What Is Hyperthymesia, Why Does It Happen? Symptoms and Treatment

Not forgetting anything… Wouldn't it be nice? Do you think so? I think it would be nice too. But on the other hand, it could turn our lives into a nightmare. Because forgetting is a beautiful quality bestowed on human beings. Especially forgetting bad events. There are some people who do not forget any event they have experienced and even remember the day to day, the hour to the hour. It's actually a disease. The name of this disease hyperthymesia

Also known as HSAM. hyperthymesiastands for autobiographical memory. It is a medical condition in which a person can easily remember the events of his life down to the details.

Scientific studies call this "photogenic memory". There is still a lot of research being done on the brain's area of ​​forgetting or remembering events. Some studies say that this disease may be genetic. There are not few who say that the condition has to do with the anatomical features of the brain.

what is hyperthymesia

What causes hyperthymesia?

Too much hyperthymesia no cases. According to some sources, the number varies between 25 and 60. Therefore, adequate studies on the disease have not been done. The exact cause of the condition is unknown. In some case studies, the causes of the disease were stated as follows:

  • Atypical brain anatomy

In the case study of a 63-year-old single man, he has an extraordinary memory. It can sort both personal and historical events like encyclopedic information.

This person's brain imaging scans are normal. But fine measurements revealed some unusual anatomical features in the left medial temporal lobes, a brain region crucial to episodic and spatial memory.

  • obsessive memorization habit

A study, hyperthymesia It showed that those who did have an obsessive habit. It is stated that there may be a unique form of obsessive-compulsive disorder that leads to the ability to remember each memory in detail. 

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This study also says that illness cannot be a purely obsessive habit. of a habit hyperthymesia It is stated that it takes a lot of practice to become one. In other words, these people make a special effort to keep their memories alive by constantly thinking about the events they have experienced.

  • savant syndrome

Some studies liken the superior memory state to features of savant syndrome. Savant syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder defined as an autistic spectrum disorder. A person with savant syndrome is mentally retarded. hyperthymesiaHe also has an extremely specific ability.

What are the symptoms of hyperthymesia?

It's an interesting and difficult to understand ailment. People with this disease have certain characteristics. Some symptoms of the disease are:

  • Remembering personal events from decades ago, down to the year, day and even hour.
  • Recording and remembering conversations and experiences like taking a photo.
  • Having a superior ability to associate faces and names.
  • Having a strong imagination.
  • Remembering objects and where they stand.
  • Having repetitive behaviors, such as following the same pattern every day.

What are the complications of hyperthymesia?

When we look at it from the front, it doesn't look like a bad disease at all. Its name is a disease and it harms the body.

Don't ask how it hurts to remember everything. Let's see hyperthymesia What kind of situations does it cause?

  • hyperthymesia, depressioncan cause a. Because the person remembers every detail of both good and bad experiences. 
  • Because our memories shape our emotional life, confronting them every day can lead to depression and sometimes suicide.
  • This disease can also cause problems in people's relationships. It prevents them from living their lives in the present.
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How is hyperthymesia diagnosed?

There is no direct way to diagnose the disease. For suspicious patients, the doctor can do a mind imaging test. Memory testing can also be done. 

Certain brain imaging tests, such as MRI scans and electroencephalograms, are also methods used to confirm the diagnosis.

Hyperthymesia treatment

The disease does not cause any physical problems. It's just that sometimes remembering so much information can be mentally exhausting.

There is no physical or drug treatment for the disease. The therapy method is used as in people with obsessive-compulsive disorder. 

As part of the treatment plan, methods of coping are described. Advice can be given on how to clear thoughts and focus on good memories.

If people remember more sad and negative memories than positive ones, hyperthymesia It can really turn into a nightmare. It can negatively affect a person's quality of life.

References: 1

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