What Is Insulin Resistance, How Is It Broken? Symptoms and Treatment

insulinis an essential hormone that controls many of the body's processes. Problems with this hormone are at the heart of many modern health conditions. 

Sometimes our cells don't respond to this hormone properly. This situation insulin resistance and it is incredibly common.

Insulin resistancecan increase to 70% in obese adult women and up to 80% in some patient groups. 

About a third of obese children and teenagers also insulin resistancewhat he can have. These numbers are scary, but the good news is that with simple lifestyle changes insulin resistance can improve significantly.

In the article "What is insulin", "what are the symptoms of insulin resistance", "how to treat insulin resistance" We will search for answers to your questions.

What is Insulin Resistance?

Insulin is a hormone secreted by an organ called the pancreas. Its main role is to regulate the amount of nutrients circulating in the blood. 

Mostly blood sugar Although it is a hormone associated with its management, it also affects fat and protein metabolism.

Carbohydrate When you eat a meal containing a meal, the amount of blood sugar in your bloodstream increases. This is perceived by cells in the pancreas and insulin is then released into the blood. It circulates in the blood and tells the body's cells to get sugar from the blood.

This leads to a reduction in the amount of sugar in the blood and places it where it is desired to enter the cells for use or storage.

This is important because high levels of sugar in the blood have toxic effects, cause serious damage, and potentially lead to death if left untreated.

However, sometimes cells do not respond to this hormone properly for a variety of reasons. In other words, they become "resistant" to insulin. 

When this happens, the pancreas starts producing more to lower blood sugar levels. It, hyperinsulinemia It leads to high insulin levels.

This can continue to improve for a long time. The cells become more and more resistant and both insulin and blood sugar levels rise. Eventually, the pancreas cannot grow and the cells in the pancreas are damaged.

Damage to cells results in decreased insulin production, so the cells also do not respond to this hormone. This causes blood sugar levels to rise rapidly.

When blood sugar levels exceed a certain threshold, a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes is made. Affecting about 9% of people worldwide insulin resistanceis the major cause of this common disease.

signs of insulin resistance

What is Insulin Sensitivity?

Insulin resistance ve insulin sensitivity are two sides of the same coin. If you are insulin resistant, then you have low insulin sensitivity. 

Conversely, if you are insulin sensitive, insulin resistance you have. Being insulin resistant is a bad thing; insulin sensitivity is good.

Causes Insulin Resistance?

Many possible situations causes of insulin resistance It can take place between. One of the most important is the increased amount of fat in the blood.

Numerous studies show that high amounts of free fatty acids in the blood, like muscle cells, cause cells to not respond properly to insulin.

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This is partly due to fat and fatty acid metabolites that form inside muscle cells and called intramyocellular fat. This disrupts the signaling pathways needed for insulin to work.

The main reason for the rise in free fatty acids is eating too many calories and carrying excess body fat. That's why insulin resistance and obesity There is a strong relationship between.

Causes of insulin resistance include:

- Fructose consumption

Chronic inflammation

- inactivity

Disruption of the intestinal microbiota

Symptoms of Insulin Resistance

There are several ways to determine if you are resistant to this hormone. For example, high insulin levels when hungry insulin resistanceis a distinctive sign of.

How is insulin resistance measured?

A test called HOMA-IR, insulin resistanceIt predicts blood sugar and insulin levels and gives very accurate results.

There are also ways to measure blood sugar control more directly; Like the oral glucose tolerance test, blood glucose levels are measured for a few hours after some glucose has been given.

How is insulin resistance recognized?

If you are overweight or obese, and especially if you have large amounts of fat around the belly area, you are very likely to be insulin resistant. 

Low HDL ("good" cholesterol) and high blood triglycerides, insulin resistance are two other markers strongly associated with.

Effects of Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance damages two very common conditions such as metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes are risk factors. 

It is a group with risk factors for metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other problems.

Symptoms include high blood triglycerides, low HDL levels, high blood pressure, central obesity (belly fat) and high blood sugar.

Sometimes this situation "insulin resistance syndromeAnd is an important symptom of type 2 diabetes. High blood sugar levels are caused by cells that no longer respond to this hormone. 

Over time, the functioning of the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas may stall, resulting in lack of insulinwhat could cause. Insulin resistance, insulin resistance treatment It can prevent metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes with.

Insulin resistance disease There are other diseases it causes. These are non-alcoholic oily liver disease, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), Alzheimer's disease, kanser and heart disease.

Does Insulin Resistance Pass?

Exercising for 30 minutes at least five days a week and eating a balanced diet insulin resistance and you can prevent diabetes and reduce the risk factors for other diseases associated with it. Insulin resistance weight loss the post is largely regulated.

How Is Insulin Resistance Treated?

Insulin resistance It is linked to a variety of serious health problems and you should talk to your doctor about what to do. In this case, he will give the best information about the medical treatments that can be applied.

breaking insulin resistance

How to Break Insulin Resistance?

Insulin resistance nutrition is directly related to. So not to have problems with insulin and insulin resistance is the definitive solution Check out the lifestyle changes below.

What are the foods that break insulin resistance? Here Ways to break insulin resistance...

Get quality sleep

A good night's sleep is important for health. Insomnia It is harmful and increases the risk of infection, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. Many studies insulin resistancehas determined as the cause of.

For example, a study in nine healthy volunteers noted that sleeping just four hours a night reduced sensitivity and the ability to regulate blood sugar compared to eight hours of sleep. Quality and adequate sleep, insulin resistanceIt can break the ni. 

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Regular exercise, breaking insulin resistanceIt is one of the best ways. It helps transport sugar to the muscles for storage.

Reduce stress

Stressaffects the body's ability to regulate blood sugar. It encourages the body to go into "fight or flight" mode, which stimulates the production of stress hormones such as cortisol and glucagon.

Unfortunately, chronic stress keeps stress hormone levels high, stimulates food intake and raises blood sugar. Meditationactivities such as exercise and sleep, reducing stress breaking insulin resistanceare the best ways that can help either.

Lose weight

Excess weight, especially in the belly area insulin sensitivityand increases the risk of type 2 diabetes. That's why insulin resistance weakening It regulates with the way.

Consume fiber

There are two types of fiber; soluble and insoluble. Insoluble fiber mostly acts as a filler to help stool move through the intestines.

Soluble fiber is responsible for many of the benefits of fiber, such as lowering cholesterol and reducing appetite. 

Soluble fiber also insulin sensitivityBecause it slows the movement of nutrients in the gut and provides more contact time for absorption. This gives insulin more time to act than usual.

Foods rich in soluble fiber, legumes, Rolled oats, vegetables such as flaxseeds, Brussels sprouts, and fruits such as oranges.

Consume colorful fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are nutritious and have powerful health effects. Colorful fruits and vegetables in particular are rich in plant components with antioxidant properties.

Antioxidants It binds to and neutralizes molecules called free radicals that can cause harmful inflammation throughout the body.

Many studies have shown that plant compounds taken with a rich variety of nutrients, breaking insulin resistanceeither shown to help.

Use some herbs and spices in your meals

Medicinal properties of herbs and spices began to be used long ago. Some plants as a result of research breaking insulin resistance has given positive results in the direction. Insulin resistance herbal treatment The following are effective for;


It is high in soluble fiber, which helps make insulin more effective.


It contains an active ingredient called curcumin that has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. By reducing free fatty acids and sugar in the blood insulin sensitivityIt improves. 


Studies have found that its active ingredient, gingerol, increases sugar absorption, making the sugar receptors in muscle cells more usable. 


In animal studies, sarımsak improved insulin secretion.

Consume cinnamon

Cinnamonis a delicious spice full of plant compounds. Reducing blood sugar and breaking insulin resistance It is also known for its feature.

Studies show that cinnamon increases sensitivity by helping glucose receptors in muscle cells and is more efficient and effective in transporting sugars to cells.

For green tea

Green tea, It is the perfect drink for health. It is also a great choice for people with type 2 diabetes and those at risk of it.

Several studies have shown that drinking green tea insulin sensitivityHe found that it can increase blood sugar and lower blood sugar. 

Use apple cider vinegar

Vinegar can help break resistance by lowering blood sugar and increasing the effectiveness of insulin. In a study, elma sirkesi consuming 34% during a high-carbohydrate meal in insulin resistant people and 2% in people with type 19 diabetes insulin sensitivityIt was determined that it increased.

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What Should Not Eat Those With Insulin Resistance?

insulin resistance herbal solution

Cut down on carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are the main stimulus that causes insulin blood levels to rise. When the body digests carbohydrates in sugar and releases them into the blood, the pancreas secretes insulin to transport sugar from the blood to cells. 

Reducing carbohydrate intake can help break your resistance. This is because a high-carb diet leads to an increase in blood sugar, which puts more pressure on the pancreas to remove sugar from the blood.

Spreading your carbohydrate intake evenly throughout the day insulin sensitivityIt is another way to increase. The type of carbohydrate you choose is also important.

Low glycemic index (GI) Carbohydrates are best because they slow the spread of sugar into the blood, thus giving insulin more time to work efficiently.

Avoid trans fats

If there is one thing that can be completely removed from your diet, it's artificial trans fats. Unlike other oils, they do not have health benefits and increase the risk of many diseases. Artificial trans fats It is often found in processed foods.

Cut down on sugar

There is a big difference between added sugar and natural sugar. Natural sugar is found in sources such as fruits and vegetables that provide many nutrients.

Conversely, added sugar is found in more processed foods. The two main sugars added during the manufacturing process are fructose and table sugar (also known as sucrose). Many studies show that high fructose intake in people with diabetes insulin resistanceHe found that he could increase his.

Plants used in menopause

Take supplements

Insulin resistance herbal solution The idea of ​​taking nutritional supplements for people is quite new. Many different supplements, insulin sensitivityHowever, chromium, berberine, magnesium and resveratrol are most supported by consistent evidence.


It is a mineral involved in carbon and fat metabolism. Studies show that at doses of 200-1000 mcg chromium picolinate He found that taking his supplements can increase the ability of insulin receptors to reduce blood sugar. 


It is a mineral that works with insulin receptors to store blood sugar. Taking magnesium, insulin resistanceIt may help to break.


Berberine A plant molecule taken from a variety of plants, including a plant. Although its effects on insulin are not fully known, some studies insulin sensitivityfound that it increased blood sugar and increased blood sugar


A polyphenol found in the skin of red grapes and other fruits. Studies have found that it increases insulin sensitivity, especially in people with type 2 diabetes.

There is a risk that all supplements will interact with your current medications. If you are unsure of this, talk to your doctor before trying to take it.

As a result;

Insulin resistance is one of the most important factors of many of today's chronic diseases that affect millions of people each year.

Lowering insulin ve insulin resistance prevention is one of the most powerful things you can do to live longer, healthier and happier. Insulin resistance natural solution Follow the recommendations outlined in the article.

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