What are the Benefits of Omega 3? Foods Containing Omega 3

Omega 3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids, also known as polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Unsaturated fats are beneficial for heart health. Omega 3 benefits include improving brain function, promoting growth and development, reducing the risk of heart disease, and relieving inflammation. It prevents chronic diseases such as cancer and arthritis. It is also important for memory and behavior, as it is concentrated in the brain. These fats are not produced in the body. Therefore, it must be obtained from food and supplements.

omega 3 benefits
Benefits of Omega 3

Babies who don't get enough omega 3 from their mothers during pregnancy are at risk of developing vision and nerve problems. If there is a deficiency in the body, problems such as weakening of memory, fatigue, dry skin, heart problems, mood swings, depression and poor blood circulation occur.

Many health organizations recommend getting at least 250-500 mg of omega 3 per day for healthy adults. Omega 3 oils can be obtained from fatty fish, algae and high-fat plant foods.

What is Omega 3?

Like all fatty acids, omega 3 fatty acids are chains of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. These fatty acids are polyunsaturated, that is, they have two or more double bonds in their chemical structure.

Just like omega 6 fatty acids, they cannot be produced by the body and we must get them from food. For this reason, they are called essential fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids are not stored and used for energy. They play important roles in all kinds of bodily processes, such as inflammation, heart health, and brain function. Deficiency of these fatty acids can affect intelligence, depression, heart disease, arthritis, kanser and many other health problems.

What are the Benefits of Omega 3?

  • Reduces the symptoms of depression and anxiety

Depressionis one of the most common mental disorders in the world. Anxiety Anxiety disorder is also a very common illness. Studies have found that people who regularly consume omega 3 fatty acids are less likely to become depressed. What's more, if people with depression or anxiety start supplementing with these fatty acids, their symptoms will improve. The EPA form of Omega 3 is the best at fighting depression.

  • Good for the eyes

DHA is a form of omega 3. It is an important structural component of the brain and retina of the eye. When not enough DHA is taken, vision problems can occur. Getting enough omega 3 fatty acids can cause permanent eye damage and blindness. macular degeneration reduces the risk.

  • Improves brain health in babies and children

These beneficial fatty acids are very important in the brain development of babies. DHA makes up 40% of the polyunsaturated fatty acids in the brain and 60% of the retina of the eye. Therefore, infants fed formula containing DHA have a higher vision than others.

Getting enough omega 3 during pregnancy; It supports mental development, enables the formation of communication and social skills, behavioral problems are less, the risk of development delays decreases, the risk of developing ADHD, autism and cerebral palsy is reduced.

  • Very important for heart health

Heart attack and stroke are the leading causes of death in the world. Omega 3 fatty acids provide great support for heart health by lowering triglycerides and blood pressure, raising good cholesterol, reducing the formation of harmful blood clots, preventing hardening of the arteries and relieving inflammation.

  • Reduces ADHD symptoms in children

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral disorder characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Children with ADHD have lower levels of omega 3 in their blood. External omega 3 intake reduces the symptoms of the disease. It improves carelessness and the ability to complete tasks. It also reduces hyperactivity, impulsivity, restlessness and aggression.

  • Reduces the symptoms of metabolic syndrome

metabolic syndrome, obesity, high blood pressure, insulin resistancerefers to conditions involving high triglycerides and low HDL levels. Omega 3 fatty acids reduce insulin resistance and inflammation. Improves heart disease risk factors in people with metabolic syndrome.

  • Removes inflammation

Chronic inflammation contributes to the development of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. Omega 3 fatty acids reduce the production of molecules and substances associated with inflammation. 

  • Fights autoimmune diseases

Autoimmune diseases begin when the immune system attacks healthy cells that it perceives as foreign cells. Type 1 diabetes is the most important example. Omega 3 fights some of these diseases and its intake at an early age is very important. Studies show that getting enough in the first year of life reduces many autoimmune diseases, including type 1 diabetes, autoimmune diabetes in adults, and multiple sclerosis. Omega 3 fatty acids also support the treatment of lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and psoriasis.

  • Improves mental disorders

Those with psychiatric disorders have low omega 3 levels. Researches, omega 3 supplementation in both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder Reduces mood changes and relapse frequency in people with 

  • Reduces age-related mental decline
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The decline in brain function is one of the inevitable consequences of aging. Many studies have shown that getting high omega 3s decreases age-related mental decline. It also reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease. One study found that people who ate fatty fish had more gray matter in their brains. This is the brain tissue that processes information, memories, and emotions.

  • Prevents cancer

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in today's world. Omega 3 fats reduce the risk of this disease. Studies have shown that people who consume the most omega 3 fatty acids have a 55% lower risk of colon cancer. It is stated that men who consume omega 3 have a reduced risk of prostate cancer and a decrease in the risk of breast cancer in women.

  • Reduces asthma symptoms in children

Many studies state that taking omega 3 reduces the risk of asthma in children and young adults.

  • Reduces fat in the liver

Taking omega 3 fatty acids as supplements reduces liver fat and inflammation in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

  • Improves bone health

Studies show that omega 3 fatty acids strengthen bone strength by increasing the amount of calcium in the bones. This will reduce the risk of osteoporosis. It also reduces joint pain in arthritis patients.

  • Relieves menstrual pain

Studies indicate that women who consume the most omega 3 experience milder menstrual pain. In one study, omega 3 oils were more effective than pain relievers at treating severe pain.

  • Helps sleep soundly

Quality sleep is very important for our health. Omega 3 oils relieve sleep problems. Low level of DHA in the body helps to fall asleep melatonin It also lowers the hormone. Studies in both children and adults have shown that supplementing with omega 3 improves the length and quality of sleep.

Omega 3 Benefits for Skin

  • Protects against sun damage: Omega 3 fatty acids protect against the sun's harmful ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB) rays. It reduces sensitivity to light.
  • Reduces acne: A diet rich in these fatty acids reduces the effectiveness of acne. Omega 3 fats reduce inflammation. Therefore, it is effective in preventing acne caused by inflammation.
  • Reduces itching: Omega 3 moisturizes the skin. Atopic dermatitis ve psoriasis It reduces red, dry and itchy skin caused by skin disorders such as This is because omega 3s improve the function of the skin barrier, seal in moisture and protect from irritants.
  • Accelerates wound healing: Animal research shows that topically applied omega 3 fatty acids can accelerate wound healing.
  • Reduces the risk of skin cancer: In animals fed rich in omega 3 fatty acids, tumor growth was inhibited. 

Omega 3 Hair Benefits

  • Reduces hair loss
  • It relieves inflammation on the scalp and strengthens the hair.
  • It protects the hair from the harmful effects of the sun.
  • It accelerates hair growth.
  • Increases shine and radiance.
  • Increases the thickness of hair follicles.
  • Omega 3 reduces dandruff.
  • Relieves scalp irritation.

Omega 3 Damages

These fatty acids can cause mild side effects when taken externally as supplements:

  • Bad breath
  • foul smelling sweat
  • Headaches
  • Painful burning sensation in the chest
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea

Avoid taking high doses of omega 3 supplements. Seek help from a doctor to determine the dose.

Types of Omega 3

There are many types of omega 3 fatty acids. Not all omega 3 fats are of equal value. There are 11 different types of omega 3. The three most important are ALA, EPA, and DHA. ALA is mostly found in plants, while EPA and DHA are mostly found in animal foods like oily fish.

  • ALA (Alpha-Linolenic Acid)

ALA is short for alpha-linolenic acid. It is the most abundant omega 3 fatty acid in foods. It has 18 carbons, three double bonds. ALA is mostly found in plant foods and must be converted to EPA or DHA before it can be used by the human body. However, this conversion process is inefficient in humans. Only a small percentage of ALA is converted to EPA, or even DHA. It is found in plant foods such as cabbage, spinach, saffron, soybeans, walnuts and chia seeds, flax and hemp seeds. ALA is also found in some animal fats.

  • EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid)

EPA is an abbreviation for eicosapentaenoic acid. 20 carbons, 5 double bonds. Its main function is to form signaling molecules called eicosanoids, which play numerous physiological roles. Eicosanoids made from omega 3s reduce inflammation, while those made from omega 6s increase inflammation. Therefore, a diet high in EPA relieves inflammation in the body.

Both EPA and DHA are mostly found in seafood, including oily fish and algae. For this reason, they are often referred to as marine omega 3s. EPA concentrations are highest in herring, salmon, eel, shrimp, and sturgeon. Animal products, such as natural grass-fed milk and meat, also contain some EPA.

  • DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid)

DHA, docosahexaenoic acidis the abbreviation. It has 22 carbons, 6 double bonds. DHA is an important structural component of the skin and is found in the retina of the eye. Fortification of infant formulas with DHA improves vision in infants.

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DHA is vital for brain development and function in childhood and brain function in adults. DHA deficiency that occurs at an early age is associated with problems such as learning difficulties, ADHD, aggression and some other disorders later on. A decrease in DHA during aging is also associated with poor brain function and the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

DHA is found in high amounts in seafood such as oily fish and algae. Grass-fed foods also contain some DHA.

  • Other Omega 3 Fatty Acids

ALA, EPA and DHA are the most abundant omega 3 fatty acids in foods. However, at least 8 more omega 3 fatty acids have been discovered:

  • Hexadecatrienoic acid (HTA)
  • Stearidonic acid (SDA)
  • Eicosatrienoic acid (ETE)
  • Eicosatetraenoic acid (ETA)
  • Heneicosapentaenoic acid (HPA)
  • Docosapentaenoic acid (DPA)
  • Tetracosapentaenoic acid
  • Tetracosahexaenoic acid

Omega 3 fatty acids are found in some foods but not considered essential. However, some of them have a biological effect.

Which is the Best Omega?

The healthiest way to get omega 3 oils is to get them from natural foods. Eating oily fish at least twice a week will meet your needs. If you don't eat fish, you can take omega 3 supplements. The most important omega 3 fatty acids are EPA and DHA. EPA and DHA are predominantly found in seafood, including fatty fish and algae, grass-fed meat and milk, and omega-3-enriched eggs.

Fish Oil Omega 3

Fish oil, sardines, anchovy, mackerel It is a supplement obtained from oily fish such as salmon and salmon. It contains two types of omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which have heart health and skin benefits. Fish oil has an incredible effect on the brain, especially in cases of mild memory loss and depression. There are also studies showing that it helps with weight loss. The benefits that can be obtained from fish oil due to its omega 3 content are as follows;

  • Fish oil prevents memory loss.
  • It helps to heal depression.
  • Accelerates metabolism.
  • It reduces appetite.
  • It helps to lose weight from fat.

Foods Containing Omega 3

The best-known sources of omega 3 fatty acids are fish oil, fatty fish such as salmon, trout and tuna. This makes it difficult for meat-eaters, fish-haters, and vegetarians to meet their omega 3 fatty acids requirements.

Of the three main types of omega 3 fatty acids, plant foods contain only alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). ALA is not as active in the body and must be converted to two other forms of omega 3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) to provide the same health benefits. Unfortunately, our body's ability to convert ALA is limited. Only about 5% of ALA is converted to EPA, while less than 0.5% is converted to DHA.

Therefore, if you do not take fish oil supplements, it is necessary to eat a good amount of ALA-rich foods to meet your omega 3 needs. Foods containing omega 3 are:

  • Mackerel

Mackerel It is incredibly rich in nutrients. 100 grams of mackerel provides 5134 mg of omega 3.

  • Salmon

SalmonIt contains high-quality protein and a variety of nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, selenium and B vitamins. 100 grams of salmon contains 2260 mg of omega 3.

  • Cod liver oil

Cod liver oilIt is obtained from the livers of cod fish. Not only does this oil contain high amounts of omega 3 fatty acids, a single tablespoon provides 338% and 270% of the daily requirement of vitamins D and A, respectively.

Therefore, just one tablespoon of liver oil more than meets the need for three important nutrients. However, do not take more than one tablespoon at a time because too much vitamin A is harmful. One tablespoon of cod liver oil contains 2664 mg of omega 3.

  • Herring

Herring is an excellent source of vitamin D, selenium and vitamin B12. Raw herring fillet contains 3181 mg of omega 3 fatty acids.

  • Oyster

Oyster It contains more zinc than any other food. Just 6–7 raw oysters (100 grams) provide 600% of the RDI for zinc, 200% for copper and 12% for vitamin B300. 6 raw oysters provide 565 mg of omega 3 fatty acids.

  • Sardine

Sardines provide almost every nutrient the body needs. One cup (149 grams) of sardines provides 12% of the RDI for vitamin B200 and over 100% for vitamin D and selenium. 149 grams of it contains 2205 mg of omega 3 fatty acids.

  • Anchovy

Anchovy It is a source of niacin and selenium. It is also rich in calcium. 100 grams of anchovy contain 2113 mg of omega 3 fatty acids.

  • Caviar

Caviar is also called fish roe. Considered a luxury food item, caviar is often used in small quantities as an appetizer or side dish. your caviar kolin level is high. One tablespoon of caviar provides 1086 mg of omega 3 fatty acids.

  • egg
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Those who are not fond of fish may prefer eggs as a source of omega 3 fatty acids. Eggs rich in omega 3 fatty acids are those obtained from free-range chickens.

Below is the total omega 112 fat content of 3-gram servings of some popular fish and shellfish not listed:

  • Bluefin tuna: 1.700 mg
  • Yellowfin tuna: 150-350 mg
  • Canned tuna: 150-300 mg
  • Trout: 1.000-1.100 mg.
  • Crab: 200-550 mg.
  • Clam: 200 mg.
  • Lobster: 200 mg.
  • Tilapia: 150mg.
  • Shrimp: 100 mg
Foods Containing Herbal Omega 3

  • Chia seeds

Chia seedsIt is a great plant source of ALA. 28 grams of chia seeds can meet or even exceed the recommended daily intake of omega 3 fatty acids. It contains 4915 mg of omega 3. The recommended daily consumption of ALA for adults over 19 is 1100 mg for women and 1600 mg for men.

  • Brussels sprouts

In addition to its high vitamin K, vitamin C and fiber content, Brussels sprouts It is an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids. A 78-gram serving of Brussels sprouts provides 135 mg of omega 3 fatty acids.

  • Cauliflower

Cauliflowercontains good amounts of omega 3 fatty acids among plant-based foods. Apart from omega 3, it is also rich in nutrients such as potassium, magnesium and niacin. To preserve the nutrients found in cauliflower, it should be steamed for more than five or six minutes, and lemon juice or cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil should be added to it.

  • Purslane

Purslane It contains about 400 milligrams of omega 3 fatty acids per serving. It is also high in calcium, potassium, iron and vitamin A. This places it high on the list of plant omega 3 foods.

  • Algae oil

Which is a type of oil derived from algae algae oilstands out as one of the few plant sources of both EPA and DHA. One study compared algae oil capsules with cooked salmon and found that both were well tolerated and equivalent in absorption. Commonly available in soft form, algal oil supplements typically provide 400-500mg of combined DHA and EPA. 

  • Cannabis seeds

Cannabis seeds In addition to protein, magnesium, iron and zinc, it contains about 30% fat and provides a good amount of omega 3. 28 grams of cannabis seeds contain approximately 6000 mg of ALA.

  • Walnut

WalnutIt is loaded with healthy fats and ALA omega 3 fatty acids. It consists of approximately 65% ​​fat by weight. Just one serving of walnuts can meet all-day needs of omega 3 fatty acids; 28 grams provide 2542 mg of omega 3 fatty acids.

  • Flax seeds

Flax seedsIt provides good amounts of fiber, protein, magnesium and manganese. It is also an excellent source of omega 3. 28 grams of flaxseed contains 6388 mg of ALA omega 3 fatty acids, exceeding the recommended daily amount.

  • Soybean

Soybean It is a good source of fiber and vegetable protein. It also contains other nutrients such as riboflavin, folate, vitamin K, magnesium and potassium. Half a cup (86 grams) of dry roasted soybeans contains 1241 mg of omega 3 fatty acids.

To summarize;

Omega 3 are polyunsaturated fatty acids. Among the benefits of omega 3, which greatly benefits heart health, are the development of brain health and the development of children. It also strengthens memory, relieves depression, relieves inflammation. It prevents chronic diseases such as cancer and arthritis.

Although there are 11 types of omega 3 fatty acids, the most important ones are ALA, EPA and DHA. DHA and EPA are found in animal foods, while ALA is only found in plant foods. The best types of omega 3 fats are EPA and DHA.

Foods containing omega 3 include mackerel, salmon, cod liver oil, herring, oysters, sardines, anchovies, caviar and eggs. Foods containing herbal omega 3 are; flaxseed, chia seeds, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, purslane, algae oil, walnuts and soybeans.

References: 1, 2, 3

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