What is Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), What Does It Do? Benefits and Harm

Coenzyme Q10, CoQ10 It is also known as a compound used to produce energy in our cells. Coenzyme Q10 It is produced naturally by the body, but its production decreases with age.

This compound can be taken through certain foods or using supplements to compensate for the reduction.

Health conditions such as heart disease, brain disease, diabetes and cancer, coenzyme Q10It may cause the levels of to drop. 

Coenzyme Q10It is unclear whether levels of lowering cause these diseases or are a result of them.

What is certain is that a lot of research, coenzyme Q10has a wide range of health benefits. 

In the article "What is coenzyme q10 "," which foods have coenzyme q10 "," what are the coenzyme benefits " topics will be discussed.

What is Coenzyme Q10?

Coenzyme Q10 is a compound produced by our body and stored in the mitochondria of our cells.

Mitochondria are responsible for generating energy. It also protects cells from bacteria or viruses that cause oxidative damage and disease.

In the aging process coenzyme Q10 production decreases. 

Researches, coenzyme Q10plays several key roles in the body. One of its primary functions is to generate energy in our cells.

It participates in the production of cellular energy called ATP, which is used for different processes in the body.

Its other important role is to act as an antioxidant and protect cells from oxidative damage. 

Oxidative damage generates free radicals that can interfere with regular cell functioning. This is known to cause many adverse health conditions.

Given that ATP is used to carry out the functions of the whole body and oxidative damage damages cells, some chronic diseases coenzyme Q10 It is not surprising that it lowers its levels.

Coenzyme Q10 It is found in every cell of our body. However, it is found at its highest level in the organs with the most energy demand, such as the heart, kidneys, lungs and liver.

What Are the Benefits of Coenzyme Q10?

Coenzyme q10 benefits for hair

It acts as a powerful antioxidant

With the reduced form ubiquinol coenzyme Q10acts as a powerful antioxidant to protect cells from oxidative stress.

This compound can help protect cells from free radicals.

May help treat heart failure

Heart failure is often the result of other heart conditions such as coronary artery disease or high blood pressure.

These conditions can lead to decreased energy production, increased oxidative damage, and inflammation of the veins and arteries.

Heart failure occurs when these problems affect the heart at the point where the body cannot contract, relax, or pump regularly.

Even worse, some treatments for heart failure can cause unwanted side effects, such as low blood pressure, while others coenzyme Q10 can lower their levels even more.

In a study of 420 people with heart failure, two years coenzyme Q10 Treatment with the drug improved symptoms and reduced the risk of dying from heart problems.

Also, in another study, 641 people coenzyme Q10 or a placebo (ineffective drug) treatment was given. 

At the end of the study, coenzyme Q10 patients in the group were less frequently hospitalized due to worsening heart failure and had fewer serious complications.

Coenzyme Q10 It has been suggested that treatment with the drug can help restore optimum energy production, reduce oxidative damage, and improve heart function, all of which can help treat heart failure.

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It can lower high cholesterol

Another risk factor for heart disease and a contributing factor to heart problems is high cholesterol.

The body naturally produces cholesterol but can also be consumed while eating animal products.

There are two main types of cholesterol.

LDL is sometimes called the "bad" cholesterol you want low.

HDL is called the "good" cholesterol that you want to be slightly higher.

Eating the right types of food can help balance the ratio between LDL and HDL cholesterol.

CoQ10 usersIf he has heart disease, he may experience a decrease in total cholesterol and an increase in HDL levels.

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While this study had no effect on LDL cholesterol, additional research has shown that this coenzyme may lower triglyceride levels.

Animal experiments, CoQ10It states that it helps to remove cholesterol from the blood by carrying it to the liver where it is broken down and excreted from the body.

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Lowers blood pressure

Blood pressure plays an important role in heart health.

When the pressure is chronically high, it strains the heart and causes the muscles to weaken over time.

Keeping blood pressure under control is crucial to maintaining heart health over time.

Several research studies, as much as 225 milligrams a day coenzyme Q10 It has shown that supplements containing high blood pressure can help lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure by up to 12 percent for those with high blood pressure levels.

It has also been shown to reduce pressure in those with mild hypertension.

May increase fertility

Fertility decreases with age due to the decrease in the number and quality of eggs available. Coenzyme Q10 is directly involved in this process. 

As we get older coenzyme Q10 production slows, which causes the body to be less effective at protecting eggs from oxidative damage.

Coenzyme Q10 Supplementing with can help and even reverse the age-related decline in egg quality and quantity.

Similarly, male sperm are susceptible to the effects of oxidative damage, which can result in decreased sperm count, poor sperm quality, and infertility.

Many studies, coenzyme Q10 supplementconcluded that by increasing antioxidant protection, sperm quality, activity and concentration can be improved.

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It can reduce headache

Abnormal mitochondrial function can lead to an increased calcium uptake by cells, excessive free radical production, and reduced antioxidant protection. This causes the energy of the brain cells to decrease.

Coenzyme Q10 Since it is mainly found in the mitochondria of cells, it is noted to improve mitochondrial function and reduce the inflammation that occurs in migraine.

A study coenzyme Q10 It was three times more likely to reduce the number of migraines in 42 people than placebo.

In addition, migraine pain in living people coenzyme Q10 deficiency has been observed. 

A bigger work coenzyme Q10 1.550 people with low levels coenzyme Q10 therapyHe found that he experienced less headaches after the onset.

Exercise helps maintain performance

Oxidative stresscan affect muscle function and thus exercise performance. 

Similarly, abnormal mitochondrial function can lower muscle energy, making it difficult to maintain exercise by contracting the muscles effectively.

Coenzyme Q10can aid exercise performance by reducing oxidative stress in cells and improving mitochondrial functions.

In a study coenzyme Q10effects on physical activity have been investigated. 60 mg per 1,200 days coenzyme Q10 stated that oxidative stress is reduced.

Moreover, coenzyme Q10 Supplementing with helped increase strength during exercise and reduced fatigue, both of which improve exercise performance.

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Regulates blood sugar

Oxidative stress can cause cell damage and overproduction of fat cells. 

This lays the groundwork for metabolic diseases such as diabetes. Abnormal mitochondrial function is also linked to insulin resistance.

Coenzyme Q10has been shown to improve insulin receptors in cells; this can increase insulin sensitivity and regulate blood sugar levels.

In addition, supplementation in the blood in diabetics coenzyme Q10 it can help increase their concentration up to three times.

Coenzyme Q10, by stimulating the burning of fat; It can help prevent diabetes by reducing the accumulation of fat cells that can result in obesity or type 2 diabetes.

May play a role in preventing cancer

Oxidative stress is known to cause cell damage and affect their functions. If our body cannot effectively combat oxidative damage, the structure of cells may be damaged and the risk of cancer increases.

Coenzyme Q10Its antioxidant properties help protect cells from oxidative stress and keep them healthy. coenzyme Q10It has the ability to mitigate free radical damage and stimulate cellular energy production that is essential for their survival.

Interestingly, cancer patients coenzyme Q10 levels were found to be low. 

Coenzyme Q10 low levels of cancer increased the risk of cancer up to 53.3% and indicates a poor prognosis for various types of cancer. 

Moreover, in a study coenzyme Q10 It has also been suggested that supplementing with it can help reduce cancer recurrence.

what foods harm the brain

Good for the brain

The energy source for brain cells belongs to the mitochondria. Mitochondrial function tends to decrease with age. 

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Total mitochondrial dysfunction can lead to the death of brain cells and diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

Unfortunately, the brain is highly susceptible to oxidative damage due to its high fatty acid content and increased oxygen demand. 

This oxidative damage increases the production of harmful compounds that can affect memory, cognition, and physical functions.

Coenzyme Q10 has been proven to assist in the inhibition of these harmful compounds, slowing the progression of the disease by reducing oxidative damage in patients with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

Protects the lungs

Compared to other organs, the lung is in the most contact with oxygen. This makes them highly susceptible to oxidative damage. 

Increased oxidative damage and miscarriage in the lungs coenzyme Q10 Poor antioxidant protection, including levels of can cause lung diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

One study showed that supplementing with coenzyme Q10 reduced inflammation in individuals with asthma, and no steroid medications were needed to treat it.

Another study showed improvement in exercise performance in patients with COPD. It, coenzyme Q10 observed with better tissue oxygenation and heart rate after supplementing with

It reduces depression

Depressed, mitochondria, miscarriage CoQ10 it does not work correctly due to its levels.

Those with depression may experience a decrease in depression symptoms and stress hormone levels while taking this coenzyme.

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Decreases intestinal inflammation

Coenzyme Q10 Taking it can help relieve inflammation and reduce damage to the gut lining from factors such as alcohol and NSAIDs.

Coenzyme Q10 increases intestinal antioxidant levels and protects the digestive system from these negative effects.

This is gratifying for those with ulcerative colitis and other inflammatory bowel diseases.

Protects the liver

Chronic inflammation can cause many different ailments, including non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

It is very important to reduce the inflammatory markers that lead to this condition and CoQ10 can help achieve this goal.

In animal experiments coenzyme Q10reduced inflammation and liver enzymes while minimizing damage from this disease.

Coenzyme Q10 skin benefits

The skin is the largest organ in our body and is highly exposed to harmful agents that contribute to aging. 

These agents can be internal or external. Some internal harmful factors include cellular damage and hormonal imbalances. External factors are environmental agents such as UV rays.

The harmful elements can cause the skin to dehydrate and protect from environmental aggressors and thin the layers of the skin.

Coenzyme Q10 It can be applied directly to the skin, thus increasing the energy production in the skin cells, increasing antioxidant protection, and reducing the damage caused by internal and external factors.

Applied directly to the skin coenzyme Q10It is stated that the oxidative damage caused by UV rays and reduces the depth of wrinkles.

Coenzyme Q10 People with low levels are more likely to develop skin cancer. 

Other Health Benefits of Coenzyme Q10


Using coenzyme Q10including reducing pain, inflammation, fatigue and depression fibromyalgia It can reduce symptoms.

Muscular dystrophies

Using CoQ10It can help delay muscle wasting and increase muscle strength and fatigue in those with certain muscular dystrophies.

Mitochondrial function

In those with diseases that affect the mitochondria, taking this coenzyme can reduce some of the symptoms, including helping reduce muscle weakness, stiffness, and tremors.

Multiple sclerosis

MS patients, coenzyme Q10 supplementsThey may experience less inflammation, fatigue, and depression when they take the niacin.

Oral health

Gingivitis and those with dry mouth experienced improvements in symptoms and oral health while taking this supplement.


Using CoQ10can slow bone material loss and improve new bone formation, help prevent or treat osteoporosis.

Peyronie's disease

Using coenzyme Q10It can reduce scar tissue, pain and curvature of the penis caused by Peyronie's disease.

What is Coenzyme Q10 Deficiency?

Various conditions and diseases can cause a deficiency of this vital compound, and nutrition also plays a role here.

Coenzyme Q10 If their levels are slightly lower than normal, symptoms such as muscle weakness or fatigue may occur.

More serious deficiency is often caused by illnesses or specific medication conditions.

A serious coenzyme Q10 deficiencyThe most common symptoms of s include loss of balance or coordination, hearing loss, damage to the muscles or kidneys, redness, and death if the deficiency is not properly addressed.

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What causes coenzyme Q10 deficiency?

Deficiency can occur due to genetic mutations, mitochondrial malfunction, or oxidative stress caused by an autoimmune disease.

Coenzyme Q10 deficiencyThe most common causes are:






Low testosterone levels

- Obesity

Nutrient deficiencies


- To smoke 

- Buying a statin

Chronic migraine headaches

Mental health disorders such as schizophrenia and depression

Genetic mutations and disorders, including Phenylketonuria (PKU), Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS), and Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS)


Autoimmune disorders such as chronic fatigue syndrome

As we get older CoQ10 their levels also naturally decrease.

What is Coenzyme Q10 Excess?

In some cases, our body has too much CoQ10 can store.

When there is too much of this antioxidant in the body, mitochondrial dysfunction can occur.

There is also an increased risk of dying from breast cancer, skin cancer, or heart failure.

High coenzyme Q10 levels are caused by conditions such as fibromyalgia or hypothyroidism.

In the first case, it is likely that the coenzyme cannot enter the cells, in the second, the decrease in energy production in the mitochondria is likely high CoQ10 leads to levels.

How to Use Coenzyme Q10?

Coenzyme Q10There are two different forms of ubiquinol and ubiquinone. 

ubiquinol, coenzyme Q10It makes up 90% of its level in the blood and is the most absorbable form. For this reason, supplements containing the ubiquinol form are recommended.

Coenzyme Q10It is considered that the optimal daily intake of up to 1,200 mg is without exceeding the recommended maximum daily dose of 500 mg. 

Coenzyme Q10 It is a fat-soluble compound, its absorption is slow and limited. However, what you get from food coenzyme Q10can be absorbed three times faster than you take from dietary supplements.

Coenzyme Q10After you stop taking it as supplements, it does not accumulate in blood or tissue. Therefore, its use must be continued to reap its benefits.

Coenzyme Q10 Supplementation with supplement appears to be well tolerated by humans and has low toxicity.

In fact, some researchers' participants did not experience any side effects at a dose of 16 mg per day for 1,200 months. However, if side effects occur, it is recommended that you divide the daily dose into two to three smaller doses.

Coenzyme Q10 What are the Harms?

Coenzyme Q10 supplementMost people who take the si do not experience any side effects.

Although rare side effects occur, they are usually mild. Headache, rash, appetite changes, nausea, and diarrhea may occur.

If the liver is unable to function properly, there is a risk that this coenzyme will accumulate in the system over time.

This is because the liver processes this compound. This buildup can increase the risk and intensity of side effects.

Coenzyme Q10 supplementMay interact with some medications. If you are using warfarin or any other blood thinning medication. CoQ10 Consult a doctor before taking.

Because this coenzyme is similar to vitamin K, it can interfere with warfarin's ability to prevent blood clots. It also increases the rate at which such drugs are eliminated from the system.

Since this coenzyme naturally lowers blood sugar, its use with medications to lower glucose can result in very low blood sugar levels.

What Foods Is Coenzyme Q10 Found in?

While coenzyme Q10 can be used as a supplement, it is also found naturally in some foods. Foods containing coenzyme Q10 It is as follows:

Organ meats: Heart, liver and kidney

Some meats: Beef and Chicken

Fatty fish: Trout, herring, mackerel and sardines

Vegetables: Spinach, cauliflower, and broccoli

Fruits: Oranges and strawberries

legumes: Soybeans, Lentils, Peanuts

Nuts and seeds: Sesame seeds and pistachios

Oils: Soy and canola oil

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