every time you go outside, even if the weather is cloudy.

Choose a sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and PA + (or higher) rating, as SPF protects your skin from UVB rays. PA + grade sunscreens also protect you from UVA rays.

ways to look younger

Buy anti-aging products

Retinoids and collagen-based skincare products are secret weapons that keep skin looking youthful. Retinoid (or retinol) is a derivative of vitamin A with anti-aging properties. Helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles and collagen increases production. 

Don't forget the hands and legs

The skin on the hands is much thinner than the rest of the body. So, even if your face looks young, your hands can betray your age. Apply sunscreen to hands and legs before going out. 

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To prevent dry hands, massage with hand cream regularly. This nourishes the nails and cuticles too. Apply a generous amount of moisturizer to your hands and legs at night. Removing dead skin cells Use a body cleanser once a week for

Don't neglect the lips either

Chapped and dry lips it can make your face look dull. Moreover, because the skin on the lips is much thinner, it ages faster when not cared for. 

Therefore, before going to bed, moisturize your lips with a good quality lip balm. Always moisturize your lips before applying lipstick. This will protect them from damage caused by the chemicals in the lipsticks.

Exfoliate the skin

In order for it to breathe easier and look fresh, the skin needs to be cleared of dead cells and exfoliation helps in this process. You can peel once or twice a week.

Hair Care to Look Younger

Avoid styling your hair

You may love to straighten, curl your hair or use a variety of hair care products. But at a certain age you need to let go of them as they can damage the cuticles and make hair dull and more prone to breakage. Also, do not over wash your hair as it can remove its natural oils and cause it to appear dry and lifeless.

You can use biotin supplements

If your hair is thin, you can use biotin supplements. Daily biotin-rich foods you can also eat. These are eggs, almonds, cheese, spinach, sweet potatoes, salmon, beef, and sunflower seeds.

Choose a hairstyle that makes you look young

The hairstyle you use, looking younger is effective. First of all, your hairstyle should go to your face. To find out which style will make you look younger, you should know your face type and you can find out with a little research or trial and error.

Tone your hair color

Coloring your hair and getting the right shade takes back your age. Determine your hair color based on your natural hair color. If you have blonde or red hair, add warm tones to it.

If you are auburn, you can try caramel color. It is a bit difficult to tone the color for black hair. Maybe you can try chestnut, brown or mocha.

Makeup Tips to Look Younger

Brighten your face with foundation

Avoid applying too much. Too much foundation can hide the natural radiance of the skin. Use a comprehensive foundation. If you are over 30, choose a moisturizing formula. 

You can apply an opaque concealer to spots that need more care. In this way, you can get a natural but flawless and shiny look.

Don't use too much powder

Powder can make the skin appear dry and can reveal lines on your face. If you have oily skin and don't want excessive shine on your face, go for translucent powder. It does not accumulate on the face. Also, evenly distribute the powder on your face with a brush. 

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Use blush

A light-toned blush used on the cheeks creates a magical effect to rejuvenate dull skin with a little touch. You just need to choose the right color for your skin tone. 

For light to medium skin tones, opt for a peach colored blush and if you have medium to dark skin tone, use a coral blush. Don't overdo it because our goal is to make a fine touch on our cheeks.

Focus on the under eye

When you light under your eyes, your face will automatically light up. Therefore, even if you are going to go out without makeup, apply a concealer under your eyes and cover dark circles.

Maintain your natural lip color

Dark, matte lipsticks make lips look thinner and add years to your face. On the other hand, your own lip color will make your face look younger.

Therefore, choose a color that is close to your natural lip color. If you are using lip liner, try to draw your lip line thinly to make your lips look fuller.

ways to look younger in women

Nutrition Tips to Look Younger

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables

Vegetables and fruits are full of essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients. It contains antioxidants that reduce the risk of many diseases and improve skin quality.

A study conducted in Japan found that eating a high proportion of green and yellow vegetables can improve skin elasticity and reduce wrinkles and skin aging.

Drink bone broth

When you cook the bones of meat and poultry for a long time. gelatineIt secretes collagen that turns into e. Drinking this bone broth helps to stimulate collagen production in the body, which means younger skin lookingprovides ni.

Use olive oil

Olive oil It is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids. It is healthy for the heart and reduces the risk of diabetes and other metabolic problems. In addition, it provides healthy aging and prolongs life.

Eat fatty fish

Fatty fish It is rich in omega 3 fatty acids - such as salmon, tuna, mackerel and herring. Omega 3 fatty acids help reduce the risk of cardiovascular conditions and keep the heart healthy.

It also reduces the risk of inflammation caused by exposure to UV rays and has a photoprotective effect. Thus, it protects your skin from the sun and harmful rays.

Eat dark chocolate

Chocolate contains flavonoids that help lower blood pressure and improve insulin sensitivity and artery function, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Flavonols in cocoa also improve blood flow to the skin. 

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This helps the skin get more oxygen, healthy and looking youngerwhat helps. Less sugar, more cocoa because it is healthy dark chocolate It is recommended that you eat.

Lifestyle Tips to Look Younger

Relax and rest

Stress reduces the quality of life and causes inflammation in the body. As a result, it can trigger health problems such as depression, decreased brain function, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. It also shows its effect on the skin.

To relieve stress and relax, meditate, go on a trip, spend time with your family, watch a movie, go out with friends - so do anything that can help you relax.

Workout planner

You don't need to go to the gym for this. The goal is to move yourself. This helps to strengthen your muscles, maintain a healthy weight, and reduce stress.

Exercise keeps lifestyle illnesses such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease at bay and reduces your age. looking youngerprovides you.

For water

If your body is not moisturized properly, your skin will appear dull, dry and lifeless. This will make you look older than you actually are.

Adequate hydration is a simple way to preserve metabolic functions and keep the skin looking healthy and radiant.

Quit smoking

Smoking not only causes cancer but also causes premature skin aging, hair loss, acne and psoriasis It also causes skin problems.

Sleep well

Poor sleep can affect skin barrier function and cause skin aging. When the skin barrier is compromised, the skin appears dull and dry and tends to become inflamed.

You should sleep at least 7-9 hours a night to keep your skin healthy and to maintain its youthful appearance.

Aging is a natural process that you cannot escape. But when you have a balanced lifestyle and follow a good skincare routine, there is no need to spend a lot of time and expense looking younger.

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