I'm Losing Weight But Why Am I Getting Too Much Weight?

We live in a number addicted world. We record small changes such as the foods eaten, the baby's sleep pattern, the steps taken and analyze accordingly. Such measurements are useless in some cases. E.g; trying to lose weight...

The biggest mistakes we make when trying to lose weightOne of them is to constantly stand on the scale and rejoice and be sad at the slightest movement. When we do not see the number we expect to see, we may think that we cannot lose weight and come to a situation where we stop losing weight. 

I'm getting too much on the scale

Next "Why can't I lose weight even though I'm on a diet?” we begin to brood over.

When the scale is not used correctly, it will lie to you. To find out when the scale is telling the truth, ask yourself the following questions.

Scale Sometimes Lies

  • What time is it?

To keep track of your weight, you need to be on the scale regularly at the same time. It is not right to weigh continuously throughout the day because there are fluctuations in the scales during the day depending on many factors. 

Set a time for yourself. Weigh yourself every day or at the same time every week. 

  • Have I traveled recently?

On your body during a long bus, car, train or plane journey edema occurs. Edema, which occurs as a result of situations such as excessive sitting, pressure changes or even local weather conditions, is reflected in the weight as excess weight. 

I cannot lose weight, what should I do?

  • Is the weather hot?

When the weather is hot and humid, swelling occurs. In such weather, extra water is retained in the body and appears to have gained weight on the scale. 

  • Have I just eaten?

If you are out of the list and have eaten too much, you can also drink alcohol or carbonated drinks If you have consumed it, there will be a big change in scale. 

  • What am I wearing?

This is the most often overlooked when weighing. Weigh yourself in your underwear unless you're in a crowded environment. Or wear the same clothes every time you weigh in. 

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  • Did I go to the toilet?

Have you ever felt relieved after using the toilet? The body relaxes after bowel motility and loses several hundred grams. For this, it is best to weigh in the morning after going to the toilet. 

  • Did I do sports?

Body; walkIt holds water in order to protect the muscles in stressful situations such as cycling. This situation can last for a few days. This appears on the scale in kilograms. 

  • Did I overdo it while exercising?

Especially in the case of rapid calorie reduction and high-dose sports, the body protects itself and keeps fat, especially during the diet. Reduce the dose of exercise until your body gets used to this new routine. 

  • Am I drinking enough water?

When we don't drink enough water, our body retains water to conserve fluids. Drinking plenty of water it increases the efficiency of the body in removing oil and makes the numbers on the scale look correct. 

Why did I stop losing weight?

  • Am I experiencing a hormonal change?

Especially women experience edema as a result of hormonal changes during menopause and menstrual periods. These hormonal fluctuations last up to ten days, and you will see more numbers on the scale. Do not be afraid, after a certain time everything will return to normal. 

  • Do I do exercises that require strength?

Muscle is heavier than fat. When you start doing movements that require force, the fat in the body melts and muscle is formed. In this case, the body keeps water inside the cells as a defense mechanism. 

Although you lose weight, there may be no change in the scale or the numbers may go up. This will take several months. Continue without disturbing your order.

  • Am I stressed out?

Body stress When it is below, fat is formed and edema occurs. Exercise regularly and stay active in stressful situations. Movement relieves stress.

  • Am I taking medication?

Will the laxative weaken

  • blood pressure medications
  • Diabetes medications
  • Steroids
  • Antibiotics
  • heart medications
  • Asthma medications
  • cancer drugs
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When these drugs are taken, the body stores fat and the numbers on the weight start to increase. This situation does not last forever. Do not leave your diet. This situation is temporary. 

When you ask these questions to yourself, you will be taking a step towards steady weight loss. I recommend using scales that measure your muscle, fat, water and bone density, not with old-fashioned scales. In this way, you will not lose motivation by reaching the right result.

Reasons you can't lose weight

Is weight fluctuation normal?

It is normal for your weight to fluctuate daily. On average, the weight ranges from 2.25 to 2.5 kg per day. Many factors are responsible for this weight fluctuation, from what and when you eat and drink, whether you exercise and even when and how many hours you sleep.

Why can't I lose weight even though I eat less

When should you be weighed?

  • The lowest weight during the day is the time after getting up in the morning and going to the toilet. When you are weighed at different times, you will see different results and you cannot reach an accurate result.
  • Make sure your scale is weighing correctly. Place the scale on a flat surface to avoid false results.
  • Try to weigh yourself at the same time every day. 
  • Make sure to weigh yourself in the same attire.
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