Lichen Planus Herbal Treatment Methods – 15 Effective Solutions

There are many people who even hear the name of this disease for the first time. How do I know? When I say I have lichen planus, people look at me as if I came from outer space. However, it is a disease that affects 2% of the world's population. Actually, it is not a small number to be underestimated. Since you are reading this article, you either have lichen planus or you have heard about it somewhere and are reading the article to research it.

lichen planus herbal treatment methods
Lichen planus herbal treatment methods

Although its name is more like moss, lichen planus is a skin disease. It is manifested by itching and spreading red, purple or bluish lesions on the skin. In fact, doctors do not know the exact cause of the disease. Allergies, chemicals, or stress are thought to trigger the disease. This disease is triggered by the immune system in response to stress, allergens, or a viral infection.

In addition to the skin, scalp and nails, lichen planus can also affect the mouth and genitals. The discomfort manifests itself in different ways, from mild to severe. Lichen planus is not a definitive disease. Treatment of the disease helps relieve symptoms and facilitate recovery.

In the medical community, it is estimated that this disease especially affects people between the ages of 30-60. (I was 20 years old when I met this disease.) In fact, lichen disease affects both women and men, but is mostly seen in women in the perimenopause period.

What is Lichen Planus?

Lichen planus an autoimmune disease There is disagreement as to whether it is the body's natural reaction to an allergen. It is becoming more evident that it is an autoimmune disorder. Let's leave the way the disease is defined to medical professionals and let's know this. Lichen planus is a disease consisting of persistent and spreading rashes that can affect almost every part of the body. It is an inflammatory disease that occurs as a result of lesions on the skin and affects the skin and the inside of the mouth.

It causes the skin to become extremely itchy. It can start slowly and gradually, or it can start quickly.

“Is lichen planus contagious?” or “Is lichen planus cancer?” Questions like these preoccupy their minds. Lichen planus is a disease of unknown cause, but it is not contagious. In other words, it does not pass from person to person and it is not a type of cancer.

This disorder, which usually affects the skin, may occur in the mouth in some people. There are different types of the disease. Now let's take a look at the types of lichen planus.

Lichen Planus Types

  • Reticular: It is a lichen disease that features a white spider web-like pattern that is easy to distinguish in pictures. This pattern is called “Wickham Striae”.
  • Erosive: It is a bright red rash that affects mucous membranes such as the mouth and genitals. In more severe cases, ulceration oral lichen may occur.
  • Bullous: They are fluid-filled blisters and lesions that can occur in the mouth, genital areas, lower areas and trunk.
  • Atrophic: It is one of the rarest varieties of lichen planus and typically affects the trunk and legs or areas where one of the other types of lichen planus is experienced. The rash consists of whitish-blue blisters with an atrophied or fragmented center.

Oral Lichen Planus

Oral lichen planus occurs in the mouth. Spicy foods and acidic drinks make the discomfort worse. Extremely cold or hot foods and drinks also cause distress.

It is the most common type seen in the reticular mouth. However, erosive, bullous and atrophic types can also occur. With the reticular, the inside of the cheeks is shaped like a white cobweb-like pattern, while erosive lichen planus appears bright red and inflamed on the gums, cheeks, or tongue. In addition, fluid-filled lesions and bullous lichen blisters may appear on the cheeks, tongue, crevices of the mouth and gums.

Genital Lichen Planus

The four types of this disease described above usually develop in and around the genital area. In men, rashes appear around the penis.

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In women, it can affect the skin around the genitals as well as the vulva and vagina. Some studies show that 50 percent of women with oral lichen planus also experience this condition in the genital area.

Lichen Planus in Hair and Nails

Lichen planus can be seen on both fingernails and toenails. While it affects one or both nails in some people, all nails are affected in others, causing temporary or permanent damage to the nail.

When a rash appears on the scalp (known as lichen planopilaris), alopecia or hair lossWhat can cause permanent scar formation.

What Causes Lichen Planus?

Although the causes of lichen planus have not been determined, many medical conditions and environmental factors are thought to play a role in the development of this disease. The risk factors that can cause the disease are:

  • Genetic:  You have a higher risk of developing lichen disease if you have a close family member.
  • Hepatitis C:  One study found a statistically significant association between hepatitis C and lichen.
  • Allergens:  Exposure to allergens, such as some artificial dyes and chemicals, can cause this condition.
  • Medicines:  Some medications cause lichen planus in some people. Certain medications that contain arsenic, bismuth, gold, or quinidine, including antibiotics, diuretics, flu shots, medications for diabetes, malaria, such as high blood pressure and heart disease medications.
  • Age:  It is most common in middle-aged adults; perimenopausal women are at a greater risk.
  • Amalgam Fillings:  Fillers act as an allergen that causes this disease.

Lichen Planus Symptoms

The first symptom is the appearance of a reticular rash on the wrists, trunk, or legs. However, it can start anywhere on the body. Symptoms of lichen planus include:

  • Colored lesions or bumps that appear purplish
  • Whitish-blue fluid-filled blisters or lesions that burst and spread
  • Fine white lines forming a web-like appearance appearing over the red rash of small lesions
  • Moderate to severe itching in skin rashes
  • Nails that have a chalky white appearance
  • Itching and pain on the scalp along with a rash
  • A strange smell from the rash even after cleaning
  • Vaginal dischargeburning, itching and painful intercourse
  • Lesions or blisters on the penis, chronic itching and painful intercourse

Lichen Planus Treatment

It is necessary to go to a dermatologist for the treatment of lichen planus disease.

If oral lichen planus is present, the doctor or dentist may biopsy specific areas of the rash, take cultures, order testing for hepatitis C, and perform allergy tests to identify causes of lichen planus.

Lichen planus is an incurable disease. Treatment aims to keep the lesions under control and relieve symptoms such as itching. Medications used to treat lichen planus include:

  • Corticosteroids (topical, oral, or injection) to reduce inflammation.
  • Antihistamines to reduce itching, inflammation and general discomfort.
  • Prescription drugs that suppress the immune system.
  • Retinoid medications commonly used to treat acne.
  • Light therapy (PUVA).
  • Mouthwashes containing lidocaine.
  • Pain medication.
Lichen Planus Herbal Treatment Methods

We said that there is no cure for lichen planus. In some people, the disease is completely cured as a result of treatment. This is rare. Because most patients experience exacerbations when triggers occur. There are times when the disease becomes stable and symptoms are not observed. In this case, the disease has entered remission.

I want to say this clearly. Accept that the disease will recur and will not go away completely. Even be your own doctor. A treatment that works for everyone may not work for you, or vice versa. Therefore, try to find out what is good for you and act accordingly when the disease flares up.

Now let's look at lichen planus herbal treatment methods. Choose one and apply it. If it works well, continue on your way with that method. If it doesn't work, try other methods.

1) Turmeric

An ointment prepared with turmeric is good for lichen planus disease. A small pilot study was conducted on this subject. Turmeric has been found to have the ability to reduce pain as well as corticosteroids, antihistamines, and prescription pain medications in controlling inflammation.

For lichen disease on the skin, apply an ointment in the form of a paste prepared with powdered turmeric and water to the affected areas. Wash off after 15 minutes.

2) Epsom Salt Bath

Also known as English salt Epsom saltRelieves the symptoms of lichen planus disease. It reduces stress, eliminates toxins, reduces pain and inflammation.

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Prepare a hot bath and add 2 cups of Epsom salt and mix. Stay in this water for at least 30 minutes for best results. You can also add your favorite essential oil. Choose an oil that relieves stress.

3)Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil It can be used in the treatment of lichen planus on the scalp. It relieves itching when used as a scalp shampoo.

For oral lichen planus, using a tea tree oil-based mouthwash aids healing, especially with the erosive and bullous types. But for some, it can irritate the mouth even more. If you experience discomfort, do not use this method.

How to Make a Tea Tree Oil Mouthwash?


  • 2 tablespoons of tea tree oil
  • 2 tablespoons of baking powder
  • Two tablespoons of peppermint oil
  • half glass of water

How is it done?

  • Mix all the ingredients and store in a glass jar.
  • Rinse your mouth with this water once a day.
4) Ginger

Ginger It is another method that can be used for inflammation. Studies have proven that ginger has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. Not only this. Ginger is also an antihistamine used to treat allergies. Sometimes, an allergic reaction can cause lichen disease in some parts of the body. Ginger will help reduce the symptoms of allergy. You can use ginger in the treatment of lichen planus as follows;

  • Apply ginger juice on the affected areas.
  • Drink ginger tea regularly.
5) Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe veraIt has too many benefits to count. Many studies reveal that aloe vera is great for treating inflammation, mouth ulcers, wounds and burns.

Drinking aloe vera juice and applying aloe vera gel for 9 months can significantly improve lichen planus. One study found that aloe vera reduced all symptoms of this disease, such as burning sensation, severe pain, and skin lesions. No adverse symptoms were observed in patients within 9 months. You can use aloe vera as follows;

  • Start your day with a glass of aloe vera juice every morning.
  • Apply aloe vera gel to the affected areas of the skin.
  • Aloe vera mouthwash may be helpful for oral lichen.
6)Coconut Oil

Twice daily for oral lichen planus coconut oilmay improve symptoms and provide relief.

Oil pulling in the mouth helps to clean the mouth by absorbing toxins. Benefits include relieving bad breath, soothing dry mouth, reducing inflammation and boosting the immune system.

When this disease is found on the skin, applying coconut oil to the affected areas will help minimize itching, burning sensation, and pain. Apply several times a day or as desired.

7) Oats

In natural beauty treatments, it is often used to soften the skin. oat used. As the lesions and blisters transform over the course of the disease, oats can relieve itching and improve appearance as it sloughs off the dead skin.

Add 1 part oats to 1 part yoghurt. Let it sit at room temperature for 20 minutes and then mix it with a quarter cup of raw honey. Spread over affected areas. Wait for 10 to 15 minutes. Wash with warm water and dry.

8) Valerian Tea

Cat grassIt is a soothing herb. It is used to treat anxiety and sleep-related problems. One of the factors that trigger this disease is stress. This herb has a calming effect on the mind. It helps relieve stress. Drink valerian tea several times a week.

9) Basil

BasilIt has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties and can be used to treat lichen planus. Rub the juice of basil leaves on the lesions. Chew fresh basil leaves daily. You can use basil leaves or seeds in your dishes.

10)Cold Compress

If you put a cold ice pack or a cloth dipped in cold water on the area where the lesions are, you will notice that the itching is relieved. Keep the bag on the lesions for 5-10 minutes to achieve the desired result. Apply a skin lotion after this treatment.

11) Egg white

Egg whiteMix , cocoa butter and apple cider vinegar and apply to the lesioned area. This mixture is used to reduce itching.

12) Sunlight

Phototherapy light therapy is used in the treatment of lichen planus. In phototherapy, UVB rays in the sun are given to the areas where the lesions are. Therefore, exposure to direct sunlight can have the same effect. Make it a priority to spend at least 15 minutes in direct sunlight each day. The most suitable sunbathing time is the middle of the day.

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13) Try to stay away from stress

I know it's not easy. Stress is truly a scourge. But there is no other choice. Stress exacerbates lichen planus. Do activities that relax your mind and soul to help relieve stress. For example, meditation, yoga, taking up a hobby…

14) Vitamin A

To alleviate the symptoms of lichen disease, retinoid-based drugs containing vitamin A are used. Vitamin AHelps keep skin and mucous membranes healthy. Meat during the exacerbation of the disease, raw carrotsEat foods rich in vitamin A, such as sweet potatoes, kale, spinach, zucchini, and beef liver. Vitamin A supports the immune system and makes it easier to fight this disease.

15) Folate

One study found that 44% of oral lichen planus patients were folate deficient. broad beanYou can consume folate-rich foods from the legume family such as lentils, asparagus, avocados, and beef liver.

What Should Lichen Planus Patients Eat?
  • Foods rich in B vitamins are beneficial for the skin. Consume green vegetables, sesame, legumes and whole grains.
  • Eat foods rich in vitamin A, such as yellow-orange fruits, vegetables, cereals.
  • Cod liver oil supplements containing vitamins A and D are also very beneficial.
  • Flax seeds, olive oil, walnuts and corn contain omega 3 fatty acids that are good for the skin.
  • Foods rich in folic acid, such as green vegetables, prevent the skin from drying out.
  • You can eat low-fat yogurt.
  • In case of oral lichen planus, consume soft foods.
  • Turmeric, garlic, onion, basil, thyme, fenugreek support immunity.
  • It is important to drink enough water.
What Should Lichen Planus Patients Not Eat?

Patients with lichen planus should avoid the following foods, as they can worsen itching and other symptoms:

Fried foods: Roasting can make open sores worse if you have them. Try to stay away from foods such as fried bread, chips and french fries.

Caffeinated drinks: Foods and beverages containing caffeine worsen this disease. Be careful not to consume caffeine sources such as coffee, black tea, green tea, cola, chocolate. You should also stay away from alcohol.

Spicy, acidic foods and citrus fruits: Hot pepper, tomato, lemon, orange and grapefruit adversely affect the course of the disease.

Things to Know About Lichen Planus
  • Many healthcare professionals do not consider lichen planus to be a serious disease. However, the World Health Organization emphasizes that correct treatment and care are vital for a person's quality of life.
  • Complications of this disease include oral cancer, vulvar cancer, squamous cell carcinoma, and penile cancer.
  • Women diagnosed with oral lichen should have a regular vaginal examination. Because 50 percent of women also experience a rash on their genitals, which increases the risk of vulvar cancer.
  • There is no cure for lichen planus; Treatments focus on easing the discomfort, and for some people, the rash goes away on its own after months or even years.
  • Quit smoking immediately, as smoking poses a greater risk of developing oral cancer.
  • Any change in the color or texture of the lesions or blisters that spreads to another part of the body should be evaluated by a doctor immediately.
  • Applying a cold compress instantly relieves the itching. Try not to scratch the skin when scratching.
  • If lichen planus is in the genital area, do not use soap to clean this area. Just water is enough.

Lichen planus How long does the treatment take? unknown but Lichen planus is not a disease with a definitive solution and it is difficult to cope with it. But be strong, try to live healthy and stress-free.

References: 1

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  1. Bom dia, eu tenho líquen plano, já passei em vários dermatologa, e nenhum , consegue mim dar um medicamento aliviei os sintomas da coceira. Cada dia as bolhas se expande pelo meu corpo, não sei mas oq phaser.