What Is Good For Gum Inflammation?

The gums protect and support our teeth. When our gums are not healthy, there is a risk of losing our teeth and our overall health may suffer.

Gum disease; It is a condition that affects the teeth and other structures that support the gums. It usually starts in areas that aren't brushed or kept clean. Bacteria accumulate in a layer on the gums that causes pain and burning.

Inflammation or swelling of the gums is one of the first warning signs of gum disease. Other symptoms include; There is redness in the gums, bleeding during brushing, reduction of the gum line, and constant mouth odor. 

If gingivitis is not treated, gum problems get worse. Infection and inflammation spread further to the tissues supporting the tooth.

The teeth begin to move away from the gums, which causes more bacteria to accumulate. Gum disease at this stage is called “periodontitis”.

Periodontitis causes the tissue and bones that support teeth to break down. When bones are lost, teeth become loose and eventually fall out. These processes that occur in the mouth also affect the health of the body.

Studies show that those with gum disease are more likely to have heart disease and diabetes. 

What Causes Gum Inflammation?

GingivitisIt is mainly caused by the buildup of plaque on the teeth, which is an accumulation of bacteria. This plaque consists of bacteria, food debris, and mucus. Failure to clean teeth is one of the main causes of plaque buildup that leads to gingivitis. Risk of gingivitis Other factors that increase it are:

Hormonal changes during pregnancy


Infections or systemic diseases (affecting the whole body)

Certain medications, such as birth control pills

 How is gingivitis treated at home?

To treat gingivitis There are some natural trails for Request "What to do at home for gingivitis" The answer to the question ...

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Herbal Remedy for Gum Inflammation


Carbonate, gingivitisIt not only relieves the symptoms of the disease directly, but also neutralizes the acids in the mouth, thus reducing the chances of tooth decay and gum disease.

In a cup of warm water, add a small amount of baking soda. Dip the toothbrush in this solution and then apply this before brushing your teeth.

Tea bags

Tannic acid in used or soaked tea bags, gingivitisIt is very effective in alleviating. After putting a tea bag over boiling water, let it cool for a while. Cooled tea bag for about 5 minutes. gingivitisPlace on the affected part. 


"How does gingivitis go at home?" for those who ask ballIt is one of the best natural ways that can be applied at home in this regard.

The antibacterial and antiseptic properties of honey are very effective in the treatment of gum infections. After brushing your teeth, gingivitisRub a small amount of honey on the affected area.

Cranberry juice

Drinking unsweetened cranberry juice by preventing bacteria from sticking to teeth gingivitisIt decreases.

Not only does it help reduce the growth of bacteria but also controls their spread, thus gingivitiskeeps you away.

The proanthocyanidins found in cranberry juice prevent bacteria from forming biofilms in teeth and gums. The juice also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that speed up the healing process of bleeding and swollen gums.


Lemon juiceIts anti-inflammatory properties, gingivitisHelps to cure. Moreover, lemon contains vitamin C that will help gums fight infection.

Squeeze the juice from a lemon and add a pinch of salt. Mix the lemon juice and salt thoroughly to form a paste. Apply this paste to your teeth and wait a few minutes before gargling with water.

Gingivitis salt water

"How is gingivitis pain gone?" The best answer to the question is to gargle with salt water or rinse the mouth with salt water, these are gingivitisIt is very effective in relieving the pain caused by.

Add two teaspoons of salt to a glass of warm water. Gargle twice a day until the pain disappears completely.

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Clove oil or cinnamon oil

Clove oil and cinnamon oil is an excellent natural remedy, especially for painful gingivitis conditions. You can apply one of these oils to the area affected by the infection.

A paste made of clove oil and peroxide will also work. Chewing cloves helps reduce pain. Drinking warm water with some cinnamon is good for gum infections and pain.


Garlic It is a natural pain reliever. It helps to reduce pain significantly. To apply this, crush the garlic, add a little rock salt and apply it to the area affected by the gum infection.

Ice pack

Since ice has anti-inflammatory effects, applying an ice pack will help reduce swelling and pain.

Hydrogen peroxide

GingivitisYou can use hydrogen peroxide (3% concentration) powder to fight against. Mix teaspoon of peroxide powder with ½ cup of water and rinse your mouth with this water.

Aloe vera

Aloe veraabout gingivitisThere are many health benefits, including the ability to improve health. Gently massage the infected area with some aloe vera gel. Consuming aloe vera juice is also an effective method of treating gum infections.


Experts say eating apples is a good way to cure inflammation; because it contains some nutrients that make the gums stronger and firmer. Therefore, consume apples daily as it improves oral health and prevents gum problems. 


A few eucalyptus leaf or rubbing the paste on the teeth helps relieve pain associated with gum infection. Since eucalyptus has numbing properties, it numbs pain. Swelling in the teeth is also reduced.

Basil tea

Three times a day basil drinking tea gingivitisHelps to cure. It reduces pain and swelling and kills infections.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil It consists of naturally occurring organic chemicals called terpenoids with antiseptic and antifungal properties. It is suitable for gum infection treatment. You can add a drop of tea tree oil to the toothpaste before brushing. Do not swallow the oil, use only for mouthwash.

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What is good for gingivitis herbal

Gingivitis treatment mouthwash - Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea It can be used as a mouthwash or drunk as a tea. It provides relief from gum infection. It reduces inflammation and speeds up the healing process.

Mustard oil and salt

Inflamed gums can be soothed by massaging with a mustard oil salt mixture. Both of these ingredients have antimicrobial properties and will restore health to the gums.

Mix 1 teaspoon of mustard oil with 1/4 teaspoon salt. With your fingers, massage the gums with this for 2-3 minutes. Rinse your mouth with lukewarm water to remove all traces of the oil. Gingivitis symptomsYou can do this twice a day to get rid of it.

Coconut Oil

Fat pulling in the mouthIt is popularly used for its mouth cleansing and antimicrobial benefits. Coconut oil absorbs all food waste and other impurities from the oral cavity. It reduces bacterial growth and swelling with its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil Rinse it in your mouth for 5-10 minutes. Spit out the oil and rinse your mouth with lukewarm water. Do this every day, morning or night.

Green tea

Green tea While it is beneficial for a healthy metabolism and a detoxified body, it also helps keep the oral cavity healthy. It reduces inflammation and eliminates periodontal pathogens.

Soak the green tea leaves in hot water for 3-5 minutes. Strain and add honey according to preference. Drink this herbal tea. You can drink two cups of green tea every day.

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