How to Make Orange Juice? Benefits and Harm

Orange juiceis one of the most popular juices consumed around the world and has recently become an indispensable beverage of breakfast. Television advertisements and marketing slogans make this drink unquestionably natural and healthy.

However, some scientists and health experts say this sweet drink may also have health hazards. In the article “orange juice nutritional value "," what are the benefits of orange juice "and" orange juice harms " topics will be discussed. 

How to Make Orange Juice?

We bought from the market Orange juiceis not made by squeezing freshly picked oranges and transferring their juice to bottles or boxes.

It is produced through a multi-stage, carefully controlled process and can be stored in large tanks for up to a year before packaging the juice.

First, the oranges are washed and squeezed by a machine. Pulp and oils are removed. The juice is heat pasteurized to inactivate enzymes and kill germs that can cause spoilage.

Later, some of the oxygen is removed during storage, which helps reduce the oxidative damage of vitamin C. The juice to be stored as frozen concentrate is evaporated to remove most of the water.

Unfortunately, these processes also remove compounds that impart flavor and flavor. Some are then added back to the juice.

Finally, before packaging, made from oranges harvested at different times Orange juicecan be mixed to minimize variation in quality. The reprocessed pulp after extraction is added to some fruit juices.

Nutritional Value of Orange Juice

Fruit of orange and its juice are nutritionally similar, but there are also some important differences.

Most importantly, compared to orange, it is a Orange juice There is significantly less fiber in a serving, and the calories and carbohydrates, mostly from fruit sugar, are about twice that of oranges.

In this table, one glass (240 ml) nutritional value of orange juice, Compared to a medium orange (131 grams).

Orange juiceFresh oranges
Calorie                         110                                62                                    
Fat0 gram0 gram
Carbohydrate25,5 gram15 gram
Lif0,5 gram3 gram
Protein2 gram1 gram
Vitamin A4% of the RDI6% of the RDI
C vitamin137% of the RDI116% of the RDI
thiamine18% of the RDI8% of the RDI
Vitamin B67% of the RDI4% of the RDI
folate11% of the RDI10% of the RDI
Calcium2% of the RDI5% of the RDI
Magnesium7% of the RDI3% of the RDI
Potassium14% of the RDI7% of the RDI
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As you can see, orange and of orange juice contents is similar. Both are good for supporting immune health C vitamin and a source of folate - which helps reduce the risk of certain birth defects during pregnancy.

However, if some losses were not experienced during processing and storage, the juice will be even higher in these nutrients.

For example, in a study purchased Orange juice, homemade orange juiceIt contains 15% less vitamin C and 27% less folate than.

Although not listed on nutritional labels, orange and its juice are rich in flavonoids and other beneficial plant compounds. Some of these are reduced during processing and storage.

Which is Healthier?

Most healthy freshly made at home squeezed orange juicestop - but this may not always be possible. For this reason, many people prefer to buy it at the grocery store.

The most unhealthy Orange juice options; high fructose corn syrup and orange flavored beverages containing various additives such as yellow food coloring.

A healthier choice, 100% Orange juicestop - whether made from frozen concentrate or not frozen at all. The nutritional value and taste of these two options are similar.

making orange juice

What Are the Benefits of Orange Juice?

Drinking fruit juice is a method that meets the amount of fruit to be consumed daily. Orange juice It is available year-round and is a convenient and delicious way to help you consume fruit.

Health experts recommend eating the fruit itself rather than drinking the juice, and state that the juice should not make up more than half of your daily fruit quota.

This means drinking a maximum of 240 ml per day for the average adult. Mentioned here benefits of orange juice homemade ones were created by evaluating.

Maintains blood pressure levels

Orange juiceis a great drink for people with high or low blood pressure. This delicious beverage has a great ability to bring the uncomfortable blood pressure level back to the normal range. magnesium It contains.

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Strengthens immunity

Due to the presence of vitamin C Orange juiceProvides protection against various diseases (such as flu or cold) by strengthening the immune system.

Has healing properties

Orange juiceOne of the most important benefits for health is its healing properties. Oranges contain flavonoids (such as naringenin and hesperidin) which are anti-inflammatory substances.

When you consume this yummy fruit raw or in juice form, flavonoids work wonderfully to treat arthritis, heal joint stiffness and pain.

Prevents cancer

Latest scientific research, Orange juicerevealed the effectiveness of the disease in preventing various types of cancer. Orange is an effective agent against skin cancer, breast cancer, oral cancer, colon cancer and lung cancer D-limonene Contains a substance known as. In addition, the presence of vitamin C helps in this regard.

Beneficial in treating and preventing ulcers

Ulcers usually occur in the small intestine and stomach. Ulcer formation sometimes becomes a major cause of constipation because food particles that are consumed cannot be broken down properly. Orange juice It is very advantageous in the treatment and prevention of ulcers. It stimulates the digestive system.

Prevents kidney stones

Regularly one serving per day Orange juice By drinking, the risk of kidney stone formation can be reduced. Too much mineral and chemical concentration often results in the development of kidney stones.

Orange juicecontains citrate, which has an excellent ability to prevent this disorder by reducing urine acidity. 

Orange juice helps to lose weight

Many people claim that this citrus fruit is full of antioxidants that act effectively for weight loss, with regular Orange juice He thinks its consumption helps to reduce excess weight.

Reduces the risk of heart attack

Orange juiceAnother important benefit of the is that it helps prevent heart ailments. Hesperidin is a plant-based substance that prevents arteries from clogging by improving the health of nearby cells. Oranges contain sufficient amounts of hesperidin, so one glass per day drinking freshly squeezed orange juicereduces the risk of heart attack.

Treat anemia

Anemia is a condition that usually occurs due to insufficient red blood cells in hemoglobin. The most important reason for this situation iron deficiencyd.

Orange juiceProvides a good amount of vitamin C, which supports the absorption of iron into the bloodstream. For this reason, most doctors recommend that patients with anemia consume orange juice regularly.

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Orange Juice Benefits For The Skin

Orange juiceIts antioxidant properties prevent the effects of aging and make the skin look fresh, beautiful and young. In addition, with the combination of vitamin C, antioxidants protect skin cells from being affected by free radicals. Therefore, one serving every day drinking orange juiceis the best way to preserve the freshness and attractiveness of the skin for a long time.

The Harm of Orange Juice

Orange juiceAlthough it has some health benefits, it also has some downsides and harms related to its calorie content and its effect on blood sugar levels. These damages occur mostly in ready-made purchases.

It is high in calories

Juice makes you feel less full than the fruit itself, is drunk fast and increases the risk of gaining weight.

Moreover, studies, Orange juice It shows that when you consume calorie-rich beverages such as fruit juice, you get more calories than you get when you are not drinking juice.

Large observational studies in adults have linked a daily serving of 240% fruit juice in each cup (100 ml) to 0.2-0.3 kg weight gain over four years.

Additionally, adults and teenagers can drink two cups (500 ml) for breakfast. Orange juice When they drank, they reduced their bodies' fat burning after meals by 30% compared to those who drank water. This is partly sugary, which stimulates the liver's production of fat Orange juiceIt may be caused by.

Orange juice and other sugary drinks cause tooth decay as well as excessive calorie intake in children. Dilution of this does not reduce the risk of dental caries, although it can reduce calorie intake.

Raises blood sugar

Orange juice It raises blood sugar more than oranges. Glycemic load - a measure of how the carbohydrate quality and quantity of a food affects blood sugar levels - this value is 3-6 for oranges and Orange juice ranges from 10-15 for.

The higher the glycemic load, the faster a food raises your blood sugar.

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