What Is Lycopene? Benefits and Harm

lycopeneis a phytonutrient with antioxidant properties. It is the pigment that gives red and pink fruits such as tomatoes, watermelons and pink grapefruits their color.

lycopeneIt has benefits such as heart health, sunburn and protection against some types of cancer. Below "What is lycopene good for", "in which foods is lycopene?You can find answers to the questions.

What Are the Benefits of Lycopene?

in which foods is lycopene found?

Has powerful antioxidant properties

lycopeneis an antioxidant belonging to the carotenoid family. Antioxidants It protects our body from damage caused by compounds known as free radicals.

When free radical levels rise to antioxidant levels, they can create oxidative stress in our body. This stress can cause some chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and Alzheimer's.

Researches, lycopeneIt shows that the antioxidant properties of in can help keep free radical levels in balance and protect our body against these conditions.

Also, test-tube and animal studies show that this antioxidant can protect our body against damage caused by pesticides, herbicides, monosodium glutamate (MSG), and some types of fungi.

Provides protection against some types of cancer

lycopeneIts powerful antioxidant effect can prevent or slow the progression of some types of cancer.

For example, test-tube studies show that this plant compound can slow the growth of breast and prostate cancer cells by limiting tumor growth.

Animal studies also report that it may prevent the growth of cancer cells in the kidneys.

Observational studies in humans, lycopene It attributes a high intake of carotenoids, including a 32-50% lower risk of lung and prostate cancer.

A 46.000-year study with more than 23 men, lycopene and prostate cancer.

At least two servings per week lycopene Men who consume tomato sauce rich in terms of prostate cancer are 30% less likely to have prostate cancer than those who consume one serving of tomato sauce per month.

Good for heart health

lycopene It may also help reduce the risk of developing or dying from heart disease prematurely.

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It can reduce heart disease risk factors because it can reduce free radical damage, total and "bad" LDL cholesterol levels, and increase "good" HDL cholesterol.

In the 10-year study, those who ate this nutrient-rich diet had a 17-26% lower risk of heart disease.

A recent review, high blood lycopene levels with a 31% lower risk of stroke.

The protective effects of this antioxidant are particularly beneficial for those with low blood antioxidant levels or high levels of oxidative stress. This includes older adults, smokers, or people with diabetes or heart disease.

May improve brain health

lycopeneMay play a role in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's. It was found that Alzheimer's patients had lower serum lycopene levels. The antioxidant was found to mitigate oxidative damage.

Studies have found that this antioxidant can delay paralysis by correcting broken cells and preserving healthy ones.

lycopene It can also reduce the risk of a stroke. It fights free radicals that can damage DNA and other fragile cell structures. It can protect cells in ways other antioxidants cannot.

In studies, the highest amount in their blood lycopene men found to have a 55% lower chance of having any stroke.

lycopene It can also protect the nerves from the bad effects of high cholesterol.

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It can improve eyesight

lycopenecan help reduce oxidative stress associated with cataracts. In animal studies, lycopene The rats fed with the drug showed a noticeable improvement in the cataract problem.

Antioxidant also depends on age macular degeneration can reduce the risk. The serum of patients with this eye disease lycopene levels were found to be low.

Oxidative stress is the main cause of almost all visual disturbances. lycopene It can help prevent long-term vision problems as it fights oxidative stress.

It can strengthen bones

In female rats lycopenehas been found to increase bone mineral density. The antioxidant can combat oxidative stress and have beneficial effects on bone health. Lycopene intake It can facilitate bone formation and inhibit bone resorption.

lycopene And combining exercise can also contribute to bone health.

Protects against sunburn

lycopene It also provides protection against the harmful effects of the sun.

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In one 12-week study, participants were exposed to UV rays before and after consuming 16 mg of lycopene, either from tomato paste or a placebo.

Participants in the tomato paste group had less severe skin reactions to UV exposure.

In another 12-week study, a dose of 8--16 mg derived from food or supplements lycopeneDaily intake of in helped reduce the severity of skin redness by 40-50% after exposure to UV rays.

However, lycopeneIts protection against UV damage is limited and cannot be used alone as a sunscreen.

Can relieve pain

lycopenehas been found to reduce neuropathic pain in the case of peripheral nerve injury. He achieved this by reversing the functioning of tumor necrosis factor, a substance that triggers inflammation in the human body.

lycopene it also attenuated thermal hyperalgesia in rat models. Thermal hyperalgesia is the perception of heat as pain, especially at abnormally high sensitivity.

lycopene It also reduces pain by helping reduce the sensitivity of pain receptors.

It can cure infertility

lycopeneIt has been found to increase sperm count by up to 70%. lycopeneIts antioxidant properties can help improve sperm quality. As the compound also reduces the risk of prostate cancer, it can further improve reproductive health.

However, most studies on this subject are observational. More concrete research is needed to conclude.

lycopene It can also treat priapism in men. Priapism is a condition characterized by persistent painful erections of the penis. It can lead to drying out of erectile tissue and eventually erectile dysfunction.

Lycopene Benefits for Skin

lycopeneis one of the classes of antioxidants known for their photoprotective properties. It is the predominant carotenoid in human tissue (along with beta-carotene) and helps modulate skin properties.

This compound also reduces oxidative damage to skin tissues.

lycopene Supplementing with has also been found to improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

watermelon rind

Foods Containing Lycopene

All natural foods with a rich pink and red color usually contain some lycopene It contains. Tomatois the largest food source. 100 grams of serving at most lycopene-containing foods The list is below:

Dried tomato: 45,9 mg

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Tomato Puree: 21.8 mg

Guava: 5.2mg

Watermelon: 4.5 mg

Fresh tomatoes: 3.0 mg

Canned tomatoes: 2.7 mg

Papaya: 1.8mg

Pink grapefruit: 1.1 mg

Cooked sweet paprika: 0.5 mg

Take advantage of the local knowledge by visiting our lycopene There is no recommended daily intake for However, intakes between 8-21 mg per day appear to be most beneficial in current studies.

Lycopene Supplements

lycopene Although it is found in many foods, it can also be taken in supplement form. However, when taken as a supplement, it can interact with some medications, including blood thinners and blood pressure lowering medications.

As a side note, some research reports that the beneficial effects of these nutrients may be stronger when taken from foods rather than supplements.

Lycopene Damages

lycopeneis considered safe, especially when taken from food.

In a few rare cases, very high amounts lycopene-rich foods Consuming it has caused skin discoloration, a condition known as lenkopenodermia.

However, such high levels are often difficult to achieve through diet alone.

In one study, the condition was seen in a man who drank 2 liters of tomato juice daily for several years. Skin discoloration for several weeks lycopene It can be reversed following a non-containing diet.

Lycopene supplementsmay not be suitable for pregnant women and people taking certain types of medications.

As a result;

lycopeneis a powerful antioxidant with many health benefits such as sun protection, improving heart health and reducing the risk of certain types of cancer.

Although it can be found as a supplement, its effect is much higher when consumed from foods such as tomatoes and other red or pink fruits.

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