Why Can't I Lose Weight While I'm on a Diet?

"I cannot lose weight, what should I do", "I cannot lose weight", "I cannot lose weight despite diet", "I cannot lose weight no matter what I do" Are the expressions familiar to you?

When we lose weight, our body fights to regain weight. You can lose weight without much effort in the first place.

However, after a certain period of time, weight loss slows down or stops completely. Diet ve regular exercise Although you do, there is no change in the scale.

You too "Whatever I do I cannot lose weight" If you are one of those who say, "Why can't I lose weight despite dieting", "I can't lose weight, what should I do?" If you are asking yourself the question, you will find the answers you are looking for below.

Why Can't I Lose Weight On Diet?

I cannot lose weight, what should I do?

You may be losing weight without realizing it

If you think you're experiencing resistance to weight loss, maybe you don't need to be afraid. 

Weighing It may not change for a few days or even weeks. This doesn't mean you don't lose fat.

Body weight may fluctuate. Water retention may occur due to the foods or hormones you eat (especially in women). It is also possible to gain muscle while losing fat.

Don't just measure your weight change with a scale. Measure waist circumference or body fat percentage once a month. Remember; mirrors and dresses don't lie.

Do you know what you are eating?

Awareness is incredibly important for those trying to lose weight. Know what you are eating or follow a diet program. You can keep a diary of what you eat. Thus, you can easily calculate calories and realize where you are doing wrong.

Are you consuming enough protein?

proteins They are important nutrients for weight loss. Consuming enough protein reduces the craving for snacking and increases your metabolic rate, allowing you to spend 80-100 more calories per day.

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Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Having breakfast with high-protein foods will allow you to eat less at other meals.

Are you eating too many calories?

A significant portion of dieters underestimate the calorie count. If you think you can't lose weight, try calculating the calories of what you eat.

Are you eating healthy foods?

Eating healthy foods; It regulates appetite while protecting your health. These foods provide more satiety than processed foods. Many foods that are labeled as healthy may not be healthy. Choose natural foods as much as possible.

Why can't I lose weight even though I eat less

Are you lifting weights?

One of the most important things you can do to lose weight is to do resistance exercises such as weight lifting. While this type of exercise allows you to burn body fat, it also helps to build healthy muscle mass.

Otherwise as you lose weight your metabolism slows down and you will have a hard time losing weight.

Are you overeating healthy foods?

Overeating is a common side effect of diets. Your body generally tends to eat more than it needs. Eating healthy foods can also prevent you from losing weight. Even if they are healthy, you should eat by counting calories.

Do you do cardio?

Cardiovascular exercise, also known as cardio or aerobic exercise, is a type of exercise that increases your heart rate. It consists of activities such as jogging, cycling and swimming.

It is one of the most effective ways to improve health and lose weight. It also helps to burn belly fat, which is harmful "visceral" fat that accumulates around organs and causes illness.

trouble losing weight

Are you feeding only one type?

Shock diets provide weight loss in a short time. At first, you would think you lost weight because you were hungry. However, it is water, not oil.

Because these diets support a uniform diet, you will regain weight at the same pace when you stop the diet. In the long term, not eating enough can lead to other health problems.

Are you consuming sugary drinks?

Don't miss out on carbonated and sugary drinks, even if they're on a diet. You should even consume fruit juices carefully. Fruit and juices contain a lot of sugar.

Are you getting enough sleep?

Good sleep is effective on weight loss as well as physical and mental health. Studies have determined that those who sleep poorly are more at risk of becoming obese. Pay particular attention to your sleep at night.

Are you consuming excessive carbohydrates?

Rather than low-fat diets to lose weight low-carb diets must prefer. Studies have found that this way 2-3 times faster weight loss.

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Are you hungry for a long time?

Not eating all day or hungry for long hours will cause you to eat more. Losing weight without eating can cause the numbers to change in the first place, but you cannot eliminate the accumulated fat in this way. 

In order to lose calories, it is necessary to eat calories. Within a certain program, you can lose weight by eating a healthy diet without exceeding the limit. Try to eat three meals a day.

Are you on a low calorie diet?

The daily calorie intake is 2000 for women and 2500 for men. Weight is lost when falling below this amount. The important thing here is the amount to be deducted. 

Nutritionists do not recommend diets below 1200 calories per day. If you follow a lower calorie diet than this, the body stops burning fat after a certain period, as well as fatigue, fatigue, hair loss and menstrual irregularity.

Are you eating lean products?

Products such as milk, yoghurt and diet biscuits that you consume without fat also have calories. If you are constantly fed with these, fat burning will stop and even gain weight after a certain period of time.

After all, instead of consuming plenty of lean, you can turn to healthier foods by calculating calories.

Don't you drink water?

Drinking water It is very important for weight loss. Drinking water increases the amount of calories burned during the day. Make sure to drink at least 2 liters of water a day. This amount should be higher for dieters.

Are you consuming too much alcohol?

Alcoholic beverages are very high in calories. If you are going to drink alcohol, reduce the amount and choose the ones that are low in calories.

Also, keep in mind that alcohol itself has around 7 calories per gram.

Are you eating fast?

Slow eatingis one of the most effective weight loss methods. This way, you send the right signals to your brain. Eat slowly and chewing. When you start feeling full, drink water and stop eating.

Do you have medical problems?

Some medical conditions can trigger weight gain. These hypothyroidism, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and sleep apnea.

Some medications can also make it difficult to lose weight or even cause weight gain. In this case, consult a doctor.

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Are you addicted to junk food?

According to a 2014 study, approximately 19,9% ​​of people in North America and Europe meet the criteria for food addiction.

People with this problem are addicted to junk food and cannot stop eating, similar to how drug addicts use drugs.

It is difficult for a person who is addicted to junk food to maintain his diet. If you have such a situation between meals healthy snacks By consuming, you can reduce the tendency to unhealthy foods.

Have you been dieting for a long time?

Diet for too long may not be a good idea. If you've been struggling to lose weight for months, your body may have gotten used to it and developed resistance.

In this case, you should stop the diet for a certain period of time. You should maintain your body fat levels until you start the diet again.

Are your goals realistic?

Weight loss is generally a slow process. Even if you lose weight fast in the beginning, there will be a slowdown after a certain period of time. However, another problem is that you don't have realistic goals. 

For example; Like losing 1 kilos in 5 week or losing 8 kilos per month. Set yourself achievable goals and reward yourself as you achieve it.

Too focused on dieting?

Diets don't work in the long run. Your goal should be a happy and healthy life. Weight loss will come naturally as a side effect.

As a result;

Losing weight is not always easy, and many factors can make it difficult to lose weight.

At the most basic level, failure to lose weight occurs when calorie intake is equal to or greater than caloric expenditure.

Try strategies that range from mindful eating to keeping a food diary, eating more protein, to doing strength exercises.

Changing your weight and lifestyle takes self-discipline and patience. 

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