Cancer and Nutrition – 10 Foods That Are Good For Cancer

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Studies indicate that there may be a relationship between cancer and nutrition, and that 30-50% of all cancers can be prevented with a healthy diet. The opposite is that an unhealthy diet increases the risk of developing cancer.

There are certain dietary habits that increase or decrease the risk of developing cancer. Nutrition plays an important role in the treatment and prevention of cancer.

relationship between cancer and diet
Is there a relationship between cancer and nutrition?

Cancer and Nutrition

Malnutrition and resulting muscle wasting are common in people with cancer. A healthy diet is essential to prevent cancer and to cure cancer.

People with cancer should eat plenty of lean protein, healthy fats, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. In addition, sugar, caffeine, salt, processed food and alcohol should be avoided.

Eating high and quality protein and getting the necessary calories helps reduce muscle loss.

The side effects and treatment of cancer sometimes complicate feeding. Because it causes problems such as nausea, taste changes, loss of appetite, difficulty swallowing, diarrhea and constipation. In addition, people with cancer should not take supplements as they act as antioxidants and can interfere with chemotherapy when taken in large doses.

Being overweight increases the risk of cancer

Smoking and infection are factors that cause cancer. Being overweight is also the biggest risk factor for cancer. It increases the risk of 13 different types of cancer, including esophagus, colon, pancreas and kidney, and postmenopausal breast cancer. Excess weight affects the risk of developing cancer in the following ways:

  • Excess body fat can cause insulin resistance. As a result, cells cannot take up glucose properly. This encourages them to divide faster.
  • Those who are overweight have higher levels of inflammatory cytokines in their blood. This causes chronic inflammation and encourages cells to divide.
  • Fat cells increase estrogen levels. This increases the risk of postmenopausal breast and ovarian cancer in women.

10 Foods That Are Good For Cancer

In our article on the relationship between cancer and nutrition, it would not be possible to pass without mentioning the foods that are good for cancer. In fact, there is no single superfood that can prevent or cure cancer. Rather, a holistic nutritional approach is more effective.

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Some foods fight cancer by blocking the blood vessels that feed the cancer in a process called anti-angiogenesis. But nutrition is a complex process. How effective which foods are in fighting cancer depends on how they are planted, processed, stored and cooked. Here are 10 foods that are good for cancer in general:

1) Vegetables

Studies show that a reduced risk of cancer is linked to eating more vegetables. Many vegetables contain cancer-fighting antioxidants and phytochemicals. For example, cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage, a substance that reduces tumor size by more than 50% sulforaphane includes. Other vegetables, such as tomatoes and carrots, reduce the risk of prostate, stomach and lung cancer.

2) Fruits

Similar to vegetables, fruits contain antioxidants and other phytochemicals that may help prevent cancer. One study found that eating at least three servings of citrus fruit a week reduced the risk of stomach cancer by 28%.

3) Flaxseed

Flax seedsIt has a protective effect against certain cancers. It even reduces the spread of cancer cells. For example, one study found that men with prostate cancer who took 30 grams of flaxseed daily showed slower cancer growth and spread than the control group. Similar results have been observed in women with breast cancer.

4) Spices

Some test tube and animal studies, cinnamonIt has been found that it has anti-cancer properties and prevents the spread of cancer cells. Moreover turmericCurcumin, which is found in curcumin, fights cancer. One 30-day study found that 4 grams of curcumin treatment per day reduced potentially cancerous lesions in the colon by 44% compared to 40 people who did not receive treatment.

5) Legumes

Legumes are high in fiber. Some studies show that consuming more legumes may protect against colorectal cancer. A study of more than 3.500 people found that those who consumed the most legumes had a 50% lower risk of certain types of cancer.

6) Nuts

Regular consumption of nuts reduces the risk of certain types of cancer. For example, a study in more than 19.000 people found that those who ate more nuts had a reduced risk of dying from cancer.

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7) Olive oil

Many studies olive oil shows a link between cancer and a reduced risk of cancer. Observational studies revealed that those who consumed high amounts of olive oil had a 42% lower risk of cancer compared to the control group.

8) Garlic

Garliccontains allicin, which has been shown to have cancer-fighting properties in test-tube studies. Studies have found that garlic consumption reduces the risk of specific types of cancer, such as stomach and prostate cancer.

9) Fish

Fresh fish Eating it helps protect against cancer because it contains healthy fats that reduce inflammation. Eating fish regularly reduces the risk of colorectal cancer by 12%.

10) Fermented foods

Like yogurt and sauerkraut fermented foodsContains probiotics and other nutrients that protect against breast cancer. Animal research shows that this protective effect is associated with the immune-boosting effects of certain probiotics.

Foods That Trigger Cancer

It is difficult to prove that certain foods cause cancer. However, observational studies have shown that overconsumption of certain foods can increase the likelihood of developing cancer. We can list the foods that trigger cancer as follows;

  • Sugar and refined carbohydrates

Processed foods high in sugar and low in fiber increase the risk of developing cancer. Specifically, researchers have found that a diet that causes elevated blood glucose levels increases the risk of several cancers, including stomach, breast, and colorectal cancer.

In a study of more than 47.000 adults, the large amount of refined carbohydrate Consumers are almost twice as likely to die from colon cancer than those who do not consume refined carbohydrates.

High blood sugar and insulin levels are thought to be cancer risk factors. It has been stated that insulin stimulates cell division, promotes the growth and spread of cancer cells, and it becomes more difficult to eradicate them.

In addition, high insulin levels cause inflammation in the body. In the long run, this causes cells to grow abnormally, possibly triggering cancer. For example, those with diabetes have a 122% higher risk of colorectal cancer.

To protect against cancer, limit foods that increase insulin levels quickly, such as sugar and refined carbohydrate foods. Even avoid it completely.

  • Processed meat
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Processed meat is considered to be carcinogenic. Sausage, ham, salami and some delicatessen products are such meats.

Observational studies have found an association between the consumption of processed meat and an increased risk of cancer, particularly colorectal cancer. It has been shown that people who eat large amounts of processed meat have a 20-50% increased risk of colorectal cancer, compared to those who eat little or no such foods.

  • Cooked foods

Cooking certain foods at high temperatures, such as grilling, frying, sautéing, produces harmful compounds such as heterocyclic amines (HA) and advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Excessive accumulation of these harmful compounds causes inflammation. It plays a role in the development of cancer and other diseases.

Certain foods, such as animal foods and highly processed foods high in fat and protein, are more likely to produce these harmful compounds when exposed to high temperatures. These include meat – especially red meat – some cheeses, fried eggs, butter, margarine, cream cheese, mayonnaise and oils.

To minimize the risk of cancer, avoid burning food. Prefer softer cooking methods, especially when cooking meats such as steaming, low heat cooking or boiling.

  • Dairy products

Some observational studies have shown that high milk consumption may increase the risk of prostate cancer. One study followed about 4.000 men with prostate cancer. The findings found that high intake of whole milk increased the risk of disease progression and death.

  • Fast Food

Eating fast food regularly has many disadvantages, such as an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and breast cancer.

  • Alcohol

Alcohol use significantly increases the risk of developing cancer.

References: 1

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