What Is Edema, Why Does It Happen, How Does It Pass? Natural Ways to Relieve Edema

Swelling in our body after an injury or inflammation edema called. This usually happens because of extra fluid build-up in the tissues and can affect any part of our body.

Edema it is often a side effect of medications, pregnancy, or even prolonged inactivity. "What are the causes of edema in the body?" Here are the answers to the curious questions about edema ...

What is Edema?

Edemais the swelling of some body parts due to fluid buildup in tissues. Edema formation is most common in the legs and hands, and this situation peripheral edema It is called. This medical condition is often the result of another illness or medical complication.

edema treatment

How Does Edema Occur?

Edema it is often the result of an injury to the body, such as a fracture or infection. Bee stings may also result in edema.

In case of infection edema It is an aid because the fluid released as a result of an infection is usually made up of white blood cells (WBCs) and these cells are involved in the fight against infections.

Except those edemacan also be the result of other serious underlying complications.

Causes of Edema


This is a condition that may result in edema. It is a term used for the deficiency of albumin and other proteins in our body.


Edema there may also be an allergic reaction to an allergen. This is because in the event of an invasion by a foreign body, our veins leak fluid in the affected area to fight any possible infection.

Blood Clot

Blood clot in any part of our body edemaIt may cause eruptions. Similarly, any situation that prevents the flow of fluid in our body can lead to the development of edema.

Medical Conditions

Edema it is often the result of serious health problems such as heart and liver disease. Both conditions can block or slow the flow of bodily fluids, which in turn edemamay result in.

Head Injury

Any injury that results in a block in the drainage of cerebral fluid in the head. edemacan cause e.


Edemais very common among pregnant women. It usually occurs in the legs during pregnancy.

Edema usually affects only certain areas of the body. Different types of edema and these are named according to the body parts they affect. 

What are the Types of Edema?

Peripheral Edema

Swelling in the hands or legs is called peripheral edema. Cellulitis can be caused by lymphadenitis, heart failure, liver failure, or the side effects of antihypertensive drugs.

Pulmonary Edema

When there is fluid retention in the lungs, it is called pulmonary edema. It is a serious condition and is usually the result of another medical problem, such as heart failure or lung damage.

Cerebral Edema

This usually happens when there is an obstruction to the fluid flow in the brain. It is also a critical situation and requires immediate intervention. It can be seen after head injury or infections such as viral encephalitis, dengue and malaria.

Macular Edema

If there is fluid congestion in the macula of the eyes, it is called macular edema. The macula is the part of the eyes that is responsible for providing vision. It may be associated with diabetes or hypertension.

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Edema can affect other body parts as well, but those mentioned above are the most common areas affected by this condition. 

What are the Symptoms of Edema?

Symptoms associated with edema often vary depending on its type and location. Pain, swelling, and a feeling of tightness in the affected area are usually common signs of edemadir. Some of its other symptoms include:

Stretched and swollen skin

Skin that pits when pressed

Swelling of the affected area

Pain in the part of the body affected

Stiffness in the joints

- Hand and neck veins become fuller

Higher blood pressure

Abdominal pain

Feeling nauseous

- Vomiting

Abnormalities in vision

If your symptoms are critical, it requires immediate medical attention. However, if the swelling of the hands or legs is the result of an insect bite or other minor problem, there are some natural remedies that can be applied at home.

How to Get Rid of Edema

Natural Remedies for Edema Relief

Causes that cause edema in the body

Green tea


  • 1 teaspoon of green tea extract
  • 1 water glass of water
  • Honey (optional)


Add green tea extract to the water and boil it in a pan.

- Add honey for flavor and drink right away.

Drink green tea at least 2-3 times a day for best results.

Green teaIts stimulating and diuretic properties help metabolize extra fluid in the body. This is also edema treatmentIt is also effective.

Juniper oil


  • 5-6 drops of juniper oil
  • 30 ml carrier oil (olive or coconut oil)


Mix the juniper oil with the carrier oil.

Apply this mixture on the swollen areas.

Apply this twice a day to see the most benefit.

Juniper oil is known for its medicinal benefits. The diuretic and detoxifying properties of juniper oil help reduce bloating and water retention caused by edema.

Cranberry Juice

Drink a glass of unsweetened cranberry juice daily. Cranberry It is rich in many minerals such as calcium and potassium and also shows diuretic properties. These factors are cranberry edema treatment makes an excellent natural remedy for

Pineapple juice


  • 1/4 pineapple
  • 1 water glass of water


- Peel the pineapple and cut it into small pieces.

Mix this with water in a blender and drink the water right away.

Do this once a day.

Scientifically mothers It is a natural diuretic and rich in a compound called bromelain. Bromelain has anti-inflammatory properties that can help treat edema and its symptoms.

Massage Therapy


  • 5-6 drops of essential oils such as grapefruit and juniper oil
  • 30 ml carrier oil such as coconut oil


Mix the essential oil with the carrier oil.

Gently massage the swelling in your leg for 5 to 10 minutes.

You should do this twice a day for faster recovery.

Massaging improves blood circulation and helps treat edema.


Before the massage, hold your leg elevated for 15 minutes. Doing so allows fluid that has accumulated in the swollen area of ​​the body to flow back. As a result, water retention in the affected area is reduced.



  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder
  • 1 glass of milk or water
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Mix turmeric with a glass of warm water or hot milk.

- Drink it now.

Alternatively, you can make a paste by mixing a teaspoon of turmeric with a few drops of water. This paste can be applied to areas of the body affected by edema.

Apply this medication every morning and night until you see the edema disappear.

TurmericContains a compound called curcumin that has anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties. These properties help treat swelling and pain associated with edema.

Apple Cider Vinegar


  • 2 glass of apple cider vinegar
  • 2 glass of warm water
  • A clean towel


Mix apple cider vinegar and warm water in a bowl.

Dip a clean towel in the mixture and wrap the swollen areas with it.

- Wait 5 minutes.

Repeat the process using a mixture of cold water and vinegar.

Do this twice a day until the swelling disappears.

Apple cider vinegarhas many health benefits. It is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and high potassium content. Potassium helps reduce fluid retention, while the anti-inflammatory properties of apple cider vinegar help treat inflamed skin.

Hot and cold compresses


  • Cold water
  • Hot water
  • A clean towel


Take a clean towel and dip it in hot water.

Wrap this towel over the swollen area of ​​the body.

Leave this for 5 minutes and turn it on.

Next, dip the towel in cold water and repeat the process.

Do this twice a day until the swelling disappears.

When you apply a warm compress, more blood flows to the area where it is applied. This reduces pain and inflammation associated with edema. Similarly, if you apply a cold compress to the swollen area, it will numb the affected area and also reduce swelling and inflammation.

Crushed Flax Seeds


  • 1 teaspoon of crushed flax seeds


Mix the crushed flax seeds in a glass of warm water.

- Drink it now.

Apply this remedy twice a day for best results.

Flax seeds It is a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids. These oils eliminate toxins in the body and keep the organs functioning properly. Therefore, flaxseed helps treat edema by getting to the root of the cause.

Coriander Seeds


  • 3 teaspoons of coriander seeds
  • 1 water glass of water


- Take the coriander seeds and water in a pot.

- Boil this mixture until the amount of water is reduced to half.

Let it cool down and then strain. Drink the filtered liquid right away.

Do this twice a day to see the best benefit.

Coriander seeds are a rich source of potassium. Along with the anti-inflammatory properties of coriander seeds, the diuretic nature of potassium is effective in the treatment of edema.

Tea Tree Oil


  • Tea tree essential oil
  • Cotton pad


Pour about 4-5 drops of tea tree oil on a cotton pad.

Apply this gently to the swollen area.

Do this twice a day for best results.

Tea tree oilIts analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties help treat swelling and pain associated with edema.

types of edema

Parsley Leaf


  • 1/2 to 1 cup of parsley leaves
  • 1 L boiled water
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- Cut the parsley leaves into small pieces, throw them in water and boil.

- Strain the water.

Add honey to flavor and drink throughout the day.

- Consume parsley tea daily at regular intervals.

Parsley It is a natural diuretic and helps to remove toxins and extra fluid from the body. It is one of the best herbs that can be used to treat edema.

Ginger tea


  • 1 or 2 small pieces of ginger
  • 1 water glass of water
  • Warm milk (optional)


Crush a small piece of ginger and boil it in a glass of water.

- Strain and drink the water before it gets cold.

Alternatively, you can chew a piece of ginger or consume a teaspoon of dried ginger powder with a glass of warm milk.

Do this once a day.

GingerContains a compound called gingerol, known for its anti-inflammatory and medicinal properties. Ginger is also a natural diuretic, can easily treat edema and its symptoms.

Thyme Oil


  • 5-6 drops of thyme oil
  • 30 ml of any carrier oil (almond oil or olive oil)


Mix thyme oil with a carrier oil of your choice.

Gently massage the affected area with this mixture.

Do this twice a day for faster recovery.

Oregano oil is antiseptic and antibacterial. It has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce swelling and pain associated with edema.

Indian Oil


  • Indian Oil


Take some castor oil and massage it into the swollen areas of your body.

Do this twice a day.

Indian Oilstimulates blood flow and skin healing. Rhinoleic acid in castor oil exhibits anti-inflammatory properties and is of great benefit in treating swelling and inflammation caused by edema.

Epsom Salt Bath


  • 1 cup of Epsom salt
  • Su


Add Epsom salt to your bath water.

Take 15 to 20 minutes in the bath and relax.

Alternatively, you can add half a glass of Epsom salt to a bucket of warm water and soak your swollen legs for 10 to 15 minutes.

Do this at least once a day.

Epsom saltAlso called magnesium sulfate. The magnesium in Epsom salt exhibits anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce swelling and inflammation.

Tips to Prevent Edema

- Avoid activities that require sitting or standing for a long time.

Occasionally raise your legs.

Limit your salt intake.

Exercise every day.

- In hot weather, keep yourself well hydrated.

- Avoid vigorous exercise and take breaks in between.

- Do not smoke.

- Do not sit continuously for more than 3 hours.

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