What is the 3 Day Diet, How is it done? 3-Day Diet List

Would you like to lose 3 kilos in just 5 days? Then 3 day diet good option for you! 

3 day dietIt works by limiting calorie intake and increasing metabolic rate. 3 day dietIn, the foods included in the diet increase insulin sensitivity. This helps to lower blood sugar levels and prevent weight gain. 

But you cannot lose fat in 3 days. Often you will lose the water weight. To maintain the lost weight and activate the fat, you must exercise, eat well and rest properly.

This diet plan is definitely not recommended for the elderly, nursing mothers or pregnant women. 

3 day dietAt most, 3 calories are taken with a very low calorie diet for 4 days followed by a regular diet for 1500 days. At the end of this 7-day period, 3 day diet After that, the diet can be continued with normal diet for 4 days.

The diet is high in protein and low in fat, carbohydrates and calories. It also consists of specific food combinations to boost metabolism and burn fat. 

It is stated that the diet enables to lose 4-5 kilos per week and if the diet is continued, it can be lost up to 1 kilos in 15 month.

Is the 3-day diet effective for weight loss?

According to a review, shock diet Very low calorie diets, which are called as, can help to lose weight in the short term.

In low calorie diets, a maximum of 800 calories per day is taken. It is impossible to predict how much weight an individual will lose on a 1 week restrictive diet because everyone's metabolism is different.

After short-term low-calorie diets, the weight lost will come back too much unless you make a plan to maintain weight loss.

3 day dietThe origin of the is uncertain. According to some sources, the diet was created by nutritionists working for the US military as a quick way to help soldiers lose weight. It is also estimated that the diet was created by a marketing professional, not a dietitian.

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For this reason, you should consider this information before starting the diet and decide whether to apply it according to your individual needs. It is best to seek advice from a nutritionist or dietician.

3 Day Diet Diet List

3 day diet planincludes low-calorie foods. During these three days, you should not go beyond the listed ones, and you should not snack between them. You can drink water and 1-2 glasses of black coffee or tea throughout the day.

3 days diet DAY 1

(Daily Calories: 805)


1 cup of tea or coffee

Half a grapefruit or half a glass of freshly squeezed juice

1 slice of toast

1 teaspoon of peanut butter


1 small tuna

1 slice of toast

1 cup of tea or coffee


150 grams of boiled or grilled chicken or meat

1 plate of green beans

1 bowl of carrots

1 apples

1 bowl of vanilla ice cream

3 days diet DAY 2

(Daily Calories: 895) 


1 cup of tea or coffee

1 boiled eggs

1 slice of toast

Half a banana 


Small bowl of cottage cheese

5 saltine crackers


1 hot dog

1 bowl of broccoli or cabbage

1 bowl of carrots

Half a banana

Half a bowl of vanilla ice cream

3 days diet DAY 3

(Daily Calories: 910)


1 cup of tea or coffee

5 saltine crackers

1 slice of cheddar cheese

1 small apple 


1 boiled eggs

1 slice of toast

1 cup of tea or coffee


1 small tuna

1 bowl of carrots

1 bowl of cauliflower or green leafy vegetables

1 bowl of melon

Half a bowl of vanilla ice cream

3 Day Diet Vegetarian Diet List

3 day dietThere is also a diet list created for vegetarian and vegan diets.

3 days diet DAY 1


Half grapefruit

A slice of toast

2 tablespoon of peanut butter

1 cup of coffee or tea


Half avocado

2 tablespoons hummus

A slice of whole wheat bread

1 cup of coffee or tea


Tofu (up to 300 calories)

1 cup green beans

Half a banana

One small apple

1 cup vanilla ice cream (vegans can use non-dairy ice cream)

3 days diet DAY 2


Half a cup of dried beans

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A slice of whole wheat bread

Half a banana


1 cup unsweetened soy, hemp, or almond milk

Half avocado

2 tablespoons hummus

5 saltine crackers


Two small sandwiches

1 glass of broccoli

Half a cup of carrots

Half a banana

Half a glass of vanilla ice cream (can be without milk)

3 days diet DAY 3


A slice of cheddar cheese (about 15-20 almonds for vegans)

5 saltine crackers or half a glass of couscous or quinoa

One small apple


Half avocado

1 tablespoons hummus

A slice of whole wheat bread


Half a glass of chickpeas

Half a banana

1 cup of vanilla ice cream (can be without milk)

Can a snack be eaten between meals in the diet?

3 day dietis designed to aid weight loss. If you snack, you won't get the results you want.

Post Diet Days (Day 4 - Day 7)

From the 4th to the 7th day, a diet with high nutritional value should be adopted without exceeding the 1500 calorie limit per day. In these four days, your body will be able to rest and avoid the 3-day low-calorie diet. 

However, this is also the time when you will have a tendency to overeat. To avoid overeating, keep a calorie diary to record how many calories the food contains and how many calories you consume in a day. 

Consume soup, vegetable meal, cooked fish or chicken, fruit or fresh juices. Drink your coffee or tea unsweetened, exercise and sleep regularly to prevent weight gain.

Dos and Don'ts on the 3 Day Diet

What to Do    Don'ts
You must follow the diet plan completely.

The diet is designed to maximize weight loss.

You have to be prepared to starve a little bit.

You will need to avoid hunger pangs and cravings.     

Once the diet is over, you should limit your calorie intake to around 1500 calories.

Otherwise, you will regain the weight you lost.

You should not eat snacks between meals.

The success of the diet depends on adhering to the diet plan exactly as stated.

Snacking will spoil the whole diet.

Do not overeat.

Limit your portions to the sizes specified in the plan.

The diet will only work if you do it.

Is the 3 Day Diet Safe and Sustainable?

The first and most common question that comes to mind when starting a diet plan is whether the diet plan in question is safe and sustainable. 3 day dietIt is said to help many women around the world lose weight.

The diet may be considered safe due to the intake of fresh vegetables, fruits, complex carbohydrates and lean protein, but not sustainable due to strict calorie restriction. If you return to your previous eating habits or do not exercise, you will regain the water weight and not burn fat at all.

Benefits of the 3 Day Diet

3 day diet The scheme has some advantages:

- The first and most obvious benefit is weight loss. You can lose 4-5 kilos in a week.

- 3 day dietincreases your metabolic rate. This means that your body will consume more calories during the week, even at rest, which accelerates fat loss.

- It can have a detox-like effect on the body. 3 day diet Most of the time, it will cleanse the body as it envisages eating natural foods.

Side Effects of the 3 Day Diet

After low-calorie diets, returning to the old eating pattern can result in rapid and greater weight gain. Although the duration of the diet is short, it can trigger this condition of people with a history of eating disorders. If you feel weak or tired during the diet, you can take a vitamin supplement.

As a result;

3 day dietHe recommends limiting calorie consumption for 3 days and then eating a regular diet for the next 4 days.  3 day dietUsing it in the short term can be effective and harmless, but there are some risks to maintaining it over a long period of time.

It is a more effective approach to adopting and maintaining healthy eating habits, losing and sustaining weight loss in the long term.

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