What are the Symptoms of Protein Deficiency?

ProteinIt is the building block of muscles, skin, enzymes and hormones. It plays an important role in all body tissues. Most foods contain protein. Therefore, protein deficiency is rare. Symptoms of protein deficiency These include fatty liver, skin, hair and nail problems, and being susceptible to infections.

What is protein deficiency?

the most severe lack of protein kwashiorkor diseaseis. It usually occurs in children in developing countries where hunger and malnutrition are common.

Protein deficiency occurs when protein consumption cannot meet the body's requirements. Eating too little protein can cause changes that develop over a long period of time, such as muscle wear.

What causes protein deficiency?

When enough protein is not consumed daily, general health begins to deteriorate. Risk factors for protein deficiency include:

  • Eating a vegan or vegetarian diet.
  • Doing a lot of exercise.
  • Having trouble absorbing protein due to problems with the gut.
  • Drinking excessive alcohol
  • Using certain drugs that can impair absorption.
  • not eating enough protein
symptoms of protein deficiency
Symptoms of protein deficiency

What are the symptoms of protein deficiency?

Deficiency can cause symptoms in both the short and long term. Symptoms of protein deficiency as follows;

  • Edema
  • Liver Fatty
  • Skin, hair and nail problems
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Risk of breaking bones
  • growth retardation in children
  • Being vulnerable to infections
  • Frequent injuries and difficult healing of wounds
  • Increased appetite

Diseases associated with protein deficiency

Symptoms of protein deficiency When it starts to appear, the following disorders may occur in the body:

  • elevation of cholesterol
  • feeling anxious and restless
  • not sleeping well
  • Brain fog formation
  • Constantly going to the toilet due to gas
  • Gaining weight
  • experiencing bloating
  • Irregularity of the menstrual cycle
  • Lack of young and strong hair, nails and skin
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How much protein should be consumed?

Not everyone's protein needs are the same. It depends on many factors such as body weight, muscle mass, physical activity and age.

Body weight is the most important determinant of protein requirement. The recommended daily intake is 0,8 grams/kg. Scientists say this will be enough for most people.

This means that an adult weighing 75 kg should get 66 grams of protein per day. A daily protein intake of 1.2-1.4 grams/kg is recommended for building muscle.

As with athletes, older adults need higher protein. The elderly or physically active should have a daily protein intake higher than 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight.

Protein deficiency treatment

Protein deficiency, It improves by eating protein-rich foods. Eating plant and animal protein sources together is the healthiest way to get balanced protein.

  • Vegetable protein sources; nuts and seeds, such as legumes, almonds, flax seeds, chia seeds and hemp seeds; cereals such as oats, buckwheat, quinoa. 
  • Vegetables that help increase protein intake include spinach, kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and mushrooms.
  • Animal protein sources; beef, chicken, turkey and fish. The protein content of foods such as eggs and milk obtained from these animals is also high.

References: 1

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