What is anchovy? Benefits, Harm and Nutritional Value

Fish "Engraulidae " family anchovyIt is rich in both flavor and nutrients. It's a small type of fish but provides a large amount of protein, heart-healthy fats, and important vitamins and minerals in each serving.

Aşağıda "Benefits and harms of anchovy", "anchovy protein value", "properties of anchovy", "vitamins in anchovy" topics will be discussed.

What Are the Benefits of Anchovy?

High in omega 3 fatty acids

Omega 3 fatty acidsis an essential fatty acid that plays a role in everything from heart health to brain function. Studies show that these healthy fats can affect weight management, eye health, fetal development, and immunity.

Anchovy60 grams of Omega 951 provides 3 milligrams of omega XNUMX fatty acids.

While there are no guidelines on the amount needed each day, most healthcare organizations recommend taking a combined 3-250 milligrams of DHA and EPA, two forms of omega 500 fatty acids.

The American Heart Association recommends eating two servings of fatty fish each week or taking fish oil to meet the omega 3 fatty acid needs.

Strengthens bones

Anchovy fishProvides satisfying nutritional value for critical processes such as strengthening bones.

Calcium It is important to keep the skeletal structure strong. In fact, 99 percent of the calcium in our body is found in our bones and teeth.

Vitamin K Also important for bone health, some studies have shown that it can prevent fractures and help maintain bone mineral density.

60 grams anchovy serving helps maintain bone health by providing 10 percent of the calcium needed for the whole day and 7 percent of the daily vitamin K requirement.

It is a good source of protein

Getting enough protein is important for good health. Protein It creates and repairs tissue, produces important enzymes and hormones in the body, is an important component of bones, muscles, cartilage and tissue.

Eating high-protein foods helps maintain normal blood sugar levels, prevents age-related muscle loss and promotes weight loss. 

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60 grams anchovy protein amount It is 13 grams. If you eat it with other protein-rich foods throughout the day, you will easily meet your daily protein needs.

Has beneficial effects on the heart

Everyone knows that the heart is one of the most important organs. It pumps blood throughout the body, providing tissues with oxygen and the important nutrients they need.

AnchovyIt has an impressive nutrient profile and contains many vitamins and minerals that can help maintain heart health.

For example; niacinreduces triglycerides and cholesterol, two risk factors for heart disease. 

Omega 3 fatty acids also keep the heart healthy by reducing inflammation, lowering cholesterol and blood pressure.

In the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition In a study, anchovyIt has been found that selenium, another nutrient found in Cancer, can reduce the risk of heart disease. 

Helps to lose weight

Anchovyis low in calories but high in protein, vitamins, and minerals. 

Protein, the hunger hormone ghrelinIt helps to reduce the appetite by lowering the levels of in. A 2006 study found that a high-protein breakfast reduced ghrelin and also slowed stomach emptying to increase satiety. 

In the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition In a published Australian study, a 12-week high-protein diet was found to nearly double weight loss in healthy women compared to a low-protein diet. 

Because it is low in calories and high in protein anchovyhelps to lose weight, keeping you full.

Fish low in mercury

While fish are healthy and beneficial foods, eating too many increases the risk of mercury poisoning. 

Mercury is a heavy metal that is absorbed by fish. When we eat fish, we also absorb the mercury it contains. 

High levels of mercury can be dangerous and even cause neurological damage to children or babies. Therefore, pregnant women usually, mackerelAvoid certain fish with high mercury content, such as sharks and swordfish.

Benefits of eating anchoviesOne of them is the low mercury content. Anchovy, lowest mercury concentrations among fishIt has one of the two, making it a safe and nutritious option.

Helps tissue and cell repair

Rich in protein anchovyIt is known to benefit the functioning and efficiency of cell metabolism, connective tissue repair and regrowth. 

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High-protein foods also help promote weight loss, maintain blood sugar levels, and also build bone, muscle, cartilage, and tissue. Overall, it can be a great boost to the body's ability to heal itself.

Protects eye health

AnchovyIt is rich in vitamin A, which protects eye health. In the International Journal of Ophthalmology and Ophthalmology A published research report revealed that anchovy has potential protective effect against the progression and severity of glaucoma. It prevents macular degeneration and cataracts, therefore eating anchoviesIt is good for eye health.

It is rich in iron

Anchovy It is rich in iron. to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Each 20 grams of fresh fish, such as anchovies, contributes 12 percent of the recommended daily dose of iron for men and 5 percent for women, according to the study. 

Iron increases the oxygen supply and blood circulation in the body. It also helps cells produce more energy and white blood cells kill bacteria, thus protecting the body from infections.

Prevents toxicity

One of the biggest dangers of consuming too much fish is the high levels of mercury and other environmental toxins that can often be found in their bodies.

Smaller fish have far fewer toxins, mainly due to their short lifespan, thus providing many of the same nutritional benefits while adding much less toxins to the body than larger fish.

Maintains thyroid health

One serving of anchovies contains 31 micrograms (mcg) of selenium. Teens and adults should get 55 mcg of selenium per day. A study from the 1990s highlighted that selenium is part of an enzyme that can activate the thyroid. Additional research also suggests that selenium deficiency may lead to thyroid problems.

Prevents Alzheimer's disease

In a Harvard Medical School study, researchers found that those who ate the most omega 3 fatty acids, Alzheimer's diseaseThey found lower levels of the protein beta-amyloid, a marker of

It is sustainable

Anchovy Unlike farm-raised and antibiotic-fed fish, it is caught from the wild and is even considered one of the most sustainable fish species, allowing farmed fish to provide many health benefits without worrying about its dangers. 

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Anchovy Nutrition and Vitamin Value

Calories of anchovy It is low in protein, healthy fats and high in nutrient content. A 60-gram serving has the following nutrient content:

94.5 calories

13 grams of protein

4.4 grams of fat

9 milligrams niacin (45 percent DV)

30.6 micrograms selenium (44 percent DV)

2,1 milligram iron (12 percent DV)

113 milligrams phosphorus (11 percent DV)

0.2 milligram riboflavin (10 percent DV)

104 milligrams calcium (10 percent DV)

0.2 milligram copper (8 percent DV)

31.1 milligrams magnesium (8 percent DV)

1.5 milligrams vitamin E (7 percent DV)

5.4 micrograms vitamin K (7 percent DV)

0.4 micrograms vitamin B12 (7 percent DV)

245 milligrams of potassium (7 percent DV)

1.1 milligram zinc (7 percent DV)

0.1 milligram vitamin B6 (5 percent DV)

Anchovy benefits

What are the Harms of Anchovy Fish?

Some people may be allergic or sensitive, so these people eating anchoviesshould avoid skin. If you experience negative symptoms after eating the fish, such as itching, skin rash, or difficulty breathing, you should stop eating and consult a doctor.

Additionally, pregnant women should monitor mercury intake to prevent developmental delays and birth defects in the fetus.

Anchovy fish It contains small amounts of mercury and is safe to consume in moderate amounts during pregnancy, but should be limited to one to two times a week as part of a healthy and balanced diet.

Raw anchovy do not eat. Fresh anchovies If you do take it, you should cook it well before eating to kill parasites and avoid negative health effects. 

As a result;

anchovy fish, It is high in protein, omega 3 fatty acids, and important vitamins and minerals. The nutrients it provides help in weight loss, protecting bone health and protecting the heart.  It is versatile and has a low mercury content. 

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