Does Lemon Water Weaken? Lemon Water Benefits and Harm

Water with lemon juiceis a drink made from water mixed with freshly squeezed lemon. It can be drunk hot or cold.

This water is said to have various health benefits, such as improving digestion, facilitating focus and providing energy. It is also the number one drink preferred by those trying to lose weight.

“What is lemon water for”, “what are the benefits of lemon water”, “does lemon water melt the belly”, “does lemon water lose weight”, “when to drink lemon water”, “how to make lemon water”? Here are the answers to these curious questions ...

Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water

the benefits and harm of lemon water

Strengthens immunity

Water with lemon juiceis a powerful antioxidant C vitamin is rich in Vitamin C is known to strengthen immune function.

It improves immune defense by supporting various cellular functions. It increases the proliferation of B and T cells, which are important components of the human immune system.

Vitamin C intake provides a lower risk of respiratory and systemic infections.

Water with lemon juicescavenges free radicals and fights oxidative stress. In addition to boosting immunity, it also has other protective effects, including preventing liver damage.

Helps prevent kidney stones

Water with lemon juicecontains citrate, which binds to calcium and helps prevent stone formation. Just half a glass every day drinking lemon waterincreasing urinary citrate excretion, kidney stone can reduce the risk.

Lemon has the highest rate of citrate among citrus fruits. It, water with lemon juiceexplains why it may be the ideal way to prevent kidney stones.

Protects mental health

Limon Like citrus fruit juices are rich in flavanones that have been found to improve cognitive health. These flavanones work by increasing blood flow to the brain. This strengthens mental health.

Water with lemon juiceon citric acid It can also prevent brain inflammation and fight oxidative stress, thus improving brain health. Because of these features water with lemon juicemay provide potential benefit in preventing neurodegenerative diseases.

Improves exercise performance

Water with lemon juiceincreases hydration. Studies show that hydration improves exercise performance overall. In a study of athletes who trained in season, regular hydration increased their performance.

This is because hydration improves sodium loss, which is often common due to an individual's increased sweat rate during physical exertion.

Helps digestion

Some studies indicate that the acids in lemons can support the body's natural stomach acids and help the body break down food. This means better digestion.

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Citrus fruits, including lemon, which is primarily a fiber found in the skin of the fruit pectin includes. This fiber can improve digestion.

Skin benefits of drinking lemon water

Citrus-based juices improve skin health. Studies have found that such juices have powerful antioxidant and anti-aging effects. It can prevent oxidative stress and even suppress wrinkle formulation (in mice).

Water with lemon juiceVitamin C in it has powerful benefits for the skin. Food promotes the formation of collagen, the main structural protein found in skin and connective tissues. Vitamin C also fights free radicals and protects the skin from the debilitating effects of oxidative stress.

Is it beneficial to drink lemon water

Nutritional Value of Lemon Juice

Su                                  g                              92,31
Total lipid (fat)g0.24
Fiber, total dietg0.3
Candies, totalg2.52


Calcium, Camg6
Iron, Femg0.08
Magnesium, Mgmg6
Phosphorus, Pmg8
Potassium, Kmg103
Sodium, Namg1
Zinc, Znmg0.05


Vitamin C, total ascorbic acidmg38.7
Vitamin B2mg0.015
Vitamin B-6mg0.046
Folate, DFEug20
Vitamin A, IUIU6
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)mg0.15

Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water for Weight Loss

How many calories in lemon

Lemon water is low in calories

Water with lemon juice It is usually a very low calorie beverage. If you squeeze half a lemon into a glass of water, there will be only 6 calories in each glass.

Because, Orange juice and high-calorie beverages such as soda water with lemon juice This is a great way to reduce calories and aid in weight loss.

For example, a glass of orange juice (237 ml) contains 110 calories and a 0.49-liter soda bottle contains 182 calories.

Just one of these drinks in a glass water with lemon juice By replacing it with, you reduce the daily calorie by 100-200 calories.

Helps hydration

There are many benefits of drinking water, from carrying nutrients to cells to removing waste from the body.

It is important to maintain adequate hydration in everything from regulating body temperature to improving physical performance.

Some evidence also suggests that hydrating the body by drinking water can aid weight loss. Studies show that increasing hydration also increases fat loss.

A well-hydrated body helps reduce water retention, which eliminates signs of weight gain such as bloating.

Water with lemon juiceSince most of the wool consists of water, it helps to ensure sufficient hydration.

Accelerates metabolism

Studies show that drinking enough water can potentially boost metabolism.

Researchers suggest that good hydration enhances the function of mitochondria, a type of organelle found in cells that helps produce energy for the body.

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This causes an increase in metabolism, which can lead to weight loss. It is stated that drinking water accelerates metabolism by creating thermogenesis, a metabolic process in which calories are burned to produce heat.

Water with lemon juice Research on this subject is limited, but considering that its main ingredient is water, it provides metabolism-accelerating benefits. 

Lemon water keeps you more full

Drinking lemon waterIt is part of the weight loss routine because it helps to develop satiety and satiety without consuming calories.

A 2008 study examined the effects of water on calorie intake in overweight and obese older adults. The study found that drinking 0,5 liters of water before breakfast reduced the number of calories consumed at a meal by 13%.

Another study found that drinking water during meals decreased hunger and increased satiety.

Water with lemon juiceBecause wool is low in calories and can induce satiety in the same way as drinking water, it is an effective way to help reduce calorie intake.

Increases weight loss

Because of its potential beneficial effects on satiety and hydration, some evidence suggests that water (water with lemon juice including) may increase weight loss.

In one study, 48 adults were given two diets: a low-calorie diet before each meal, 0,5 liters of water before each meal, or a low-calorie diet without water before meals.

At the end of the 12-week study, participants in the water group lost 44% more weight than participants in the no-water group.

Other research shows that increasing water intake can aid weight loss, regardless of diet or exercise.

A 2009 study measured water intake in 173 overweight women. It found that water intake over time was associated with greater body weight and fat loss, regardless of diet or physical activity.

Although these studies focus specifically on drinking water, the same results are likely to be water with lemon juice also applies to.

Lemon water melts belly

How to Prepare Lemon Water?

Water with lemon juice It is a customizable drink and can be tailored to your personal preference. The recipes are usually prepared as half a lemon mixed with a glass of water. 

Try adding a few other additives for more flavor. You can sprinkle a few fresh mint leaves or turmeric, and add other spices to a glass of lemon juice in delicious and healthy ways.

Many people take a glass for the day water with lemon juice You prefer to start with, but you can drink at any time of the day.

It can be consumed hot like tea, or add a few ice cubes for a cool and refreshing drink.

Water with lemon juiceAlthough they claim that yun provides greater benefits when consumed at certain temperatures, there is little evidence to support it makes a difference.

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The Harm of Drinking Lemon Water

Water with lemon juice is acidic. Therefore, when drunk in excess, it may cause some negative effects as follows.

Can rot tooth enamel

Extreme water with lemon juice consumption can lead to acidic demineralization of tooth enamel.

A Brazilian study has proven this. Water with lemon juicehas shown abrasive effects on teeth similar to soft drinks. They are all likewise acidic.

Water with lemon juice Brushing teeth immediately after consuming can help prevent erosion. You can also drink it using a straw to prevent tooth decay.

May cause mouth ulcers

Canker sores are a type of mouth ulcer. These are shallow sores inside the mouth (or the base of the gums) and are painful. Some studies indicate that citric acid may worsen mouth ulcers. The mechanism by which citric acid can cause this is not yet understood.

The citric acid in lemons can worsen wounds and cause more. Therefore, do not consume citrus fruits such as lemons if you have canker sores. Wait for them to heal completely.

May aggravate heartburn

Some research suggests that citrus fruits can cause heartburn or acid refluxshows what causes it.

Studies have found that patients suffering from similar gastrointestinal symptoms consume more citrus fruits and juices.

Water with lemon juice it may also reduce the effectiveness of the lower esophageal sphincter muscle and instead cause stomach acid to escape into the esophagus.

Juice can also worsen peptic ulcers. Ulcers are formed from extremely acidic digestive juices. Drinking lemon water (and other acidic beverages) can make the situation worse.

It can trigger migraines

There is some research that citrus fruits can trigger migraines. Fruits can cause migraine attacks through an allergic reaction. Tyramine, a specific substance in citrus fruits, is the culprit of this situation.

May cause frequent urination

Extreme drinking lemon waterThere is no research to prove that can cause frequent urination. The reason for this is probably the water itself, not the lemon.

Also The Turkish water with lemon juiceIt is believed that wool can induce nausea or vomiting. This can be attributed to the vitamin C content.

Extreme water with lemon juice There have been cases of vomiting following consumption. Theories suggest that the body will scavenge excess vitamin C and trigger symptoms.

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