What is Choline? Choline Benefits – Foods Containing Choline

Choline is an important nutrient for our body and has many benefits in supporting our health. Choline, a recently discovered nutrient, was recognized as an essential nutrient by the Institute of Medicine in 1998.

In this article, I will share with you what parcel is and what it does. You will also learn what choline deficiency is along with the benefits of choline.

What is Choline?

Choline is a nutrient that is vital for the body. Choline, also called vitamin B, plays important roles such as protecting the structure of cell membranes, exerting its effects on the nervous system, and regulating fat metabolism.

Choline is an organic, water-soluble compound. It is classified as neither a vitamin nor a mineral. However, due to their similar features and functions, they are often B vitamin complex are grouped together.

Choline is usually found in egg yolks, liver, dairy products and some green leafy vegetables. It can also be taken as a supplement.

Choline intake is very important during pregnancy. It is necessary for the development of the baby's brain and nervous system. Its deficiency may lead to some health problems, such as the risk of diabetes.

What is Choline used for?

The functions of choline, which is a nutrient that plays various important roles in the body, are as follows;

  • Choline plays an important role in maintaining the health of many vital functions such as brain functions, nervous system health, fat metabolism and liver functions. Choline is necessary for the formation and development of nerve cells that are necessary for brain health. The role of choline is also important for nerve conduction.
  • Choline has positive effects on fat metabolism. Choline supports the breakdown and transportation of fats in the body. In this way, fats are converted into energy and the amount of fat accumulated in the body is reduced. Choline is also important for liver health. It helps prevent fat accumulation and liver damage in the liver.
  • Choline also contributes to many biochemical functions, such as DNA synthesis and production and regulation of neurotransmitters. Choline is required for the healthy functioning of many cells in the body, such as nerve cells, brain cells, and muscle cells.
what is choline
What is choline?

What are the Benefits of Choline?

The benefits of choline, which plays an important role in our body and has various health benefits, are as follows;

1. Supports brain health

Choline is an important nutrient that supports brain functions. It contributes to the development of memory, learning and cognitive functions by increasing the communication of brain cells.

2. Protects nervous system health

Choline helps produce neurotransmitters essential for the nervous system. This allows nerve cells to communicate properly and maintains nervous system health.

3. Supports liver health

Choline helps regulate liver functions and prevents the accumulation of fat in the liver. In addition, it supports the detoxification processes of the liver and helps maintain a healthy liver function.

4. Supports metabolism

Choline is a nutrient that supports fat metabolism. It facilitates the transport of fats across cell membranes and contributes to energy production.

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5.It is important during pregnancy

Choline is important for fetal brain development during pregnancy. It is necessary for the development of the baby's nervous system and brain health. 

6.Reduces inflammation

Choline has an effect that reduces inflammation in the body. This contributes to the healthy functioning of the immune system and reduces the risk of chronic diseases.

7. Protects heart health

Choline regulates cholesterol metabolism and prevents the rise of bad cholesterol. This reduces the risk of heart diseases.

8. Contributes to muscle development

Choline supports muscle growth by helping stimulate protein synthesis. It is an ideal food for those who want to increase muscle building while exercising.

9. Strengthens the immune system

Choline supports the immune system and increases resistance to infections. In this way, it provides protection against diseases.

10. Improves mixed mood states

Choline supports the production of neurotransmitters in the brain. This, depression, anxiety ve stress It can help improve mood disorders such as:

11. Supports skin health

Choline maintains the skin's moisture balance and provides a natural glow. It also repairs skin damage and reduces signs of aging.

12. Protects eye health

Choline has antioxidant properties that improve eye health. Particularly age dependent macular degeneration It reduces the risk of eye diseases such as:

13. Provides hormone balance

Choline helps regulate hormonal balance. This is important for women who struggle with hormonal disturbances such as menstrual cycle regulation.

Foods Containing Choline

Choline is an important nutrient for our body's cell functions. It has many functions such as regulating brain functions, structure of cell membranes and energy production. However, the body cannot produce choline on its own, so it must be obtained through food. Here are some foods that contain choline:


eggIt is a food very rich in choline. One medium-sized egg meets about half of your daily choline needs.

2.Beef liver

Beef liver, known for its high choline content, is both a healthy and delicious option.

3.Milk and dairy products

Dairy products such as yoghurt, cheese and milk are also sources of choline. However, it is important to choose fat-free or low-fat options.


BroccoliIt is one of the vegetables rich in choline content. It is also very beneficial in terms of other nutrients such as iron, calcium and vitamin C.

5. Cauliflower

Another vegetable containing choline is cauliflower. It is a healthy option with the other nutrients it contains.


SpinachIt is one of the leafy green vegetables rich in choline. It is also very useful in terms of iron, calcium and vitamins.


Oil seeds such as peanuts are also foods containing choline. However, it is important to pay attention to portion control because it is high in fat content.

8. Pisces

Oily fish, in particular, are rich in choline. SalmonFish such as sardines and tuna can be preferred.


Peais another vegetable containing choline. It is nutritious with protein, fiber and other nutrients.


Chicken liver, in particular, is very rich in choline.


Lentils are a vegetarian option that is rich in choline.


Cabbage is an excellent source of choline. It is rich in both choline and vitamin C.


Avocado is a fruit rich in both healthy fats and choline.


Beans are a source of protein and fiber, rich in choline.


Corn is a grain with high choline content.


QuinoaIt is a whole grain rich in choline.


Orange is a fruit rich in both vitamin C and choline.

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18.Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are a nut rich in choline.


Jerusalem artichoke is a root vegetable with high choline content.


Soybeans are a legume rich in choline.

Regularly consuming these foods containing choline helps meet the amount of choline our body needs.

Daily Choline Need

So, how much daily choline does an adult need? The daily choline requirement of an adult woman is approximately 425 mg, and for men this amount is 550 mg. Pregnant and breastfeeding women, athletes and individuals doing intense physical activity should consume higher amounts of choline. The recommended daily intake values ​​for choline are as follows:

0--6 months: 125 mg per day.

7-12 months: 150 mg per day.

1–3 years: 200 mg per day.

4-8 years old: 250 mg per day.

9–13 years: 375 mg per day.

14-18 years old, woman: 400 mg per day.

14-19 years old, male: 550 mg per day.

Adult women: 425 mg per day.

Adult men: 550 mg per day.

Breastfeeding women: 550 mg per day.

Pregnant women: 450 mg per day. 

Choline Supplement

The amount of choline naturally obtained from foods may sometimes be insufficient. For this reason, many people choose to use choline supplements. Choline supplementation helps support cognitive functions by maintaining brain health. It is known to be effective in reducing the risk of memory problems and cognitive decline, especially in old age.

One of the positive effects of choline supplements on brain health is that it regulates mood. Choline helps increase the production of neurotransmitters that play a role in nerve communication in the brain. In this way, choline supplements can be used to combat conditions that negatively affect mood, such as depression and anxiety.

It has been observed that choline supplementation has positive effects on attention deficit and focus problems. It can help strengthen learning and memory, especially by increasing concentration during the learning process. With these features, choline supplement stands out as a useful support for students, employees and anyone who wants to increase their brain power.

What is Choline Deficiency?

Choline, which performs important functions for our body, is unfortunately a substance that many people lack. Choline deficiency can occur when not enough choline is taken. The main reasons for this situation include low protein intake, absorption problems in the body, use of certain medications and genetic factors. In addition, pregnancy, old age and alcohol use can also cause choline deficiency.

Although choline deficiency is rare, some people are at higher risk. For example;

  • Athletes: Levels drop during long endurance exercises such as marathon running.
  • High alcohol consumption: Alcohol increases needs and risk of deficiency. 
  • Post-menopausal women: The estrogen hormone helps produce choline in the body. As estrogen levels tend to decline in postmenopausal women, a greater risk of deficiency occurs.
  • Pregnant women: Needs increase during pregnancy. This most likely occurs because the newly formed baby requires choline for its development.

Symptoms of Choline Deficiency

Symptoms of choline deficiency include fatigue, memory problems, nervous system problems, fatty liver, muscle cramps and depression. In addition to these symptoms, it is also known that choline deficiency can lead to heart diseases, diabetes and errors in brain functions in the long term.

It is important to consume certain foods to prevent or treat choline deficiency. Consuming choline-rich foods such as eggs, dairy products, seafood, red meat, broccoli and green leafy vegetables helps reduce the risk of choline deficiency. Additionally, choline tablets can be used as supplements. However, it would be more beneficial to consult your doctor about choline intake.

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Diseases Seen in Choline Deficiency

Choline deficiency is a very important problem for the human body. This deficiency can lead to various health problems in the body. Diseases that may occur as a result of choline deficiency are as follows:

  1. Fatty liver: Choline is used by the liver for the metabolism of fat. In case of choline deficiency, fat accumulation may occur in the liver and this condition is called fatty liver. When fatty liver disease progresses, it can affect liver functions and cause serious problems.
  2. Cardiovascular diseases: Choline deficiency can cause elevated levels of homocysteine ​​in the blood. High homocysteine ​​levels increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases. These include problems such as heart attack, stroke and vascular occlusion.
  3. Brain functions: Choline is important for the proper functioning of brain functions. In case of choline deficiency, symptoms such as memory problems, difficulty in concentration and decreased mental performance may occur.
  4. Emotional problems: Choline deficiency also leads to negative effects on mood. Emotional problems such as depression, anxiety, and irritability can be associated with choline deficiency.
  5. Loss of muscle strength: Choline is necessary for the proper functioning of muscles. In case of choline deficiency, problems such as loss of muscle strength, muscle pain and muscle weakness may occur.

What are the Harms of Choline?

Choline is necessary for the normal functions of our body. However, it may also have side effects when consumed in excessive amounts or under certain conditions. We can state the harms of choline as follows;

  1. Neurological problems: Choline deficiency can cause brain function to deteriorate. It can affect brain development and cause cognitive problems, especially in children. Additionally, choline deficiency increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
  2. Heart health: Excessive choline consumption may be associated with cardiovascular diseases. In particular, it is thought that dietary supplements containing high amounts of choline may increase cholesterol levels. Additionally, some studies have shown that high choline consumption may also increase the risk of heart attack.
  3. Digestive problems: Excessive consumption of foods containing choline may cause digestive problems in some people. In particular, symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating and gas may occur. Therefore, it is important for people who have a problem with their choline intake to control their consumption.
  4. Pregnancy and breastfeeding period: Choline deficiency can negatively affect mother and baby health. Choline has an important role for the baby's brain development and nervous system. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to adequate choline intake during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

As a result;

In our article, we discussed the benefits of choline, foods containing choline and choline deficiency. Choline plays an important role in regulating body functions and maintaining brain health. It also contributes to energy production and supports liver health. We can protect our health by consuming foods rich in choline. Besides this, we can also take choline supplements. We can live a healthy life by knowing the benefits of choline and creating a suitable diet.

References: 1, 2, 3, 4, 56

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