What Are The Ways To Maintain Weight After Diet?

Losing weight is a difficult process. The more difficult thing is to stay at that weight after reaching the ideal weight, in other words not to gain the weight lost. maintaining weight. Unfortunately, most people's journey of losing weight ends up getting it back.

In fact, according to statistics, only about 20% of those who are overweight and dieting are able to successfully lose weight and maintain it over the long term.

Due to its nature, the human body strives to regain what it has lost after a certain deprivation. Returning to old eating habits after a weight loss program will unfortunately cause the weight to be lost again. 

But don't let this get you out of the way. From exercising and weighing regularly to controlling stress. weight maintenanceThere are many ways that are scientifically proven.

Here "How to protect the weight lost", "What are the ways to maintain weight after losing weight", "What to eat during the weight maintenance period", "How should a post-diet diet be" A detailed article on the subject that answers the questions ...

Why Do People Gain Weight After Diet?

There are some common reasons for regaining lost weight after a generally applied slimming program. Often unrealistic expectations and feelings of deprivation are effective here. Mostly, the reasons for regaining the weight lost after diet can be listed as follows:

Eating restrictive diets

Excessive calorie restriction can slow the metabolism and change the hormones that regulate appetite, these are very important factors that contribute to weight gain.

Wrong idea

Considering dieting is a quick way to lose weight rather than improving health in the long term, and simply practicing healthy eating habits during dieting means that the weight you lose will be more likely to regain.

Lack of sustainable habits

Most diet plans are based on willpower rather than habits that can be incorporated into daily life. You focus on rules rather than lifestyle changes, which in the long run weight maintenanceIt prevents.

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Slow down and maintain healthy habits gained during the slimming process

Losing weight is a long process that takes time. You cannot get rid of all your weight in a week. If you have gained 6 kilos in 10 months, you should lose these 10 kilos within 6 months.

Instead of dieting, try to adopt healthy eating habits that will help you lose weight. As the habit will continue after dieting preservation after the diet is over it will be easier.

A diet that you make, especially by cutting off sugary and fatty foods, may return you disappointment afterwards. To stay healthy and slim, you must create a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

A healthy diet is based on vegetables and fruits. Be sure to take advantage of vegetables and fruits, especially for snacks when hunger is evident.

Avoid pastries, fried foods, soft drinks, sausages, seasoning sauces, cake, and chocolate. If you control and treat your greed motives weight gain after diet probability decreases.

Post-diet calorie intakeIf you suddenly increase your weight, your weight will come back very quickly. Increase it little by little and do not take more than you need daily.


Regular exercise, weight maintenancealso plays an important role.

It helps burn calories and speeds up metabolism, two factors needed to maintain energy balance. Energy balance means that as many calories are burned. As a result, your weight doesn't change, it stays the same.

Several studies have found that people who do at least 200 minutes of moderate physical activity per week (30 minutes a day) after losing weight are more likely to maintain their weight.

It is the most beneficial method for weight control when exercise is combined with other lifestyle changes, including adhering to a healthy diet.

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Have breakfast every day

Having breakfast weight maintenancewill either help.

Those who eat breakfast generally have healthier habits such as exercising and consuming more fiber and micronutrients.

Also, eating breakfast is one of the most common behaviors reported by people who manage to maintain their weight.

Eat plenty of protein

Eating too much protein weight maintenanceeither because protein helps reduce appetite and increase satiety.

Proteinincreases the levels of certain hormones in the body that cause satiety and are important for weight regulation. It is also known to reduce hormone levels that increase hunger.

Moreover, protein requires the body to expend a significant amount of energy to break it down. Therefore, eating protein regularly will increase the number of calories burned during the day.

Weigh regularly

To be weighed regularly, weight maintenanceis also an important strategy. Because it realizes that you are gaining weight and weight maintenance You can switch to mode. 

According to studies, those who are weighed regularly consume less calories throughout the day.

In one study, people who weighed six days a week consumed an average of 300 fewer calories per day than those who weighed less.

The weighing frequency is a personal choice. People who weigh once or twice a week weight maintenanceis also more successful.

Pay attention to your carbohydrate consumption

Too much, such as white bread, pasta, and juices refined carbohydrate food, weight maintenance It may damage your target.

These foods are free of natural fibers that are necessary to support fullness. Low-fiber diets are associated with weight gain and obesity.

Limiting carbohydrate intake in general, weight maintenanceis also an important factor. Several studies have shown that, in some cases, low-carbohydrate diets after weight loss, long-term weight maintenance He found that the probability was higher.

Lift weights

Loss of muscle mass is a natural side effect of losing weight. As losing muscle slows down the metabolism, it causes a decrease in the number of calories burned. This is also post-diet weight maintenancemeans it will get harder.

Doing some type of resistance training, such as lifting weights, helps prevent muscle wasting and therefore maintain metabolic rate and even improve it.

Studies show that by preserving muscle mass after weight loss, those who lift weights weight maintenance shows that the probability is higher.

For this, it is recommended to do strength training at least twice a week. For best results, your exercise regimen should work all muscle groups.

Prepare for setbacks

Maintaining weight setbacks are inevitable in his journey. There may be times when you surrender to an unhealthy hunger crisis or skip a workout.

Making occasional mistakes doesn't mean you have to shelve your goals. Continue with better choices.

Also, plan ahead for situations that make healthy eating difficult, such as the upcoming holidays or parties.

Stick to your plan throughout the week (even on weekends)

Generally, those who try to maintain weight eat a healthy diet on weekdays and cheat on weekends.

This mentality often drives people to eat junk food, which is weight maintenance it causes their efforts to be wasted.

If this becomes a regular habit, you may gain more weight than you lost in the first place.

Alternatively, research shows that those who follow a consistent diet throughout the week are more likely to sustain weight loss over the long term.

Don't be dehydrated

Drinking water for some reason weight maintenance useful for.

First of all, it provides satiety and drinking a glass or two before meals helps keep calorie intake in check.

One study showed that those who drank water before eating experienced a 13% reduction in calorie intake compared to participants who did not drink.

Additionally, drinking water is known to increase the number of calories burned during the day.

Get enough sleep

Adequate and quality sleep significantly affects weight control. Insomnia is an important risk factor for weight gain in adults and weight maintenanceor it can be an obstacle.

Insomnia causes the hunger hormone ghrelin levels to rise, the increase in appetite is due to this. Moreover, it is a necessary hormone for appetite control in poor sleepers. leptin its release decreases.

Maintaining weight and sleeping at least seven hours a night is an ideal period for general health.

Control stress

Managing stress weight maintenanceis an important part of. High stress levels contribute to weight gain by increasing cortisol levels, a hormone released in response to stress.

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Consistently high cortisol causes higher amounts of belly fat as well as increased appetite.

Stress It's also a common trigger for impulsive eating, meaning you eat even when you're not hungry.

Find someone to support

Maintaining weight goals alone is difficult. To overcome this, find someone who will make you feel responsible and partner with you in a healthy lifestyle.

Several studies have shown that having a friend with the same goals can be beneficial for weight control, especially if the person is a partner with similar healthy habits.

One of these studies looked at the health behaviors of more than 3.000 couples and found that when one person engages in a healthy habit such as exercise, the other is more likely to follow that habit.

Watch what you eat

Those who record what they eat in a practice, weight maintenanceis also more successful.

Keeping track of what you eat is helpful, increasing your awareness of how much you actually eat, usually providing certain information about how many calories and nutrients you consume.

Additionally, many food tracking apps also allow you to record your exercise routine, making it easier to maintain your weight.

Eat lots of vegetables

Several studies have found that high vegetable consumption provides better weight control. Vegetables are low in calories. You can eat large portions without gaining weight while consuming an impressive amount of nutrients.

In addition, vegetables contain fiber, which increases feelings of fullness and can automatically reduce the number of calories you eat throughout the day.

Eat low-energy foods

The amount of calories that food provides is energy density. Foods with low energy density are low in calories and rich in water and fiber.

Since fruits and vegetables are low in calories, they can be eaten every day without worrying about gaining weight. Lean meats and poultry are of medium density and can be eaten from time to time.

Foods such as whole grains, legumes, olives and avocados are also other foods with low energy density. Among dairy products, low-fat milk and yogurt can be preferred.

Consume fat-burning foods

Some foods speed up the metabolism and help the stored fat dissolve. Request foods that help burn fat:

Rolled oats

Thanks to its fibers, oat bran captures fats and facilitates their elimination.


Its citric acid content ensures easy digestion of oils in the liver.


It contains ingredients that have fat burning properties.


Like lemon, grapefruit acid dissolves fat in the body.

Green tea

Caffeine and similar substances in its content allow the body to burn fat.


This thermogenic food increases body temperature and thus stimulates the metabolism to promote the melting of fat in stock.


It contains an enzyme called bromelain and this enzyme is a fat burner.


Rich in omega 3, this fish prevents the storage of bad fats and sugar in the body.

Green vegetables

Contains fibers that help eliminate fat. Green beans, spinach, broccoli and zucchini weight maintenanceThey are excellent nutrients that help either.


It lowers the sugar level in the blood and prevents it from being stored in the body.


Pectin rich in terms. It absorbs the oils in the body and helps them to be cleaned more easily.


It is rich in pectin like eggplant.

Be consistent

Consistency is a key concept for weight control.

Adhering to your new healthy lifestyle forever, rather than the ceaseless diet that causes reverting to old habits weight maintenance best for.

Adopting a new lifestyle may seem boring at first glance, making healthy choices will be indispensable when you get used to them.

Apply the mindful eating strategy

Mindful eating is the practice of listening to appetite cues and paying attention in the eating process.

It involves eating slowly without being distracted and chewing food thoroughly so that you can enjoy your meal.

When you eat this way, you are more likely to stop eating when you're really full. If you eat while being distracted, it will be difficult for you to notice satiety, in which case you may overeat.

Studies show that mindful eating helps maintain weight by reducing the emotional cravings.

In today's society, there are many stimuli that trigger the hunger drive or lead to food without being hungry. Television commercials, smells that come to our noses while walking around on the street.

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The false hunger signal sent to these stimuli is called emotional hunger. Keeping emotional and social hunger under control will increase the success of losing weight and maintaining it afterwards. So how do you control these stimuli? Here are the tips…

- Avoid eating too much, eating fast, taking large bites, chewing too little.

- Do not snack between meals.

- Do not read a book or watch television while eating.

- Prepare a credit list while going shopping.

- Do not shop for food on an empty stomach.

When you go shopping, take cash with you and keep the amount less.

- Do not watch ads about food.

- Avoid restaurants.

- Fill your free time. For example; Exercise instead of eating.

- Have 3 main meals a day. Do not snack between meals.

- Have healthy foods in your refrigerator. Free your cupboard of ready-made and processed foods. Do not consider food.

- Finish your work fast to avoid spending too much time in the kitchen.

- Reduce your portions, use small plates for this.

- Drink water in the middle of the meal. As soon as the meal is over, get up from the table.

- Eat small bites by chewing slowly.

- Finish eating at least 3 hours before bedtime.

- Keep yourself busy so as not to cling to eating in times of boredom and stress.

Make it a habit to read food labels. Take those who are low in energy.

- Do not skip meals. The body will want to eat more at the other meal to make up for the missing meal.

Make sustainable changes in your lifestyle

The reason many people fail to maintain their weight is because they follow unrealistic diets that are not possible in the long term.

They start to feel deprived, which often leads to more weight gain than they lost in the first place when they return to normal food.

Maintaining weight loss means making sustainable changes in lifestyle.

mask against sagging skin

After dieting, if the amount of weight lost is high, there may be sagging in some parts of the body. You can try the herbal methods given below to prevent sagging in the body after the diet.


  • 1 bowl of sea salt
  • 2 tablespoons of oatmeal
  • 2 tablespoons of ground lavender
  • 1 tablespoons of sesame oil
  • 1 egg white 

How is it applied?

Mix all the ingredients and spread them on the sagging areas of the body like a cream. After waiting for about half an hour, rub it out. If you have enough time to wait, you can wait for 1 hour.

To increase the effect even more, you can apply another method after lavender application. Here's what you need to do for this: mix equal amounts of orange juice, grape juice, lemon juice, apple juice and a tablespoon of honey. Cook two slices of garlic in milk and add to this mixture by crushing. Apply the mixture all over your body and after 20 minutes, wash off with lukewarm water.

For sagging face

If your face has sagging, especially on the cheeks after slimming, the description of another formula that has a tightening and tightening effect is as follows, which you can prepare yourself at home:


  • 1 teaspoon of wheat oil
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil
  • 1,5 teaspoons of apricot kernel oil
  • 2 tablespoons of glycerin
  • 1 tablespoon of grape seed oil
  • 1 teaspoon of sesame oil
  • 3 tablespoons of green clay

How is it applied?

Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl. You need to get a dense consistency that is not runny.

Therefore, the better you do the mixing job, the more intense your mask will be. After mixing, apply it to your clean face, especially the sagging areas.

After waiting for 20 minutes, wash the mask with warm water and clean the mask from your face. Applying this mask to the skin before going to bed at night will provide better results.

What do you do to maintain your weight after diet? Do you have your own methods?

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